Josua Harrsch alias Kocherthal
1669 - 1719
Defunctorum SepultorumList of those who have departed
Jesu Vivificante!(Jesus will raise them!)
A list of all persons of the High-German people who died after my arrival and during my (Josua Kocherthal's) residence at Newtown on the west side of the Hudson, and at whose demise or burial I was either present myself, or concerning which I was at least notified.
1713 | |
1. | Child of Adam Hertel. |
2. | Adam Söller. |
3. | Dec. 6.: Sibylla Charlotta Kocherthal. |
4. | Child of Arnold Falk.1714 |
5. | Aug. 22. Child of Hieronymus Weller. |
6. | Aug. 25. Child of Clemens Lehman.1715 |
7. | Jan. 21. Mattheus Brunck, drowned. |
8. | Mar. 9. Child of Johann Reitz Backusen. |
9. | Mar. 17. Johann Omirinus Jung. |
10. | Mar. 20. Wife of Andreas Ellich. |
11. | Mar. 30. Child of Jacob Mancken. |
12. | April 9. Gerhard Hornung. |
13. | Nov. 15. Wife of Johann Planck. |
14. | Nov. 20. Child of Johann Planck. |
15. | Dec. 8. Child of Johann Planck. |
16. | Dec. 23. Niclaus Jung, drowned.1716 |
17. | Feb. 26. Daughter of Johann Führer. |
18. | Mar. 21. Wife of Adam Hertel. |
19. | Oct. 27. Wife of Johann Planck. |
20. | Oct. 27. Child of Dorothea Schaster.1717 |
21. | Sept 1. Child of Bernhard Luckhard. |
22. | Sept. 16. Johann Friedrich Contermann.1718 |
23. | March 23. Elisabetha Burckhard, widow, age 56 years. |
24. | Aug. 26. Johann Balthasar Aigner, child of Peter Aigner,one day old.
1719There are no deaths on record in 1719. |