um 830
5245 |
Sô uurôgdun ina mid uuordun| uuerod Iudeonothurh hôtean hugi.| Thô the heritogo,slî{d}môdig man| seggian gihôrde,fan huilicumu kunnie [uuas]| Krist afôdid,manno the bezto:| he uuas fan theru mârean thiadu, |
5250 | the [gôdo] fan [Galilealande;]| thar uuas gumscepie{d}iliero manno;| Erodes biheld [thar]craftagne kuningdôm,| sô ina imu the kêsur [fargaf],the rîkeo fan Rûmu,| that he thar rehto gehuilicgefrumidi undar themu folke| endi fri{d}u lêsti, |
5255 | dômos adêldi.| He uuas ôk an themu dage sel{b}oan Hierusalem| mid is gumscepi,mid is uuerode [at] themu uuîhe:| sô uuas iro uuîse than,that sie thar [thia hêlagun tîd| haldan] scoldun,pascha Iudeono.| Pilatus gibôd thô, |
5260 | that thena hafton man| heli{d}os nâminsô gibundanan,| that barn godes,[hêt] that sie ina Erodese,| erlos brâhtinhaften te handun,| huand he fan is heriscepi uuas,fan is uuerodes geuuald.| Uuîgand frumidun |
5265 | iro hêrron uuord:| hêlagne Kristfôrdun an fiteriun| for thena folctogun,allaro barno bezt,| thero the io giboren uur{d}ian liudio lioht;| an li{d}ubendiun geng,antat sie ina brâhtun,| thar he an is benkia sat, |
5270 | cuning Erodes:| umbihuarf ina craft uuero,[uulanke uuîgandos]:| uuas im uuilleo mikil,that [sie] thar [sel{b}on] Crist| gisehan môstin:uuândun that he im sum têkan thar| tôgean scoldi,mâri endi mahtig,| sô he managun dede |
5275 | thurh is godcundi| Iudeo liudeon.Frâgoda ina thuo thie folccuning| firiuuitlîcomanagon uuordon,| uuolda is muodse{b}onfor{d} undarfindan,| huat hie te frumu mohtimannon gimarcon.| Than stuod mahtig Crist, |
5280 | thagoda endi tholoda:| ne uuolda them thiedcuninge,Erodese ne is erlon| antsuôr ge{b}anuuordo nigênon.| Than stuod thiu uurê{d}a thiod,Iudeo liudi| endi thena godes sunouuurrun endi uuruogdun,| anthat im uuar{d} thie uueroldcuning |
5285 | an is huge huoti| endi all is heriscipi,farmuonstun ina an iro muode:| ne antkendun maht godes,himiliscan hêrron,| ac uuas im iro hugi thiustri,baluuues giblandan.| Barn drohtinesiro [uurê{d}un] uuerc,| uuord endi dâdi |
5290 | thuru ômuodi| all githoloda,sô huat sô sia im tionono [thuo]| tuogian uuoldun.Sia hietun im thuo te hoske| huît giuuâdiumbi is li{d}i leggian,| thiu mêr hie uur{d}i them liudion thar,[iungron] te gamne.| Iudeon faganodun, |
5295 | thuo sia ina te hosce| hebbian gisâhun,erlos o{b}armuoda.| Thuo senda ina eft thananErodes se cuning| an that ô{d}er folc;[alêdian] hiet ina lungra mann,| endi lastar sprâcun,[felgidun] im firinuuord,| thar hie an feteron geng |
5300 | bihlagan mid hoscu:| ni uuas im hugi tuîfli,ne{b}a hie it thuru ôdmuodi| all githoloda;ne uuelda iro u{b}ilun uuord| [iduglônon],hosc endi harmquidi.| Thuo brâhtun sia ina eft an that hûs innan,an thia palencea uppan,| thar Pilatus uuas |
5305 | an thero thingstedi.| Thegnos agâ{b}unbarno that besta| [banon] te handonsundilôsian,| sô hie sel{b}o gicôs:uuelda manno barn| [mor{d}es] atuomian,nerian af nôdi.| Stuodun nî{d}huata, |
5310 | Iudeon far them gastselie:| habdun sia [gramono] barn,thia scola farscundid,| that sia ne bescri{b}un iouuihtgrimmera dâdio.| Thuo giuuêt im gangan tharodthegan kêsures| uui{d} thia thiod sprecan,hard heritogo:| «huat, gi mi thesan haftan mann», quathie, |
5315 | «an thesan seli sendun| endi sel{b}on anbudun,that hie iuuues uuerodes sô filo| auuerdit habdi,farlêdid mid is lêron.| Nu ik mid theson liudon ni mag,findan mid thius folku,| that hie is ferahes sîfuri thesaro scolu sculdig.| Scîn uuas that hiudu: |
5320 | Erodes mohta,| thie iuuuan êo bican,iuuuaro liudo landreht,| hie ni mahta is lî{b}es gifrêson,that hie hier thuru êniga sundia te dage| sueltan scoldi,lîf farlâtan.| Nu uuilliu ik ina for theson liudion hiergithrôon mid thingon,| thrîstion uuordun, |
5325 | buotian im is briosthugi,| lâtan ina brûcan for{d}ferahes [mid] firion.»| Folc Iudeonohreopun thuo alla samad| hlûdero stemnu,hietun flîtlîco| ferahes âhtianCrist mid qualmu| endi an crûci slahan, |
5330 | uuêgian te uuundron:| «hie mid is uuordon ha{b}itdô{d}es gisculdid:| sagit that hie drohtin sî,gegnungo godes suno.| That hie ageldan scal,inuuidsprâca,| sô is an ûson êuue giscri{b}an,that man sulica firinquidi| ferahu côpo.» |