Lesson 4

The first semitone:

b' flat






In this lesson we will play our first semitone: «b flat». A semitone or half-step is the interval between two adjacent notes in the chromatic scale. There are two fingerings possible, the recorder fingering and the Aerophone fingering. You can decide which one is convenient for you.



This exercise will practise in three different ways the connection between note b' flat and note a':



And now a little piece in F major composed by Michael Praetorius (1571 - 1621). F major is a major scale based on F. Its key signature has one flat: B.








The second exercise is a stantipe, a medieval dance, which was a popular in Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries.






The third exercise is an English Morris dance «Shepherd's hey». The Morris dance is an old English folk dance usually performed by men adorned with bells to the accompaniment of flute, violin, etc.


Shepherd's hey