
um 830




Fitte XIX






«Hêrro the gôdo», qua{d} he,| «ûs is thînoro huldi tharf,

te giuuirkenne thînna uuilleon,| endi [ôc] thînoro uuordo sô self,


allaro barno bezt,| that thu ûs bedon lêres,

[iungoron] thîne,| sô Iohannes duot,

diurlîc dôperi,| dago gehuuilicas

is uuerod [mid] uuordun,| huuî sie uualdand sculun,

gôdan grôtean.| Dô [thîna] iungorun sô self:


gerihti ûs that gerûni.»| Thô habda eft the rîkeo garu

sân aftar thiu,| sunu drohtines,

[gôd uuord angegin]:| «Than gi [god] uuillean», [qua{d} he],

«uueros mid iuuuon uuordun| uualdand grôtean,

allaro cuningo craftigostan,| than que{d}ad gi, sô ic iu lêriu:


[Fadar ûsa]| firiho barno,

[thu bist] an them hôhon| himila rîkea,

geuuîhid sî thîn namo| [uuordo] gehuuilico.

[Cuma] thîn| [craftag] rîki.

Uuer{d}a thîn uuilleo| o{b}ar thesa uuerold [alla],


sô sama an er{d}o,| sô thar uppa ist

an them hôhon| [himilo rîkea].

Gef ûs dago gehuuilikes râd,| drohtin the gôdo,

thîna hêlaga [helpa],| endi alât ûs, he{b}enes uuard,

managoro mênsculdio,| al sô uue ô{d}rum mannum dôan.


Ne lât ûs farlêdean| lê{d}a uuihti

sô for{d} an iro uuilleon,| sô uui uuir{d}ige sind,

ac help ûs uui{d}ar allun| u{b}ilon dâdiun.

Sô sculun [gi] biddean,| than gi te bede hnîgad

uueros mid iuuuom uuordun,| that iu uualdand god


lê{d}es alâte| an leutcunnea.

Ef gi than uuilliad alâtan| liudeo gehuuilicun

thero sacono endi thero sundeono,| the sie uui{d} iu sel{b}on hîr

uurê{d}a geuuirkeat,| than alâtid iu uualdand god,

fadar alamahtig| firinuuerk mikil,


managoro mênsculdeo.| Ef iu than uuir{d}id iuuua môd te starc,

that gi ne uuileat ô{d}run| erlun alâtan,

uueron uuamdâdi,| than ne uuil iu ôc uualdand god

grimuuerc farge{b}an,| ac gi sculun is geld niman,

suî{d}o lê{d}lic lôn| te languru huuîlu,


alles thes unrehtes,| thes gi ô{d}rum hîr

gilêstead an thesumu liohte| endi than uui{d} liudeo barn

thea saca ni [gisônead],| êr gi an thana sî{d} faran,

uueros fon thesoro uueroldi.| Oc scal [ic] iu te uuârun seggean,

huuô gi lêstean sculun| lêra mîna:


than gi iuuua fastonnea| frummean uuillean,

minson iuuua mêndâdi,| than ni duad gi that te managom cû{d},

ac mî{d}ad is far ô{d}rum mannun:| thoh uuêt mahtig god,

uualdand iuuuan uuillean,| thoh iu uuerod ô{d}ar,

liudio barn ne lo{b}on.| He gildid [is] iu lôn aftar thiu,


iuuua hêlag fadar| an himilrîkea,

thes ge im mid sulicum ôdmôdea,| erlos theonod,

sô ferhtlîco undar thesumu folke.| Ne uuilleat feho uuinnan

erlos an unreht,| ac uuirkead up te gode

man aftar mêdu:| that is mêra thing,


than man hîr an er{d}u| ôdag libbea,

uueroldscattes geuuono.| Ef gi uuilliad mînun [uuordun] hôrean,

than ne samnod gi hîr sinc mikil| silo{b}res ne goldes

an thesoro middilgard,| mê{d}omhordes,

huuand it rotat hîr an roste,| endi regintheo{b}os farstelad,


uurmi auuardiad,| uuir{d}id that giuuâdi farslitan,

tigangid the [golduuelo].| Lêstead iuuua gôdon uuerc,

samnod iu an himile| hord that mêra,

fagara fehoscattos:| that ni mag iu ênig fîund beniman,

[neuuiht] anuuendean,| huuand the uuelo standid


garu [iu] tegegnes,| sô [huat] sô gi gôdes tharod,

an that himilrîki| hordes gesamnod,

heli{d}os thurh iuuua handge{b}a,| endi hebbead tharod iuuuan hugi fasto;

huuand thar ist alloro manno gihuues| môdgethâhti,

hugi endi herta,| thar is hord ligid,


sinc gesamnod.| Nis eo sô sâlig man,

that mugi an thesoro brêdon uuerold| bê{d}iu [anthengean],

ge that hi an thesoro er{d}o| ôdog libbea,

an allun uueroldlustun uuesa,| ge [thoh] uualdand gode

te thanke getheono:| ac he scal alloro thingo gihuues


simbla [ô{d}arhuue{d}ar| ên farlâtan]

ettho [lusta] thes lîchamon| ettho lîf êuuig.

Bethiu ni gornot gi umbi iuuua gegaruuui,| ac huggead te gode fasto,

ne [mornont] an iuuuomu môde,| huuat gi eft an morgan sculin

etan eftho drinkan| ettho an hebbean


uueros te geuuêdea:| it uuêt al uualdand god,

huues thea bithur{b}un,| thea im hîr thionod uuel,

folgod iro frôhan uuilleon.| Huuat, gi that bi thesun fuglun mugun

uuârlîco undaruuitan,| thea hîr an thesoro uueroldi sint,

farad an fe{d}arhamun:| sie ni cunnun ênig feho uuinnan,


thoh gi{b}id im drohtin god| dago gehuuilikes

helpa uui{d}ar hungre.| Ôc mugun gi an iuuuom hugi marcon,

uueros umbi iuuua geuuâdi,| huuô [thie] uurti sint

fagoro gefratoot,| thea hîr an felde stâd,

berhtlîco geblôid:| ne mahta the [burges] uuard,


Salomon the suning,| the habda sinc mikil,

mê{d}omhordas mêst,| thero the [ênig] man êhti,

uuelono geuunnan| endi allaro geuuâdeo cust, –

thoh ni mohte he an is lî{b}e,| thoh he habdi alles theses landes geuuald,

auuinnan sulic geuuâdi,| sô thiu uurt ha{b}ad,


thiu hîr an felde stâd| fagoro gegariuuit,

lilli mid sô lioflîcu blômon:| ina uuâdit the landes uualdand

hêr fan he{b}enes uuange.| Mêr is im thoh umbi thit heli{d}o cunni,

liudi sint im lio{b}oron mikilu,| thea he im an [thesumu] lande [geuuarhte],

uualdand an uuilleon sînan.| Bethiu ne thur{b}on gi umbi iuuua geuuâdi sorgon,


ne [gornot gi] umbi iuuua gegariuui te suuî{d}o:| god [uuili] is alles râdan,

helpan fan he{b}enes uuange,| ef gi uuilliad aftar is [huldi] theonon.

Gerot gi simbla êrist thes godes rîkeas,| endi than duat aftar them is gôdun uuercun,

rômod gi rehtoro thingo:| than uuili iu the rîkeo drohtin

ge{b}on mid alloro gôdu gehuuilicu,| ef gi im thus fulgangan uuillead,


sô ic iu te uuârun hîr| uuordun seggeo.