um 830
Fitte LXII
Than bêd that barn godes| – bendi tholodean themu thinghûse –,| huan êr thiu thiod under im,erlos ênuuordie| alle uur{d}in,huat sie imu [than] te ferahquâlu| frummian uueldin. | |
5175 | Thô thar an them benkiun arês| bodo kêsuresfan Rûmuburg| endi geng imu uui{d} that rîki Iudeonomôdag mahlien,| thar thiu menigi stôdaftar themu ho{b}e huar{b}on:| ni uueldun an that hûs kumanan themu paschadage.| Pilatus bigan |
5180 | frôkno frâgon| o{b}ar that folc Iudeono,mid huiu the man habdi| mor{d}es gisculdit,uuîties giuuerkot:| «be huî gi imu sô uurê{d}e sind,an iuuuomu hugea hôtie?»| Sie quâ{d}un that he im habdi harmes sô filu,lê{d}es gilêstid:| «ni gâ{b}in ina thesa liudi thi, |
5185 | thar sie ina êr biforan| u{b}ilan ni uuissin,uuordun faruuarhten.| He ha{b}at theses uuerodes sô filufarlêdid mid is lêrun| – endi thesa liudi merrid,dôit im iro hugi tuîflien –,| that uui ni môtun te themu ho{b}e kêsurestinsi gelden;| that mugun uui ina gitellien an |
5190 | mid uuâru geuuitscepi.| He sprikid ôk uuord mikil,qui{d}it that he Crist sî,| kuning o{b}ar thit rîki,begihit ina sô grôtes.»| Thô im [eft] tegegnes sprakbodo kêsures:| «ef he sô barlîco», qua{d} he,«under thesaru menigi| mênuuerk frumid, |
5195 | antfâhad ina than eft under iuuue folcscepi,| ef he sî is ferhes scolo,endi imu sô adêliad,| ef he sî dô{d}es uuer{d},sô it an iuuuaro aldrono| êo gebiode.»Sie quâ{d}un thô, that sie ni môstin| manno nigênumuan [thea] hêlagon tîd| te [handbanon], |
5200 | [uuer{d}en mid uuâpnun| an themu uuîhdage.]Thô uuende ina fan themu uuerode| uurê{d}hugdig man,thegan kêsures,| [the] o{b}ar thea thioda uuasbodo fan [Rûmuburg] –:| hêt imu thô that barn godesnâhor gangan| endi [ina] niudlîco, |
5205 | frâgoda frôkno,| ef he o{b}ar that folc kuningthes uuerodes uuâri.| Thô habde eft is uuord garusunu drohtines:| «hue{d}er thu that fan thi sel{b}umu sprikis», qua{d} he,«the it thi ô{d}re hêr| erlos sagdun,quâ{d}un umbi mînan kuningduom?»| Thô sprak eft [the] kêsures bodo |
5210 | uulank endi uurê{d}môd,| thar he uui{d} uualdand Kristre{d}iode an them rakude:| «ni bium ik theses rîkies hinan», qua{d} he,«Giudeo liudio,| ni gadoling thîn,thesaro manno mâguuini,| ac mi thi thius menigi bifalah,agâ{b}un thi thîna gadulingos [mi],| Iudeo liudi, |
5215 | [haftan] te handun.| Huat ha{b}as thu harmes giduan,that thu sô [bittro] scalt| bendi tholoian,qualm undar thînumu kunnie?»| Thô sprak [imu eft Krist] angegin,hêlendero bezt,| thar he giheftid stôdan themu rakude innan:| «nis mîn rîki hinan», qua{d} he, |
5220 | «fan thesaru uueroldstundu.| Ef it [thoh] uuâri sô,than uuârin sô starkmôde| uui{d}er strîdhugi,uui{d}er grama thioda| iungaron mîne,sô man mi ni gâ{b}i| Iudeo liudiun,hettendiun an hand| an herubendiun |
5225 | te uuêgeanne te uundrun.| Te thiu uuar{d} ik an thesaru uueroldi giboran,that ik geuuitscepi [giu]| uuâres thingesmid mînun kumiun kû{d}di.| That mugun antkennien uuelthe uueros, the sind fan uuâre kumane:| the mugun mîn uuord farstanden,gilô{b}ien mînun lêrun.»| Thô ni mahte lasteres uuiht |
5230 | an them barne godes| bodo kêsures,findan [fêknea] uuord,| that he is ferhes bethiusculdig uuâri.| Thô geng he im eft uui{d} thea scola Iudeonomôdag mahlien| endi theru menigi sagdeo{b}ar hlust mikil,| that he an themu hafton manne |
5235 | sulica firinsprâka| finden ni mahti[for them folcscipie],| sô he uuâri is ferhes scolo,dô{d}es uuir{d}ig.| Than stôdun dolmôdeIudeo liudi| endi thane godes sunuuuordun uurôgdun:| quâ{d}un that he giuuer êrist |
5240 | begunni an [Galileo lande,]| «endi o{b}ar Iudeon fôrheroduuardes thanan,| hugi tuîflode,manno môdse{b}on,| sô he is mor{d}es uuer{d},that man ina [uuîtnoie]| uuâpnes eggiun,ef eo [man] mid sulicun dâdiun mag| dô{d}es gesculdien.» |