
um 830




Fitte I






Die Evangelisten (Book of Kells, um 800)


Manega uuâron,| the sia iro môd gespôn,


[that sia bigunnun reckean] that girûni,| that thie rîceo Crist

undar mancunnea| mâri{d}a gifrumida


mid uuordun endi mid uuercun.| That uuolda thô uuîsara filo

liudo barno lo{b}on,| lêra Cristes,

hêlag uuord godas,| endi mid iro handon scrî{b}an

berehtlîco an buok,| huô sia [is gibodscip scoldin]

frummian, firiho barn.| Than uuârun thoh sia fiori te thiu


under thera menigo,| thia habdon maht godes,

helpa fan himila,| hêlagna gêst,

craft fan Criste, -| sia uur{d}un gicorana te thio,

that sie than êuangelium| [ênan scoldun]

an buok scrî{b}an| endo [sô] manag gibod godes,


hêlag himilisc uuord:| sia ne muosta heli{d}o than mêr,

firiho barno frummian,| neuan that sia fiori te thio

thuru craft godas| gecorana uur{d}un,

Matheus endi Marcus,| – sô uuârun thia man hêtana -

Lucas endi Iohannes;| sia uuârun [gode lie{b}a,]


uuir{d}iga ti them giuuirkie.| Habda im uualdand god,

them heli{d}on an iro hertan| hêlagna gêst

fasto bifolhan| endi ferahtan hugi,

sô manag uuîslîk uuord| endi giuuit mikil,

that sea scoldin ahebbean| hêlagaro stemnun


godspell that guoda,| that ni ha{b}it ênigan gigadon huergin,

thiu uuord an thesaro uueroldi,| that io uualdand mêr,

drohtin diurie| eftho der{b}i thing,

firinuuerc fellie| [eftho fîundo nî{d}],

[strîd uui{d}erstande] – ,| huand hie habda starkan hugi,


mildean endi guodan,| thie the mêster uuas,

[a{d}alordfrumo| alomahtig].

That scoldun sea fiori thuo| fingron scrî{b}an,

settian endi singan| endi seggean for{d},

that sea fan Cristes| crafte them mikilon


gisâhun endi gihôrdun,| thes hie sel{b}o gisprac,

giuuîsda endi giuuarahta,| uundarlîcas filo,

sô manag mid mannon| mahtig drohtin,

all so hie it fan them anginne| thuru is [ênes] craht,

uualdand gisprak,| thuo hie êrist thesa uuerold giscuop


endi thuo all bifieng| mid ênu uuordo,

himil endi er{d}a| endi al that sea bihlidan êgun

giuuarahtes endi giuuahsanes:| that uuar{d} thuo all mid uuordon godas

fasto bifangan,| endi [gifrumid] after thiu,

huilic than liudscepi| landes scoldi


uuîdost giuualdan,| eftho [huar] thiu [uueroldaldar]

[endon scoldin].| Ên uuas iro thuo noh than

[firiho] barnun biforan,| endi [thiu] fî{b}i uuârun agangan:

scolda thuo that sehsta| sâliglîco

cuman thuru craft godes| endi Cristas giburd,


hêlandero [bestan],| hêlagas gêstes,

an thesan middilgard| managon te helpun,

firio barnon ti frumon| uui{d} fîundo nî{d},

uui{d} dernero duualm.| Than habda thuo drohtin god

Rômanoliudeon farliuuan| rîkeo mêsta,


habda them heriscipie| herta gisterkid,

that sia habdon bithuungana| thiedo gihuilica,

habdun fan Rûmuburg| rîki giuunnan

helmgitrôsteon,| sâton iro heritogon

an lando gihuem,| habdun liudeo giuuald,


allon elitheodon.| Erodes uuas

an Hierusalem| o{b}er that Iudeono folc

gicoran te kuninge,| sô ina thie kêser tharod,

fon Rûmuburg| rîki thiodan

satta undar that gisî{d}i.| Hie ni uuas thoh mid sibbeon [bilang]


a{b}aron Israheles,| e{d}iligiburdi,

cuman fon iro [cnuosle],| neuan that hie thuru thes kêsures thanc

fan Rûmuburg| rîki habda,

that im uuârun sô gihôriga| hildiscalcos,

a{b}aron Israheles| elleanruo{b}a:


suî{d}o unuuanda uuini,| than lang hie giuuald êhta,

Erodes thes rîkeas| endi [râdburdeon held]

[Iudeo liudi].| Than uuas thar ên gigamalod mann,

that uuas fruod gomo,| habda ferehtan hugi,

uuas fan them liudeon| Levias cunnes,


Iacobas [suneas],| guodero thiedo:

Zacharias uuas hie hêtan.| That uuas sô sâlig man,

huand hie simblon gerno| gode theonoda,

uuarahta after is uuilleon;| deda is uuîf sô self

– uuas iru gialdrod idis:| ni muosta im er{b}iuuard


an iro iugu{d}hêdi| gi{b}i{d}ig uuer{d}an -

libdun im farûter laster,| uuaruhtun lof goda,

uuârun sô gihôriga| he{b}ancuninge,

diuridon ûsan drohtin:| ni uueldun der{b}eas uuiht 

under mancunnie,| mênes gifrummean,


ne saca ne sundea.| Uuas im thoh an sorgun hugi,

that sie er{b}iuuard| êgan ni môstun,

ac uuârun im barno lôs.| Than scolda he gibod godes

thar an Hierusalem,| sô oft sô is gigengi gistôd,

that ina torhtlîco| tîdi gimanodun,


sô scolda he at them uuîha| uualdandes geld

hêlag bihuuer{b}an,| he{b}ancuninges,

godes iungarskepi:| gern uuas he suî{d}o,

that he [it] thurh ferhtan hugi| [frummean] môsti.