
um 830




Fitte XL






| Sô lêrde the hêlago Crist

thea is gôdon iungaron:| «ef ênig gumono uui{d} iu», qua{d} he,


«sundea geuuirkea,| than nim thu ina sundar te thi,

thene rink an rûna| endi imu is [râd] saga,

uuîsi imu mid uuordun.| Ef imu [than] thes [uuer{d}] ne sî,

that he thi gihôrie,| hala [thi] thar [ô{d}ara] tô

gôdaro gumono,| endi lah imu is grimmun uuerc,


sak ina sô{d}uuordun.| Ef imu than is sundea aftar thiu,

[lôsuuerc] ni lê{d}on,| [giduo] it ô{d}run liudiun cû{d},

mâri it than for menegi| endi lât manno filu

uuiten is faruurhti:| [ô{d}o beginnad] imu than is uuerk tregan,

an [is] hugi hreuuen,| than [he] it gihôrid heli{d}o filu,


[ahton] eldibarn| endi imu is u{b}ilon dâd

[uueread] mid uuordun.| Ef he than ôk uuendien ne uuili,

ac [farmôdat] sulica menegi,| than lât thu thene man faren,

ha{b}a ina than far hê{d}inen| endi lât ina thi an thînumu hugi lê{d}en,

mî{d} is an thînumu môde,| ne sî that imu eft mildi god,


hêr he{b}encuning| helpe farlîhe,

fader allaro firiho barno.»| Thô frâgode Petrus,

allaro thegno bezt| theodan sînan:

«huô oft scal ik them mannun,| the uui{d} mi habbiad

lê{d}uuerk giduan,| leo{b}o drohtin,


scal ik im si{b}un sî{d}un| iro sundea [alâten,]

uurê{d}aro uuerko,| êr [than] ik is êniga [uurêka] frummie,

lê{d}es te lône?»| Thô sprak eft the landes uuard,

angegin the godes sunu| gôdumu thegne:

«ni seggiu ik thi fan si{b}uniun,| sô thu sel{b}o sprikis,


mahlis mid thînu mû{d}u,| ik duom thi mêra thar tô:

si{b}un sî{d}un si{b}untig| sô scalt thu sundea gehuemu,

lê{d}es alâten:| sô uuilliu ik thi te lêrun ge{b}en

uuordun uuârfastun.| Nu ik thi sulica giuuald fargaf,

that thu mînes hîuuiskes| hêrost uuâris,


manages mannkunnies,| nu scalt thu im mildi uuesen,

liudiun lî{d}i.»| Thô thar te themu lêreande quam

ên iung man angegin| endi frâgode [Iesu] Crist:

«mêster the gôdo», qua{d} he,| «huat scal ik [manages] duan,

[an thiu the] ik he{b}enrîki| [gehalan] môti?»


Habde imu ôduuelon| allen geuunnen,

mê{d}omhord manag,| thoh he mildean hugi

bâri an is breostun.| Thô sprak imu that barn godes:

«huat qui{d}is thu umbi [gôdon?]| nis that gumono ênig

biûtan the êno,| the thar al gescôp,


uuerold endi uunnea.| Ef thu is uuillean ha{b}as,

that thu an lioht godes| lî{d}an môtis,

than scalt thu bihalden| thea hêlagon lêra,

[the] thar an themu aldon| êuua gebiudid,

that thu man ni slah,| ni thu mênes ni sueri,


farlegarnessi farlât| endi luggi geuuitskepi,

strîd endi stulina;| ne uuis thu te stark an hugi,

ne nî{d}in ne hatul,| ni nôdrôf ni [fremi;]

a{b}unst alla farlât;| uuis thînun eldirun gôd,

fader endi môder,| endi thînun [friundun] hold,


them nâhistun ginâ{d}ig.| Than thu [thi] giniodon môst

[himilo rîkeas,]| ef thu it bihalden uuili,

fulgangan godes lêrun.»| Thô sprak eft the iungo man

«al hebbiu ik sô gilêstid», qua{d} he,| «sô thu mi lêris nu,

uuordun uuîsis,| sô ik is eo uuiht ni farlêt


fan mînero kindiski.»| Thô bigan ina Crist sehan

an mid is ôgun:| «ên is thar noh nu», qua{d} he,

«uuan thero uuerko:| ef thu is uuilleon ha{b}as,

that thu [thurhfremid]| thionon môtis

hêrron thînumu,| than scalt thu that thîn hord nimen,


scalt thînan ôduuelon| allan farcôpien,

diurie mê{d}mos,| endi dêlien hêt

armun mannun:| than ha{b}as [thu] aftar thiu

hord an himile;| cum thi than gihalden te mi,

folgo thi mînaro ferdi:| than ha{b}as thu fri{d}u sî{d}ur.»


Thô uur{d}un Kristes [uuord]| kindiungumu manne

suî{d}o an sorgun,| uuas imu sêr hugi,

môd umbi herte:| habde mê{d}mo filu,

uuelono geuunnen;| uuende imu eft thanen,

uuas imu unô{d}o| [innan] breostun,


an is se{b}on suâro.| Sah imu aftar thô

Krist alouualdo,| qua{d} it thô, thar he uuelde,

te them [is] iungarun geginuuardun,| that uuâri an godes rîki

unô{d}i ôdagumu manne| up te cumanne:

«ô{d}ur mag man olbundeon,| thoh he sî unmet grôt,


thurh nâ{d}lan gat,| thoh [it] sî naru suî{d}o,

sâftur thurhslôpien,| than mugi cuman thiu siole te himile

thes [ôdagan] mannes,| the hêr al ha{b}ad

giuuendid an thene uueroldscat| uuilleon sînen,

môdgithâhti,| endi ni hugid umbi thie maht godes.»