Fitte VI
Habda im the engil godes| al giuuîsid
torhtun têcnun,| that sie [im tô] sel{b}un,
te them godes barne| gangan mahtun,
430 | endi fundun sân| folco drohtin,
liudeo [hêrron].| Sagdun thô lof goda,
uualdande mid iro uuordun| endi uuîdo [cû{d}dun]
o{b}ar thea berhtun burg,| huilic im thar [bili{d}i] uuar{d}
fon he{b}anuuanga| hêlag gitôgit,
435 | fagar an felde.| That [frî] al biheld
an ira hugiskeftiun,| hêlag thiorna,
thiu maga{d} an ira môde,| sô huat sô siu gihôrda thea mann sprecan.
Fôdda ina thô fagaro| frîho scâniosta,
thiu môdar thurh minnea| managaro drohtin,
440 | hêlag himilisc barn.| Heli{d}os gisprâcun
an them ahtodon daga| erlos managa,
suî{d}o glauua gumon| mid thera godes thiornun,
that he Hêleand te namon| hebbean scoldi,
sô it the godes engil| Gabriel gisprac
445 | uuâron uuordun| endi them uuî{b}e gibôd,
bodo drohtines,| thô siu êrist that barn antfeng
uuânum te thesero uueroldi.| Uuas iru uuilleo mikil,
that siu ina sô [hêlaglîco]| haldan môsti,
fulgeng im thô sô gerno.| That gêr fur{d}or skrêd
450 | untthat that fri{d}ubarn godes| fiartig habda
dago endi nahto.| Thô scoldun sie thar êna dâd frummean,
that sie ina te Hierusalem| [forge{b}an] scoldun
uualdanda te them uuîha.| [Sô] uuas iro uuîsa than,
thero liudeo landsidu,| that that ni môsta forlâtan negên
455 | idis undar Ebreon,| ef iru [at êrist] uuar{d}
sunu afôdit,| ne siu ina simbla tharod
te them godes uuîha| forge{b}an scolda.
Giuuitun im thô thiu gôdun tuuê,| Ioseph endi Maria
bê{d}iu fon Bethleem:| habdun that barn mid im,
460 | hêlagna Krist,| sôhtun im hûs godes
an Hierusalem;| thar scoldun sie is geld frummean
uualdanda [at] them uuîha| uuîsa lêstean
Iudeo folkes.| Thar fundun sea ênna gôdan man
aldan [at] them alaha,| a{d}alboranan,
465 | the habda [at] them uuîha sô filu| uuintro endi sumaro
gilibd an them liohta:| oft uuarhta he thar lof goda
mid hluttru hugi;| habda im hêlagna gêst,
[sâliglîcan] se{b}on;| Simeon uuas he hêtan.
Im habda giuuîsid| uualdandas craft
470 | langa huîla,| that he ni môsta [êr] thit lioht age{b}an,
uuendean af thesero uueroldi,| êr than im the uuilleo gistôdi,
that he [sel{b}an] Krist| gisehan môsti,
hêlagna he{b}ancuning.| Thô uuar{d} im is hugi suî{d}o
blî{d}i an is briostun,| thô he gisah that [barn] cuman
475 | an thena uuîh innan.| Thô sagda hie uualdande thanc,
almahtigon gode,| thes he ina mid is ôgun gisah.
Geng im thô tegegnes| endi ina gerno antfeng
ald mid is armun:| al antkende
bôcan endi bili{d}i| endi ôc that barn godes,
480 | hêlagna he{b}ancuning.| «Nu ic thi, [hêrro], scal», qua{d} he,
«gerno biddean,| nu ic sus gigamalod bium,
that thu thînan holdan scalc| nu hinan huer{b}an lâtas,
an [thîna fri{d}uuuâra] faran,| thar êr mîna for{d}run dedun,
uueros fon thesero uueroldi,| nu mi the uuilleo gistôd,
485 | dago [lio{b}osto],| that ic mînan drohtin gisah,
holdan hêrron,| sô mi gihêtan uuas
langa huîla.| Thu bist lioht mikil
allun elithiodun,| thea êr thes alouualdon
craft ne antkendun.| Thîna cumi sindun
490 | te dôma endi te diur{d}on,| drohtin frô mîn,
a{b}arun Israhelas,| êganumu folke,
thînun lio{b}un liudiun.»| Listiun talde thô
the aldo man an them alaha| idis thero gôdun,
sagda sô{d}lîco,| huô iro sunu scolda
495 | o{b}ar thesan middilgard| managun uuer{d}an
sumun te falle, sumun te frô{b}ru| firiho barnun,
them liudiun te leo{b}a,| the is lêrun gihôrdin,
endi them te harma,| the hôrien ni [uueldin]
Kristas lêron.| «Thu scalt noh», qua{d} he, «cara thiggean,
500 | harm an thînumu herton,| than ina heli{d}o barn
uuâpnun uuîtnod.| That uuir{d}id thi uuerk mikil,
thrim te githolonna.»| Thiu thiorna al forstôd
uuîsas mannas uuord.| Thô quam thar ôc ên uuîf gangan
ald innan them alaha:| Anna uuas siu hêtan,
505 | dohtar Fanueles;| siu habde ira drohtine uuel
githionod te thanca,| uuas iru [githungan] uuîf.
Siu môsta aftar ira maga{d}hêdi,| sî{d}or siu mannes uuar{d},
erles [an êhti]| e{d}ili thiorne,
sô môsta siu mid ira brûdigumon| [bôdlo] giuualdan
510 | si{b}un uuintar [samad].| Thô gifragn ic that iru thar sorga gistôd
that [sie] thiu mikila maht| metodes tedêlda,
uurê{d} uurdigiscapu.| Thô uuas siu uuidouua aftar thiu
[at] them fri{d}uuuîha| fior endi [antahtoda]
uuintro an iro uueroldi,| sô siu nia thana uuîh ni forlêt,
515 | ac siu thar ira drohtine [uuel]| dages endi nahtes,
gode thionode.| Siu quam thar ôc gangan tô
an thea sel{b}un tîd:| sân antkende
that [hêlage] barn godes| endi them heli{d}on cû{d}de,
them uueroda aftar them uuîha| uuilspel mikil,
520 | qua{d} that im neriandas ginist| ginâhid uuâri,
helpa he{b}encuninges:| «nu is the hêlago Krist,
uualdand sel{b}o| an thesan uuîh cuman
te alôsienne thea liudi,| the hêr nu lango bidun
an thesara middilgard,| managa huuîla,
525 | thurftig thioda,| sô nu thes thinges mugun
mendian mancunni.»| Manag fagonoda
uuerod aftar them uuîha:| gihôrdun uuilspel mikil
fon gode seggean.| That geld habde thô gilêstid
thiu idis an them alaha,| [al] sô it im an ira êuua gibôd
530 | endi [at thera berhtun] burg| [bôk] giuuîsdun,
hêlagaro handgiuuerk.| Giuuitun im thô te hûs thanan
fon Hierusalem| Ioseph endi Maria,
hêlag hîuuiski:| habdun im he{b}enkuning
simbla te gisî{d}a,| sunu drohtines,
535 | managaro mundboron,| sô it gio mâri ni uuar{d}
than uuîdor an thesaro uueroldi,| [bûtan] sô is uuilleo geng,
he{b}encuninges hugi.|