
um 830




Fitte XI






Than uaas im Iohannes| fon is iugu{d}hêdi


auuahsan an ênero uuôstunni;| thar ni uuas uuerodes than mêr,

[bûtan] that he thar êncora| alouualdon gode,

thegan thionoda:| forlêt thioda gimang,

manno gimên{d}on.| Thar uuar{d} im mahtig cuman

an thero uuôstunni| uuord fon himila,


gôdlîc stemna [godes],| endi Johanne gibod,

that he Cristes cumi| endi is craft mikil

o{b}ar thesan middilgard| mârean scoldi;

hêt ina uuârlîco| uuordun seggean,

that uuâri he{b}anriki| heli{d}o barnun


an them landscepi,| liudiun ginâhid,

uuelono uunsamost.| Im uuas thô uuilleo mikil,

that [he] fon sulicun sâldun| seggean môsti.

Giuuêt im thô gangan,| al sô Jordan flôt,

uuatar an uuilleon,| endi them uueroda allan dag,


aftar them landscepi| them liudiun cû{d}da,

that sie mid fastunniu| firinuuerc manag,

iro sel{b}oro| sundia bôttin,

«that gi uuer{d}an hrênea», qua{d} he.| «He{b}anriki is

ginâhid manno barnun.| Nu lâtad [eu] an euuan môdse{b}on


[euuar sel{b}oro]| sundea hreuuan,

[lêdas] that gi an thesun liohta [fremidun],| endi mînun lêrun hôread,

uuendeat aftar mînun uuordun.| Ic eu an uuatara scal

gidôpean diurlîco,| thoh ic euua dâdi ne mugi,

[euuar] sel{b}aro| sundea alâtan,


that gi thurh mîn handgiuuerc| hluttra uuer{d}an

lê{d}aro gilêsto:| ac the is an thit lioht cuman,

mahtig te mannun| endi undar eu middiun stêd,

– thoh gi ina sel{b}un| gisehan ni [uuillean] –,

the eu [gidôpean] scal| an euues drohtines namon


an thana [hâlagon] gêst.| That is hêrro o{b}ar al:

he mag allaro manno gihuuena| mêngithâhteo,

sundeono sicoron,| sô huene sô sô sâlig môt

uuer{d}en an thesaro uueroldi,| that thes uuilleon ha{b}ad,

that he sô gilêstea,| sô he thesun liudiun uuili,


gibioden barn godes.| Ic bium an is [bods]kepi herod

an thesa uuerold cumen| endi scal im thana uueg rûmien,

lêrean thesa liudi,| huuô sea [sculin] iro gilô{b}on haldan

thurh hluttran hugi,| endi that sie an hellea ni thur{b}in,

faran an fern that hêta.| Thes uuir{d}id sô fagan an is môde


man te sô managaro [stundu],| sô huue sô that mên forlâtid,

gerno thes gramon anbusni,| – sô mag im thes gôdon giuuirkean,

huldi he{b}encuninges,| – sô huue sô ha{b}ad hluttra treuua

up te them alomahtigon gode.»| Erlos managa

bi them lêrun thô,| liudi uuândun,


uueros uuârlîco,| that that uualdand Krist

selbo uuâri,| huuanda he sô filu sô{d}es gisprac,

uuâroro uuordo.| Thô uuar{d} that sô uuîdo cû{d}

o{b}ar that forge{b}ana land| gumono gihuuilicum,

seggiun [at] iro sel{d}un:| thô quâmun ina sôkean tharod


fon Hierusalem| Iudeo [liudio]

bodon fon theru [burgi| endi frâgodun], ef he uuâri that barn godes,

«that hêr lango giu», qua{d}un sie,| «liudi sagdun,

uueros uuârlîco,| that he scoldi an thesa uuerold cuman».

Iohannes thô gimahalde| endi tegegnes sprac


them bodun baldlîco:| «ni bium ic», qua{d} he, «that barn godes,

uuâr uualdand Krist,| ac ic scal im thana uueg rûmien,

hêrron mînumu.»| Thea heli{d}os frugnun,

thea thar an them ârundie| erlos uuârun,

bodon fon [thero burgi]:| «ef thu [nu] ni bist that barn godes,


bist thu than thoh Elias,| the hêr an êrdagun

uuas undar thesumu uuerode?| He is [uuiscumo]

[eft an] thesan middilgard.| Saga ûs huuat thu manno sîs!

Bist thu ênig [thero],| the hêr [êr] uuâri

[uuîsaro] uuârsaguno?| Huuat sculun uui them uuerode fon thi


seggean te sô{d}on?| Neo hêr [êr sulic] ni uuar{d}

an [thesun] middilgard| man [ô{d}ar] cuman

dâdiun sô mâri.| Bihuuî thu hêr [dôpisli]

[fremis] undar thesumu folke,| ef thu tharo forasagono

ênhuuilic [ni] bist?»| Thô habde eft garo


Iohannes the gôdo| glau anduuordi:

«Ic bium forabodo| frâon mînes,

lio{b}es hêrron;| ic scal thit land recon,

thit [uuerod] aftar is uuillion.| Ic hebbiu fon is uuorde mid mi

stranga stemna,| thoh sie hêr ni uuillie forstandan filo


uuerodes an thesaro uuôstunni.| Ni bium ic mid uuihti gilîh

drohtine mînumu:| he is mid is dâdiun sô strang,

sô mâri endi sô mahtig| – that uuir{d}id managun cû{d},

uuerun aftar thesaro uueroldi| – that ic thes uuir{d}ig ni bium,

that ic môti an is giscuoha,| thoh ic sî is [scalc êgan],


an sô rîkiumu drohtine,| thea reomon antbindan:

sô mikilu is he betara than ic.| Nis thes [bodon] gimaco

ênig o{b}ar er{d}u,| ne nu aftar ni scal

uuer{d}an an thesaro uueroldi.| Hebbiad euuan uuillion tharod,

liudi euuan gilô{b}on:| than eu [lango scal]


[uuesan] euua hugi hrômag;| [than] gi [helligithuuing],

forlâtad lê{d}aro drôm| [endi] sôkead eu lioht godes,

upôdes hêm,| [êuuig] rîki,

hôhan he{b}enuuang.| Ne lâtad euuan hugi tuuîflien!»