
um 830




Fitte X






Giuuitun im thô eft an [Galilealand]| Ioseph endi Maria,

hêlag hîuuiski| he{b}encuninges,

uuârun im an Nazarethburg.| Thar the neriondio Krist

uuôhs undar them uuerode,| [uuar{d}] giuuitties ful,

an uuas imu anst godes,| he uuas allun liof


môdarmâgun:| he ni uuas ô{d}run mannun gilîc,

[the] gumo an sînera gôdi.| Thô he [gêrtalo]

tuueli{b}i habde,| thô uuar{d} thiu tîd cuman,

that [sie] thar te Hierusalem,| Iu{d}eo liudi

iro thiodgode| thionon scoldun,


uuirkean is uuilleon.| Thô uuar{d} thar an thana uuîh innan

thar te Hierusalem| Iudeono gisamnod

mancraft mikil.| Thar Maria uuas

self an gisî{d}ea| endi iru sunu habda,

godes [êgan] barn.| Thô sie that geld habdun,


[erlos an them alaha,| sô it an iro êuua gibôd],

gilêstid te iro landuuîsun,| thô fôrun im eft thie liudi thanan,

uueros an iro uuillion| endi thar an them uuîha afstôd

mahtig barn godes,| sô ina thiu môdar thar

ni uuissa te uuâron;| ac siu uuânda that he mid them uueroda for{d},


fôri mit iro friundun.| Gifrang aftar thiu

eft [an] ô{d}run daga| a{d}alcunnies uuîf,

sâlig thiorna,| that he undar them gisî{d}ia ni uuas.

Uuar{d} Mariun thô| môd an sorgun,

hriuuig umbi iro herta,| thô siu that hêlaga barn


ni fand undar them folca:| filu [gornoda]

thiu godes thiorna.| Giuuitun im thô eft te Hierusalem

iro sunu sôkean,| fundun ina sittean thar

an them uuîha innan,| thar the [uuîsa] man,

suuî{d}o glauuua gumon| [an] godes êuua


lâsun ende lînodun,| huô sie lof scoldin

uuirkean mid iro uuordun| them, the thesa uuerold giscôp.

Thar sat undar middiun| mahtig barn godes,

Krist alouualdo,| sô is thea ni mahtun antkennian uuiht,

the thes uuîhes thar| uuardon scoldun,


endi frâgoda sie| [firiuuitlîco]

uuîsera uuordo.| Sie uundradun alle,

[bihuuî] gio sô kindisc man| sulica quidi mahti

[mid is mû{d}u gimênean].| Thar ina thiu môdar fand

sittean under them [gisî{d}ea]| endi iro sunu [grôtta],


uuîsan undar them uueroda,| sprac [im mid] ira uuordun [tô]:

«huuî uueldes thu thînera môdar,| manno lio{b}osto,

gisidon [sulica sorga],| that ic thi sô sêragmôd,

idis armhugdig| êscon scolda

undar thesun burgliudiun?»| Thô sprac iru eft that barn angegin


uuîsun uuordun:| «huuat, thu uuêst garo», [qua{d} he],

«that ic thar girîsu,| thar ic bi rehton scal

uuonon an uuilleon,| thar giuuald ha{b}ad

mîn mahtig fader.»| Thie man ni forstôdun,

thie uueros an them uuîha,| bihuuî he sô that uuord gisprac,


gimênda mid is mû{d}u:| Maria al biheld,

gibarg an ira breostun,| sô huuat sô siu gihôrda ira barn sprecan

uuisaro uuordo.| Giuuitun im thô eft [thanan]

fon Hierusalem| Ioseph endi Maria,

habdun im te gisî{d}ea| sunu drohtines,


allaro barno [bezta],| thero the io [giboran] uur{d}i

magu fon môdar:| habdun im thar minnea tô

thurh hluttran hugi,| endi he sô gihôrig uuas,

godes êgan barn| gadulingmâgun

thurh is ôdmôdi,| aldron sînun:


ni uuelda an is kindiski thô noh| is craft mikil

mannun mârean,| that he sulic megin êhta,

giuuald an thesaro uueroldi,| ac he im an is uuilleon bêd

githiudo undar thero thiodu| thrîtig gêro,

êr than he thar têcan ênig| tôgean uueldi,


seggean them gisî{d}ea,| that he sel{b}o uuas

an thesaro middilgard| manno drohtin.

Habda [im sô bihalden]| hêlag barn godes

uuord endi uuîsdôm| ende allaro giuuitteo mêst,

tulgo spâhan hugi:| ni mahta [man is] an is sprâcun uuer{d}an,


an is uuordun [giuuar],| that he sulic giuuit êhta,

[thegan] sulica githâhti,| ac he im sô githiudo bêd

torhtaro têcno.| Ni uuas noh than thiu tîd cuman,

that he ina o{b}ar thesan middilgard| mârean [scolda],

lêrian thie liudi,| huuô sie [scoldin] iro gilô{b}on haldan,


uuirkean uuilleon godes.| Uuissun that thoh managa

liudi aftar them landa,| that he uuas an thit lioht cuman,

thoh sie ina cû{d}lîco| ankennian ni mahtin,

êr than he ina sel{b}o| seggean uuelda.