
um 830




Fitte LI






Giuuêt imu thô that barn godes| innan Bethania

sehs [nahtun êr,]| than thiu samnunga


thar an Hierusalem| Iudeo liudio

an [them] uuîhdagun| uuer{d}en [scolde,]

that sie scoldun [haldan]| thea hêlagon tîdi,

Iudeono pascha.| Bêd the godes sunu,

[mahtig] under theru menegi:| uuas thar manno craft,


uuerodes bi them is uuordun.| Thar gengun [ina] tuê uuîf umbi,

Maria endi Martha,| mid mildiu hugi,

thionodun imu theolîco.| Thiodo drohtin

gaf im langsam lôn:| [lêt] sea lê{d}es gihues,

sundeono sikora,| endi sel{b}o gibôd,


that sea an fri{d}e fôrin| uui{d}er fîundo nî{d},

thea idisa mid is orlo{b}u gôdu:| habdun iro ambahtscepi

biuuendid an is uuilleon.| Thô giuuêt imu uualdand Krist

for{d} mid thiu folcu,| firiho drohtin,

innan Hierusalem,| thar Iudeono uuas


hetelîc hardburi,| thar sie thea hêlagon tîd

uuarodun [at] themu uuîhe.| Uuas thar uuerodes sô filu,

craftigaro kunnio,| thie ni uueldun Cristes [uuord]

gerno [hôrien]| ni te themu godes barne

an iro môdse{b}on| minnie [ni] habdun,


ac uuârun im sô uurê{d}a| uulanka [thioda,]

môdeg mankunni,| habdun im mor{d}hugi,

inuuid an innan:| an a{b}uh farfengun

Kristes lêre,| uueldun ina craftigna

uuîtnon thero uuordo;| ac uuas thar uuerodes sô filu,


[umbi] erlscepi| antlangana dag,

habde ine thiu smale thiod| thurh is suôtiun uuord

uuerodu biuuorpen,| that ine thie uui{d}ersakon

under themu folcscepi| fâhen ne gidorstun,

ac mi{d}un is bi theru menegi.| Than stôd mahtig Krist


an themu uuîhe innan,| sagde uuord manag

firiho barnun te frumu.| Uuas thar folc umbi

allan langan dag,| antat [thiu liohte] giuuêt

sunne te sedle.| Thô te seli{d}un fôr

mancunnies manag.| Than uuas thar ên mâri berg


bi theru burg ûten,| the uuas brêd endi hôh,

grôni endi scôni:| hêtun ina Iudeo [liudi]

Oliueti bi namon.| Thar imu up giuuêt

neriendeo Krist,| sô [ina] thiu naht bifeng,

uuas imu thar mid is iungarun,| sô ine thar Iudeono [ênig]


ni uuisse ti uuârun,| huand he an themu uuîhe stôd,

liudio drohtin,| sô lioht ôstene quam,

antfeng that folcscepi| endi [im] filu sagde

uuâroro uuordo,| sô nis an thesaru uueroldi ênig,

an thesaru [middilgard]| manno sô spâhi,


liudio barno nigên,| that thero lêrono mugi

endi gitellien,| [the he] thar [an themu] alahe gisprak,

uualdand an themu uuîhe,| endi [simlun] mid is uuordun [gibôd],

that sie [sie] gereuuidin| te godes rîkie,

allaro manno gehuilic,| that sie [môstin] an themu mâreon daga


iro drohtines| diuri{d}a antfâhen.

Sagde im huat sie it sundiun frumidun| endi simlun gibôd,

that sie thea [aleskidin;]| hêt sie lioht godes

minnion an iro môde,| mên farlâten,

[a{b}oha] o{b}arhugdi,| ôdmôdi niman,


hla{d}en that an iro [hertan;]| qua{d} that im than uuâri he{b}enrîki,

garu gôdo [mêst.]| Thô uuar{d} thar gumono sô filu

giuuendid aftar is uuillion,| sî{d}ur sie that uuord godes

hêlag gihôrdun,| he{b}encuninges,

antkendun craft mikil,| kumi drohtines,


hêrron helpe,| ia that he{b}enrîki uuas,

[neriendi] ginâhid| endi nâ{d}a godes

manno barnun.| Sum sô môdeg uuas

Iudeo folkes,| habdun grimman hugi,

[slî{d}môden se{b}on| . . . . . . . . . . . .,]


ni uueldun is uuorde [gilô{b}ien],| ac habdun im geuuin mikil

uui{d} thea Cristes craft:| [kumen ni môstun]

thea liudi thurh lê{d}en strîd,| that sie gilô{b}on te imu

fasto gifengin;| ni uuas im thiu frume gi{b}i{d}ig,

that sie he{b}enrîki| habbien môstin.


Geng imu thô the godes sunu| endi is iungaron mid imu,

uualdand fan themu uuîhe,| all sô is uuillio geng,

iac imu uppen thene berg gistêg| barn drohtines:

sat imu thar mid is gesî{d}un| endi im sagde filu

uuâroro uuordo.| Sî bigunnun im thô umbi thene uuîh sprekan,


thie [gumon] umbi that godes hûs,| quâ{d}un that ni uuâri gôdlîcora

alah o{b}ar er{d}u| [thurh] erlo hand,

thurh mannes giuuerk| mid megin[craftu]

rakud arihtid.| Thô the rîkio sprak,

hêr he{b}encuning| – hôrdun the ô{d}ra –:


«ik mag iu [gitellien»,] qua{d} he,| «that noh uuir{d}id thiu tîd kumen,

that is afstanden ni scal| stên o{b}ar ô{d}rumu,

ac it fallid ti foldu| endi [fiur] nimid,

grâdag logna,| thoh it nu sô gôdlîc sî,

sô uuîslîco giuuarht,| endi sô dôd all thesaro uueroldes giscapu,


teglîdid grôni uuang.»| Thô gengun imu is iungaron tô,

frâgodun ina sô stillo:| «huô lango scal standen noh», quâ{d}un sie,

«thius uuerold an uunniun,| êr than that giuuand kume,

that the lasto dag| liohtes skîne

thurh uuolcanskion,| eftho huan is [thîn eft] uuân kumen


an [thene] middilgard,| manno cunnie

[te adêlienne,]| dôdun endi quikun?

frô mîn the gôdo,| ûs is thes firiuuit mikil,

uualdandeo Krist,| huan [that] giuuer{d}en sculi.»