um 830
Fitte LXIX
| Lâgun [tha] uuardos,thia gisî{d}os sâmquica:| sân upp ahlêdthie grôto stên fan them gra{b}e,| sô ina thie godes engil | |
5805 | gihueri{b}ida an hal{b}a,| endi im uppan them hlêuue gisatdiurlîc drohtines bodo.| Hie uuas an is dâdion gelîc,an is ansiunion,| sô huem sô ina [muosta] undar is ôgon scauuon,sô [bereht] endi sô blî{d}i| all sô [blicsmun] lioht;uuas im is giuuâdi| [uuintarcaldon] |
5810 | [snêuue gilîcost.| Thuo sâuun sia ina sittian thar,]thiu uuîf uppan them giuuendidan stêne,| endi im fan them uulitie [quâmun,]them idison sulica egison [tegegnes:| all uuur{d}un fan them gruriethiu frî an forahton mikilon,| fur{d}or ne gidorstunte themo gra{b}e gangan,| êr sia thie godes engil], |
5815 | [uualdandes] bodo| uuordon gruotta,qua{d} that hie iro ârundi| all bicunsti,uuerc endi uuillion| endi thero uuî{b}o hugi,hiet that sia im ne andrêdin:| «ik uuêt that gi iuuuan drohtin suokat,neriendon Crist| fan Nazarethburg, |
5820 | thena thi hier quelidun| endi an crûci slôgunIudeo liudi| endi an graf lagdun[sundilôsian].| Nu nist hie sel{b}o hier,ac hie ist astandan iu,| endi sind thesa stedi lârea,thit graf an theson griote.| Nu mugun gi gangan herod |
5825 | nâhor mikilu| – ik uuêt that is iu ist niud sehanan theson stêne innan –:| hier sind noh thia stedi scîna,thar is lîchamo lag.»| Lungra fengungibada an iro brioston| blêca idisi,uulitiscôni uuîf:| uuas im uuilspell mikil |
5830 | te gihôrianne,| that im fan iro [hêrren] sagdaengil thes alouualden.| Hiet sia eft thananfan them gra{b}e gangan| endi faran te them iungron Cristes,seggian them is gisî{d}on| suo{d}on uuordon,that iro drohtin uuas| fan dô{d}e astandan. |
5835 | Hiet ôc an sundron| Sîmon Petruseuuillspell mikil| uuordon cû{d}ian,cumi drohtines,| gie that Crist [sel{b}o][uuas an] Galileo land,| «thar ina eft is iungron sculun,gisehan is [gisî{d}os],| sô hie im êr sel{b}o gisprac |
5840 | uuâron uuordon.»| Reht sô thuo thiu uuîf thanangangan uueldun,| sô stuodun im tegegnes tharengilos tuêna| an alahuîtonuuânamon giuuâdion| endi sprâcun [im] mid iro uuordon tuohêlaglîco:| hugi uuar{d} giblô{d}id |
5845 | then idison an egison:| ne mahtun an thia engilos godesbi themo uulite scauuon:| uuas im thiu uuânami te strang,te suî{d}i te sehanne.| Thuo sprâcun im sân angeginuualdandes bodun| endi thiu uuîf frâgodun,te huî sia Cristan tharod| quican mid dôdon, |
5850 | suno drohtines| suokian quâminferahes fullan;| «nu gi ina ni findat hieran theson stêngra{b}e,| ac hie ist astandan [nu]an is lîchamen:| thes gi gilô{b}ian sculunendi gihuggian thero uuordo,| the hie iu te uuâron oft |
5855 | sel{b}o sagda,| thann hie an iuuuon gisî{d}e uuasan [Galilealande,]| huô hie scoldi gige{b}an uuer{d}an,gisald sel{b}o| an sundigaro manno,[hettiandero] hand,| hêlag drohtin,that sia ina quelidin| endi an crûci [slôgin,] |
5860 | dôdan gidâdin| endi that hie scoldi thuru drohtines craftan thriddion dage| thioda te uuillionlibbiandi astandan.| Nu ha{b}it hie all gilêstid sô,gifrumid mid firihon:| îliat gi nu for{d} hinan,gangat gâhlîco| endi duot it them is iungron cû{d}. |