um 830
Fitte XXI
Ôc scal ic iu [uuîsean],| huuô hîr uuegos tuênaliggead an thesumu liohte,| thea farad [liudeo barn],al irminthiod.| Thero is ô{d}ar sânuuîd strâta endi brêd,| – farid sie uuerodes filu, | |
1775 | mancunnies manag,| huand sie tharod iro môd spenit,uueroldlusta [uueros] –| thiu an thea uuirson handliudi lêdid,| thar sie te farlora uuer{d}ad,heli{d}os an [helliu],| thar is hêt endi suart,egislîc an innan:| [ô{d}i is] tharod te faranne |
1780 | eldibarnun,| thoh it im [at] themu endie ni dugi.Than ligid eft ô{d}ar| engira mikiluuueg an thesoro uueroldi,| ferid ina uuerodes [lût],fâho folcskepi:| ni uuilliad ina firiho barngerno gangan,| thoh he te godes rîkea, |
1785 | an that êuuiga lîf,| erlos lêdea.Than nimad gi iu thana engean:| thoh he sô ô{d}i ne sîfirihon te faranne,| thoh scal hi te frumu uuer{d}ansô [huuemu] sô ina thurhgengid,| sô scal is geld niman,suuî{d}o langsam lôn| endi lîf êuuig, |
1790 | diurlîcan drôm.| Eo gi thes [drohtin sculun],uualdand biddien,| that gi thana uueg môtinfan foran antfâhan| endi for{d} [thurh gigangan]an that godes rîki.| He ist garu simblauui{d}ar thiu te ge{b}anne,| the man ina gerno bidid, |
1795 | fergot firiho barn.| Sôkead fadar iuuuan[up te] themu [êuuinom] rîkea:| than môtun gi ina aftar thiute iuuuoru frumu fî{d}an.| Cû{d}ead iuuua fard tharodat iuuuas [drohtines] durun:| than uuer{d}ad iu andôn aftar thiu,[himilportun] anthlidan,| that gi an that hêlage lioht, |
1800 | an that godes rîki| gangan môtun,[sinlîf] sehan.| Ôc scal ic iu seggean nohfar thesumu uuerode allun| uuârlîc bili{d}i,that alloro liudeo sô huilic,| sô thesa mîna lêra uuiligehaldan an is herton| endi uuil iro an is hugi [athenkean], |
1805 | lêstean sea an thesumu lande,| the gilîco duotuuîsumu manne,| the giuuit ha{b}ad,horsca hugiskefti,| endi hûsstedi kiusidan fastoro foldun| endi an [felisa] uppanuuêgos uuirkid,| thar im uuind ni mag, |
1810 | ne uuâg ne uuatares strôm| uuihtiu getiunean,ac mag im thar uui{d} ungiuuidereon| allun standanan themu felise uppan,| huand it sô fasto uuar{d}gistellit an themu stêne:| antha{b}ad it thiu stedi ni{d}ana,uure{d}id uui{d}ar uuinde,| that it uuîcan ni mag. |
1815 | Sô duot eft manno sô huilic,| sô thesun mînun ni uuililêrun hôrien| [ne] thero lêstien uuiht,[sô duot the] unuuîson| erla gelîco,ungeuuittigon [uuere,| the] im be uuatares sta{d}ean sande uuili| selihûs uuirkean, |
1820 | [thar] it uuestrani uuind| endi [uuâgo] strôm,[sêes û{d}eon] teslâad;| ne mag im sand endi greotgeuure{d}ien uui{d} themu uuinde,| ac uuir{d}id teuuorpan [than],[tefallen] an themu flôde,| huand it an [fastoro nis][er{d}u] getimbrod.| Sô scal allaro [erlo gehues] |
1825 | uuerc gethîhan| uui{d}ar thiu, [the] hi [thius mîn] uuord frumid,[haldid] hêlag gebod.»| Thô bigunnun an iro hugi uundronmeginfolc mikil:| gehôrdun mahtiges godeslioflîca lêra;| ne uuârun an themu lande geuuno,that sie eo fan sulicun êr| seggean gehôrdin |
1830 | uuordun ettho uuercun.| Farstôdun uuîse man,that he sô lêrde,| liudeo drohtin,uuârun uuordun,| sô he geuuald habde,allun them ungelîco,| the thar an êrdagunundar them liudskepea| [lêreon] uuârun |
1835 | acoran undar themu cunnie:| ne habdun thiu Cristes uuordgemacon mid mannun,| [the] he far thero menigi [sprac],gebôd uppan themu berge.| |