um 830
Fitte LX
Be thiu [nis] mannes bâg| [mikilun bither{b}i,] | |
5040 | [hagustaldes] hrôm:| ef imu thiu helpe godesgesuîkid thurh is [sundeo,]| than is imu sân aftar thiubreosthugi blô{d}ora,| thoh he êr bihêt spreca,hrômie fan is [hildi]| endi fan is handcrafti,the man fan is megine.| That uuar{d} thar an themu mâreon skîn, |
5045 | thegno bezton,| thô imu is thiodanes gisuêkhêlag helpe.| Bethiu ni scoldi hrômien mante suî{d}o fan imu sel{b}on,| huand imu thar suîkid oftuuân endi uuilleo,| ef imu uualdand god,hêr he{b}enkuning| [herte] ni sterkit. |
5050 | Than bêd allaro barno bezt,| bendi tholodethurh mancunni.| Huur{b}un ina managa umbi[Iudeono] liudi,| sprâcun gelp mikil,hafdun ina te hosca,| thar he giheftid stôd,tholode [gethuldiun,]| sô huat sô imu thiu thiod deda, |
5055 | liudi lê{d}es.| Thô uuar{d} eft lioht cuman,morgan te mannun.| Manag samnodaheri Iudeono:| habdun im hugi uul{b}o,inuuid an innan.| Uuar{d} thar êosagoan morgantîd| manag gisamnod |
5060 | irri endi ênhard,| inuuideas gern,uurê{d}es uuillean.| Gengun im an huarf samadrinkos an rûna,| bigunnun im râdan thô,huô sie [geuuîsadin]| mid uuârlôsun,mannun [mêngeuuitun]| an mahtigna Crist |
5065 | te giseggianne sundea| thurh is sel{b}es uuord,that sie ina than te uunderquâlu| uuêgean môstin,adêlien te dô{d}e.| Sie ni mahtun an themu dage findensô uurê{d} geuuitscepi,| that sie imu uuîti bethiuadêlien [gidorstin]| eftha dô{d} frummien, |
5070 | lî{b}u bilôsien.| Thô quâmun thar at laztan for{d}an thena huarf uuero| uuârlôse mantuêne gangan| endi bigunnun im tellien an,quâ{d}un that sie ina sel{b}on| seggian gihôrdin,that he mahti teuuerpen| thena uuîh godes, |
5075 | allaro hûso hôhost| endi thurh is handmegin,thurh is ênes craft| up arihtienan thriddion daga,| sô is [elcor] ni thorfti bethîhan man.He thagoda endi tholoda:| ni sprak imu io thiu thiod sô filu,thea liudi mid luginun,| that he it mid lê{d}un angegin |
5080 | uuordun uurâchi.| Thô thar undar themu uuerode arêsbaluhugdig man,| biscop thero liudio,the furisto thes folkes| endi frâgode Kristiac ina be imu sel{b}on bisuôr| suî{d}on ê{d}un,grôtte ina an godes namon| endi gerno bad, |
5085 | that he im that gisagdi,| ef he sunu uuârithes libbiendies [godes]:| «thes thit lioht gescôp,Krist cuning êuuig.| Uui ni mugun is antkiennien uuihtne an thînun uuordun ni an thînun uuerkun.»| Thô sprak imu eft the uuâro angegin,the gôdo godes sunu:| «thu qui{d}is it for thesun Iudeon nu, |
5090 | sô{d}lîco segis,| that ik it sel{b}o bium.Thes ni gilô{b}iad mi these liudi:| ni uuilliad mi forlâtan bethiu;ni sind im mîn uuord uuir{d}ig.| Nu seggiu ik iu te uuârun thoh,that gi noh sculun sittien gisehan| an [the] suî{d}aron half godesmârean mannes sunu,| an megincrafte |
5095 | thes alouualden fader,| endi thanan eft kumanan himiluuolcnun herod| endi allumu heli{d}o cunniemid is uuordun adêlien,| al sô iro geuurhti sind.»Tho balg ina [the] biscop,| habde bittren hugi,uurê{d}ida [uui{d}] themu [uuorde]| endi is giuuâdi slêt, |
5100 | brak for is breostun:| «nu ni thur{b}un gi bîdan leng», qua{d} he,«thit uuerod geuuitscepies,| nu im [sulic] uuord farad,mênsprâca fan is mû{d}e.| That gihôrid [hêr nu] manno filu,rinko an thesumu rakude,| that he ina sô rîkean telit,gihid that he god sî.| Huat uuilliad gi Iudeon thes |
5105 | adêlien te dôme?| Is he dô{d}es [nu]uuir{d}ig be sulicun uuordun?»| |