
um 830




Fitte XXIX






Sô hêlde he thea haltun man| endi thea hâ{b}on sô self,

bôtta, them thar blinde uuârun,| lêt sie [that] berhte lioht,

sinscôni sean,| sundea lôsda,


gumono grimuuerk.| Ni uuas gio [Iudeono] bethiu,

lê{d}es liudskepies| gilô{b}o thiu betara

an thene hêlagon Crist,| ac habdun im hardene môd,

suî{d}o starkan strîd,| farstandan ni uueldun,

that sie habdun [forfangan]| fîundun an uuillean,


liudi mid iro gelô{b}un.| Ni uuas gio thiu latoro bethiu

sunu drohtines,| ac he sagde mid uuordun,

huô sie [scoldin gehalon]| himiles rîki,

lêrde aftar themu lande,| habde imu thero liudio sô filu

giuuenid mid is uuordun,| that im uuerod mikil,


folc folgoda,| endi he im filu sagda,

be bili{d}iun that barn godes,| thes sie ni mahtun an iro breostun farstandan,

undarhuggean an iro herton,| êr it im the hêlago Crist

o{b}ar that erlo folc| oponun uuordun

thurh is sel{b}es craft| seggean uuelda,


mârean huat he mênde.| Thar ina megin umbi,

thioda thrungun:| uuas im tharf mikil

te gihôrienne| he{b}encuninges

uuârfastun uuord.| He stôd imu thô bi ênes uuatares sta{d}e,

ni uuelde thô bi themu gethringe| o{b}ar that thegno folc


an themu lande uppan| thea lêra cû{d}ean,

ac geng imu thô the gôdo| endi is iungaron mid imu,

fri{d}ubarn godes,| themu flôde nâhor

an ên skip innan,| endi it scalden hêt

lande rûmur,| that ina thea liudi sô filu,


thioda ni thrungi.| Stôd thegan manag,

uuerod bi themu uuatare,| thar uualdand Crist

o{b}ar that liudio folc| lêra sagde:

«huat, ik iu seggean mag», qua{d} he,| «gesî{d}os mîne,

huô imu ên erl bigan| an er{d}u [sâian]


[hrêncorni] mid is handun.| Sum it an [hardan] sten

[o{b}an]uuardan fel,| er{d}on ni habda,

that it [thar] mahti uuahsan| eftha [uurteo] gifâhan,

kînan eftha biclî{b}en,| ac uuar{d} that corn farloren,

[that thar an theru lêian gilag].| Sum it eft an land bifel,


an er{d}un a{d}alcunnies:| bigan imu aftar thiu

uuahsen uuânlîco| endi uurteo fâhan,

[lôd] an lustun:| uuas that land sô gôd,

frânisco gifehod.| Sum it eft bifallen uuar{d}

an êna starca strâtun,| thar stôpon gengun,


hrosso hôfslaga| endi heli{d}o [trâda];

[uuar{d} imu thar an er{d}u| endi eft up gigeng],

bigan imu an themu uuege uuahsen;| thô it eft thes uuerodes farnam,

thes folkes fard mikil| endi fuglos alâsun,

that [is] themu êcsan uuiht| aftar ni môste


uuer{d}an te uuillean,| thes thar an thene uueg bifel.

Sum uuar{d} it than bifallen,| thar sô filu stôdun

thicchero thorno| an themu dage;

uuar{d} imu thar an er{d}u| endi eft up gigeng,

kên imu thar endi [cli{b}ode].| Thar [slôgun thar] eft crûd an gimang,


uueridun imu thene uuastom:| habda it thes uualdes hlea

forana [o{b}arfangan],| that it ni [mahte] te ênigaro frumu uuer{d}en,

ef [it] thea thornos sô| thringan [môstun].»

Thô sâtun endi suîgodun| gesî{d}os Cristes,

uuordspâha uueros:| uuas im uundar mikil,


be huilicun bili{d}iun| that barn godes

sulic sô{d}lîc spel| seggean bigunni.

Thô bigan is thero erlo| ên frâgoian

holdan hêrron,| hnêg imu tegegnes

tulgo uuer{d}lico:| «huat, thu geuuald ha{b}as», [qua{d} he],


«ia an [himile ia an er{d}u],| hêlag drohtin,

[uppa endi ni{d}ara],| bist thu alouualdo

gumono gêsto,| endi uui thîne iungaron sind,

an [ûsumu] hugi holde.| Hêrro the gôdo,

ef it thîn uuilleo sî,| lât ûs thînaro uuordo thar


endi gihôrien,| that uui it aftar thi

o{b}ar al cristinfolc| cû{d}ean môtin.

Uui uuitun that thînun uuordun| uuârlîc bili{d}i

for{d} folgoiad,| endi ûs is firinun tharf,

that uui thîn uuord endi thîn uuerk, –| huand [it] fan sulicumu geuuittea cumid –


that uui it an thesumu [lande at thi]| lînon môtin.»