um 830
Fitte VIII
630 |
Thô gifragn ic that sân aftar thiu| slî{d}môd cuningthero uuârsagono uuord| them uurekkiun sagda,thea thar an [elilendi]| erlos uuârunferran gifarana,| endi he frâgoda aftar thiu,huan sie an ôstaruuegun| êrist [gisâhin] |
635 | thana cuningsterron [cuman],| cumbal luihtienhêdro fon himile.| Sie ni uueldun is im thô helen [eouuiht],ac sagdun it im sô{d}lîco.| Thô hêt he sie an thana sî{d} faran,hêt that sie ira ârundi| al undarfundinumbi thes kindes cumi,| endi the cuning sel{b}o gibôd |
640 | suî{d}o hardlico,| hêrro Iudeono,them uuîsun mannun,| êr than sie fôrin [uuestan] for{d},that sie im eft gicû{d}din,| huar he thana cuning scoldisôkean [at] is [sel{d}on];| qua{d} that he thar uueldi mid is gisî{d}un tô,bedan te them barne.| Than hogda he im te banon uuer{d}an |
645 | uuâpnes eggiun.| Than eft uualdand godthâhte uui{d} them thinga:| [he] mahta [athengean] mêr,gilêstean an thesum liohte:| that is noh lango skîn,gicû{d}id craft godes.| Thô gengun eft thiu cumbl for{d}uuânum undar [uuolcnun].| Thô uuârun thea uuîson man |
650 | fûsa te faranne:| giuuitun [im] for{d} thananbalda an bodskepi:| uueldun that barn godes[sel{b}on] sôkean.| Sie ni habdun thanan gisî{d}eas mêr,[bûtan] that sie thrie uuârun:| uuissun im thingo giskê{d},uuârun im glauue gumon,| the thea ge{b}a lêddun. |
655 | Than sâhun sie sô uuîslîco| undar thana uuolcnes skion,up te them hôhon himile,| huô fôrun thea huuîton sterron– antkendun sie [that] cumbal godes –,| [thiu] uuârun thurh [Krista] herodgiuuarht te thesero uueroldi.| Thea uueros aftar gengun,folgodun ferahtlîco| – sie frumide the mahte – |
660 | antthat [sie] gisâhun,| sî{d}uuôrige man,berht bôcan godes,| blêc an himilestillo gistanden.| The [sterro] liohto skênhuuît o{b}ar them hûse,| thar that hêlage barnuuonode an uuilleon| endi ina that uuîf biheld, |
665 | thiu thiorne githiudo.| Thô uuar{d} [thero] thegno hugiblî{d}i an iro briostun:| bi them bôcna forstôdun,that sie that fri{d}ubarn godes| funden habdun,hêlagna he{b}encuning.| Thô sie an that hûs innanmid iro ge{b}un gengun,| gumon ôstronea, |
670 | sî{d}uuôrige man:| sân antkendunthea uueros uualdand Krist.| Thea uurekkion fellunte them kinde an kneobeda| endi ina an cuninguuîsagôdan grôttun| endi im thea ge{b}a drôgun,gold endi uuîhrôc| bi godes têcnun |
675 | endi myrra thar mid.| Thea man stôdun garouua,holde for iro hêrron,| thea it mid iro handun sânfagaro antfengun.| Thô giuuitun im thea ferahton man,seggi te sel{d}on| sî{d}uuôrige,gumon an gastseli.| Thar im godes engil |
680 | slâpandiun an naht| [suue{b}an] gitôgde,gidrog [im] an drôme,| al so it drohtin self,[uualdand] uuelde,| [that im thûhte] that man im mid uuordun gibudi,that sie im thanan ô{d}ran uueg,| erlos fôrin,li{d}odin sie te lande| endi thana lê{d}an man, |
685 | Erodesan| eft ni sôhtin,môdagna cuning.| Thô uuar{d} morgan cumanuuânum te thesero uueroldi.| Thô bigunnun thea uuîson manseggean iro sue{b}anos;| sel{b}on antkendunuualdandes uuord,| huuand sie giuuit mikil |
690 | bârun an iro briostun:| bâdun alouualdon,[hêron] he{b}encuning,| that sie môstin is huldi for{d},giuuirkean is uuilleon,| quâ{d}un that sea [ti] im habdin giuuendit hugi,[iro] môd [morgan gihuuem].| Thô fôrun eft thie man thanan,erlos ôstronie,| al sô im the engil godes |
695 | uuordun giuuîsde:| nâmun im uueg ô{d}ran,fulgengun godes lêrun:| ni uueldun themu Iudeo cuningeumbi thes barnes giburd| bodon ôstronie,sî{d}uuôrige man| seggian [giouuiht],ac uuendun im eft an iro uuillion.| |