um 830
Fitte L
Thô uuar{d} thar sô managumu manne| môd aftar Kriste,gihuor{b}en hugiskefti,| sî{d}or sie is hêlagon uuerk | |
4120 | sel{b}on gisâhun,| huand eo êr sulic ni uuar{d}uunder an uueroldi.| Than uuas eft thes uuerodes sô filu,[sô] môdstarke man:| ni uueldon [the] maht godesantkennien kû{d}lîco,| ac sie uui{d} is craft mikiluunnun mid iro uuordun:| uuârun im uualdandes |
4125 | lêra so lê{d}a:| sôhtun [im] liudi ô{d}raan Hierusalem,| thar Iudeono uuas[hêri] handmahal| endi hô{b}idstedi,grôt gumskepi| grimmaro thioda.Sie kû{d}dun im [thô] Kristes uuerk,| quâ{d}un that sie [quican] sâhin |
4130 | thene erl mid iro ôgun,| the an er{d}u uuas,foldu bifolhen| fiuuuar naht endi dagos,dôd bidol{b}en,| antat he ina mid is dâdiun sel{b}o,mid is uuordun auuekide,| that he [môsti] these uuerold sehan.Thô uuas that sô [uui{d}eruuard]| uulankun mannun, |
4135 | Iudeo liudiun:| hêtun iro gumskepi thô,uuerod samnoian| endi huuar{b}os fâhen,meginthioda gimang,| an mahtigna Kristriedun an [runun:]| «nis that râd ênig», quâ{d}un sie,«that uui that githoloian:| uuili thesaro thioda te filu |
4140 | gilô{b}ien aftar is lêrun.| Than ûs [liudi] farad,an eoridfolc,| uuer{d}at [ûsa] o{b}arhô{b}dunrinkos fan Rûmu.| Than uui theses rîkies sculunlôse libbien| eftha uui sculun ûses lî{b}es tholon,heli{d}os ûsaro hô{b}do.»| Thô sprak thar ên [gihêrod] man |
4145 | [o{b}ar huarf uuero],| the uuas thes uuerodes thôan [theru burg innan]| biscop thero liudio– Kaiphas uuas he hêten;| habdun ina gicoranen te thiuan [theru gêrtalu]| Iudeo liudi,that he thes godes hûses| gômien [scoldi], |
4150 | uuardon thes uuîhes –:| «mi thunkid uunder mikil», qua{d} he,«mâri thioda,| – gi kunnun manages giskê{d} –huî gi that te uuârun ni uuitin,| uuerod Iudeono,that hêr is betera râd| barno gehuilicumu,that man hêr ênne man| aldru bilôsie |
4155 | endi that he thurh iuuua dâdi| drôreg ster{b}e,for [thesumu] folcskepi| ferah farlâte,than al thit liuduuerod| farloren uuer{d}e.»Ni uuas it thoh is uuillean,| that he sô uuâr gesprak,sô for{d} for themu folke,| frume mankunnies |
4160 | gimênde for theru menegi,| ac it quam imu fan theru maht godesthurh is hêlagan hêd,| huand he that hûs godesthar an Hierusalem| bigangan scolde,uuardon thes uuîhes:| bethiu he sô uuâr gisprak,biscop thero liudio,| huô scoldi that barn [godes] |
4165 | alla irminthiod| mid is ênes [ferhe,]mid is lî{b}u alôsien:| that uuas allaro thesaro liudio râd,huand he gihalode mid thiu| [hê{d}ina liudi,uueros] an is uuilleon| uualdandio Crist.Thô uur{d}un ênuuordie| [o{b}armôdie] man, |
4170 | uuerod Iudeono,| endi an iro huar{b}e gisprâkun,mâri thioda,| that sie im ni lêtin iro môd tuehon:sô hue sô ina undar themu folke| finden mahti,that [ina] sân gifengi| endi for{d} brâhtian thero thiodo thing;| quâ{d}un that sie ni mahtin githoloian [leng], |
4175 | that sie the êno man| [sô alla uueldi,]uuerod faruuinnen.| Than uuisse uualdand Kristthero manno sô garo| môdgithâhti,hetigrimmon hugi,| huand imu ni uuas biholen eouuihtan thesaru middilgard:| he ni uuelde thô an thie [menigi] innen |
4180 | sî{d}ur openlîco,| under that erlo folc,gangan under thea Iudeon:| bêd the godes sunuthero torohteon [tîd,| the] imu tôuuard uuas,that he far thesa thioda| tholoian uuelde,far thit uuerod uuîti:| uuisse imu sel{b}o |
4185 | that dagthingi garo.| Thô giuuêt imu ûse drohtin for{d}endi imu thô an Effrem| alouualdo Kristan theru hôhon burg| hêlag drohtinuunode [mid is uuerodu,]| antat he an is uuillean huarfeft te Bethania| brahtmu thiu mikilun, |
4190 | mid thiu is gôdum gumscepi.| [Iudeon bisprâkun that]uuordu gehuilicu,| thô sie imu sulic uuerod mikilfolgon gisâhun:| «nis frume ênig», quâ{d}un sie,«ûses rîkies girâdi,| thoh uui reht sprekan,ni [thîhit] ûses thinges uuiht:| [thius] thiod uuili |
4195 | uuendien after is uuillean;| imu all thius uuerold folgot,liudi bi them is lêrun,| that uui imu lê{d}es uuiht[for] thesumu folcscepi| [gifrummien] ni môtun.» |