um 830
Fitte XVII
So sprac he [thô] spâhlîco| endi sagda spel godes,lêrde the landes uuard| liudi sînemid hluttru hugi.| Heli{d}os stôdun,gumon umbi thana godes sunu| gerno suî{d}o, | |
1385 | uueros an uuilleon:| uuas im thero uuordo niud,thâhtun endi thagodun,| gihôrdun [thesoro] thiodo drohtinseggean êu godes| eldibarnun;gihêt im he{b}enrîki| endi te them heli{d}un sprac:«ôc mag ic iu seggean,| gesî{d}os mîna, |
1390 | uuârun uuordun,| that gi thesoro uueroldes nu for{d}sculun lioht uuesan| liudio barnun,fagar mid firihun| o{b}ar folc manag,uulitig endi uunsam:| ni mugun iuuua uuerk mikilbiholan uuer{d}an,| mid huuilico gi sea hugi cû{d}eat: |
1395 | than mêr the thiu burg ni mag,| thiu an berge stâ{d},hô [holmkli{b}u],| biholen uuer{d}en,uurisilîc giuuerc,| ni mugun iuuua uuord than mêran thesoro middilgard| mannum uuer{d}en,iuuua dâdi bidernit.| Dôt, sô ic iu lêriu: |
1400 | lâtad iuuua lioht mikil| liudiun skînan,manno barnun,| that sie farstandan iuuuan môdse{b}on,iuuua uuerc endi iuuuan uuilleon,| endi thes uualdand godmit hluttro hugi,| himiliscan fader,lo{b}on an [thesumu] liohte,| thes he iu sulica lêra fargaf. |
1405 | Ni scal neoman lioht, the it ha{b}ad,| liudiun dernean,te hardo [behuuel{b}ean],| ac he it hôho scalan seli settean,| that thea gesehan muginalla [gelico],| thea thar inna sind,heli{d}os an hallu.| Than halt ni sculun gi iuuua hêlag uuord |
1410 | an thesumu landskepa| liudiun dernien,heli{d}cunnie farhelan,| ac ge it hôho sculunbrêdean, that gibod godes,| that it allaro barno gehuuilic,o{b}ar [al] thit landscepi| liudi farstandanendi sô gefrummien,| sô it an forndagun |
1415 | tulgo uuîse man| uuordun gesprâcun,than sie thana aldan êuu| erlos heldun,endi ôc sulicu suuî{d}or,| sô ic iu nu seggean mag,alloro gumono gehuuilic| gode thionoian,[than] it thar an them aldom| êuua gebeode. |
1420 | Ni uuâniat gi thes mit uuihtiu,| that ic bi thiu an thesa uuerold quâmi,that ic thana aldan êu| irrien uuillie,fellean [undar] thesumu folke| eftho thero forasagonouuord uui{d}aruuerpen,| thea hêr sô giuuârea man[barlîco] gebudun.| Êr scal bê{d}iu tefaran, |
1425 | himil endi er{d}e,| thiu nu bihlidan standat,êr than thero uuordo| uuiht [bilî{b}a][unlêstid] an thesumu liohte,| [thea] sie thesum liudiun hêr[uuârlîco] gebudun.| Ni quam ic an thesa uuerold te thiu,that ic feldi thero forasagono uuord,| ac ic siu fullien scal, |
1430 | ôkion endi nîgean| eldibarnum,thesumu folke te frumu.| That uuas forn gescri{b}anan them aldon êo| – [ge hôrdun] it oft sprecan[uuorduuîse] man –:| sô huue sô that an thesoro uueroldi gidôt,that he â{d}rana| aldru bineote, |
1435 | lî{b}u bilôsie,| them sculun liudio barndôd adêlean.| Than uuilleo ic [it] iu diopor nu,fur{d}ur bifâhan:| sô huue sô ina thurh fîundskepi,man uui{d}ar ô{d}rana| an is môdse{b}onbilgit an is breostun| – huuand sie alle gebrô{d}ar sint, |
1440 | sâlig folc godes,| sibbeon bitengea,man mid mâgskepi –,| than uuir{d}it thoh huue ô{d}rumu an is môde sô gram,lîbes uueldi ina [bilôsien],| of he mahti gilêstien sô:than is he sân afêhit| endi is thes ferahas scolo,al sulikes urdêlies| sô the [ô{d}ar] uuas, |
1445 | the thurh is handmegin| [hô{b}do] bilôsdeerl ô{d}arna.| Ôc is an them êo gescri{b}anuuârun uuordun,| sô gi uuiton alle,than man is nâhiston| [niudlîco scal]minnian an is môde,| uuesen is mâgun hold, |
1450 | gadulingun gôd,| [uuesen] is ge{b}a mildi,[frâhon] is friunda gehuuane,| endi scal is fîund hatan,uui{d}erstanden them mid strîdu| endi mid starcu hugi,uuerean uui{d}ar uurê{d}un.| Than seggeo ic iu [te uuâron nu],fullîcur for thesumu folke,| that gi iuuua fîund sculun |
1455 | minneon an iuuuomu môde,| sô samo sô gi iuuua mâgos dôt,an godes namon.| Dôt im gôdes filu,tôgeat im hluttran hugi,| holda treuua,liof uui{d}ar ira lê{d}e.| That is langsam râdmanno [sô huuilicumu],| sô is môd te thiu |
1460 | geflîit uui{d}ar [is] fîunde.| Than môtun gi thea fruma êgan,that gi môtun hêten| he{b}encuninges suni,is blî{d}i barn.| Ne mugun gi iu betaran râdgeuuinnan an thesoro uueroldi.| Than seggio ic iu te uuâron ôc,barno gehuilicum,| that gi ne mugun [mid] gibolgono hugi |
1465 | iuuuas gôdes uuiht| te godes hûsunuualdande farge{b}an,| that it imu uuir{d}ig sîte antfâhanne,| sô lango sô thu fîundskepies [uuiht],[uui{d}er ô{d}ran man| inuuid] hugis.Êr scalt thu thi simbla gesônien| uui{d} thana sacuualdand, |
1470 | gemôdi gimahlean:| sî{d}or maht thu mê{d}mos thînate them godes altere [age{b}an]:| than sind sie themu gôdan uuer{d}e,he{b}encuninge.| Mêr sculun gi aftar is huldi thionon,godes uuilleon [fulgân],| than [ô{d}ra] Iudeon duon,ef gi uuilleat êgan| [êuuan rîki], |
1475 | sinlîf sehan.| Ôc scal [ic] iu seggean noh,huuô it thar an them aldon| êo gebiudid,that ênig [erl ô{d}res]| idis ni bisuuîca,[uuîf] mid uuammu.| Than seggio ic iu te uuâron ôc,that thar man is siuni mugun| suuî{d}o farlêdean |
1480 | an mirki mên,| ef hi [ina lâtid] is môd spanen,that [he] beginna thero girnean,| thiu imu gegangan ni scal.Than ha{b}ed he an imu sel{b}on sân| sundea geuuarhta,geheftid an is hertan| helliuuîti.Ef than thana man is [siun] uuili| ettha is suî{d}are hand |
1485 | farlêdien is li{d}o huuilic| an lê{d}an uueg,than is erlo gehuuem| ô{d}ar betara,firiho barno,| that he ina fram uuerpaendi thana li{d} lôsie| af is lîchamonendi ina âno cuma| up te himile, |
1490 | than he [sô] mid allun| te them inferne,huuer{b}e mid sô hêlun| an helligrund.Than mênid thiu [lêfhêd],| that ênig liudeo ni scalfarfolgan is friunde,| ef he ina an firina spanit,suâs man an saca:| [than ne sî he imu eo sô suuî{d}o an sibbiun bilang], |
1495 | [ne] iro mâgskepi sô mikil,| ef he ina an mor{d} spenit,bêdid baluuuerco;| betera is imu than ô{d}ar,that he thana friund fan imu| fer faruuerpa,mî{d}e thes mâges| endi ni hebbea thar êniga [minnea] tô,that he môti êno| up gestîgan |
1500 | hô himilrîki,| than sie [helligethuing],brêd baluuuîti| bê{d}ea gisôkean,u{b}il ar{b}idi.| |