Freckenhorster Heberolle
um 1050
Freckenhorster Heberolle
Quelle:Freckenhorster HeberolleMünster, Staatsarchiv, Msc. VII Nr. 1316a
Münster, Staatsarchiv, Msc. VII Nr. 1316a, fol. 1v/2r
Thit sint thie sculde uan thiemo urano uehusa uan themo houe seluomo. tuulif gerstena malt ende X malt huetes ende quatuor muddi ende quatuor malt roggon ende ahte muddi ende thruu muddi banano ende ueir (quatuor) kogii ende tue specsuin (quattor) cosuin. quatuor embar smeras ende alle thie uerscange. the hirto hared. otherhalf hunderod honero thue mudde eiero thriu muddi penikas enon salmon ende thero abdiscon tuulif sculdlakan ende thue embar hanigas ende en suin sestein penniggo uuerht ende en scap ende ses muddi huetes ende tein scok garuano. Ande to themo asteronhus uif gerstena malt gimelta. In natiuitate Domini. et in resurrectione Domini to then copon ende ses muddi ende tuentigh muddi gerston ende uiertih muddi haueron ende ses muddi erito ende uier malt rokkon ende (en) muddi ende en muddi huetes ende tue specsuin ende tue suin iro gehuethar ahte penniggo wehrt.Van Sutharezzchon Ricbraht tue malt rokkon. tue gerstina malt gimalana ende Iunggi uuan themo seluon thorpa thrithig muddi rokkon ende ahtethein muddi gerstinas maltas.Van Fiehttharpa Aecelin thein muddi rokkon ende thein muddi gerstinas maltas.Van Radistharpa Azilin en malt rokkon.Van Uuerstar Lacseton Lanzo tuenthig muddi rokkon ende en gerstin malt gimelt.Van thero Mussa Hezil tuenthig muddi rokkon ende en gerstin malt gimalan ende uan themo seluon tharpa. Boio tuenthig muddi rokkon ende tuenthig muddi gerstinas maltes ende Tiezo uan thero Musna en malt rokkon.Van Graftharpa Uuilliko tuulif muddi rokkon ende en gerstin malt. Reinzo uan themo seluon tharpa en malt rokkon ende Hemoko uan themo seluon tharpa tue malt rokkon ende en malt gerstin gimalan.Van Anon Gheliko tue malt rokkon.Van Smithehuson Eizo en malt rokkon. An themo seluon tharpa Alzo tuenthig muddi rokkon.Van Hursti Emma tuenthig muddi rokkon.Van Veltseton Tieziko tue malt rokkon Bernhard an themo seluon tharpa tuenthig muddi rokkon.Van Holonseton Azelin en malt rokkon. Uuikmund an themo seluon tharpa ende Dagerad ende Azeko alligiliko imo.Van Bocholta Tiediko tue malt rokkon.Van Oronbeki Kanko en malt rockon.Van Fiehttharpa Thiezeko tein mudi rockon. Raziko. an themo seluon tharpa also Gatmar uan themo seluon tharpa ahtetein muddi rockon. Uuitzo thrithic muddi rockon uan themo seluon tharpa.Van Grupilingi Uuitzo en malt rockon. Ratbraht uan themo seluon tharpa en malt rockon. ande en embar hanigas.Van Sciphurst. Manniko siuen muddi rockon ende en embar hanigas. Jazo uan themo seluon tharpa tuenthig muddi rockon ende tue emmar hanigas.Van Emisahornon Meni tuenthig muddi rockon.Van Suh Emisahornon Meinzo thrithic muddi rockon ende en gerstin malt gimalan. Habo uan themo seluon tharpa tuenthig muddi rockon.Van Dagmathon Boio en malt rockon. Lieuikin an themo seluon tharpa also uilo.Van Tharphurnin Kanko tuenthig muddi rockon.Van Haswinkila Uualdiko fiftein muddi rockon. Kanko an themo seluon tharpa nigen muddi rockon ende an themo seluon tharpa Eiliko ahte muddi rockon. Huniko an themo seluon tharpa en malt rockon ende tue embar hanigas. |