um 830
Fitte V
Christi Geburt (Book of Kells, um 800)
Thô uuar{d} fon Rûmuburg| rîkes mannes | |
340 | o{b}ar alla thesa irminthiod| Octauiânasban endi bodskepi| o{b}ar thea is brêdon giuualdcuman fon them kêsure| cuningo gihuilicun,hêmsitteandiun,| sô uuîdo sô is heritogono{b}ar al that landskepi| [liudio] giuueldun. |
345 | [Hiet man] that [alla] thea elilendiun man| iro ô{d}il sôhtin,[heli{d}os] iro handmahal| angegen iro hêrron bodon,quâmi te them cnôsla gihue,| thanan he cunneas uuas,giboran fon them burgiun.| That gibod uuar{d} gilêstido{b}ar thesa uuîdon uuerold.| Uuerod samnoda |
350 | [te] allaro burgeo gihuuem.| Fôrun thea bodon o{b}ar all,thea fon them kêsura| cumana uuârun,bôkspâha uueros,| [endi] an brêf [scri{b}un][suî{d}o] niudlîco| namono gihuilican,ia land ia liudi,| that im ni [mahti alettian] mann |
355 | gumono sulica gambra,| sô [im] scolda geldan gihueheli{d}o fon is hô{b}da.| Thô giuuêt im ôc [mid] is hîuuiscaIoseph the gôdo,| sô it god mahtig,uualdand uuelda:| sôhta im [thiu uuânamon] hêm,thea burg an Bethleem,| thar iro bei{d}ero uuas, |
360 | thes heli{d}es handmahal| endi ôc thera hêlagun thiornun,Mariun thera gôdun.| Thar uuas thes mâreon stôlan êrdagun,| a{d}alcuninges,Dauides thes gôdon,| than [langa] the he thana druhtskepi thar,erl undar Ebreon| êgan môsta, |
365 | haldan hôhgisetu.| [Sie] uuârun is hîuuiscas,cuman fon is cnôsla,| cunneas gôdes,bê{d}iu bi giburdiun.| Thar gifragn ic, that [sie thiu] berhtun giscapu,Mariun gimanodun| endi maht godes,that iru an [them] sî{d}a| [sunu ôdan uuar{d}], |
370 | giboran an Bethleem| barno strangost,allaro cuningo craftigost:| cuman [uuar{d}] the mâreo,mahtig [an] manno lioht,| sô is [êr] managan dagbili{d}i uuârun| endi [bôcno] filugiuuor{d}en an thesero uueroldi.| Thô uuas it all giuuârod sô, |
375 | sô it êr spâha man| gisprocan habdun,thurh huilic ôdmôdi| he thit er{d}rîki herodthurh is sel{b}es craft| sôkean uuelda,managaro mundboro.| Thô ina thiu môdar nam,biuuand ina mid uuâdiu| uuî{b}o [scôniost], |
380 | fagaron [fratahun],| endi ina mid [iro] folmon tuuêmlegda lio{b}lîco| luttilna man,that kind an êna cribbiun,| thoh he habdi craft godes,manno drohtin.| Thar [sat] thiu môdar biforan,uuîf uuacogeandi,| uuardoda sel{b}o, |
385 | held that hêlaga barn:| ni uuas ira hugi tuuîfli,thera maga{d} ira môdse{b}o.| Thô uuar{d} [that] managun cû{d}o{b}ar thesa uuîdon uuerold,| [uuardos] antfundun,thea thar ehuscalcos| ûta uuârun,uueros an uuahtu,| uuiggeo [gômean], |
390 | fehas aftar felda:| gisâhun finistri an tuuêtelâtan an lufte,| endi quam lioht godesuuânum thurh thiu uuolcan| endi thea uuardos tharbifeng an them felda.| Sie [uur{d}un] an forhtun thô,thea [man] an [ira] môda:| gisâhun thar mahtigna |
395 | godes engil cuman,| the im tegegnes sprac,hêt that im thea uuardos| uuiht ne antdrêdinlê{d}es fon them liohta:| «ic scal eu», qua{d} he, «lio{b}ara thing,suî{d}o uuârlîco| uuilleon seggean,cû{d}ean craft mikil:| nu is Krist geboran |
400 | an thesero sel{b}un naht,| sâlig barn godes,an [thera] Dauides burg,| drohtin the gôdo.That is mendislo| manno cunneas,allaro firiho fruma.| Thar gi ina [fî{d}an] mugun,an [Bethlemaburg]| barno rîkiost: |
405 | hebbiad that te [têcna],| that ic [eu gi]tellean maguuârun uuordun,| that he thar biuundan ligid,that kind an ênera cribbiun,| thoh he sî cuning o{b}ar aler{d}un endi himiles| endi o{b}ar [eldeo barn],uueroldes uualdand».| Reht sô he thô that uuord gisprac, |
410 | sô uuar{d} thar engilo te them ênun| unrîm cuman,hêlag heriskepi| fon he{b}anuuanga,fagar folc godes,| endi filu sprâkun,lofuuord manag| liudeo hêrron.Afhô{b}un thô hêlagna sang,| thô sie eft te he{b}anuuanga |
415 | uundun thurh thiu uuolcan.| Thea uuardos hôrdun,huô thiu engilo craft| alomahtigna godsuî{d}o [uuer{d}lîco]| uuordun lo{b}odun:«diuri{d}a sî nu», quâ{d}un sie,| «drohtine sel{b}unan them hôhoston| himilo rîkea |
420 | endi fri{d}u an er{d}u| firiho barnun,gôduuilligun gumun,| [them the] god antkenneadthurh [hluttran] hugi.»| Thea hirdios forstôdun,that sie mahtig thing| gimanod habda,[blî{d}lîc bod]skepi:| giuuitun im te Bethleem thanan |
425 | nahtes sî{d}on;| uuas im niud mikil,that sie [sel{b}on] Krist| gisehan [môstin]. |