
um 830




Fitte LIV






Sô gefragn ik that them rinkun tho| rîki drohtin

umbi thesaro uueroldes giuuand| uuordun talde,

huô thiu for{d} ferid,| than [lango] the sie firiho barn


ardon môtun,| ia huô siu an themu endie scal

teglîden endi tegangen.| He sagde ôk is iungarun thar

uuârun uuordun:| «huat, gi uuitun alle», qua{d} he,

«that nu o{b}ar tuâ naht sind| tîdi kumana,

Giudeono pascha,| that sie sculun iro gode thionon,


uueros an themu uuîhe.| Thes nis geuuand ênig,

[that] thar uuir{d}id mannes sunu| te theru meginthiodu

craftag farkôpot| endi an [crûce aslagan,]

tholod thiadquâla.»| Thô uuar{d} thar thegan manag

slî{d}môd gisamnod,| [sû{d}arliudio,]


Iudeono gumscepi,| thar sie scoldun iro gode thionon.

Uur{d}un êosagon| alle kumane,

an huuarf uueros,| the sie thô uuîsostun

undar theru menegi| manno [taldun,]

craftag kuniburd.| Thar Caiphas uuas,


biscop thero liudio.| Sie rêdun thô an that barn godes,

huô sie ina asluogin| sundea lôsan,

[quâ{d}un] that sie ina an themu hêlagon daga| hrînen ni scoldin

undar thero manno menegi,| «that ni uuer{d}e thius meginthioda,

heli{d}os an hrôru,| huand ina thit heriscepi uuili


farstanden mid strîdu.| Uui sô stillo sculun

frêson is ferahes,| that [thit] folc Iudeono

an thesun uuîhdagun| uurôht ni afhebbien.»

Thô geng imu thar Iûdas for{d},| iungaro Kristes,

ên thero tueli{b}io,| [thar] that a{d}ali sat,


Iudeono gumscepi;| qua{d} that he is im gôdan râd

seggian mahti:| «huat uuilliad gi mi sellien hêr», qua{d} he,

«mê{d}mo te mêdu,| ef ik iu thene man gi{b}u

âno uuîg endi âno uurôht?»| Thô uuar{d} thes uuerodes hugi,

thero liudio an lustun:| «ef thu uuili gilêstien sô», quâ{d}un sie,


«thîn uuord giuuâron,| than thu giuuald ha{b}es,

huat thu at thesaru thiodu| thiggean uuillies

gôdaro mê{d}mo.»| Thô gihêt imu that gumscepi thar

an is sel{b}es dôm| silu{b}arscatto

thrîtig atsamne,| endi he te theru thiodu gisprak


dere{b}eun uuordun,| that he gâ{b}i is drohtin [uui{d}] thiu.

Uuende ina thô fan themu uuerode:| uuas im uurê{d} hugi,

talode im sô treulôs,| huan êr uur{d}i imu thiu tîd kuman,

that he ina mahti faruuîsien| uurê{d}aro thiodo,

fîundo folke.| Than uuisse that fri{d}ubarn godes,


uuâr uualdand Krist,| that he these uuerold scolde,

age{b}en these gardos| endi sôkien imu godes rîki,

gifaren is [fadero{d}il.]| Thô ni gisah ênig firiho [barno]

mêron minnie,| than he thô te them mannun ginam,

te them is gôdun iungaron:| gôme uuarhte,


sette sie suâslîco| endi im sagde filu

uuâroro uuordo.| Skrêd uuester dag,

sunne te sedle.| Thô he sel{b}o gibôd,

uualdand mid is uuordun,| hêt im uuater dragan

hluttar te handun,| endi rês thô the hêlago Crist,


the gôdo [at] them gômun| endi thar is iungarono thuôg

fôti mid is folmun| endi suarf sie mid is fanon aftar,

druknide sie diurlîca.| Thô uui{d} is [drohtin] sprak

Sîmon Petrus:| «ni thunkid mi thit [sômi] thing», qua{d} he,

«frô mîn the gôdo,| that thu mîne fôti thuahes


mid them thînun hêlagun handun.»| Thô sprak imu eft is hêrro angegin,

uualdand mid is uuordun:| «ef thu is uuillean ni ha{b}es», qua{d} he,

«te antfâhanne,| that ik thîne fôti thuahe

thurh sulica minnea,| sô ik thesun ô{d}run mannun hêr

dôm thurh diur{d}a,| than ni ha{b}es thu [ênigan] dêl mid mi


an he{b}enrîkea.»| Hugi uuar{d} thô giuuendid

Sîmon Petruse:| «thu ha{b}a thi sel{b}o giuuald», [qua{d} he],


«fro mîn the gôdo,| [fôto] endi hando


endi mînes hô{b}des sô sama,| [handun thînun,]


thiadan, te thuahanne,| te thiu thak ik môti thîna for{d}

huldi hebbian| endi he{b}enrîkies


sulic gidêli,| sô thu mi, drohtin, uuili

farge{b}en thurh thîna gôdi.»| Iungaron Kristes,

thene ambahtscepi| erlos tholodun,

thegnos mid [githuldeon,]| sô huat sô im iro [thiodan] dede,

[mahtig] thurh thea minnea,| endi mênde imu al mêra thing


firihon te gifrummienne.|