um 830
1915 |
Ne cumat thea alle te himile,| thea [the] hîr hrôpat te mi[manno] te mundburd.| Managa sind [thero],thea uuilliad alloro dago gehuilikes| te drohtine hnîgan,hrôpad thar te helpu| endi huggead an ô{d}ar,uuirkead uuamdâdi:| ne sind im than thiu uuord fruma, |
1920 | ac thea môtun huer{b}an| an that himiles lioht,gangan an that godes rîki,| thea thes gerne sint,that sie hîr gefrummien| fader alauualdanuuerc endi uuilleon.| Thea ni thur{b}un mid uuordun sô fîluhrôpan te helpu,| huanda the hêlogo god |
1925 | uuêt alloro manno gehues| môdgethâhti,uuord endi uuilleon,| endi gildid im is uuerco lôn.Bethiu sculun gi sorgon,| than gi an thene sî{d} [farad],huô gi that ârundi| [ti] endea [bebrengen].Than gi lî{d}an sculun| aftar thesumu landskepea, |
1930 | uuîdo aftar thesoro uueroldi,| al sô iu uuegos lêdiad,brêd strâta te burg,| simbla [sôkiad] gi iu thene bezton [sân]man undar theru menegi| endi cû{d}ead imu iuuuan mô{d}se{b}onuuârun uuordun.| Ef sie than thes uuir{d}ige sint,[that] sie iuuua gôdun uuerc| gerno [gelêstien] |
1935 | mid hluttru hugi,| [than] gi an themu hûse mid imuuonod an uuilleon| endi [im] uuel lônod,geldad im mid gôdu| endi sie te gode sel{b}onuuordun geuuîhad| endi seggead im uuissan fri{d}u,hêlaga helpa| he{b}encuninges. |
1940 | Ef sie than sô sâliga| thurh iro sel{b}oro dâduuer{d}an ni môtun,| that sie iuuua uuerc frummien,lêstien iuuua lêra,| than gi fan them liudiun sân,farad fan themu folke,| – [the iuuua fri{d}u huuir{b}id][eft] an [iuuuoro] sel{b}oro sî{d}, –| endi lâtad sie mid sundiun for{d}, |
1945 | mid balu[uuercun] bûan| endi sôkiad iu burg ô{d}ra,mikil [manuuerot],| endi ne lâtad thes melmes uuihtfolgan an iuuuom fôtun,| thanan [the] man iu antfâhan ne uuili,ac scuddiat it fan iuuuon scôhun,| that it im eft te scamu uuer{d}e,themu uuerode te geuuitskepie,| that iro uuillio ne dôg. |
1950 | Than seggeo ic iu te uuârun,| sô huan sô thius uuerold endiadendi the mâreo dag| o{b}ar man farid,that than Sodomoburg,| thiu hîr thurh sundeon uuar{d}[an afgrundi]| êldes craftu,fiuru bifallen,| [that] thiu than ha{b}ad fri{d}u mêran, |
1955 | mildiran mund[burd],| [than] thea man êgin,the iu hîr uui{d}aruuerpat| endi ne uuilliad iuuua uuord frummien.Sô hue sô iu [than] antfâhit| thurh ferhtan hugi,thurh mildean môd,| sô ha{b}ad mînan for{d}uuilleon geuuarhten| endi [ôc] uualdand god, |
1960 | antfangan fader iuuuan,| firiho drohtin,rîkean râdge{b}on,| thene the al reht bican.Uuêt uualdand self,| endi uuillean lônotgumono gehuilicumu,| sô huat sô hi hîr gôdes geduot,thoh hi thurh minnea godes| manno huilicumu |
1965 | uuilleandi farge{b}e| uuatares drinkan,that hi thurftigumu manne| thurst gehêlie,caldes brunnan.| Thesa quidi uuer{d}ad uuâra,that eo ne bilî{b}id,| ne hi thes lôn sculi,fora godes ôgun| geld antfâhan, |
1970 | mêda managfalde,| sô huat sô hi is thurh mîna minnea geduot.Sô hue sô [mîn] than farlôgnid| [liudibarno],heli{d}o for thesoro heriu,| sô dôm ic [is] an himile sô selfthar uppe far them alouualdan fader| endi for allumu is engilo crafte,far theru mikilon menigi.| Sô huilic sô than eft manno barno |
1975 | an thesoro uueroldi ne uuili| uuordun mî{d}an,ac giit far gumskepi,| that he mîn iungoro sî,thene uuilliu ec eft ôgean| far [ôgun godes],fora alloro firiho fader,| thar folc managfor thene alouualdon| alla gangad |
1980 | re{d}inon uui{d} thene rîkeon.| Thar uuilliu ic imu an reht uuesanmildi mundboro,| sô huemu sô mînun hîruuordun hôrid| endi thiu uuerc frumid,thea ic hîr an thesumu berge uppan| geboden hebbiu.»Habda thô te uuârun| uualdandes sunu |
1985 | gelêrid thea liudi,| huô sie lof godeuuirkean scoldin.| Thô lêt hi that uuerod thananan alloro [hal{b}a] gehuilica,| heriskepi mannosî{d}on te sel{d}on.| Habdun sel{b}es [uuord],gehôrid he{b}encuninges| hêlaga lêra, |
1990 | sô eo te uueroldi sint| [uuordo endi dâdeo],mancunnies manag| o{b}ar thesan middilgard[sprâcono] thiu spâhiron,| sô hue sô thiu spel gefrang,thea thar an themu berge [gesprac]| barno rîkeast. |