um 830
Fitte IX
| Thô uuar{d} sân aftar thiu uualdandes, | |
700 | godes engil cumen| Iosepe te sprâcun,sagde im an suuefne| slâpandium an naht,bodo drohtines,| that that barn godesslî{d}môd cuning| sôkean uuelda,âhtean is aldres;| «nu scaltu ine an Aegypteo |
705 | land [antlêdean]| endi undar them luidiun uuesanmid thiu godes barnu| endi mid theru gôdan thiornan,uunon undar themu uuerode,| untthat thi uuord [cume]hêrron thînes,| that thu that hêlage barneft te thesum landscepi| lêdian môtis, |
710 | drohtin thînen.»| Thô fon them drôma ansprangIoseph an is gestseli,| endi that godes gibodsân antkenda:| giuuêt im an than sî{d} thanenthe thegan mid theru thiornon,| sôhta im thiod ô{d}rao{b}ar brêdan berg:| uuelda that barn godes |
715 | fîundun antfôrian.| Thô gifrang aftar thiuErodes the cuning,| thar he an is rîkea sat,[that] uuârun thea uuîson man| uuestan gihuuor{b}anôstar an iro ô{d}il| endi fôrun im ô{d}ran uueg:uuisse that sie [im] that ârundi| eft ni uueldun |
720 | seggian an is sel{d}on.| Thô [uuar{d}] im [thes] an sorgun hugi,môd mornondi,| qua{d} that it [im] thie man [dedin],heli{d}os te hôn{d}un.| Thô he [sô] hriuuig sat,balg ina an is briostun,| qua{d} that he is mahti [betaron] râd,[ô{d}ran] githenkien:| «nu ic is aldar can, |
725 | uuêt is [uuintergitalu]:| nu ic giuuinnan mag,that he [io] o{b}ar thesaro er{d}u| ald ni uuir{d}it,hêr undar thesum heriscepi.»| Thô he sô hardo gibôd,Erodes o{b}ar is riki,| hêt thô is rinkos farancuning thero liudio,| hêt that sie kinda sô filo |
730 | thurh iro handmagen| hô{b}du binâmin,sô manag barn umbi Bethleem,| sô filo sô thar giboran uur{d}i,an tuêm [gêrun atogan].| Tionon frumidon[thes] cuninges gisî{d}os.| Thô scolda thar sô manag kindisc man[sueltan] sundiono lôs.| Ni uuar{d} si{d} nog êr |
735 | giâmarlîcara forgang| iungaro manno,armlîcara dô{d}.| Idisi uuiopun,môdar managa,| gisâhun iro megi spildian:ni mahte siu im [nio] giformon,| thoh siu mid iro fa{d}mon tuêmiro êgan barn| armun bifengi, |
740 | liof endi luttil,| thoh scolda is [simbla] that lîf [ge{b}an],the magu for theru môdar.| Mênes ni sâhun,uuîties thie uuamsca{d}on:| uuâpnes eggiunfremidun firinuuerc mikil.| Fellun managamaguiunge man.| Thia môdar uuiopun |
745 | kindiungaro qualm.| Cara uuas an Bethleem,hofno hlûdost:| thoh man [im] iro herton an tuêsni{d}i mid suerdu,| thoh ni mohta im gio sêrara dâduuer{d}an an thesaro uueroldi,| uuî{b}un managun,brûdiun an Bethleem:| gisâhun iro barn biforan, |
750 | kindiunge man,| qualmu sueltan[blôdag] an iro barmun.| Thie banon uuîtnodununsculdige scole:| ni biscri{b}un giouuihtthea man umbi mênuuerk:| uueldun mahtigna,Krist sel{b}on aquellian.| Than habde ina craftag god |
755 | [gineridan] uui{d} iro nî{d}e,| that inan nahtes thananan Aegypteo land| erlos [antlêddun],gumon mid Iosepe| an thana [grôneon] uuang,an er{d}ono beztun,| thar ên aha fliutid,Nîlstrôm mikil| nor{d} te sêuua, |
760 | flôdo fagorosta.| Thar that fri{d}ubarn [godes]uuonoda an uuilleon,| antthat uurd fornamErodes thana cuning,| that he forlêt eldeo barn,môdag manno drôm.| Thô scolda thero marca giuualdêgan is er{b}iuuard:| the uuas Archelâus |
765 | hêtan, heritogo| helmberandero:the scolda umbi Hierusalem| Iudeono folkes,uuerodes giuualdan.| Thô uuar{d} uuord cumanthar an Egypti| e{d}iliun manne,that [he] thar te Iosepe,| godes engil sprac, |
770 | bodo drohtines,| hêt ina eft that barn thananlêdien te lande.| «nu ha{b}a{d} thit lioht [afge{b}en]», qua{d} he,«Erodes [the] cuning;| he uuelde is âhtien giu,frêson is ferahas.| Nu maht thu [an fri{d}u] lêdienthat kind undar euua cunni,| nu the cuning ni li{b}od, |
775 | erl o{b}armôdig.»| Al antkendeIosep godes têcan:| geriuuide ina sniumothe thegan mit thera thiornun,| thô sie thanan uueldunbê{d}iu mid thiu barnu:| lêstun thiu berhton giscapu,uualdandes uuillion,| al sô he im [êr] mid is uuordun gibôd. |