um 830
| Thann fôr imu an uueg ô{d}ranIohannes mid is iungarun,| godes ambahtman, | |
2700 | lêrde thea liudi| langsamane râd,hêt that sie frume fremidin,| firina farlêtin,mên endi mor{d}uuerk.| He uuas thar managumu liofgôdaro gumono.| He sôhte imu thô thene Iudeono cuning,thene heritogon at hûs,| the hêten [ûuas] |
2705 | [Herodes aftar] is eldiron,| o{b}armôdig man:bûide imu be theru brûdi,| thiu êr sînes brô{d}er uuas,idis [an êhti,]| anttat he ellior skôc,uuerold uueslode.| Thô imu that uuîf ginamthe cuning te quenun;| êr uuârun iro kind [ôdan,] |
2710 | barn be is brô{d}er.| Thô [bigan] imu thea brûd lahanIohannes the gôdo,| qua{d} that it gode uuâri,uualdande uui{d}ermôd,| that it ênig uuero frumidi,that brô{d}er brûd| an is bed nâmi,hebbie sie imu te hîuun.| «Ef thu mi hôrien uuili, |
2715 | gilô{b}ien mînun lêrun,| ni scalt thu sie leng êgan,ac mî{d} ire an thînumu môde:| ni ha{b}a [thar] sulica minnea tô,ni sundeo thi te suî{d}o.»| Thô uuar{d} an sorgun hugithes uuî{b}es aftar them uuordun;| andrêd that he thene uueroldcuning[sprâcono] gespôni| endi spâhun uuordun, |
2720 | that he sie farlêti.| Began siu imu thô lê{d}es filurâden an rûnon,| endi ine rinkos hêt,unsundigane| erlos fâhanendi [ine an] ênumu karkerea| klûstarbendiun,li{d}ocospun [bilûcan:| be them liudiun ne] gidorstun |
2725 | [ine] ferahu bilôsien,| huand sie uuârun imu friund alle,uuissun ine sô gôden| endi gode uuer{d}en,[habdun ina for uuârsagon,| sô sia uuela mahtun.]Thô uur{d}un an themu gêrtale| [Iudeo] cuningestîdi cumana,| sô thar gitald habdun |
2730 | frôde folcuueros,| [thô] he gifôdid uuas,an lioht cuman.| Sô uuas thero liudio thau,that that [erlo] gehuilic| ô{b}ean scolde,Iudeono mid gômun.| Thô uuar{d} thar an thene gastselimegincraft mikil| manno gesamnod, |
2735 | [heritogono] an that hûs,| thar iro hêrro uuasan is kuningstôle.| Quâmun managaIudeon an thene gastseli;| uuar{d} im thar gladmôd hugi,blî{d}i an iro breostun:| gisâhun iro bâgge{b}onuuesen an uunneon.| Drôg man uuîn an flet |
2740 | skîri mid scâlun,| skenkeon huur{b}un,gengun mid goldfatun:| gaman uuas thar innehlûd an thero hallu,| heli{d}os drunkun.Uuas thes an lustun| landes hirdi,huat he themu uuerode mêst| te uunniun [gifremidi.] |
2745 | Hêt he thô gangen for{d}| gêla thiornun,is brôder barn,| thar he an is benki satuuînu giuulenkid,| endi thô te themu uuîbe sprac;grôtte sie fora themu gumskepie| endi gerno bad,that siu thar fora them gastiun| gaman afhô{b}i |
2750 | fagar an flettie:| «lât thit folc sehan,huô [thu] gelînod ha{b}as| liudio menegite blî{d}seanne [an] benkiun;| ef thu mi thera bede [tugi{d}os],mîn uuord for thesumu uuerode,| than uuilliu ik it hêr te uuârun
2755 | that ik thi than aftar thiu| êron uuilliu,sô hues sô thu mi bidis| for thesun mînun bâguuiniun:thoh thu mi thesaro heridômo| hal{b}aro fergos,rîkeas mînes,| [thoh gidôn ik,] that it ênig rinko ni maguuordun giuuendien,| endi it scal giuuer{d}en sô.» |
2760 | Thô uuar{d} thera maga{d} aftar thiu| môd gihuor{b}en,hugi aftar iro hêrron,| that siu an themu hûse innen,an themu gastseli| gamen up ahuof,al sô thero liudio| landuuîse gidrôg,thero thiodo thau.| Thiu thiorne spilode |
2765 | hrôr aftar themu hûse:| hugi uuas an lustun,[managaro] môdse{b}o.| Thô thiu maga{d} habdagithionod te thanke| thiodcuningeendi allumu themu erlskepie,| [the] thar inne uuasgôdaro gumono,| siu uuelde thô ira ge{b}a êgan, |
2770 | thiu maga{d} for theru menegi:| geng thô uui{d} iro môdar sprekanendi frâgode sie| firiuuitlîco,hues siu thene [burges] uuard| biddien scoldi.Thô uuîsde siu aftar iro uuilleon,| hêt that siu uuihtes than êrni gerodi for themu gumskepie,| [biûtan] that man [iru] Iohannes |
2775 | an theru hallu innan| hô{b}id gâ{b}ialôsid [af] is lîchamon.| That uuas allun them liudiun harm,them mannun an iro môde,| thô sie [that] gihôrdun thea maga{d} sprekan;sô uuas it ôk themu kuninge:| he ni mahte is quidi liagan,is uuord uuendien:| hêt thô is uuêpanberand |
2780 | gangen fan themu gastseli| endi hêt thene [godes] manlî{b}u bilôsien.| Thô ni uuas lang te thiu,that man an thea halla| hô{b}id brâhtethes thiodgumon,| endi it thar theru thiornun fargaf,maga{d} for theru menegi:| siu drôg it theru môder for{d}. |
2785 | Thô uuas êndago| allaro mannothes uuîsoston,| [thero the gio] an thesa uuerold [quâmi],thero the quene ênig| kind [gibâri],idis fan erle,| lêt man simla then [ênon] biforan,the thiu thiorne [gidrôg],| [the] gio thegnes ni uuar{d} |
2790 | uuîs an iro uueroldi,| [biûtan] sô ine uualdand godfan he{b}enuuange| hêlages gêstesgimarcode mahtig:| the ni habde [ênigan] gimacon huerginêr nec aftar.| Erlos huur{b}un,gumon umbi [Iohannen],| is iungaron managa, |
2795 | sâlig gesî{d}i,| endi ine an sande bigrô{b}un,leo{b}es lîchamon:| uuissun that he lioht godes,diurlîcan drôm| mid is drohtine [samad,][upôdas hêm]| êgan môste,sâlig sôkean.| |