Ferdinando Magellano

1480 - 1521


Relazione del primo viaggio

intorno al mondo


1519 - 1522






Agosto, Settembre 1520


Partendone de qui in 51 grado mancho vno terso al antartico trouasemo vno fiome de hacqua dolce nel qalle le naui quasi þsenno þ li venti teri bili ma dio et li corpi sancti le ajutarono Jn Questo fiume tardassemo circa duy mesi þ fornirne de hacqua legnia et pescie longho vno braso et piu cō squame. era molto bonno ma pocho et inansi se partissemo de qui eL capo genneralle et tuti nuy Se confessasemo et Comunicassemo Como veri christianni.


Leaving that place, we found, in 51 degrees less one-third degree, toward the Antarctic Pole, a river of fresh water. There the ships almost perished because of the furious winds; but God and the holy bodies aided them. We stayed about two months in that river in order to supply the ships with water, wood, and fish, [the latter being] one braccio in length and more, and covered with scales. They were very good although small. Before leaving that river, the captain-general and all of us confessed and received communion as true Christians.