ca. 750
Beowulf's return to Geatland
1888 - 2199
| |
Cwom tha to flode | felamodigra,hægstealdra heap, | hringnet bæron, | |
1890 | locene leodhosyrcan. | Landweard onfandeftsidh eorla, | swa he ær dyde;no he mid hearme | of hlidhes nosangæstas grette, | ac him togeanes rad,cwædh thæt wilcuman | Wedera leodum |
1895 | scathan scirhame | to scipe foron.Tha wæs on sande | sægeap nacahladen herewædum, | hringedstefna,mearum ond madhmum; | mæst hlifadeofer Hrodhgares | hordgestreonum. |
1900 | He thæm batwearde | bunden goldeswurd gesealde, | thæt he sydhthan wæson meodubence | mathme thy weorthra,yrfelafe. | Gewat him on nacadrefan deop wæter, | Dena land ofgeaf. |
1905 | Tha wæs be mæste | merehrægla sum,segl sale fæst; | sundwudu thunede.No thær wegflotan | wind ofer ydhumsidhes getwæfde; | sægenga for,fleat famigheals | fordh ofer ydhe, |
1910 | bundenstefna | ofer brimstreamas,thæt hie Geata clifu | ongitan meahton,cuthe næssas. | Ceol up gethranglyftgeswenced, | on lande stod.
Hrathe wæs æt holme | hydhweard geara, |
1915 | se the ær lange tid | leofra mannafus æt farodhe | feor wlatode;sælde to sande | sidfæthme scip,oncerbendum fæst, | thy læs hym ytha dhrymwudu wynsuman | forwrecan meahte. |
1920 | Het tha up beran | æthelinga gestreon,frætwe ond fætgold; | næs him feor thanonto gesecanne | sinces bryttan,Higelac Hrethling, | thær æt ham wunadhselfa mid gesidhum | sæwealle neah.
1925 | Bold wæs betlic, | bregorof cyning,heah in healle, | Hygd swidhe geong,wis, welthungen, | theah dhe wintra lytunder burhlocan | gebiden hæbbe,Hærethes dohtor; | næs hio hnah swa theah, |
1930 | ne to gneadh gifa | Geata leodum,mathmgestreona. | Mod thrydho wæg,fremu folces cwen, | firen ondrysne.Nænig thæt dorste | deor genethanswæsra gesidha, | nefne sinfrea, |
1935 | thæt hire an dæges | eagum starede,ac him wælbende | weotode tealdehandgewrithene; | hrathe seothdhan wæsæfter mundgripe | mece gethinged,thæt hit sceadenmæl | scyran moste, |
1940 | cwealmbealu cydhan. | Ne bidh swylc cwenlic theawidese to efnanne, | theah dhe hio ænlicu sy,thætte freodhuwebbe | feores onsæceæfter ligetorne | leofne mannan.
Huru thæt onhohsnode | Hemminges mæg; |
1945 | ealodrincende | odher sædan,thæt hio leodbealewa | læs gefremede,inwitnidha, | sydhdhan ærest weardhgyfen goldhroden | geongum cempan,ædhelum diore, | sydhdhan hio Offan flet |
1950 | ofer fealone flod | be fæder laresidhe gesohte; | dhær hio sydhdhan wellin gumstole, | gode, mære,lifgesceafta | lifigende breac,hiold heahlufan | widh hæletha brego, |
1955 | ealles moncynnes | mine gefrægethone selestan | bi sæm tweonum,eormencynnes. | Fordham Offa wæsgeofum ond gudhum, | garcene man,wide geweordhod, | wisdome heold |
1960 | edhel sinne; | thonon Eomer wochæledhum to helpe, | Hemminges mæg,nefa Garmundes, | nidha cræftig.
Gewat him dha se hearda | mid his hondscolesylf æfter sande | sæwong tredan, |
1965 | wide warodhas. | Woruldcandel scan,sigel sudhan fus. | Hi sidh drugon,elne geeodon, | to dhæs dhe eorla hleo,bonan Ongentheoes | burgum in innan,geongne gudhcyning | godne gefrunon |
1970 | hringas dælan. | Higelace wæssidh Beowulfes | snude gecydhed,thæt dhær on wordhig | wigendra hleo,lindgestealla, | lifigende cwom,headholaces hal | to hofe gongan.
1975 | Hradhe wæs gerymed, | swa se rica bebead,fedhegestum | flet innanweard.Gesæt tha widh sylfne | se dha sæcce genæs,mæg widh mæge, | sydhdhan mandryhtenthurh hleodhorcwyde | holdne gegrette, |
1980 | meaglum wordum. | Meoduscencum hwearfgeond thæt healreced | Hæredhes dohtor,lufode dha leode, | lidhwæge bærhæledhum to handa. | Higelac ongansinne geseldan | in sele tham hean |
1985 | fægre fricgcean | (hyne fyrwet bræc,hwylce Sægeata | sidhas wæron):
"Hu lomp eow on lade, | leofa Biowulf,tha dhu færinga | feorr gehogodestsæcce secean | ofer sealt wæter, |
1990 | hilde to Hiorote? | Ac dhu Hrodhgarewidcudhne wean | wihte gebettest,mærum dheodne? | Ic dhæs modcearesorhwylmum seadh, | sidhe ne truwodeleofes mannes; | ic dhe lange bæd |
1995 | thæt dhu thone wælgæst | wihte ne grette,lete Sudhdene | sylfe geweordhangudhe widh Grendel. | Gode ic thanc secgethæs dhe ic dhe gesundne | geseon moste."
Biowulf madhelode, | bearn Ecgdhioes: |
2000 | "thæt is undyrne, | dryhten Higelac,micel gemeting, | monegum fira,hwylc orleghwil | uncer Grendlesweardh on dham wange, | thær he worna felaSigescyldingum | sorge gefremede, |
2005 | yrmdhe to aldre. | Ic dhæt eall gewræc,swa begylpan ne thearf | Grendeles magaænig ofer eordhan | uhthlem thone,se dhe lengest leofadh | ladhan cynnes,facne bifongen. | Ic dhær furdhum cwom |
2010 | to dham hringsele | Hrodhgar gretan;sona me se mæra | mago Healfdenes,sydhdhan he modsefan | minne cudhe,widh his sylfes sunu | setl getæhte.Weorod wæs on wynne; | ne seah ic widan feorh |
2015 | under heofones hwealf | healsittendramedudream maran. | Hwilum mæru cwen,fridhusibb folca, | flet eall geondhwearf,bædde byre geonge; | oft hio beahwridhansecge sealde, | ær hie to setle geong. |
2020 | Hwilum for dugudhe | dohtor Hrodhgareseorlum on ende | ealuwæge bær;tha ic Freaware | fletsittendenemnan hyrde, | thær hio nægled sinchæledhum sealde. | Sio gehaten is, |
2025 | geong, goldhroden, | gladum suna Frodan;hafadh thæs geworden | wine Scyldinga,rices hyrde, | ond thæt ræd taladh,thæt he mid dhy wife | wælfæhdha dæl,sæcca gesette. | Oft seldan hwær |
2030 | æfter leodhryre | lytle hwilebongar bugedh, | theah seo bryd duge!
Mæg thæs thonne ofthyncan | dheodne Headhobeardnaond thegna gehwam | thara leoda,thonne he mid fæmnan | on flett gædh, |
2035 | dryhtbearn Dena, | dugudha biwenede;on him gladiadh | gomelra lafe,heard ond hringmæl | Headhabeardna gestreonthenden hie dham wæpnum | wealdan moston,odhdhæt hie forlæddan | to dham lindplegan |
2040 | swæse gesidhas | ond hyra sylfra feorh.
Thonne cwidh æt beore | se dhe beah gesyhdh,eald æscwiga, | se dhe eall geman,garcwealm gumena | (him bidh grim sefa),onginnedh geomormod | geongum cempan |
2045 | thurh hredhra gehygd | higes cunnian,wigbealu weccean, | ond thæt word acwydh:'Meaht dhu, min wine, | mece gecnawanthone thin fæder | to gefeohte bærunder heregriman | hindeman sidhe, |
2050 | dyre iren, | thær hyne Dene slogon,weoldon wælstowe, | sydhdhan Widhergyld læg,æfter hæletha hryre, | hwate Scyldungas?Nu her thara banena | byre nathwylcesfrætwum hremig | on flet gædh, |
2055 | mordhres gylpedh, | ond thone madhthum byredh,thone the dhu mid rihte | rædan sceoldest.'Manadh swa ond myndgadh | mæla gehwylcesarum wordum, | odhdhæt sæl cymedhthæt se fæmnan thegn | fore fæder dædum |
2060 | æfter billes bite | blodfag swefedh,ealdres scyldig; | him se odher thonanlosadh lifigende, | con him land geare.Thonne biodh abrocene | on ba healfeadhsweord eorla; | sydhdhan Ingelde |
2065 | wealladh wælnidhas, | ond him wiflufanæfter cearwælmum | colran weordhadh.
Thy ic Headhobeardna | hyldo ne telge,dryhtsibbe dæl | Denum unfæcne,freondscipe fæstne. | Ic sceal fordh sprecan |
2070 | gen ymbe Grendel, | thæt dhu geare cunne,sinces brytta, | to hwan sydhdhan weardhhondræs hæledha. | Sydhdhan heofones gimglad ofer grundas, | gæst yrre cwom,eatol, æfengrom, | user neosan, |
2075 | dhær we gesunde | sæl weardodon.Thær wæs Hondscio | hild onsæge,feorhbealu fægum; | he fyrmest læg,gyrded cempa; | him Grendel weardh,mærum maguthegne | to mudhbonan, |
2080 | leofes mannes | lic eall forswealg.No dhy ær ut dha gen | idelhendebona blodigtodh, | bealewa gemyndig,of dham goldsele | gongan wolde,ac he mægnes rof | min costode, |
2085 | grapode gearofolm. | Glof hangodesid ond syllic, | searobendum fæst;sio wæs ordhoncum | eall gegyrweddeofles cræftum | ond dracan fellum.He mec thær on innan | unsynnigne, |
2090 | dior dædfruma, | gedon woldemanigra sumne; | hyt ne mihte swa,sydhdhan ic on yrre | uppriht astod.
To lang ys to reccenne | hu ic dham leodsceadhanyfla gehwylces | ondlean forgeald; |
2095 | thær ic, theoden min, | thine leodeweordhode weorcum. | He on weg losade,lytle hwile | lifwynna breac;hwæthre him sio swidhre | swadhe weardadehand on Hiorte, | ond he hean dhonan |
2100 | modes geomor | meregrund gefeoll.Me thone wælræs | wine Scildungafættan golde | fela leanode,manegum madhmum, | sydhdhan mergen comond we to symble | geseten hæfdon. |
2105 | Thær wæs gidd ond gleo. | Gomela Scilding,felafricgende, | feorran rehte;hwilum hildedeor | hearpan wynne,gomenwudu grette, | hwilum gyd awræcsodh ond sarlic, | hwilum syllic spell |
2110 | rehte æfter rihte | rumheort cyning.Hwilum eft ongan, | eldo gebunden,gomel gudhwiga | giogudhe cwidhan,hildestrengo; | hredher inne weoll,thonne he wintrum frod | worn gemunde.
2115 | Swa we thær inne | ondlangne dægniode naman, | odhdhæt niht becwomodher to yldum. | Tha wæs eft hradhegearo gyrnwræce | Grendeles modor,sidhode sorhfull; | sunu deadh fornam, |
2120 | wighete Wedra. | Wif unhyrehyre bearn gewræc, | beorn acwealdeellenlice; | thær wæs æschere,frodan fyrnwitan, | feorh udhgenge.Nodher hy hine ne moston, | sydhdhan mergen cwom, |
2125 | deadhwerigne, | Denia leode,bronde forbærnan, | ne on bæl hladanleofne mannan; | hio thæt lic ætbærfeondes fædhmum | under firgenstream.Thæt wæs Hrodhgare | hreowa tornost |
2130 | thara the leodfruman | lange begeate.tha se dheoden mec | dhine lifehealsode hreohmod, | thæt ic on holma gethringeorlscipe efnde, | ealdre genedhde,mærdho fremede; | he me mede gehet.
2135 | Ic dha dhæs wælmes, | the is wide cudh,grimne gryrelicne | grundhyrde fond;thær unc hwile wæs | hand gemæne,holm heolfre weoll, | ond ic heafde becearfin dham gudhsele | Grendeles modor |
2140 | eacnum ecgum, | unsofte thonanfeorh odhferede. | Næs ic fæge tha gyt,ac me eorla hleo | eft gesealdemadhma menigeo, | maga Healfdenes.
Swa se dheodkyning | theawum lyfde. |
2145 | Nealles ic dham leanum | forloren hæfde,mægnes mede, | ac he me madhmas geaf,sunu Healfdenes, | on minne sylfes dom;dha ic dhe, beorncyning, | bringan wylle,estum geywan. | Gen is eall æt dhe |
2150 | lissa gelong; | ic lyt hafoheafodmaga | nefne, Hygelac, dhec."
Het dha in beran | eaforheafodsegn,headhosteapne helm, | hare byrnan,gudhsweord geatolic, | gyd æfter wræc: |
2155 | "Me dhis hildesceorp | Hrodhgar sealde,snotra fengel, | sume worde hetthæt ic his ærest dhe | est gesægde;cwædh thæt hyt hæfde | Hiorogar cyning,leod Scyldunga | lange hwile; |
2160 | no dhy ær suna sinum | syllan wolde,hwatum Heorowearde, | theah he him hold wære,breostgewædu. | Bruc ealles well!"
Hyrde ic thæt tham frætwum | feower mearaslungre, gelice, | last weardode, |
2165 | æppelfealuwe; | he him est geteahmeara ond madhma. | Swa sceal mæg don,nealles inwitnet | odhrum bregdondyrnum cræfte, | deadh renianhondgesteallan. | Hygelace wæs, |
2170 | nidha heardum, | nefa swydhe hold,ond gehwædher odhrum | hrothra gemyndig.
Hyrde ic thæt he dhone healsbeah | Hygde gesealde,wrætlicne wundurmadhdhum, | dhone the him Wealhdheo geaf,dheodnes dohtor, | thrio wicg somod |
2175 | swancor ond sadolbeorht; | hyre sydhdhan wæsæfter beahdhege | breost geweordhod.
Swa bealdode | bearn Ecgdheowes,guma gudhum cudh, | godum dædum,dreah æfter dome, | nealles druncne slog |
2180 | heordhgeneatas; | næs him hreoh sefa,ac he mancynnes | mæste cræfteginfæstan gife, | the him god sealde,heold hildedeor. | Hean wæs lange,swa hyne Geata bearn | godne ne tealdon, |
2185 | ne hyne on medobence | micles wyrdhnedrihten Wedera | gedon wolde;swydhe wendon | thæt he sleac wære,ædheling unfrom. | Edwenden cwomtireadigum menn | torna gehwylces.
2190 | Het dha eorla hleo | in gefetian,headhorof cyning, | Hredhles lafegolde gegyrede; | næs mid Geatum dhasincmadhthum selra | on sweordes had;thæt he on Biowulfes | bearm alegde |
2195 | ond him gesealde | seofan thusendo,bold ond bregostol. | Him wæs bam samodon dham leodscipe | lond gecynde,eard, edhelriht, | odhrum swidhorside rice | tham dhær selra wæs. |