um 830
Fitte XIV
Uuas im [an] them sinuueldi| sâlig barn godeslange huîle,| untthat im thô [lio{b}ora] uuar{d},that he is craft mikil| cû{d}ien uuoldauueroda te uuillion.| Thô forlêt he uualdes hlêo, | |
1125 | ênôdies ard| endi sôhte im eft erlo gemang,mâri meginthiode| endi manno drôm,geng im thô bi [Iordanes] sta{d}e:| thar ina Iohannes antfand,that fri{d}ubarn godes,| frôhan sînan,hêlagana he{b}encuning,| endi them heli{d}un sagda, |
1130 | Iohannes is iungurun,| thô he ina gangan gesah:«thit is that lamb godes,| that thar lôsean scalaf thesaro uuîdon uuerold| uurê{d}a sundea,mancunneas mên,| mâri drohtin,cuningo craftigost.»| Krist im for{d} giuuêt |
1135 | an Galileo land,| godes êgan barn,fôr im te them friundun,| thar he afôdit uuas,tîrlîco atogan,| endi talda mid uuordunKrist undar is cunnie,| cuningo rîkeost,huuô sie scoldin iro sel{b}oro| sundea bôtean, |
1140 | hêt that sie im iro harmuuerc manag| hreuuan lêtin,[feldin] iro firindâdi:| «nu is it all gefullot sô,sô hîr alde man| êr huuanna sprâcun,gehêtun eu te helpu| [he{b}enrîki]:nu is it [giu] ginâhid thurh thes neriandan craft:| thes môtun gi neotan for{d}, |
1145 | sô huue sô gerno uuili| gode theonogean,uuirkean aftar is uuilleon.»| Thô uuar{d} thes uuerodes [filu],thero liudeo an lustun:| uur{d}un im thea lêra Cristes,sô suôtea them gisî{d}ea.| He bigan im samnon thô[gumono] te iungoron,| gôdoro manno, |
1150 | uuordspâha uueros.| Geng im thô bi ênes uuatares sta{d}e,that [thar] habda Iordan| ane{b}an Galileo landênna sê geuuarhtan.| Thar he sittean fandAndreas endi Petrus| bi them ahastrôme,bê{d}ea thea gebrô{d}ar,| thar sie an brêd uuatar |
1155 | suuî{d}o niudlîco| netti thenidun,fiscodun im an them flôde.| Thar sie that fri{d}ubarn godesbi thes sêes sta{d}e| sel{b}o [grôtta],hêt that sie im folgodin,| qua{d} that he [im] sô filu uuoldigodes rîkeas forge{b}en;| «[al] sô git hîr an [Iordanes] strôme |
1160 | fiscos [fâhat],| sô sculun git noh firiho barnhalon te incun handun,| that sie an he{b}enrîkithurh inca lêra| lî{d}an môtin,faran folc manag.»| Thô uuar{d} frômôd hugibê{d}iun them gibrô{d}run:| antkendun that barn godes, |
1165 | lio{b}an hêrron:| forlêtun al [saman]Andreas endi Petrus,| sô huuat sô sie bi theru ahu habdun,[geuunstes] bi them uuatare:| uuas im uuilleo mikil,that sie mid them godes barne| gangan môstin,samad an is gisî{d}ea,| scoldun sâliglîco |
1170 | lôn antfâhan:| sô dôt liudeo so huuilic,sô thes hêrran uuili| [huldi] githionon,geuuirkean is uuilleon.| Thô sie bi thes uuatares sta{d}efur{d}or quâmun,| thô fundun sie [thar] ênna frôdan mansittean bi them sêuua| endi is suni tuuêne, |
1175 | Iacobus endi Iohannes:| uuârun im iunga man.Sâtun im thâ gesunfader| an ênumu sande uppen,brugdun endi bôttun| bê{d}ium handunthiu netti niudlîco,| thea sie habdun nahtes êrforsliten an them sêuua.| Thar sprac im sel{b}o tô |
1180 | sâlig barn godes,| hêt that sie an thana sî{d} mid im,Iacobus endi Iohannes,| gengin bê{d}ie,kindiunge man.| Thô uuârun im Kristes uuordsô [uuir{d}ig] an thesaro uueroldi,| that sie bi thes uuatares sta{d}eiro aldan fader| ênna forlêtun, |
1185 | frôdan bi them flôde,| endi al that sie thar fehas êhtun,nettiu endi neglitskipu,| gecurun [im] thana neriandan Krist,hêlagna te hêrron,| uuas im [is helpono] tharf[te githiononne:]| sô is allaro thegno gehuuem,uuero an thesero uueroldi.| Thô giuuêt im the uualdandes sunu |
1190 | mid them fiuuariun for{d},| endi im thô thana fîfton gicôsKrist an ênero côpstedi,| cuninges iungoron,môdspâhana man:| Mattheus uuas he hêtan,uuas im ambahteo| e{d}ilero manno,scolda thar te is hêrron| handun antfâhan |
1195 | tins endi [tolna];| treuua habda he gôda,â{d}alandbâri:| forlêt al [saman]gold endi silu{b}ar| endi ge{b}a managa,diurie mê{d}mos,| endi uuar{d} im ûses drohtines man;côs im the cuninges [thegn]| Crist te hêrran, |
1200 | [milderan mê{d}om]ge{b}on,| than êr is [mandrohtin][unâri] an thesero uueroldi:| feng im uuô{d}era thing,langsamoron râd.| Thô uuar{d} it allun them liudiun cû{d},fon allaro burgo gihuuem,| huuô that barn godessamnode gesî{d}os| endi sel{b}o gesprac |
1205 | sô manag uuîslîc uuord| endi uuâres sô filu,torhtes gitôgde| endi têcan managgeuuarhte an thesero uueroldi.| Uuas that an is uuordun scîniac an is dâdiun sô same,| that he drohtin uuas,himilisc hêrro| endi te helpu quam |
1210 | an thesan middilgard| manno barnun,liudiun te thesun liohta.| |