
um 830




Fitte LV






| Fri{d}ubarn godes

geng imu thô eft gisittien| under that gesî{d}o folc

endi [im] sagda filu langsamna râd.| Uuar{d} eft lioht kuman,

morgen te mannun.| Mahtigne Crist

grôttun is iungaron| endi frâgodun, huar sie is gôma thô


an themu uuîhdage| uuirkien scoldin,

huar he uueldi halden| thea hêlagon tîdi

sel{b}o mid is gesî{d}un.| Thô he sie sôkien hêt,

thea gumon Hierusalem:| «sô gi than gangan [kumad»,] qua{d} he,

«an thea burg innan| – thar is braht mikil,


meginthiodo gimang –,| thar mugun gi [ênan] man sehan

an is handun dragen| hluttres uuatares

[ful mid] folmun.| Themu gi folgon sculun

an sô huilike gardos,| sô gi ina gangan [gisehat,]

ia gi than themu hêrron,| the thie ho{b}os êgi,


sel{b}on seggiad,| that ik iu [sende] tharod

te gigaruuuenne mîna gôma.| Than tôgid he iu ên gôdlîc hûs,

hôhan soleri,| the is bihangen al

fagarun fratahun.| Thar gi frummien sculun

uuerdscepi mînan.| Thar bium ik uuiskumo


sel{b}o mid mînun gesî{d}un.»| Thô uur{d}un sân aftar thiu

thar te Hierusalem| iungaron Kristes

for{d}uuard an ferdi,| fundun all sô he sprak

uuordtêcan uuâr:| ni uuas thes giuuand ênig.

Thar gereuuidun sie thea gôma.| Uuar{d} the godes sunu,


hêlag drohtin| an that hûs cuman,

thar sie the landuuîse| lêstien scoldun,

fulgangan godes gibode,| al sô Iudeono uuas

êo endi aldsidu| an êrdagun.

Giuuêt imu thô an themu â{b}ande| [alouualdand] Krist


an thene seli sittien;| hêt thar is gesî{d}os te imu

tueli{b}i gangan,| thea im gitriuuiston

an iro môdse{b}on| manno uuârun

bi uuordun endi bi uuîsun:| uuisse imu sel{b}o

iro hugiskefti| hêlag drohtin.


Grôtte sie thô o{b}ar them gômun:| «gern bium ik suî{d}o», qua{d} he,

«that ik samad mid iu| sittien môti,

gômono neoten,| Iudeono pascha

dêlien mid iu sô diuriun.| Nu ik iu iuuues drohtines scal

uuilleon seggian,| that ik an thesaro uueroldi ni môt


mid mannun mêr| môses anbîten

fur{d}ur mid firihun,| êr than gifullod uuir{d}id

[himilo rîki].| Mi is an handun nu

uuîti endi uunderquâle,| thea ik for thesumu uuerode scal,

tholon [for thesaru thiodu].»| Sô he thô sô te them thegnun sprak,


hêlag drohtin,| sô uuar{d} imu is hugi drô{b}i,

uuar{d} imu gisuorken se{b}o,| endi eft te [them] gesî{d}un sprac,

the gôdo te them is iungarun:| «huat, ik iu godes rîki», qua{d} he,

«gihêt himiles lioht,| endi gi mi holdlîco

iuuuan theganskepi.| Nu ni uuilliat gi [athengean] sô,


ak uuenkeat thero uuordo.| Nu seggiu ik iu te uuâran hêr,

that uuili iuuuar tueli{b}io ên| [treuuana suîkan],

uuili mi farcôpon| undar thit kunni Iudeono,

gisellien uui{d}er silu{b}re,| endi [uuili] imu thar sinc niman,

diurie mê{d}mos,| endi ge{b}en is drohtin uui{d} thiu,


holdan hêrran.| That imu thoh te harme scal,

uuer{d}an te uuîtie;| be that he thea [uurdi farsihit]

endi he thes ar{b}edies| endi scauuot,

than uuêt he that te uuâran,| that imu uuâri [uuô{d}iera thing],

betera mikilu,| that he gio giboran ni uur{d}i


libbiendi te thesumu liohte,| than he that lôn nimid,

u{b}il ar{b}edi| inuuidrâdo.»

Thô bigan thero erlo gehuilic| te ô{d}rumu scauuon,

sorgondi sehan;| uuas im sêr hugi,

hriuuig umbi iro herta:| gihôrdun iro hêrron thô


gornuuord sprekan.| Thea gumon sorgodun,

huilican he thero [tueli{b}io te thiu]| tellien uueldi,

sculdigna [sca{d}on,]| that he habdi thea scattos thar

gethingod [at] theru thiod.| Ni uuas thero thegno ênigumu

sulikes inuuiddies| ô{d}i te [gehanne],


[mêngithâhtio| – antsuok thero] manno gehuilic –,

uur{d}un alle an forhtun,| frâgon ne gidorstun,

êr than thô gebôknide| [baruuir{d}ig] gumo,

Sîmon Petrus| – ne gidorste it sel{b}o sprekan –

te Iohanne themu gôdon:| he uuas themu godes barne


an them dagun| thegno lio{b}ost,

mêst an minniun| endi môste thar [thô] an thes mahtiges Kristes

barme restien| endi an is breostun lag,

hlinode mid is [hô{b}du:]| thar nam he sô manag hêlag gerûni,

diapa githâhti,| endi thô te is drohtine sprac,


began ina thô frâgon:| «hue scal that, frô mîn, uuesen», qua{d} he,

«that thi farcôpon uuili,| cuningo rîkeost,

undar thînaro fîundo folc?| Ûs uuâri thes firiuuit mikil,

uualdand, te uuitanne.»| Thô habde eft is uuord garu

hêleando Crist:| «seh thi, huemu ik hêr an hand ge{b}e


mînes môses for thesun mannun:| the ha{b}ed mên[githâht],

[birid bittran hugi];| the scal mi an banono geuuald,

fîundun bifelhen,| thar man mînes ferhes scal,

aldres âhtien.»| Nam he thô aftar thiu

thes môses for them mannun| endi gaf is themu mênsca{d}en,


Iudase an hand| endi imu tegegnes sprac

sel{b}o for them is gesî{d}un| endi ina sniumo hêt

faran fan themu is folke:| «frumi sô thu thenkis», qua{d} he,

«dô that thu duan scalt:| thu ni maht bidernien leng

uuilleon thînan.| Thiu uurd is at handun,


thea tîdi sind nu ginâhid.»| Sô thô the treulogo

that môs antfeng| endi mid is mû{d}u anbêt,

sô afgaf ina thô thiu godes craft,| gramon in geuuitun

an thene lîchamon,| lê{d}a uuihti,

uuar{d} imu Satanas| sêro bitengi,


hardo umbi is herte,| sî{d}ur ine thiu helpe godes

farlêt an thesumu liohte.| Sô is [thena] liudio uuê,

the sô undar thesumu [himile scal| hêrron] uuehslon.