
um 830




Fitte XLII






Sô lêrde he thô thea liudi| liohton uuordon,


allaro barno bezt,| endi bili{d}i sagde

manag mankunnie| mahtig drohtin,

qua{d} that imu [ên] sâlig gumo| samnon bigunni

man an morgen,| «endi im mêda gihêt,

the hêrosto thes hîuuiskeas,| suî{d}o [holdlîc lôn»],


quat that hie iro allaro gihuem| ênna gâ{b}i

silofrinna scat.| «Thuo samnodun managa

uueros an is uuîngardon,| – endi hie im uuerc bifalah –

âdro an ûhtan.| Sum quam thar ôc an undorn tuo,

sum quam thar an middian dag,| man te them uuerke,


sum quam thar te nônu,| thuo uuas thiu nigu{d}a tîd

sumarlanges dages;| sum thar ôc sî{d}or quam

an thia elliftun tîd.| Thuo geng thar â{b}and tuo,

sunna ti sedle.| Thuo hie sel{b}o gibôd

is ambahtion,| erlo drohtin,


that man thero [manno] gihuem| is meoda forguldi,

them erlon ar{b}idlôn;| hiet thiem at êrist ge{b}an.

thia [thar at] lezt uuârun,| liudi cumana,

uueros te them [uuerke,]| endi mid is uuordon gibôd,

that man them mannon| iro mieda forguldi


alles at aftan,| them thar quâmun at êrist tuo

uuillendi te them uuerke.| Uuândun sia suî{d}o,

that man im mêra lôn| [gimacod] habdi

uui{d} [iro] ara{b}edie:| than man im allon gaf,

them liudeon gilîco.| Lê{d} uuas that suî{d}o,


allon them ando,| them thar quâmun at êrist tuo:

«uui quâmun hier an moragan», quâ{d}un sia,| «endi tholodun hier manag te dage

ara{b}iduuerco,| huîlon unmet hêt,

scînandia sunna:| nu ni gi{b}is thu ûs scattes than mêr,

thie thu them ô{d}ron duos,| thia hier êna huîla


uuâron an thînon uuerke.»| Thuo habda eft is uuord garo

thie hêrrosto thes hîuuiskes,| quat [that] hie im ni habdi gihêtan than mêr

uuer{d}es uui{d} iro uuerke:| «huat, ik giuuald hebbiu», quathie,

«that ik iu allon gilîco muot| lôn forgeldan,

iuues uuerkes uuer{d}.»| Than uualdandi Crist


mênda im thoh mêra thing,| thoh hie o{b}ar that manno folc

fan them uuîngardon sô| uuordon sprâki,

huô thar unefno| erlos quâmun,

uueros te them uuerke.| Sô sculun fan thero uueroldi duon

manncunnies barn| an that mârio lioht,


gumon an godes uuang:| sum biginnit ina giriuuan sân

an is kindiski,| ha{b}it im [gicoranan] muod,

uuilleon guodan,| uueroldsaca mî{d}it,

farlâtit is lusta;| ni mag ina is lîkhamo

an unspuod forspanan:| spâhi{d}a lînot,


[godes] êu,| gramono forlâtit,

uurê{d}aro uuillion,| duot im sô te is uueroldi for{d},

lêstit sô an theson liohte,| ant[that] im is lî{b}es cumit,

aldres â{b}and;| giuuîtit im than [upuuegos:

thar] uuir{d}it im is ara{b}edi| all gilônot,


fargoldan mid guodu| an godes rîkie.

That mêndun thia uuuruhteon,| thia an them uuîngardon

âdro an ûhta| ar{b}idlîco

uuerc bigunnun| endi thuruuuonodun for{d},

erlos unt â{b}and.| Sum thar ôc an undern quam,


habda thuo farmerrid,| [thia] moraganstunda

thes daguuerkes forduolon;| sô duot doloro filo,

gimêdaro manno:| drî{b}it im mislîc thing

gerno an is iugu{d}i,| – ha{b}it im gelpquidi

lê{d}a [gilînot]| endi lôsuuord manag –,


antthat is kindiski| farcuman uuir{d}it,

that ina after is iugu{d}i| godes anst manot

blî{d}i an is brioston;| fâhit im te beteron than

uuordon endi uuercon,| lêdit im is uuerold mid thiu,

is aldar ant thena endi:| cumit im alles lôn


an godes rîkie,| gôdaro uuerko.

Sum mann thann midfiri| mên farlâtid,

suâra sundiun,| fâhit im an sâlig thing,

biginnit im thuru godes craft| guodaro uuerco,

buotit balosprâka,| lâtit im is [bittrun] dâd


an is hugie hreuuan;| cumit im thiu helpa fon gode,

that im gilêstid thie gilô{b}o,| sô lango sô im is lîf uuarod;

farit im for{d} mid thiu,| antfâhit is mieda,

guod lôn at gode;| ni sindun êniga ge{b}a beteran.

Sum biginnit thann ôc fur{d}or,| than hie ist fruodot mêr,


is aldares afheldit,| – than biginnat im is u{b}ilon uuerc

lê{d}on an theson liohte,| than ina lêra godes

gimanod an is muode:| uuir{d}it im mildera hugi,

thurugengit im mid guodu| endi geld nimit,

hôh himilrîki,| than hie hinan uuendit,


uuir{d}it im is mieda sô sama,| [sô them man]nun uuar{d},

thea thar te nônu dages,| an thea nigunda tîd,

an thene uuîngardon| uuirkean quâmun.

Sum uuir{d}id than sô suî{d}o gefrôdot,| sô he ni uuili is sundea bôtien,

ac he ôkid sie mid u{b}ilu gehuilicu,| antat imu is â{b}and nâhid,


is [uuerold] endi is uunnea farslîtid;| than beginnid he imu [uuîti andrêden],

[is sundeon uuer{d}ad imu] sorga an môde:| gehugid [huat] he sel{b}o gefrumide

grimmes than [lango], the he môste is [iugu{d}eo] neoten;| ni mag than mid ô{d}ru gôdu gibôtien

thea dâdi, thea he sô der{b}ea gefrumide,| ac he slehit allaro dago gehuilikes

an is breost mid bê{d}iun handun| endi uuôpit sie mid bittrun trahnun,


hlûdo he sie mid hofnu kûmid,| bidid thene hêlagon drohtin

mahtigne, that he imu mildi uuer{d}e:| ni lâtid [imu] sî{d}or is môd gituîflien;

sô êgrohtful is, the thar alles geuueldid:| he ni uuili ênigumu irmin[manne]

faruuernien uuillean sînes;| fargi{b}id imu uualdand sel{b}o

hêlag [himilrîki:]| than is imu giholpen sî{d}ur.


Alle sculun sie thar êra antfâhen,| thoh sie tharod te ênaru tîdi

ni kumen, that [kunni manno],| thoh uuili imu the craftigo drohtin,

gilônon allaro liudio| [sô huilicumu], sô hêr is gilô{b}on antfâhit:

[ên] himilrîki| gi{b}id he allun theodun,

mannun te mêdu.| That mênde mahtig Krist,


barno that bezte,| thô he that bili{d}i sprak,

huô thar te them uuîngardun| uurhteon quâmin,

man mislîco:| thoh nam is mêde gehue

fulle te [is] frôian.| Sô sculun firiho barn

at gode sel{b}umu| geld antfâhen,


suî{d}o leo{b}lîc lôn,| thoh sie sume [sô] late uuer{d}an.