
um 830




Fitte XXXV






Thô telêt that liuduuerod| aftar themu lande allumu,


tefôr folc mikil,| sî{d}or iro frâho giuuêt

an that gebirgi uppan,| barno rîkeost,

uualdand an is uuilleon.| Thô te thes uuatares sta{d}e

samnodun thea gesî{d}os Cristes,| the he imu habde sel{b}o gicorane,

sie tueli{b}i thurh iro treuua gôda:| ni uuas im tueho nigiean,


ne{b}u sie an [that] godes thionost| gerno uueldin

o{b}ar thene sêo sî{d}on.| Thô lêtun [sie suî{d}ean] strôm,

[hôh hurnidskip]| hluttron û{d}eon,

skê{d}an [skîr] uuater.| Skrêd lioht dages,

[sunne] uuar{d} an sedle;| the [sêolî{d}andean]


naht [ne{b}ulo] biuuarp;| nâ{d}idun erlos

for{d}uuardes an flôd;| uuar{d} thiu fior{d}e tid

thera nahtes cuman| – neriendo Crist

uuarode [thea uuâglî{d}and –:]| thô uuar{d} uuind mikil,

hôh uueder [afha{b}en:]| hlamodun û{d}eon,


[strôm] an [stamne;]| strîdiun feridun

thea uueros uui{d}er uuinde,| uuas im uurê{d} hugi,

se{b}o sorgono ful:| sel{b}on ni uuândun

[lagulî{d}andea]| an land cumen

thurh thes uuederes geuuin.| Thô gisâhun sie uualdand Krist


an themu sêe uppan| sel{b}un gangan,

faran an fâ{d}ion:| ni mahte an thene flôd innan,

an thene sêo sincan,| huand ine is sel{b}es craft

hêlag anthabde.| Hugi uuar{d} an forhtun,

thero [manno] môdse{b}o:| andrêdun that it im mahtig fîund


te [gidroge] dâdi.| Thô sprak im iro drohtin tô,

hêlag he{b}encuning,| endi sagde im that [he] iro hêrro uuas

mâri endi mahtig:| «nu gi môdes sculun

fastes fâhen;| ne sî iu forht hugi,

gibâriad gi baldlîco:| ik bium that barn godes,


is sel{b}es sunu,| the iu uui{d} thesumu sêe scal,

mundon uui{d} thesan meristrôm.»| Thô sprac imu ên thero manno angegin

o{b}ar bord skipes,| [baruuir{d}ig] gumo,

Petrus [the] gôdo| – ni uuelde pîne tholon,

uuatares uuîti –:| «ef thu it uualdand sîs», qua{d} he,


«hêrro the gôdo,| sô mi an mînumu hugi thunkit,

[hêt] mi than tharod gangan te thi| o{b}ar thesen ge{b}enes strôm,

[drokno] o{b}ar diap uuater,| ef thu mîn drohtin sîs,

managoro mundboro.»| Thô hêt ine mahtig Crist

gangan imu tegegnes.| He uuar{d} garu sâno,


stôp [af] themu stamne| endi strîdiun geng

for{d} te is frôian.| [Thiu] flôd anthabde

thene man thurh maht godes,| antat he [imu] an is môde bigan

andrâden diap uuater,| thô he drî{b}en gisah

thene uuêg mid uuindu:| uundun ina [û{d}eon],


hô strôm umbihring.| Reht sô he thô an is hugi tuehode,

sô uuêk imu that uuater under,| endi he an thene uuâg innan,

sank an thene sêostrôm,| endi [he] hriop sân aftar thiu

[gâhon] te themu godes sunie| endi gerno bad,

that he ine thô [generidi,| thô] he an [nôdiun] uuas,


thegan an gethuinge.| Thiodo drohtin

antfeng ine [mid] is fa{d}mun| endi frâgode sâna,

te huî he [thô] getuehodi:| «huat, thu [mahtes] getrûoian uuel,

uuiten that te uuârun,| that [thi] uuatares [craft]

an themu sêe innen| thînes sî{d}es ni mahte,


lagustrôm [gilettien],| sô lango sô thu [habdes] gelô{b}on te mi

an thînumu [hugi] hardo.| Nu uuilliu ik thi an helpun uuesen,

[nerien thi] an thesaru nôdi».| Thô nam ine alomahtig,

hêlag bi handun:| thô uuar{d} imu eft hlutter [uuater]

fast under fôtun,| endi sie an fâ{d}i samad


bê{d}ea gengun,| antat sie o{b}ar bord skipes

stôpun [fan] themu strôme,| [endi] an themu stamne gesat

allaro barno bezt.| Thô [uuar{d}] brêd uuater,

strômos gestillid,| endi sie te sta{d}e quâmun,

lagulî{d}andea| an land [samen]


thurh [thes] uuateres geuuin,| [sagdun] uualdande thanc,

diurden [iro] drohtin| dâdiun endi uuordun,

fellun imu te fôtun| endi filu sprâkun

uuîsaro uuordo,| quâ{d}un that sie uuissin garo,

that he uuâri sel{b}o| sunu drohtines


uuâr an thesaru uueroldi| endi geuuald habdi

o{b}ar middilgard,| endi that he [mahti allaro] manno gihues

ferahe giformon,| [al] sô he [im] an themu flôde dede

uui{d} thes uuatares geuuin.|