
um 830




Fitte LXX






Hie ha{b}it sia iu furfarana| endi ist im for{d} hinan

an Galileo land,| thar ina eft is iungron sculun,

gisehan is gisî{d}os.»| Thuo uuar{d} [sân] after thiu

them uui{b}on an uuillon,| that sia gihôrdun sulic uuord sprecan,

cû{d}ian thia craft godes| – uuârun im sô acumana thuo noh


gie sô forahta gefrumida –:| giuuitun im for{d} thanan

fan them gra{b}e gangan| endi sagdun them iungron Cristes

[seldlîc] gisiuni,| thar sia sorogondi

bidun sulikero buota.| Thuo uuur{d}un ôc an thia burg [cumana]

Iudeono uuardos,| thia o{b}ar themo gra{b}e sâtun


alla [langa] naht| endi thes lîchamen thar,

huodun [thes] hrêuues.| Sia sagdun thero hêri Iudeono,

huilica im thar anduuarda| egison quâmun,

seldlîc gisiuni,| sagdun mid uuordon,

al sô it giduan uuas| an thero drohtines craft,


ni mi{d}un an iro muode.| Thuo budun im mê{d}mo filo

Iudeo liudi,| gold endi silu{b}ar,

saldun im sinc manag,| [te thiu that] sia it ni sagdin for{d},

ne mâridin thero menigi:| «ac que{d}at that iu mô{d}i hugi

ansue{b}idi mid slâpu| endi that thar quâmin [is] gisî{d}os tuo,


farstâlin ina an them stêne.| Simnen uuesat gi an strîde mid thiu,

for{d} an flîte:| ef it uuir{d}it them folctogen cû{d},

uui gihelpat iu uui{d} thena hêrrosten,| that hie iu harmes uuiht,

lê{d}es ni gilêstid.»| Thuo nâmun sia an them liudon filo

[diurero mê{d}mo,]| dâdun all sô sia bigunnun


– ne giuueldun iro uuillion –| [dâdun sô uuîdo] cû{d}

them liudon after them lande,| that sia sulica lugina uuoldun

ahebbian be than hêlagan drohtin.| Thann uuas eft gihêlid hugi

iungron Cristes,| thuo sia gihôrdun thiu guodun uuîf

mârian thia maht godes;| thuo uuârun sia an iro muode frâha,


gie im te them gra{b}e bê{d}ia,| Iohannes endi Petrus

runnun o{b}astlîco:| uuar{d} êr [cuman]

Iohannes thie guodo,| endi im o{b}ar them gra{b}e gistuod,

antat thar sân after quam| Sîmon Petrus,

erl ellanruof| endi im thar in giuuêt


an that graf gangan:| gisah thar thes godes barnes,

hrêogiuuâdi| hêrren sînes

lînin liggian,| mid thiu uuas êr thie lîchamo

fagaro bifangan;| lag thie fano sundar,

mit them uuas that hô{b}id bihelid| hêlages Cristes,


rîkies drohtines,| thann hie an thesaro rastu uuas.

Thuo geng im ôc Iohannes| an that graf innan

sehan seldlîc thing;| uuar{d} im sân after thiu

antlocan is gilô{b}o,| [that hie uuissa,] that scolda eft an thit lioht cuman

is drohtin diurlîco,| fan dô{d}e astandan


upp fan er{d}u.| Thuo giuuitun im eft thanan

Iohannes endi Petrus,| endi quâmun thia iungron Cristes,

thia gisî{d}os tesamne.| Than stuod sêragmuod

ên thera idiso| ô{d}ersî{d}u

griotandi o{b}ar them gra{b}e,| uuas iro [iâmar muod –]


Maria uuas that Magdalena –,| uuas iro muodgithâht,

[se{b}o] mit [sorogon] giblandan,| ne uuissa huarod siu sôkian scolda

thena hêrron, thar iro uuârun at thia helpa gilanga.| Siu ni mohta thuo hofnu auuîsan,

that uuîf ni mahta uuôp forlâtan:| ne uuissa huarod siu sia uuendian scolda;

gimerrid uuârun iro thes muodgithâhti.| Thuo gisah siu thena [mahtigan thar]


[Criste standan,| thuoh siu ina cû{d}lîco]


[antkennian ni mohti,]| êr than hie ina cû{d}ian uuelda,


seggian that hie it sel{b}o uuâri.| Hie frâgoda huat siu sô sêro biuuiepi,

sô harmo mid hêton trahnin.| Siu qua{d}, that siu umbi iro hêrron ni uuissi

te uuâren, huarod hie uuer{d}an scoldi:| «ef thu ina mi giuuîsan mohtis,

frô mîn, ef ik thik frâgon gidorsti,| ef thu ina hier an theson felise ginâmis,


uuîsi ina mi mid uuordon thînon:| than uuâri mi allaro uuilliono mêsta,

that ik ina sel{b}o gisâhi.»| Sia ni uuissa, [that] sia thie suno drohtines

gruotta mid gôdaro sprâcun:| siu uuânda that it thie gardari uuâri,

hofuuard hêrren sînes.| Thuo gruotta sia thie hêlago drohtin,

bi namen neriendero best:| siu geng im thuo nâhor sniumo,


that uuîf mid uuillion guodan,| antkenda iro uualdand sel{b}an,

[mî{d}an] siu is thuru thia minnia ni uuissa:| uuelda ina mid iro [mundon] grîpan,

thiu [fêhmia] an thena folko drohtin,| no{b}an that iro fri{d}ubarn godes

uuerida mid uuordon sînon,| qua{d} that siu ina mid uuihti ni môsti

handon anthrînan:| «ik ni stêg noh», quathie, «te them himiliscon fader;


ac îli thu nu ofstlîco| endi them erlon cû{d}i,

bruo{d}ron mînon,| that ik ûser bê{d}ero fader,

[alauualdan]| iuuuan endi mînan,

suo{d}fastan god| suokean uuilliu.»