
um 830










Sô deda the drohtines sunu| dago gehuilikes


[gôd uuerk] mid is iungeron,| sô neo Iudeon umbi that

an thea is mikilun craft| thiu mêr ne gelô{b}dun,

that he alouualdo| alles uuâri,

landes endi liudio:| thes sie noh lôn nimat,

uuîdana uuracsî{d},| thes sie thar that geuuin dri{b}un


uui{d} [sel{b}an] thene [sunu drohtines].| Thô he [im] mid is gesî{d}on giuuêt

eft an [Galilæo land],| godes êgan barn,

fôr im te them friundun,| thar he afôdid uuas

endi al undar is cunnie| kindiung auuôhs,

the hêlago hêleand.| Umbi ina heriskepi,


theoda thrungun;| thar uuas thegan manag

sô sâlig undar them gesî{d}e.| Thar drôgun ênna seocan man

erlos an [iro] armun:| uueldun ina for ôgun Kristes,

brengean for that barn godes – | uuas im bôtono tharf,

that ina gehêldi| he{b}enes uualdand,


manno mundboro –,| the uuas êr sô managan dag

li{d}uuuastmon bilamod,| ni mahte is lîchamon

[uuiht] geuualdan.| Than uuas thar uuerodes sô filu,

that sie ina fora that barn godes| brengean ni mahtun,

gethringan thurh thea thioda,| that sie [sô] thurftiges


sunnea gesagdin.| Thô giuuêt imu an ênna seli innan

[hêleando] Crist;| [huarf] uuar{d} thar umbi,

megintheodo gemang.| Thô bigunnun thea man spreken,

the thene lêfna lamon| lango fôrdun,

bârun mid is beddiu,| huô sie ina gedrôgin fora that [barn godes],


[an] that uuerod innan,| thar ina uualdand Crist

sel{b}o gisâuui.| Thô gengun thea gesî{d}os tô,

hô{b}un ina mid iro handun| endi uppan that hûs stigun,

slitun thene seli o{b}ana| endi [ina] mid sêlun lêtun

an thene rakud innan,| thar the rîkeo uuas,


cuningo craftigost.| Reht sô he ina [thô] kuman gisah

thurh thes hûses hrôst,| sô he thô an iro hugi farstôd,

an thero manno môdse{b}on,| that sie [mikilana] te imu

gelô{b}on habdun,| thô he for then liudiun sprak,

qua{d} that he thene [siakon] man| sundeono tômean


lâtan uueldi.| Thô sprâkun im eft thea liudi angegin,

[gramharde] Iudeon,| thea thes godes barnes

uuord [aftaruuarodun],| quâ{d}un that that ni mahti giuuer{d}en sô,

grimuuerc farge{b}en,| [biûtan] god êno,

uualdand thesaro uueroldes.| Thô habda eft is uuord garu


mahtig barn godes:| «ik gidôn that», qua{d} he, «an thesumu [manne] skîn,

the hîr sô siak ligid| an thesumu seli innan,

[te] uundron giuuêgid,| that ik geuuald hebbiu

sundea te farge{b}anne| endi ôc seokan man

te gehêleanne,| sô ik ina hrînan ni tharf.»


Manoda ina thô| the mâreo drohtin,

liggeandean lamon,| hêt ina far them liudiun astandan

up alohêlan| endi hêt ina an is ahslun niman,

is bedgiuuâdi te baka;| he that gibod lêste

sniumo for [themu gisî{d}ea]| endi geng imu eft gesund thanan,


hêl fan themu hûse.| Thô thes sô manag hê{d}in man,

uueros uundradun,| quâ{d}un that imu uualdand self,

god alomahtig| farge{b}an habdi

mêron mahti| than elcor ênigumu mannes sunie,

craft endi cûsti;| sie ni uueldun antkennean thoh,


Iudeo liudi,| that he god uuâri,

ne gelô{b}dun is lêran,| ac habdun im lê{d}an strîd,

uunnun uui{d}ar is uuordun:| thes sie uuerk hlutun,

lê{d}lîc lôngeld,| endi sô noh lango sculun,

thes sie ni uueldun hôrien| he{b}en[cuninges],


Cristes lêrun,| thea he cû{d}de o{b}ar al,

uuîdo aftar thesaro uueroldi,| endi lêt sie is uuerk sehan

allaro dago gehuilikes,| is dâdi scauuon,

hôrien is hêlag uuord,| the he te helpu gesprak

manno barnun,| endi sô manag mahtiglîc


têcan getôgda,| that sie [gitrûodin] thiu bet,

gilô{b}din [an] is [lêra].| He sô managan lîchamon

balusuhteo [antband| endi] bôta geskeride,

fargaf fêgiun ferah,| them the [fûsid] uuas

heli{d} an helsî{d}:| [than gideda ina the] hêland self,


Crist thurh is craft mikil| quican aftar dô{d}a,

lêt ina an thesaro uueroldi for{d}| uunneono neotan.