um 830
«Thu bist the [uuâro]| uualdandes sunu,libbiendes godes,| the thit lioht giscôp,Crist cuning êuuig:| sô uuilliad uui que{d}en alle, | |
3060 | iungaron thîne,| that thu sîs god sel{b}o,hêleandero bezt.»| Thô sprac imu eft is hêrro angegin:«sâlig bist thu Sîmon», qua{d} he, «sunu [Ionases];| ni mahtes thu that sel{b}o gehuggean,gimarcon an thînun môdgithâhtiun,| ne it ni mahte thi mannes tungeuuordun geuuîsien,| ac dede it thi uualdand sel{b}o, |
3065 | fader allaro firiho barno,| that thu [sô] for{d} gisprâki,sô diapo bi drohtin thînen.| [Diurlîco] scalt thu thes lôn antfâhen,hluttro ha{b}as thu an thînan hêrron gilô{b}on,| hugiskefti sind thîne stêne gelîca,sô fast bist thu sô felis the hardo;| hêten sculun [thi] firiho barnsancte Pêter:| o{b}ar themu [stêne] scal man mînen seli uuirkean, |
3070 | hêlag hûs godes;| thar scal is hîuuiski tôsâlig samnon:| ni mugun uui{d} them thînun suî{d}eun crafteanthebbien [hellie portun].| Ik fargi{b}u thi [himilrîceas] slutilas,that thu môst aftar mi| allun [giuualdan]kristinum folke;| kumad alle te thi |
3075 | gumono gêstos;| thu ha{b}e [grôte] giuuald,huene thu hêr an er{d}u| eldibarnogebinden uuillies:| themu is bê{d}iu giduan,himilrîki biloken,| endi hellie sind imu [opana,]brinnandi fiur;| sô huene sô thu eft antbinden uuili, |
3080 | antheftien is hendi,| themu is himilrîki,antloken liohto mêst| endi lîf êuuig,grôni godes uuang.| Mid sulicaru ik thi ge{b}u uuilliulônon thînen gilô{b}on.| Ni uuilliu ik, that gi thesun liudiun noh,mârien thesaru menigi,| that ik bium mahtig Crist, |
3085 | godes [êgan] barn.| Mi sculun [Iudeon] noh,unsculdigna| erlos binden,uuêgean mi te uundrun| – [dôt mi uuîties filo –]innan Hierusalem| gêres ordun,âhtien mînes aldres| eggiun scarpun, |
3090 | bilôsien mi lî{b}u.| Ik an thesumu [liohte] scalthurh ûses drohtines craft| fan dôde astanden[an] thriddiumu dage».| Thô uuar{d} thegno beztsuî{d}o an sorgun,| Sîmon Petrus,uuar{d} imu hugi hriuuig,| endi te is hêrron sprak |
3095 | rink an rûnun:| «ni scal that rîki god», qua{d} he,«uualdand uuillien,| that thu eo sulic uuîti mikilgitholos undar [thesaru thiod:]| nis thes tharf nigiean,hêlag drohtin.»| Thô sprak imu eft is hêrro angegin,mâri mahtig Crist| – uuas imu an is môde hold –: |
3100 | «huat, thu nu uui{d}eruuard bist», qua{d} he,| «uuilleon mînes,thegno bezto!| Huat, thu thesaro thiodo [canst]menniscan [sidu:]| thu ni uuêst [the] maht godes,[the] ik gifrummien scal.| Ik mag thi filu seggeanuuârun uuordun,| thar [hêr undar thesumu uuerode standad] |
3105 | gesî{d}os mîne,| thea ni môtun suelten êr,huer{b}en an hinenfard| êr sie himiles lioht,godes rîki sehat.»| Côs imu [iungarono] thôsân aftar thiu| Sîmon Petrus,Iacob endi Iohannes,| [thea] gumon tuêne, |
3110 | bê{d}ea thea gibrô{d}er,| endi imu thô uppen thene berg giuuêtsunder mid them gesî{d}un,| sâlig barn godes,mid them thegnun thrim,| thiodo drohtin,uualdand thesaro uueroldes:| uuelde im thar uundres filu,têcno tôgean,| that sie [gitrûodin] thiu bet, |
3115 | that he sel{b}o uuas| sunu drohtines,hêlag he{b}encuning.| Thô sie [an] hôhan uuallstigun stên endi berg,| antat sie te theru stedi quâmun,uueros uui{d}er uuolcan,| thar uualdand Krist,cuningo craftigost| gicoren habde, |
3120 | that he is godkundi| iungarun sînunthurh is ênes craft| ôgean uuelde,berhtlîc bili{d}i.| |