um 830
Fitte LVI
Giuuêt imu thô ût thanen| inuuideas gernIudas gangan:| habde imu grimmen hugi | |
4630 | thegan uui{d} is thiodan.| Uuas thô iu thiustri naht,suî{d}o gisuorken.| Sunu drohtinesuuas ima [at] them gômun for{d}| endi is iungarun [thar]uualdand uuîn endi brôd| uuîhide bê{d}iu,hêlagode he{b}encuning,| mid is handun brak, |
4635 | gaf it undar them is iungarun| endi gode thancode,sagde them ôlat,| [the] thar al giscôp,uuerold endi uunnea,| endi sprak uuord manag:«gilô{b}iot gi thes liohto», [qua{d} he],| «that thit is mîn lîchamoendi mîn blôd sô same:| gi{b}u ik iu hêr bê{d}iu samad |
4640 | etan endi drinkan.| Thit ik an er{d}u scalge{b}an endi geotan| endi iu te godes rîkielôsien mid mînu lîchamen| an lîf êuuig,an that himiles lioht.| Gihuggeat gi simlun,that gi [thiu fulgangan],| thiu ik an thesun gômun dôn; |
4645 | mâriad thit [for] menegi:| thit is mahtig thing,mid thius sculun gi iuuuomu drohtine| diuri{d}a frummien,habbiad thit mîn te gihugdiun,| hêlag bili{d}i,that it eldibarn| aftar lêstien,uuaron an thesaru uueroldi,| that that uuitin alle, |
4650 | man o{b}ar thesan middilgard,| that it is thurh mîna minnea giduanhêrron te huldi.| Gehuggiad gi [simlun,]hueo ik iu hêr gebiudu,| that gi iuuuan brô{d}erskepifasto [frummiad:]| habbiad ferhtan hugi,minniod iu an iuuuomu môde,| that that manno barn |
4655 | o{b}ar irminthiod| alle farstanden,that gi [sind] gegnungo| iungaron mîne.Ôk scal ik iu cû{d}ien,| huô hêr uuili craftag fîund,hetteand herugrim,| umbi iuuuan hugi niusien,[Satanas sel{b}o:| he cumid] iuuuaro seolono herod |
4660 | frôkno frêson.| Simlun gi fasto te godeberad iuuua breost[githâht]:| ik scal an iuuuaru bedu standen,that [iu] ni mugi the mênsca{d}o| môd getuîflean;ik [fullêstiu iu] uui{d}er themu fîunde.| Ôk quam he herod giu frêson mîn,thoh imu is uuilleon hêr| uuiht ne gistôdi, |
4665 | lio{b}es an [themu mînumu] lîchamon.| Nu [ni] uuilliu ik iu leng helen,huat iu hêr nu sniumo scal| te sorgu gistanden:gi sculun mi gesuîkan,| gesî{d}os mîne,iuuues theganscepies,| êr than thius thiustrie nahtliudi farlî{d}a| endi eft lioht cume, |
4670 | morgan te [mannun].»| Thô uuar{d} môd gumonsuî{d}o gisuorken| endi sêr hugi,hriuuig umbi iro herte| endi iro hêrron uuordsuî{d}o an sorgun.| Sîmon Petrus thô,thegan uui{d} is thiodan| thrîst[uuordun] sprac |
4675 | bi huldi uui{d} is hêrron:| «thoh thi all thit heli{d}o folc», quathie,«gisuîcan thîna gisî{d}os,| thoh ik sinnon mid thiat allon thara{b}on| tholoian uuilliu.Ik biun garo sinnon,| ef mi god lâti{d},that ik an thînon fullêstie| fasto gistande; |
4680 | thoh sia thi an carcaries| clûstron hardo,thesa liudi bilûcan,| thoh ist mi luttil tueo,ne ik an them bendion mid thi| bîdan uuillie,liggian mid thi [sô] lie{b}en;| ef sia thînes lî{b}es thannthuru eggia nî{d}| âhtian [uuilliad,] |
4685 | frô mîn thie guodo,| ik gi{b}u mîn ferah furi thikan uuâpno spil:| nis mi uuer{d} iouuihtte bimî{d}anne,| sô lango sô mi mîn uuarodhugi endi handcraft.»| Thuo sprak im eft is hêrro angegin:«huat, thu thik biuuânis», [quathie,| «uuissaro] treuuono, |
4690 | thrîstero thingo:| thu ha{b}is thegnes hugi,uuillion guodan.| Ik mah thi seggian, huô it thoh giuuer{d}an scal,that thu uuir{d}is sô uuêkmuod,| thoh thu nu ni uuânies sô,that thu thînes thiadnes te naht| thrîuuo farlôgnisêr hanocrâdi| endi qui{d}is, thak ik thîn hêrro ni sî, |
4695 | ac thu farmanst mîna mundburd.»| Thuo sprac eft thie man angegin:«ef it gio an uueroldi», quathie,| «giuuer{d}an muosti,that ik samad midi thi| sueltan muosti,dôian diurlîco,| thann ne uuur{d}i gio thie dag cuman,that ik thîn farlôgnidi,| lie{b}o drohtin, |
4700 | gerno for theson Iu{d}eon.»| Thuo quâ{d}un alla thia iungron sô,that sia thar an them [thingon mid im]| tholian uueldin. |