um 830
| Ôc is an them êo gescri{b}anuuârun uuordun,| sô gi uuitun alle,that mî{d}e mênê{d}os| mancunnies gehuuilic, | |
1505 | ni forsuerie ina sel{b}on,| [huuand] that is sundie te mikil,farlêdid [liudi]| an lê{d}an uueg.Than uuilleo ic iu eft seggean,| than sân ni suerea neomanênigan ê{d}staf| eldibarno,ne bi himile themu hôhon,| huuand that is thes hêrron stôl, |
1510 | ne bi er{d}u thar undar,| huuand that is thes alouualdonfagar fôtscamel,| nec ênig firiho barnone suuerea bi is sel{b}es hô{b}de,| huuand he ni mag thar ne suuart ne huuîtênig hâr geuuirkean,| [bûtan] sô it the hêlago god,gemarcode [mahtig];| bethiu sculun [mî{d}an] filu |
1515 | erlos ê{d}uuordo.| Sô huue sô it ofto dôt,sô uuir{d}id is simbla uuirsa,| huuand he [imu] giuuardon ni mag.Bithiu scal ic iu nu te uuârun| uuordun gibeodan,that gi neo ne suerien| suuî{d}oron ê{d}os,mêron met mannun,| [bûtan] sô ic iu mid mînun hêr |
1520 | suuî{d}o [uuârlico]| uuordun [gebiudu]:ef man huuemu saca sôkea,| [biseggea] that uuâre,que{d}e iâ, gef it sî,| geha thes thar uuâr is,que{d}e nên, af it nis,| [lâta] im genôg an thiu;sô huat sô is mêr o{b}ar that| man gefrummiad, |
1525 | sô cumid it [al] fan u{b}ile| eldibarnun,that erl thurh untreuua| ô{d}res ni uili[uuordo] gelô{b}ian.| Than seggio ic iu te uuâron ôc,[huuô] it thar an them aldon| êo gebiudit:sô hue sô ôgon genimid| ô{d}res mannes, |
1530 | lôsid af is lîchaman,| ettha is li{d}o huilican,that he it eft mid is sel{b}es scal| sân antgeldenmid gelîcun li{d}ion.| Than uuillio ic iu lêrian nu,that gi sô ni [uurecan]| uurê{d}a dâdi,ac [that] gi thurh ôdmôdi| al gethologian |
1535 | uuîties endi uuammes,| sô huat sô man iu an thesoro uueroldi gedôe.Dôe alloro [erlo] gehuilic| ô{d}rom mannefrume endi gefôri,| sô he uuillie, that im firiho barngôdes angegin dôen.| Than uuir{d}it im god mildi,liudio sô huilicum,| sô that lêstien uuili. |
1540 | Êrod gi [arme man],| dêliad iuuan ôduuelonundar thero thurftigon thiodu;| ne rôkead, huue{d}ar gi [is ênigan thanc antfâhan][eftho lôn an thesoro lêhneon uueroldi,| ac huggeat te iuuuomu leo{b}on hêrran]thero ge{b}ono te gelde,| that sie iu god lôno,mahtig mundboro,| sô huuat sô gi is thurh is minnes [gidôt]. |
1545 | Ef thu than ge{b}ogean uuili| gôdun mannunfagare fehoscattos,| thar thu [eft] frumono hugismêr antfâhan,| te huuî ha{b}as thu thes êniga mêda fon godeettha lôn an [themu] is liohte?| huuand [that] is lêhni feho.Sô is thes alles gehuuat,| [the] thu ô{d}run geduos |
1550 | [liudeon] te leo{b}e,| thar [thu] hugis eft gelîc nemanthero uuordo endi thero uuerco:| te huuî uuêt thi thes [ûsa] uualdand thanc,thes thu thîn sô bifilhis| endi [antfâhis] eft than thu uuili?[Iuuuan ô{d}uuelon| ge{b}an gi them armun mannun,the ina iu an thesoro uueroldi ne lônon| endi rômot te iuuues uualdandes rîkea.] |
1555 | Te hlûd ni dô thu [it],| than thu mid thînun handun bifelhasthîna alamosna themu armon manne,| ac [dô] im thurh ôdmôdiengerno thurh godes thanc:| than môst thu eft geld niman,suuî{d}o lioflîc lôn,| thar thu is lango bitharft,fagaroro frumono.| Sô huuat sô thu is sô thurh ferhtan hugi |
1560 | darno [gedêleas],| – so is ûsumu drohtine uuer{d} –ne [galpo] thu far thînun ge{b}un te suuî{d}o,| [noh] ênig gumono ne scal,that siu im thurh îdale hrôm| eft ni uuer{d}elê{d}lîco farloren.| [Thanna] thu scalt lôn nemenfora godes ôgun| gôdero uuerco. |
1565 | Ôc scal ic iu gebeodan,| than gi uuilliad te bedu hnîganendi uuilliad te iuuuomu hêrron| helpono biddean,that he iu alâte| lê{d}es thinges,thero sacono endi thero [sundeono],| thea gi iu sel{b}on hîruurê{d}a geuuirkead,| that gi it than for ô{d}rumu uuerode ni duad: |
1570 | ni mâread it far menigi,| that iu [thes] man ni lo{b}on,ni diurean thero [dâdeo],| that gi iuuues drohtines gibedthurh that îdala hrôm| al ne farleosan.Ac than [gi] uuillean te iuuuomo hêrron| helpono biddean,thiggean theolîco,| – thes iu is tharf mikil – |
1575 | that iu sigidrohtin| sundeono tômea,than [dôt] gi that sô darno:| [thoh] uuêt it iuuue drohtin selfhêlag an himile,| huuand imu nis biholan neouuihtne uuordo ne uuerco.| He lâtid it than [al] geuuer{d}an sô,sô gi ina than biddiad,| than gi te [thero] bedo hnîgad |
1580 | mid hluttru hugi.»| Heli{d}os stôdun,gumon umbi thana godes sunu| gerno suuî{d}o,uueros an uuilleon:| uuas im thero uuordo [niud],thâhtun endi thagodun,| uuas im tharf mikil,that sie that eft gehogdin,| [that] im that hêlaga barn |
1585 | an thana forman si{d}| filu mid uuorduntorhtes getalde.| Thô sprac im [eft] ên thero tuueli{b}io angegin,glauuuoro gumono,| te [them] godes barne: |