um 830
Fitte LVII
Thuo im eft mid is uuordon gibôd| uualdand sel{b}o,hêr he{b}ancuning,| that sia im ni lietin iro hugi tuîflian,hiet that sia ni [uueldin] . . . (?)| diopa githâhti: | |
4705 | «ne druo{b}ie iuuua herta| thuru iuuues drohtines uuord,ne forohteat te filo:| ic scal fader ûsansel{b}an suokean| endi iu sendian scalfan he{b}anrîkie| hêlagna gêst:thie scal iu eft gifruofrean| endi te frumu uuer{d}an, |
4710 | manon iu thero mahlo,| thie ik iu manag hebbiuuuordon giuuîsid.| Hie gi{b}it iu giuuit an briost,lustsama lêra,| that gi lêstian for{d}thiu uuord endi thiu uuerc,| thia ik iu an thesaro uueroldi gibôd.»Arês im thuo the rîkeo| an themo racode innan, |
4715 | neriendo Crist| endi giuuêt im [nahtes thanan]sel{b}o mid is gisî{d}on:| [sêrago] gengunsuî{d}o gornondia| iungron Cristes,hriuuigmuoda.| Thuo hie im an thena hôhan giuuêtOliuetiberg:| thar uuas hie upp giuuno |
4720 | gangan mid is iungron.| That uuissa Iudas uuell,balohûdig man,| huand hie uuas oft an them berege mid im.Thar gruotta thie godes suno| iûgron sîna:«gi sind nu sô druo{b}ia», quathie,| «nu gi mînan dô{d} uuitun;nu gornon{d} gi endi griotand,| endi thesa Iu{d}eon sind an luston, |
4725 | mendit [thius] menigi,| sindun an iro muode frâha,thius uuerold ist an uuunnion.| Thes uuir{d}it thoh giuuand cumansniumo tulgo:| than uuir{d}it im sêr hugi,than morniat sia an iro môde,| endi gi mendian sculunafter te êuuondage,| huand gio endi ni cumi{d}, |
4730 | iuuues uuellî{b}es giuuand:| bethiu ne thur{b}un iu thius uuerc tregan,hreuuan mîn hinfard,| huand thanan scal thiu helpa cumangumono barnon.»| Thuo hiet hie is iungron tharbîdan uppan themo berge,| qua{d} that hie ti bedu uueldian thiu holmcli{b}u| hôhor stîgan; |
4735 | hiet thuo thria mid im| thegnos gangan,Iacobe endi Iohannese| endi thena guodan Petruse,thrîstmuodian thegan.| Thuo sia mid iro thiedne samadgerno gengun.| Thuo hiet sia thie godes sunoan berge uppan| te bedu hnîgan, |
4740 | hiet sia god gruotian,| gerno biddian,that he im thero costondero| craft farstôdi,uurê{d}aro uuilleon,| that im the [uui{d}ersaco,ni mahti] the mênsca{d}o| môd gituîflean,iak imu thô sel{b}o gihnêg| sunu drohtines |
4745 | craftag an kniobeda,| kuningo rîkeost,for{d}uuard te foldu:| fader alothiadogôdan grôtte,| gorn[uuordun] sprachriuuiglîco:| uuas imu is hugi drô{b}i,bi theru menniski| môd gihrôrid, |
4750 | is flêsk uuas an forhtun:| fellun imo trahni,drôp is diurlîc suêt,| al sô drôr kumiduuallan fan uundun.| Uuas an geuuinne thôan themu godes barne| the gêst endi the lîchamo:ô{d}ar uuas [fûsid]| an [for{d}uuegos,] |
4755 | the gêst an godes rîki,| ô{d}ar giâmar stôd,lîchamo Cristes:| ni uuelde [thit] lioht age{b}en,ac [dro{b}de] for themu dô{d}e.| [Simla] he [hreop] te drohtine for{d}thiu mêr aftar thiu| mahtigna grôtte,hôhan himilfader,| hêlagna god, |
4760 | uualdand mid is uuordun:| «ef nu uuer{d}en ni mag», qua{d} he,«mankunni generid,| ne sî that ik mînan ge{b}elio{b}an lîchamon| for liudio barnte uuêgeanne te uundrun,| it sî than thîn uuilleo sô,ik uuilliu is than gicoston:| ik nimu thene kelik an hand, |
4765 | drinku ina thi te [diur{d}u,]| drohtin frô mîn,mahtig mundboro.| Ni seh thu mînes hêrflêskes gifôries.| Ik fullon scaluuilleon thînen:| thu ha{b}es geuuald o{b}ar al.»Giuuêt imu thô gangen,| thar he [êr] is iungaron lêt |
4770 | bîdan uppan themu berge;| fand sie that barn godesslâpen sorgandie:| uuas im sêr hugi,thes sie fan iro drohtine| dêlien scoldun.Sô sind that [môdthraca| manno] gehuilicumu,that he farlâten scal| lia{b}ane hêrron, |
4775 | [afge{b}en] thene sô gôdene.| Thô he te is iungarun sprak,[uuahte] sie uualdand| endi uuordun grôtte:«huî uuilliad gi sô slâpen?» qua{d} he;| «ni mugun samad mid miuuacon êne tîd?| Thiu uurd is [at] handun,that it sô gigangen scal,| sô it god fader |
4780 | [gimarcode] mahtig.| Mi nis an mînumu môde tueho:mîn gêst is garu| an godes uuillean,fûs te faranne:| mîn flêsk is an sorgun,letid [mik] mîn lîchamo:| lê{d} is imu suî{d}ouuîti te tholonne.| Ik thoh uuillean scal |
4785 | mînes fader [gefrummien.]| Hebbiad gi fasten hugi.»Giuuêt imu thô eft thanan| ô{d}ersî{d}uan thene berg uppen| te bedu gangan,mâri drohtin,| endi thar sô manag gispracgôdoro uuordo.| Godes engil quam |
4790 | hêlag fan himile,| is hugi fastnode,beldide te them bendiun.| He uuas an theru bedu [simla]for{d} an flîte| endi is fader grôtte,uualdand mid is uuordun:| «ef it nu uuesen ni mag», qua{d} he,«mâri drohtin,| ne{b}u ik for thit manno folc |
4795 | thiodquâle tholoie,| ik an thînan scaluuillean [uuonian.»]| Giuuêt imu thô eft thanensôkean is gesî{d}os:| fand sie slâpandie,grôtte sie gâhun.| Geng imu eft thanenthriddeon sî{d}u te bedu| endi sprak thiodkuning |
4800 | al thiu sel{b}on uuord,| sunu drohtines,te themu alouualdon fader,| sô he êr dede,manode mahtigna| manno frumanasuî{d}o niudlîco| [neriando] Crist,geng imu thô [eft] te them is iungarun,| grôtte sie sâno: |
4805 | «slâpad gi endi [restiad»,] qua{d} he.| «Nu uuir{d}id sniumo herodcuman mid craftu,| the mi farcôpot ha{b}ad,[sundea lôsan] gisald.»| Gesî{d}os Cristesuuacodun thô aftar them uuordun| endi gisâhun thô that uuerod kumanan thene berg uppen| brahtmu thiu mikilon, |
4810 | uurê{d}a uuâpanberand.| |