
ca. 750


Beowulf's fight with the Dragon


2200 - 3182






Eft thæt geiode | ufaran dogrum

hildehlæmmum, | sydhdhan Hygelac læg

ond Heardrede | hildemeceas

under bordhreodhan | to bonan wurdon,

dha hyne gesohtan | on sigetheode


hearde hildefrecan, | Headhoscilfingas,

nidha genægdan | nefan Hererices,

sydhdhan Beowulfe | brade rice

on hand gehwearf; | he geheold tela

fiftig wintra | (wæs dha frod cyning,


eald ethelweard), | odhdhæt an ongan

deorcum nihtum | draca ricsian,

se dhe on heaum hofe | hord beweotode,

stanbeorh steapne; | stig under læg,

eldum uncudh. | thær on innan giong


nidha nathwylc, | se dhe neh gefeng

dhnum horde, | hond . . . . . . . ,

since fahne. | He thæt sydhdhan . . . . ,

theah dhe he slæpende | besyred wurde

theofes cræfte; | thæt sie dhiod onfand,


bufolc beorna, | thæt he gebolgen wæs.


Nealles mid gewealdum | wyrmhord abræc

sylfes willum, | se dhe him sare gesceod,

ac for threanedlan | theow nathwylces

hæledha bearna | heteswengeas fleah,


ærnes thearfa, | ond dhær inne fealh,

secg synbysig, | sona onfunde

thæt thær dham gyste | gryrebroga stod;

hwædhre earmsceapen

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sceapen


. . . . . . . . . . tha hyne se fær begeat.

Sincfæt . . . . . . . ; | thær wæs swylcra fela

in dham eordhhuse | ærgestreona,

swa hy on geardagum | gumena nathwylc,

eormenlafe | æthelan cynnes,


thanchycgende | thær gehydde,

deore madhmas. | Ealle hie deadh fornam

ærran mælum, | ond se an dha gen

leoda dugudhe, | se dhær lengest hwearf,

weard winegeomor, | wende thæs ylcan,


thæt he lytel fæc | longgestreona

brucan moste. | Beorh eallgearo

wunode on wonge | wæterydhum neah,

niwe be næsse, | nearocræftum fæst.

Thær on innan bær | eorlgestreona


hringa hyrde | hordwyrdhne dæl,

fættan goldes, | fea worda cwædh:


"Heald thu nu, hruse, | nu hæledh ne moston,

eorla æhte! | Hwæt, hyt ær on dhe

gode begeaton. | Gudhdeadh fornam,


feorhbealo frecne, | fyra gehwylcne

leoda minra, | thara dhe this lif ofgeaf,

gesawon seledream. | Ic nah hwa sweord wege

odhdhe feormie | fæted wæge,

dryncfæt deore; | dugudh ellor sceoc.


Sceal se hearda helm | hyrsted golde

fætum befeallen; | feormynd swefadh,

tha dhe beadogriman | bywan sceoldon,

ge swylce seo herepad, | sio æt hilde gebad

ofer borda gebræc | bite irena,


brosnadh æfter beorne. | Ne mæg byrnan hring

æfter wigfruman | wide feran,

hæledhum be healfe. | Næs hearpan wyn,

gomen gleobeames, | ne god hafoc

geond sæl swingedh, | ne se swifta mearh


burhstede beatedh. | Bealocwealm hafadh

fela feorhcynna | fordh onsended!"


Swa giomormod | giohdho mænde

an æfter eallum, | unblidhe hwearf

dæges ond nihtes, | odhdhæt deadhes wylm


hran æt heortan. | Hordwynne fond

eald uhtsceadha | opene standan,

se dhe byrnende | biorgas secedh,

nacod nidhdraca, | nihtes fleogedh

fyre befangen; | hyne foldbuend


swidhe ondrædadh. | He gesecean sceall

hord on hrusan, | thær he hædhen gold

waradh wintrum frod, | ne bydh him wihte dhy sel.


Swa se dheodsceadha | threo hund wintra

heold on hrusan | hordærna sum,


eacencræftig, | odhdhæt hyne an abealch

mon on mode; | mandryhtne bær

fæted wæge, | friodhowære bæd

hlaford sinne. | Dha wæs hord rasod,

onboren beaga hord, | bene getidhad


feasceaftum men. | Frea sceawode

fira fyrngeweorc | forman sidhe.


Tha se wyrm onwoc, | wroht wæs geniwad;

stonc dha æfter stane, | stearcheort onfand

feondes fotlast; | he to fordh gestop


dyrnan cræfte | dracan heafde neah.

Swa mæg unfæge | eadhe gedigan

wean ond wræcsidh, | se dhe waldendes

hyldo gehealdeth! | Hordweard sohte

georne æfter grunde, | wolde guman findan,


thone the him on sweofote | sare geteode,

hat ond hreohmod | hlæw oft ymbehwearf

ealne utanweardne, | ne dhær ænig mon

on thære westenne; | hwædhre wiges gefeh,

beaduwe weorces, | hwilum on beorh æthwearf,


sincfæt sohte. | He thæt sona onfand

dhæt hæfde gumena sum | goldes gefandod,

heahgestreona. | Hordweard onbad

earfodhlice | odhdhæt æfen cwom;

wæs dha gebolgen | beorges hyrde,


wolde se ladha | lige forgyldan

drincfæt dyre. | Tha wæs dæg sceacen

wyrme on willan; | no on wealle læg,

bidan wolde, | ac mid bæle for,

fyre gefysed. | Wæs se fruma egeslic


leodum on lande, | swa hyt lungre weardh

on hyra sincgifan | sare geendod.


Dha se gæst ongan | gledum spiwan,

beorht hofu bærnan; | bryneleoma stod

eldum on andan. | No dhær aht cwices


ladh lyftfloga | læfan wolde.

Wæs thæs wyrmes wig | wide gesyne,

nearofages nidh | nean ond feorran,

hu se gudhsceadha | Geata leode

hatode ond hynde; | hord eft gesceat,


dryhtsele dyrnne, | ær dæges hwile.

Hæfde landwara | lige befangen,

bæle ond bronde, | beorges getruwode,

wiges ond wealles; | him seo wen geleah.


Tha wæs Biowulfe | broga gecydhed


snude to sodhe, | thæt his sylfes ham,

bolda selest, | brynewylmum mealt,

gifstol Geata. | Thæt dham godan wæs

hreow on hredhre, | hygesorga mæst;

wende se wisa | thæt he wealdende


ofer ealde riht, | ecean dryhtne,

bitre gebulge. | Breost innan weoll

theostrum gethoncum, | swa him gethywe ne wæs.


Hæfde ligdraca | leoda fæsten,

ealond utan, | eordhweard dhone


gledum forgrunden; | him dhæs gudhkyning,

Wedera thioden, | wræce leornode.

Heht him tha gewyrcean | wigendra hleo

eallirenne, | eorla dryhten,

wigbord wrætlic; | wisse he gearwe


thæt him holtwudu | helpan ne meahte,

lind widh lige. | Sceolde lændaga

ætheling ærgod | ende gebidan,

worulde lifes, | ond se wyrm somod,

theah dhe hordwelan | heolde lange.


Oferhogode dha | hringa fengel

thæt he thone widflogan | weorode gesohte,

sidan herge; | no he him tha sæcce ondred,

ne him thæs wyrmes wig | for wiht dyde,

eafodh ond ellen, | fordhon he ær fela


nearo nedhende | nidha gedigde,

hildehlemma, | sydhdhan he Hrodhgares,

sigoreadig secg, | sele fælsode

ond æt gudhe forgrap | Grendeles mægum

ladhan cynnes. | No thæt læsest wæs


hondgemota, | thær mon Hygelac sloh,

sydhdhan Geata cyning | gudhe ræsum,

freawine folca | Freslondum on,

Hredhles eafora | hiorodryncum swealt,

bille gebeaten. | Thonan Biowulf com


sylfes cræfte, | sundnytte dreah;

hæfde him on earme | ana XXX

hildegeatwa, | tha he to holme beag.

Nealles Hetware | hremge thorfton

fedhewiges, | the him foran ongean


linde bæron; | lyt eft becwom

fram tham hildfrecan | hames niosan.

Oferswam dha sioledha bigong | sunu Ecgdheowes,

earm anhaga, | eft to leodum;

thær him Hygd gebead | hord ond rice,


beagas ond bregostol, | bearne ne truwode

thæt he widh ælfylcum | ethelstolas

healdan cudhe, | dha wæs Hygelac dead.


No dhy ær feasceafte | findan meahton

æt dham ædhelinge | ænige dhinga,


thæt he Heardrede | hlaford wære

odhdhe thone cynedom | ciosan wolde;

hwædhre he him on folce | freondlarum heold,

estum mid are, | odhdhæt he yldra weardh,

Wedergeatum weold. | Hyne wræcmæcgas


ofer sæ sohtan, | suna Ohteres;

hæfdon hy forhealden | helm Scylfinga,

thone selestan | sæcyninga

thara dhe in Swiorice | sinc brytnade,

mærne theoden. | Him thæt to mearce weardh;


he thær for feorme | feorhwunde hleat

sweordes swengum, | sunu Hygelaces,

ond him eft gewat | Ongendhioes bearn

hames niosan, | sydhdhan Heardred læg,

let dhone bregostol | Biowulf healdan,


Geatum wealdan. | Thæt wæs god cyning!

Se dhæs leodhryres | lean gemunde

uferan dogrum, | Eadgilse weardh

feasceaftum freond, | folce gestepte

ofer sæ side | sunu Ohteres,


wigum ond wæpnum; | he gewræc sydhdhan

cealdum cearsidhum, | cyning ealdre bineat.

Swa he nidha gehwane | genesen hæfde,

slidhra geslyhta, | sunu Ecgdhiowes,

ellenweorca, | odh dhone anne dæg


the he widh tham wyrme | gewegan sceolde.

Gewat tha XIIa sum | torne gebolgen

dryhten Geata | dracan sceawian.

Hæfde tha gefrunen | hwanan sio fæhdh aras,

bealonidh biorna; | him to bearme cwom


madhthumfæt mære | thurh dhæs meldan hond.

Se wæs on dham dhreate | threotteodha secg,

se dhæs orleges | or onstealde,

hæft hygegiomor, | sceolde hean dhonon

wong wisian. | He ofer willan giong


to dhæs dhe he eordhsele | anne wisse,

hlæw under hrusan | holmwylme neh,

ydhgewinne; | se wæs innan full

wrætta ond wira. | Weard unhiore,

gearo gudhfreca, | goldmadhmas heold,


eald under eordhan. | Næs thæt ydhe ceap

to gegangenne | gumena ænigum!


Gesæt dha on næsse | nidhheard cyning,

thenden hælo abead | heordhgeneatum,

goldwine Geata. | Him wæs geomor sefa,


wæfre ond wælfus, | wyrd ungemete neah,

se dhone gomelan | gretan sceolde,

secean sawle hord, | sundur gedælan

lif widh lice, | no thon lange wæs

feorh æthelinges | flæsce bewunden.



Biowulf mathelade, | bearn Ecgdheowes:

"Fela ic on giogodhe | gudhræsa genæs,

orleghwila; | ic thæt eall gemon.

Ic wæs syfanwintre, | tha mec sinca baldor,

freawine folca, | æt minum fæder genam;


heold mec ond hæfde | Hredhel cyning,

geaf me sinc ond symbel, | sibbe gemunde.

Næs ic him to life | ladhra owihte,

beorn in burgum, | thonne his bearna hwylc,

Herebeald ond Hædhcyn | odhdhe Hygelac min.


Wæs tham yldestan | ungedefelice

mæges dædum | morthorbed stred,

sydhdhan hyne Hædhcyn | of hornbogan,

his freawine, | flane geswencte,

miste mercelses | ond his mæg ofscet,


brodhor odherne | blodigan gare.

Thæt wæs feohleas gefeoht, | fyrenum gesyngad,

hredhre hygemedhe; | sceolde hwædhre swa theah

ædheling unwrecen | ealdres linnan.


Swa bidh geomorlic | gomelum ceorle


to gebidanne, | thæt his byre ride

giong on galgan, | thonne he gyd wrece,

sarigne sang, | thonne his sunu hangadh

hrefne to hrodhre, | ond he him helpe ne mæg,

eald ond infrod, | ænige gefremman.


Symble bidh gemyndgad | morna gehwylce

eaforan ellorsidh; | odhres ne gymedh

to gebidanne | burgum in innan

yrfeweardas, | thonne se an hafadh

thurh deadhes nyd | dæda gefondad.


Gesyhdh sorhcearig | on his suna bure

winsele westne, | windge reste

reote berofene. | Ridend swefadh,

hæledh in hodhman; | nis thær hearpan sweg,

gomen in geardum, | swylce dhær iu wæron.


Gewitedh thonne on sealman, | sorhleodh gæledh

an æfter anum; | thuhte him eall to rum,

wongas ond wicstede. | Swa Wedra helm

æfter Herebealde | heortan sorge

weallende wæg. | Wihte ne meahte


on dham feorhbonan | fæghdhe gebetan;

no dhy ær he thone headhorinc | hatian ne meahte

ladhum dædum, | theah him leof ne wæs.

He dha mid thære sorhge, | the him swa sar belamp,

gumdream ofgeaf, | godes leoht geceas,


eaferum læfde, | swa dedh eadig mon,

lond ond leodbyrig, | tha he of life gewat.


Tha wæs synn ond sacu | Sweona ond Geata

ofer wid wæter, | wroht gemæne,

herenidh hearda, | sydhdhan Hredhel swealt,


odhdhe him Ongendheowes | eaferan wæran

frome, fyrdhwate, | freode ne woldon

ofer heafo healdan, | ac ymb Hreosnabeorh

eatolne inwitscear | oft gefremedon.

Thæt mægwine | mine gewræcan,


fæhdhe ond fyrene, | swa hyt gefræge wæs,

theah dhe odher his | ealdre gebohte,

heardan ceape; |dhcynne weardh,

Geata dryhtne, | gudh onsæge.

Tha ic on morgne gefrægn | mæg odherne


billes ecgum | on bonan stælan,

thær Ongentheow | Eofores niosadh.

Gudhhelm toglad, | gomela Scylfing

hreas hildeblac; | hond gemunde

fæhdho genoge, | feorhsweng ne ofteah.


Ic him tha madhmas, | the he me sealde,

geald æt gudhe, | swa me gifedhe wæs,

leohtan sweorde; | he me lond forgeaf,

eard, edhelwyn. | Næs him ænig thearf

thæt he to Gifdhum | odhdhe to Gardenum


odhdhe in Swiorice | secean thurfe

wyrsan wigfrecan, | weordhe gecypan.

Symle ic him on fedhan | beforan wolde,

ana on orde, | ond swa to aldre sceall

sæcce fremman, | thenden this sweord tholadh,


thæt mec ær ond sidh | oft gelæste.

Sydhdhan ic for dugedhum | Dæghrefne weardh

to handbonan, | Huga cempan;

nalles he dha frætwe | Frescyninge,

breostweordhunge, | bringan moste,


ac in compe gecrong | cumbles hyrde,

ætheling on elne; | ne wæs ecg bona,

ac him hildegrap | heortan wylmas,

banhus gebræc. | Nu sceall billes ecg,

hond ond heard sweord, | ymb hord wigan."



Beowulf madhelode, | beotwordum spræc

niehstan sidhe: | "Ic genedhde fela

gudha on geogodhe; | gyt ic wylle,

frod folces weard, | fæhdhe secan,

mærdhu fremman, | gif mec se mansceadha


of eordhsele | ut gesecedh."


Gegrette dha | gumena gehwylcne,

hwate helmberend, | hindeman sidhe,

swæse gesidhas: | "Nolde ic sweord beran,

wæpen to wyrme, | gif ic wiste hu


widh dham aglæcean | elles meahte

gylpe widhgripan, | swa ic gio widh Grendle dyde.

Ac ic dhær headhufyres | hates wene,

oredhes ond attres; | fordhon ic me on hafu

bord ond byrnan. | Nelle ic beorges weard


forfleon fotes trem, | ac unc furdhur sceal

weordhan æt wealle, | swa unc wyrd geteodh,

metod manna gehwæs. | Ic eom on mode from

thæt ic widh thone gudhflogan | gylp ofersitte.

Gebide ge on beorge | byrnum werede,


secgas on searwum, | hwædher sel mæge

æfter wælræse | wunde gedygan

uncer twega. | Nis thæt eower sidh

ne gemet mannes, | nefne min anes,

thæt he widh aglæcean | eofodho dæle,


eorlscype efne. | Ic mid elne sceall

gold gegangan, | odhdhe gudh nimedh,

feorhbealu frecne, | frean eowerne!"


Aras dha bi ronde | rof oretta,

heard under helme, | hiorosercean bær


under stancleofu, | strengo getruwode

anes mannes. | Ne bidh swylc earges sidh!

Geseah dha be wealle | se dhe worna fela,

gumcystum god, | gudha gedigde,

hildehlemma, | thonne hnitan fedhan,


stondan stanbogan, | stream ut thonan

brecan of beorge. | Wæs thære burnan wælm

headhofyrum hat; | ne meahte horde neah

unbyrnende | ænige hwile

deop gedygan | for dracan lege.


Let dha of breostum, | dha he gebolgen wæs,

Wedergeata leod | word ut faran,

stearcheort styrmde; | stefn in becom

headhotorht hlynnan | under harne stan.


Hete wæs onhrered, | hordweard oncniow


mannes reorde; | næs dhær mara fyrst

freode to friclan. | From ærest cwom

orudh aglæcean | ut of stane,

hat hildeswat. | Hruse dynede.

Biorn under beorge | bordrand onswaf


widh dham gryregieste, | Geata dryhten;

dha wæs hringbogan | heorte gefysed

sæcce to seceanne. | Sweord ær gebræd

god gudhcyning, | gomele lafe,

ecgum unslaw; | æghwædhrum wæs


bealohycgendra | broga fram odhrum.


Stidhmod gestod | widh steapne rond

winia bealdor, | dha se wyrm gebeah

snude tosomne; | he on searwum bad.


Gewat dha byrnende | gebogen scridhan,


to gescipe scyndan. | Scyld wel gebearg

life ond lice | læssan hwile

mærum theodne | thonne his myne sohte,

dhær he thy fyrste, | forman dogore

wealdan moste | swa him wyrd ne gescraf


hredh æt hilde. | Hond up abræd

Geata dryhten, | gryrefahne sloh

incgelafe, | thæt sio ecg gewac

brun on bane, | bat unswidhor

thonne his dhiodcyning | thearfe hæfde,


bysigum gebæded. | Tha wæs beorges weard

æfter headhuswenge | on hreoum mode,

wearp wælfyre; | wide sprungon

hildeleoman. | Hredhsigora ne gealp

goldwine Geata; | gudhbill geswac,


nacod æt nidhe, | swa hyt no sceolde,

iren ærgod. | Ne wæs thæt edhe sidh,

thæt se mæra | maga Ecgdheowes

grundwong thone | ofgyfan wolde;

sceolde ofer willan | wic eardian


elles hwergen, | swa sceal æghwylc mon

alætan lændagas. | Næs dha long to dhon

thæt dha aglæcean hy | eft gemetton.

Hyrte hyne hordweard | (hredher ædhme weoll)

niwan stefne; | nearo dhrowode,


fyre befongen, | se dhe ær folce weold.


Nealles him on heape | handgesteallan,

ædhelinga bearn, | ymbe gestodon

hildecystum, | ac hy on holt bugon,

ealdre burgan. | Hiora in anum weoll


sefa widh sorgum; | sibb æfre ne mæg

wiht onwendan | tham dhe wel thencedh.


Wiglaf wæs haten | Weoxstanes sunu,

leoflic lindwiga, | leod Scylfinga,

mæg ælfheres; | geseah his mondryhten


under heregriman | hat throwian.

Gemunde dha dha are | the he him ær forgeaf,

wicstede weligne | Wægmundinga,

folcrihta gehwylc, | swa his fæder ahte.

Ne mihte dha forhabban; | hond rond gefeng,


geolwe linde, | gomel swyrd geteah,

thæt wæs mid eldum | Eanmundes laf,

suna Ohteres. | Tham æt sæcce weardh,

wræccan wineleasum, | Weohstan bana

meces ecgum, | ond his magum ætbær


brunfagne helm, | hringde byrnan,

eald sweord etonisc; | thæt him Onela forgeaf,

his gædelinges | gudhgewædu,

fyrdsearo fuslic, | no ymbe dha fæhdhe spræc,

theah dhe he his brodhor bearn | abredwade.


He frætwe geheold | fela missera,

bill ond byrnan, | odhdhæt his byre mihte

eorlscipe efnan | swa his ærfæder;

geaf him dha mid Geatum | gudhgewæda,

æghwæs unrim, | tha he of ealdre gewat,


frod on fordhweg. | Tha wæs forma sidh

geongan cempan, | thæt he gudhe ræs

mid his freodryhtne | fremman sceolde.

Ne gemealt him se modsefa, | ne his mæges laf

gewac æt wige; | thæt se wyrm onfand,


sydhdhan hie togædre | gegan hæfdon.


Wiglaf madhelode, | wordrihta fela

sægde gesidhum | (him wæs sefa geomor):

"Ic dhæt mæl geman, | thær we medu thegun,

thonne we geheton | ussum hlaforde


in biorsele, | dhe us dhas beagas geaf,

thæt we him dha gudhgetawa | gyldan woldon

gif him thyslicu | thearf gelumpe,

helmas ond heard sweord. | Dhe he usic on herge geceas

to dhyssum sidhfate | sylfes willum,


onmunde usic mærdha, | ond me thas madhmas geaf,

the he usic garwigend | gode tealde,

hwate helmberend, | theah dhe hlaford us

this ellenweorc | ana adhohte

to gefremmanne, | folces hyrde,


for dham he manna mæst | mærdha gefremede,

dæda dollicra. | Nu is se dæg cumen

thæt ure mandryhten | mægenes behofadh,

godra gudhrinca; | wutun gongan to,

helpan hildfruman, | thenden hyt sy,


gledegesa grim. | God wat on mec

thæt me is micle leofre | thæt minne lichaman

mid minne goldgyfan | gled fædhmie.

Ne thyncedh me gerysne | thæt we rondas beren

eft to earde, | nemne we æror mægen


fane gefyllan, | feorh ealgian

Wedra dheodnes. | Ic wat geare

thæt næron ealdgewyrht, | thæt he ana scyle

Geata dugudhe | gnorn throwian,

gesigan æt sæcce; | urum sceal sweord ond helm,


byrne ond beaduscrud, | bam gemæne."


Wod tha thurh thone wælrec, | wigheafolan bær

frean on fultum, | fea worda cwædh:

"Leofa Biowulf, | læst eall tela,

swa dhu on geogudhfeore | geara gecwæde


thæt dhu ne alæte | be dhe lifigendum

dom gedreosan. | Scealt nu dædum rof,

ædheling anhydig, | ealle mægene

feorh ealgian; | ic dhe fullæstu."


Æfter dham wordum | wyrm yrre cwom,


atol inwitgæst, | odhre sidhe

fyrwylmum fah | fionda niosian,

ladhra manna; | ligydhum for.

Born bord widh rond, | byrne ne meahte

geongum garwigan | geoce gefremman,


ac se maga geonga | under his mæges scyld

elne geeode, | tha his agen wæs

gledum forgrunden. | Tha gen gudhcyning

mærdha gemunde, | mægenstrengo sloh

hildebille, | thæt hyt on heafolan stod


nithe genyded; | Nægling forbærst,

geswac æt sæcce | sweord Biowulfes,

gomol ond grægmæl. | Him thæt gifedhe ne wæs

thæt him irenna | ecge mihton

helpan æt hilde; | wæs sio hond to strong,


se dhe meca gehwane, | mine gefræge,

swenge ofersohte, | thonne he to sæcce bær

wæpen wundrum heard; | næs him wihte dhe sel.


Tha wæs theodsceadha | thriddan sidhe,

frecne fyrdraca, | fæhdha gemyndig,


ræsde on dhone rofan, | tha him rum ageald,

hat ond headhogrim, | heals ealne ymbefeng

biteran banum; | he geblodegod weardh

sawuldriore, | swat ydhum weoll.


Dha ic æt thearfe gefrægn | theodcyninges


andlongne eorl | ellen cydhan,

cræft ond cendhu, | swa him gecynde wæs.

Ne hedde he thæs heafolan, | ac sio hand gebarn

modiges mannes, | thær he his mæges healp,

thæt he thone nidhgæst | niodhor hwene sloh,


secg on searwum, | thæt dhæt sweord gedeaf,

fah ond fæted, | thæt dhæt fyr ongon

swedhrian sydhdhan. | Tha gen sylf cyning

geweold his gewitte, | wællseaxe gebræd

biter ond beaduscearp, | thæt he on byrnan wæg;


forwrat Wedra helm | wyrm on middan.

Feond gefyldan | (ferh ellen wræc),

ond hi hyne tha begen | abroten hæfdon,

sibædhelingas. | Swylc sceolde secg wesan,

thegn æt dhearfe! | thæt dham theodne wæs


sidhast sigehwila | sylfes dædum,

worlde geweorces. | Dha sio wund ongon,

the him se eordhdraca | ær geworhte,

swelan ond swellan; | he thæt sona onfand,

thæt him on breostum | bealonidhe weoll


attor on innan. | Dha se ædheling giong

thæt he bi wealle | wishycgende

gesæt on sesse; | seah on enta geweorc,

hu dha stanbogan | stapulum fæste

ece eordhreced | innan healde.


Hyne tha mid handa | heorodreorigne,

theoden mærne, | thegn ungemete till

winedryhten his | wætere gelafede,

hilde sædne, | ond his helm onspeon.


Biowulf mathelode | (he ofer benne spræc,


wunde wælbleate; | wisse he gearwe

thæt he dæghwila | gedrogen hæfde,

eordhan wynne; | dha wæs eall sceacen

dogorgerimes, | deadh ungemete neah):

"Nu ic suna minum | syllan wolde


gudhgewædu, | thær me gifedhe swa

ænig yrfeweard | æfter wurde

lice gelenge. | Ic dhas leode heold

fiftig wintra; | næs se folccyning,

ymbesittendra | ænig dhara,


the mec gudhwinum | gretan dorste,

egesan dheon. | Ic on earde bad

mælgesceafta, | heold min tela,

ne sohte searonidhas, | ne me swor fela

adha on unriht. | Ic dhæs ealles mæg


feorhbennum seoc | gefean habban;

for dham me witan ne dhearf | waldend fira

mordhorbealo maga, | thonne min sceacedh

lif of lice. | Nu dhu lungre geong

hord sceawian | under harne stan,


Wiglaf leofa, | nu se wyrm ligedh,

swefedh sare wund, | since bereafod.

Bio nu on ofoste, | thæt ic ærwelan,

goldæht ongite, | gearo sceawige

swegle searogimmas, | thæt ic dhy seft mæge


æfter madhdhumwelan | min alætan

lif ond leodscipe, | thone ic longe heold."


Dha ic snude gefrægn | sunu Wihstanes

æfter wordcwydum | wundum dryhtne

hyran headhosiocum, | hringnet beran,


brogdne beadusercean | under beorges hrof.

Geseah dha sigehredhig, | tha he bi sesse geong,

magothegn modig | madhdhumsigla fealo,

gold glitinian | grunde getenge,

wundur on wealle, | ond thæs wyrmes denn,


ealdes uhtflogan, | orcas stondan,

fyrnmanna fatu | feormendlease,

hyrstum behrorene; | thær wæs helm monig

eald ond omig, | earmbeaga fela

searwum gesæled. | Sinc eadhe mæg,


gold on grunde, | gumcynnes gehwone

oferhigian, | hyde se dhe wylle.


Swylce he siomian geseah | segn eallgylden

heah ofer horde, | hondwundra mæst,

gelocen leodhocræftum; | of dham leoma stod,


thæt he thone grundwong | ongitan meahte,

wræte giondwlitan. | Næs dhæs wyrmes thær

onsyn ænig, | ac hyne ecg fornam.


Dha ic on hlæwe gefrægn | hord reafian,

eald enta geweorc, | anne mannan,


him on bearm hladon | bunan ond discas

sylfes dome; | segn eac genom,

beacna beorhtost. | Bill ær gescod

(ecg wæs iren) | ealdhlafordes

tham dhara madhma | mundbora wæs


longe hwile, | ligegesan wæg

hatne for horde, | hioroweallende

middelnihtum, | odhthæt he mordhre swealt.


Ar wæs on ofoste, | eftsidhes georn,

frætwum gefyrdhred; | hyne fyrwet bræc,


hwædher collenferdh | cwicne gemette

in dham wongstede | Wedra theoden

ellensiocne, | thær he hine ær forlet.


He dha mid tham madhmum | mærne thioden,

dryhten sinne, | driorigne fand


ealdres æt ende; | he hine eft ongon

wæteres weorpan, | odhthæt wordes ord

breosthord thurhbræc. . . . . . . . . . . .

gomel on giohdhe | (gold sceawode):

"Ic dhara frætwa | frean ealles dhanc,


wuldurcyninge, | wordum secge,

ecum dryhtne, | the ic her on starie,

thæs dhe ic moste | minum leodum

ær swyltdæge | swylc gestrynan.

Nu ic on madhma hord | mine bebohte


frode feorhlege, | fremmadh gena

leoda thearfe; | ne mæg ic her leng wesan.

Hatadh headhomære | hlæw gewyrcean

beorhtne æfter bæle | æt brimes nosan;

se scel to gemyndum | minum leodum


heah hlifian | on Hronesnæsse,

thæt hit sælidhend | sydhdhan hatan

Biowulfes biorh, | dha dhe brentingas

ofer floda genipu | feorran drifadh."


Dyde him of healse | hring gyldenne


thioden thristhydig, | thegne gesealde,

geongum garwigan, | goldfahne helm,

beah ond byrnan, | het hyne brucan well:

"Thu eart endelaf | usses cynnes,

Wægmundinga. | Ealle wyrd forsweop


mine magas | to metodsceafte,

eorlas on elne; | ic him æfter sceal."

Thæt wæs tham gomelan | gingæste word

breostgehygdum, | ær he bæl cure,

hate headhowylmas; | him of hredhre gewat


sawol secean | sodhfæstra dom.


Dha wæs gegongen | guman unfrodum

earfodhlice, | thæt he on eordhan geseah

thone leofestan | lifes æt ende

bleate gebæran. | Bona swylce læg,


egeslic eordhdraca | ealdre bereafod,

bealwe gebæded. | Beahhordum leng

wyrm wohbogen | wealdan ne moste,

ac hine irenna | ecga fornamon,

hearde, headhoscearde | homera lafe,


thæt se widfloga | wundum stille

hreas on hrusan | hordærne neah.

Nalles æfter lyfte | lacende hwearf

middelnihtum, | madhmæhta wlonc

ansyn ywde, | ac he eordhan gefeoll


for dhæs hildfruman | hondgeweorce.

Huru thæt on lande | lyt manna dhah,

mægenagendra, | mine gefræge,

theah dhe he dæda gehwæs | dyrstig wære,

thæt he widh attorsceadhan | oredhe geræsde,


odhdhe hringsele | hondum styrede,

gif he wæccende | weard onfunde

buon on beorge. | Biowulfe weardh

dryhtmadhma dæl | deadhe forgolden;

hæfde æghwædher | ende gefered


lænan lifes. | Næs dha lang to dhon

thæt dha hildlatan | holt ofgefan,

tydre treowlogan | tyne ætsomne.

Dha ne dorston ær | daredhum lacan

on hyra mandryhtnes | miclan thearfe,


ac hy scamiende | scyldas bæran,

gudhgewædu, | thær se gomela læg,

wlitan on Wilaf. | He gewergad sæt,

fedhecempa, | frean eaxlum neah,

wehte hyne wætre; | him wiht ne speow.


Ne meahte he on eordhan, | dheah he udhe wel,

on dham frumgare | feorh gehealdan,

ne dhæs wealdendes | wiht oncirran;

wolde dom godes | dædum rædan

gumena gehwylcum, | swa he nu gen dedh.


Tha wæs æt dham geongan | grim ondswaru

edhbegete | tham dhe ær his elne forleas.

Wiglaf madhelode, | Weohstanes sunu,

sec, sarigferdh | (seah on unleofe):

"Thæt, la, mæg secgan | se dhe wyle sodh specan


thæt se mondryhten | se eow dha madhmas geaf,

eoredgeatwe, | the ge thær on standadh,

thonne he on ealubence | oft gesealde

healsittendum | helm ond byrnan,

theoden his thegnum, | swylce he thrydlicost


ower feor odhdhe neah | findan meahte,

thæt he genunga | gudhgewædu

wradhe forwurpe, | dha hyne wig beget.

Nealles folccyning | fyrdgesteallum

gylpan thorfte; | hwædhre him god udhe,


sigora waldend, | thæt he hyne sylfne gewræc

ana mid ecge, | tha him wæs elnes thearf.

Ic him lifwradhe | lytle meahte

ætgifan æt gudhe, | ond ongan swa theah

ofer min gemet | mæges helpan;


symle wæs thy sæmra, | thonne ic sweorde drep

ferhdhgenidhlan, | fyr unswidhor

weoll of gewitte. | Wergendra to lyt

throng ymbe theoden, | tha hyne sio thrag becwom. 

Nu sceal sincthego | ond swyrdgifu,


eall edhelwyn | eowrum cynne,

lufen alicgean; | londrihtes mot

thære mægburge | monna æghwylc

idel hweorfan, | sydhdhan ædhelingas

feorran gefricgean | fleam eowerne,


domleasan dæd. | Deadh bidh sella

eorla gehwylcum | thonne edwitlif!"


Heht dha thæt headhoweorc | to hagan biodan

up ofer ecgclif, | thær thæt eorlweorod

morgenlongne dæg | modgiomor sæt,


bordhæbbende, | bega on wenum,

endedogores | ond eftcymes

leofes monnes. | Lyt swigode

niwra spella | se dhe næs gerad,

ac he sodhlice | sægde ofer ealle:


"Nu is wilgeofa | Wedra leoda,

dryhten Geata, | deadhbedde fæst,

wunadh wælreste | wyrmes dædum.

Him on efn ligedh | ealdorgewinna

sexbennum seoc; | sweorde ne meahte


on dham aglæcean | ænige thinga

wunde gewyrcean. | Wiglaf sitedh

ofer Biowulfe, | byre Wihstanes,

eorl ofer odhrum | unlifigendum,

healdedh higemædhum | heafodwearde


leofes ond ladhes. | Nu ys leodum wen

orleghwile, | sydhdhan underne

Froncum ond Frysum | fyll cyninges

wide weordhedh. | Wæs sio wroht scepen

heard widh Hugas, | sydhdhan Higelac cwom


faran flotherge | on Fresna land,

thær hyne Hetware | hilde genægdon,

elne geeodon | mid ofermægene,

thæt se byrnwiga | bugan sceolde,

feoll on fedhan, | nalles frætwe geaf


ealdor dugodhe. | Us wæs a sydhdhan

Merewioingas | milts ungyfedhe.


Ne ic to Sweodheode | sibbe odhdhe treowe

wihte ne wene, | ac wæs wide cudh

thætte Ongendhio | ealdre besnydhede


dhcen Hrethling | widh Hrefnawudu,

tha for onmedlan | ærest gesohton

Geata leode | Gudhscilfingas.

Sona him se froda | fæder Ohtheres,

eald ond egesfull, | ondslyht ageaf,


abreot brimwisan, | bryd ahredde,

gomela iomeowlan | golde berofene,

Onelan modor | ond Ohtheres,

ond dha folgode | feorhgenidhlan,

odhdhæt hi odheodon | earfodhlice


in Hrefnesholt | hlafordlease.

Besæt dha sinherge | sweorda lafe,

wundum werge, | wean oft gehet

earmre teohhe | ondlonge niht,

cwædh, he on mergenne | meces ecgum


getan wolde, | sum on galgtreowum

fuglum to gamene. | Frofor eft gelamp

sarigmodum | somod ærdæge,

sydhdhan hie Hygelaces | horn ond byman,

gealdor ongeaton, | tha se goda com


leoda dugodhe | on last faran.

Wæs sio swatswadhu | Sweona ond Geata,

wælræs weora | wide gesyne,

hu dha folc mid him | fæhdhe towehton.

Gewat him dha se goda | mid his gædelingum,


frod, felageomor, | fæsten secean,

eorl Ongenthio, | ufor oncirde;

hæfde Higelaces | hilde gefrunen,

wlonces wigcræft, | widhres ne truwode,

thæt he sæmannum | onsacan mihte,


headholidhendum | hord forstandan,

bearn ond bryde; | beah eft thonan

eald under eordhweall. | Tha wæs æht boden

Sweona leodum, | segn Higelaces

freodhowong thone | fordh ofereodon,


sydhdhan Hredhlingas | to hagan thrungon.

Thær weardh Ongendhiow | ecgum sweorda,

blondenfexa, | on bid wrecen,

thæt se theodcyning | dhafian sceolde

Eafores anne dom. | Hyne yrringa


Wulf Wonreding | wæpne geræhte,

thæt him for swenge | swat ædrum sprong

fordh under fexe. | Næs he forht swa dheh,

gomela Scilfing, | ac forgeald hradhe

wyrsan wrixle | wælhlem thone,


sydhdhan dheodcyning | thyder oncirde.

Ne meahte se snella | sunu Wonredes

ealdum ceorle | ondslyht giofan,

ac he him on heafde | helm ær gescer,

thæt he blode fah | bugan sceolde,


feoll on foldan; | næs he fæge tha git,

ac he hyne gewyrpte, | theah dhe him wund hrine.

Let se hearda | Higelaces thegn

bradne mece, | tha his brodhor læg,

eald sweord eotonisc, | entiscne helm


brecan ofer bordweal; | dha gebeah cyning,

folces hyrde, | wæs in feorh dropen.

Dha wæron monige | the his mæg wridhon,

ricone arærdon, | dha him gerymed weardh

thæt hie wælstowe | wealdan moston.


Thenden reafode | rinc odherne,

nam on Ongendhio | irenbyrnan,

heard swyrd hilted | ond his helm somod,

hares hyrste | Higelace bær.

He dham frætwum feng | ond him fægre gehet


leana mid leodum, | ond gelæste swa;

geald thone gudhræs | Geata dryhten,

Hredhles eafora, | tha he to ham becom,

Iofore ond Wulfe | mid ofermadhmum,

sealde hiora gehwædhrum | hund thusenda


landes ond locenra beaga | (ne dhorfte him dha lean odhwitan

mon on middangearde), | sydhdhan hie dha mærdha geslogon,

ond dha Iofore forgeaf | angan dohtor,

hamweordhunge, | hyldo to wedde.


Thæt ys sio fæhdho | ond se feondscipe,


wælnidh wera, | dhæs dhe ic wen hafo,

the us seceadh to | Sweona leoda,

sydhdhan hie gefricgeadh | frean userne

ealdorleasne, | thone dhe ær geheold

widh hettendum | hord ond rice


æfter hæledha hryre, | hwate Scildingas,

folcred fremede | odhdhe furdhur gen

eorlscipe efnde. | Nu is ofost betost

thæt we theodcyning | thær sceawian

ond thone gebringan, | the us beagas geaf,


on adfære. | Ne scel anes hwæt

meltan mid tham modigan, | ac thær is madhma hord,

gold unrime | grimme geceapod,

ond nu æt sidhestan | sylfes feore

beagas gebohte. | Tha sceall brond fretan,


æled theccean, | nalles eorl wegan

madhdhum to gemyndum, | ne mægdh scyne

habban on healse | hringweordhunge,

ac sceal geomormod, | golde bereafod,

oft nalles æne | elland tredan,


nu se herewisa | hleahtor alegde,

gamen ond gleodream. | Fordhon sceall gar wesan

monig, morgenceald, | mundum bewunden,

hæfen on handa, | nalles hearpan sweg

wigend weccean, | ac se wonna hrefn


fus ofer fægum | fela reordian,

earne secgan | hu him æt æte speow,

thenden he widh wulf | wæl reafode."


Swa se secg hwata | secggende wæs

ladhra spella; | he ne leag fela


wyrda ne worda. | Weorod eall aras;

eodon unblidhe | under Earnanæs,

wollenteare | wundur sceawian.


Fundon dha on sande | sawulleasne

hlimbed healdan | thone the him hringas geaf


ærran mælum; | tha wæs endedæg

godum gegongen, | thæt se gudhcyning,

Wedra theoden, | wundordeadhe swealt.

Ær hi thær gesegan | syllicran wiht,

wyrm on wonge | widherræhtes thær


ladhne licgean; | wæs se legdraca

grimlic, gryrefah, | gledum beswæled.

Se wæs fiftiges | fotgemearces

lang on legere, | lyftwynne heold

nihtes hwilum, | nydher eft gewat


dennes niosian; | wæs dha deadhe fæst,

hæfde eordhscrafa | ende genyttod.

Him big stodan | bunan ond orcas,

discas lagon | ond dyre swyrd,

omige, thurhetone, | swa hie widh eordhan fædhm


thusend wintra | thær eardodon.

Thonne wæs thæt yrfe, | eacencræftig,

iumonna gold | galdre bewunden,

thæt dham hringsele | hrinan ne moste

gumena ænig, | nefne god sylfa,


sigora sodhcyning, | sealde tham dhe he wolde

(he is manna gehyld) | hord openian,

efne swa hwylcum manna | swa him gemet dhuhte.


Tha wæs gesyne | thæt se sidh ne dhah

tham dhe unrihte | inne gehydde


wræte under wealle. | Weard ær ofsloh

feara sumne; | tha sio fæhdh geweardh

gewrecen wradhlice. | Wundur hwar thonne

eorl ellenrof | ende gefere

lifgesceafta, | thonne leng ne mæg


mon mid his magum | meduseld buan.


Swa wæs Biowulfe, | tha he biorges weard

sohte, searonidhas; | seolfa ne cudhe

thurh hwæt his worulde gedal | weordhan sceolde.

Swa hit odh domes dæg | diope benemdon


theodnas mære, | tha dhæt thær dydon,

thæt se secg wære | synnum scildig,

hergum geheadherod, | hellbendum fæst,

wommum gewitnad, | se dhone wong strude,

næs he goldhwæte | gearwor hæfde


agendes est | ær gesceawod.


Wiglaf madhelode, | Wihstanes sunu:

"Oft sceall eorl monig | anes willan

wræc adreogan, | swa us geworden is.

Ne meahton we gelæran | leofne theoden,


rices hyrde, | ræd ænigne,

thæt he ne grette | goldweard thone,

lete hyne licgean | thær he longe wæs,

wicum wunian | odh woruldende;

heold on heahgesceap. | Hord ys gesceawod,


grimme gegongen; | wæs thæt gifedhe to swidh

the dhone theodcyning | thyder ontyhte.


Ic wæs thær inne | ond thæt eall geondseh,

recedes geatwa, | tha me gerymed wæs,

nealles swæslice | sidh alyfed


inn under eordhweall. | Ic on ofoste gefeng

micle mid mundum | mægenbyrdhenne

hordgestreona, | hider ut ætbær

cyninge minum. | Cwico wæs tha gena,

wis ond gewittig; | worn eall gespræc


gomol on gehdho | ond eowic gretan het,

bæd thæt ge geworhton | æfter wines dædum

in bælstede | beorh thone hean,

micelne ond mærne, | swa he manna wæs

wigend weordhfullost | wide geond eordhan,


thenden he burhwelan | brucan moste.

Uton nu efstan | odhre sidhe,

seon ond secean | searogimma gethræc,

wundur under wealle; | ic eow wisige,

thæt ge genoge | neon sceawiadh


beagas ond brad gold. | Sie sio bær gearo,

ædre geæfned, | thonne we ut cymen,

ond thonne geferian | frean userne,

leofne mannan, | thær he longe sceal

on dhæs waldendes | wære getholian."



Het dha gebeodan | byre Wihstanes,

hæle hildedior, | hæledha monegum,

boldagendra, | thæt hie bælwudu

feorran feredon, | folcagende,

godum togenes: | "Nu sceal gled fretan,


weaxan wonna leg | wigena strengel,

thone dhe oft gebad | isernscure,

thonne stræla storm | strengum gebæded

scoc ofer scildweall, | sceft nytte heold,

fedhergearwum fus | flane fulleode."



Huru se snotra | sunu Wihstanes

acigde of cordhre | cyninges thegnas

syfone tosomne, | tha selestan,

eode eahta sum | under inwithrof

hilderinca; | sum on handa bær


æledleoman, | se dhe on orde geong.


Næs dha on hlytme | hwa thæt hord strude,

sydhdhan orwearde | ænigne dæl

secgas gesegon | on sele wunian,

læne licgan; | lyt ænig mearn


thæt hi ofostlice | ut geferedon

dyre madhmas. | Dracan ec scufun,

wyrm ofer weallclif, | leton weg niman,

flod fædhmian | frætwa hyrde.


Tha wæs wunden gold | on wæn hladen,


æghwæs unrim, | ætheling boren,

har hilderinc | to Hronesnæsse.


Him dha gegiredan | Geata leode

ad on eordhan | unwaclicne,

helmum behongen, | hildebordum,


beorhtum byrnum, | swa he bena wæs;

alegdon dha tomiddes | mærne theoden

hæledh hiofende, | hlaford leofne.


Ongunnon tha on beorge | bælfyra mæst

wigend weccan; | wudurec astah,


sweart ofer swiodhole, | swogende leg

wope bewunden | (windblond gelæg),

odhthæt he dha banhus | gebrocen hæfde,

hat on hredhre. | Higum unrote

modceare mændon, | mondryhtnes cwealm;


swylce giomorgyd | Geatisc meowle

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bundenheorde

song sorgcearig | swidhe geneahhe

thæt hio hyre heofungdagas | hearde ondrede,

wælfylla worn, | werudes egesan,


hyndho ond hæftnyd. | Heofon rece swealg.

Geworhton dha | Wedra leode

hleo on hoe, | se wæs heah ond brad,

wæglidhendum | wide gesyne,

ond betimbredon | on tyn dagum


beadurofes becn, | bronda lafe

wealle beworhton, | swa hyt weordhlicost

foresnotre men | findan mihton.

Hi on beorg dydon | beg ond siglu,

eall swylce hyrsta, | swylce on horde ær


nidhhedige men | genumen hæfdon,

forleton eorla gestreon | eordhan healdan,

gold on greote, | thær hit nu gen lifadh

eldum swa unnyt | swa hit æror wæs.


Tha ymbe hlæw riodan | hildediore,


æthelinga bearn, | ealra twelfe,

woldon ceare cwidhan | ond kyning mænan,

wordgyd wrecan | ond ymb wer sprecan;

eahtodan eorlscipe | ond his ellenweorc

dugudhum demdon, | swa hit gedefe bidh


thæt mon his winedryhten | wordum herge,

ferhdhum freoge, | thonne he fordh scile

of lichaman | læded weordhan.

Swa begnornodon | Geata leode

hlafordes hryre, | heordhgeneatas,


cwædon thæt he wære | wyruldcyninga

manna mildust | ond mondhwærust,

leodum lidhost | ond lofgeornost.