
um 830




Fitte LIX






Thô uur{d}un thes sô malsce| môdag folc Iudeono,

thiu hêri uuar{d} thes sô hrômeg,| thes sie thena [hêlagon] Krist

[an li{d}obendion| lêdian muostun],

[fôrian] an fitereun.| Thie fîund eft geuuitun

fan themu berge te burg.| Geng that barn godes


undar themu heriscepi| handun gebunden,

drû{b}ondi te dale.| Uuârun imu thea is diurion thô

[gesî{d}os] gesuikane,| al sô he im êr sel{b}o gisprak:

ni uuas it thoh be ênigaru blô{d}i,| that sie that barn godes,

[lio{b}en] farlêtun,| ac it uuas sô lango biforen


uuârsagono uuord,| that it [scoldi] giuuer{d}en sô:

bethiu ni mahtun sie is bemî{d}an.| Than aftar theru menegi gengun

Iohannes endi Petrus,| thie gumon tuêne,

folgodun ferrane:| uuas im firiuuit mikil,

huat thea grimmon Iudeon| themu godes barne,


[uueldin] iro drohtine dôen.| Thô sie te dale quâmun

fan themu berge te burg,| thar iro biscop uuas,

iro uuîhes uuard,| thar lêddun ina uulanke man,

erlos undar ederos.| Thar uuas êld mikil,

fiur an frîdho{b}e| themu folke tegegnes,


geuuarht for themu uuerode:| thar gengun sie im uuermien tô,

[Iudeo] liudi,| lêtun thene godes sunu

bîdon an bendiun.| Uuas thar braht mikil,

gêlmôdigaro galm.| Iohannes uuas êr

themu hêroston cû{d}:| bethiu môste he an thene hof innan


thringan mid theru thioda.| Stôd allaro thegno bezto,

Petrus thar ûte:| ni lêt ina [the] portun uuard

folgon is frôen,| êr it at is friunde abad,

Iohannes at ênumu Iudeon,| that man ina gangan lêt

for{d} an thene frîdhof.| Thar quam im ên fêkni uuîf


gangan tegegnes,| thiu ênas Iudeon uuas,

iro theodanes thiuu,| endi thô te themu thegne sprac

maga{d} [unuuânlîc]:| «huat, thu mahtis man uuesan», qua{d} siu,

«giungaro fan Galilea,| thes the thar genouuer stêd

fa{d}mun gifastnod.»| Thô an forhtun uuar{d}


Sîmon Petrus sân,| [slac] an is môde,

qua{d} that he thes uuî{b}es| uuord ni bikonsti

ni thes theodanes| thegan ni uuâri:

mê{d} is thô for theru menegi,| qua{d} that he thena man ni antkendi:

«ni sind mi thîne [quidi] kû{d}e», qua{d} he;| uuas imu thiu craft godes,


[the] herdislo fan themu hertan.| Huara{b}ondi geng

for{d} undar themu folke,| antat he te themu fiure quam;

[giuuêt] ina thô uuarmien.| Thar im ôk ên uuîf bigan

felgian firinsprâka:| «hêr mugun gi», qua{d} siu, «an iuuuan fîund sehan:

thit is gegnungo| giungaro Kristes,


is sel{b}es gesî{d}.»| Thô gengun imu sân aftar thiu

nâhor nî{d}huata| endi ina niudlîco

frâgodun fîundo barn,| huilikes he folkes uuâri:

»ni bist thu thesoro burgliudio», [quâ{d}un sie];| «that mugun uui [an thînumu gibârie gisehan],

an thînun uuordun endi an thînaru uuîson,| that thu theses uuerodes ni bist,


ac thu bist galilêisk man.»| He ni uuelda thes thô gehan eouuiht,

ac stôd thô endi strîdda| endi starkan ê{d}

suî{d}lîco gesuôr,| that he thes gesî{d}es ni uuâri.

Ni habda is uuordo geuuald:| it scolde giuuer{d}en sô,

sô it the gemarcode,| the mankunnies


faruuardot an thesaru uueroldi.| Thô quam imu ôk an themu [uuar{b}e] tô

thes mannes mâguuini,| the he êr mid is [mâkeo] giheu,

suerdu thiu scarpon,| qua{d} that he ina sâhi thar

an themu berge uppan,| «thar uui an themu bômgardon

hêrron [thînumu]| hendi bundun,


fastnodun is folmos.»| He thô thurh forhtan hugi

forlôgnide thes is [lio{b}es] hêrron,| qua{d} that he uueldi uuesan thes
lî{b}es scolo,

ef it mahti ênig thar| irminmanno

giseggian te sô{d}an,| that he thes gesî{d}es uuâri,

folgodi theru ferdi.| Thô uuar{d} an thena formon sî{d}


hanocrâd [afha{b}en].| Thô sah the hêlago Crist,

[barno that bezte,| thar he gebunden stô{d}],

sel{b}o te Sîmon Petruse,| sunu drohtines

te themu erle o{b}ar is ahsla.| Thô uuar{d} imu an innan sân,

Sîmon Petruse| sêr an is môde,


harm an is hertan| endi is hugi drô{b}i,

suî{d}o uuar{d} imu an sorgun,| that he êr sel{b}o gesprak:

gihugde thero uuordo thô,| the imu [êr] uualdand Krist

sel{b}o sagda,| that he an theru suartan naht

êr hanocrâdi| is hêrron [scoldi]


thrîuuo farlôgnien.| Thes thram imu [an] innan môd

bittro an is breostun,| endi geng imu thô gibolgan thanen

the man fan theru menigi| an môdkaru,

suî{d}o an sorgun,| endi is sel{b}es uuord,

uuamscefti uueop,| antat imu uuallan quâmun


thurh thea hertcara| hête trahni,

blôdage fan is breostun.| He ni uuânde that he is mahti gibôtien uuiht,

firin[uuerco] fur{d}ur| eftha te is frâhon kuman,

hêrron huldi:| nis ênig heli{d}o [sô] ald,

that [io] mannes sunu| mêr gisâhi


is sel{b}es uuord| sêrur hreuuan,

karon eftha kûmien:| «uuola crafteg god», qua{d} he,

that ik hebbiu mi sô foruuerkot,| sô ik mînaro uueroldes ni tharf

ôlat seggean.| Ef ik nu te aldre scal

huldeo thînaro| endi he{b}enrîkeas,


theoden, tholoian,| than ni tharf mi thes ênig thanc uuesan,

lio{b}o drohtin,| [that] ik io te thesumu liohte quam.

Ni bium ik nu thes uuir{d}ig,| uualdand frô mîn,

that ik under thîne iungaron| gangan môti,

thus sundig under thîne gesî{d}os:| ik iro sel{b}o scal


mî{d}an an mînumu môde,| nu ik mi sulic mên gesprac.»

Sô gornode| gumono bezta,

hrau [im] sô hardo,| that [he] habde is hêrren thô

leo{b}es farlôgnid.| Than ni thur{b}un thes liudio barn,

uueros uundroian,| behuî it uueldi god,


that sô lio{b}en man| lê{d} gistôdi,

that he sô hônlîco| hêrron sînes

thurh thera [thiuun] uuord,| thegno snellost,

farlôgnide sô lio{b}es:| it uuas al bi thesun liudiun giduan,

firiho barnun te [frumu.]| He uuelde ina te furiston dôan,


hêrost o{b}ar is hîuuiski,| hêlag drohtin:

lêt ina gekunnon,| huilike craft ha{b}et

the mennisca môd| âno [the] maht godes;

lêt ina gesundion,| that he sî{d}or thiu bet

liudiun gilô{b}di,| huô liof is [thar]


manno [gihuilicumu,]| than he mên gefrumit,

that man ina alâte| lê{d}es thinges,

sacono endi sundeono,| sô im thô sel{b}o dede

[he{b}enrîki] god| harmgeuurhti.