um 830
Fitte XLIX
4025 |
Thô them uuîbun uuas| uuilleono mêstacumi drohtines| endi Cristes uuordte gihôrienne.| Heo{b}andi gengMartha [môdkarag]| uui{d} sô mahtigneuuordun uuehslan| endi uui{d} uualdand sprak |
4030 | an iro hugi hriuuig:| «thar thu mi, hêrro mîn», qua{d} siu,«neriendero bezt,| nâhor uuâris,hêleand the gôdo,| than ni thorfti ik [nu] sulic harm tholon,bittra breostkara,| than ni uuâri nu mîn brô{d}er dôd,Lazarus fan thesumu liohte,| ac he [imu mahti] libbien for{d} |
4035 | ferahes gefullid.| Ik thoh, frô mîn, te thiliohto gilô{b}iu,| lêriandero bezt,sô hues sô thu biddien uuili| berhton drohtin,that he it thi sân fargi{b}id,| god alomahtig,giuuer{d}ot thînan uuillean.»| Thô sprak eft uualdand Krist |
4040 | theru idis [anduuordi:]| «ni lât thu thi an innan thes», qua{d} he,«thînan se{b}on suerkan:| ik thi seggian maguuârun uuordun,| that thes nis giuuand ênig,[ne{b}u] thîn brô{d}er scal| thurh gibod godes,thurh drohtines craft| fan dô{d}e astanden |
4045 | an is lîchamon.»| «All hebbiu ik gilô{b}on sô», qua{d} siu,«that it sô giuuer{d}en scal,| sô huan sô thius uuerold endiodendi the mâreo dag| o{b}ar man ferid,that he than fan er{d}u scal| up astandenan themu [dômes] daga,| than uuer{d}ad fan dô{d}e quica |
4050 | thurh maht godes| mankunnies gehuilic,arîsad fan restu.»| Thô sagde [rîkeo] Kristtheru idis alomahtig| oponun uuordun,that he sel{b}o uuas| sunu [drohtines],[bê{d}iu ia lîf ia lioht]| liudio [barnon] |
4055 | te astandanne:| «nio the [ster{b}en] ni scal,lîf farliosen,| the hêr gilô{b}id te mi:thoh ina eldibarn| er{d}u bithekkien,diapo bidel{b}en,| nis he dôd thiu mêr:that flêsk is bifolhen,| that ferah is gihalden, |
4060 | is thiu siola gisund.»| Thô sprak imu eft sân angeginthat uuîf mid iro uuordun:| «ik gilô{b}iu that thu the uuâro bist», qua{d} siu,«[Krist godes sunu:]| that mag man antkennien uuel,uuiten an thînun uuordun,| that thu giuuald ha{b}esthurh thiu hêlagon giscapu| himiles endi er{d}un.» |
4065 | Thô gefragn ik that [thar thero idisio quam]| ô{d}ar ganganMaria môdkarag:| gengun iro managa aftarIudeo [liudi.]| Thô siu themu godes barnesagde sêragmôd,| huat iru te sorgun gistôdan iro hugi harmes:| hofnu kûmde |
4070 | Lazaruses farlust,| lia{b}es mannes,griat gornundi,| antat themu godes barnehugi uuar{d} gihrôrid:| hête trahniuuôpu [auuellun],| endi thô te them uuî{b}un sprac,hêt ina thô lêdien,| thar Lazarus uuas |
4075 | foldu bifolhen.| Lag thar ên felis bio{b}an,hard stên behliden.| Thô hêt the hêlago Cristantlûcan thea [lêia,]| that he môsti that lîk sehan,hrêo scauuoien.| Thô ni mahte [an] iro hugi mî{d}an[Martha] for theru menegi,| uui{d} mahtigne sprak: |
4080 | «frô mîn the gôdo», qua{d} siu,| «ef man thene felis nimid,thene stên antlûkid,| than uuâniu ik that thanen stank kume,unsuôti suek,| huand ik thi seggian maguuârun uuordun,| that thes nis giuuand ênig,[that] he thar nu bifolhen uuas| fiuuuar naht endi dagos |
4085 | an themu er{d}gra{b}e.»| Anduuordi gafuualdand themu uuîbe:| «huat, [ni] sagde ik thi te uuârun [êr]», qua{d} he,«ef thu gilô{b}ien uuili,| than nis nu lang te thiu,[that] thu hêr antkennien scalt| craft drohtines,the mikilon maht godes?»| Thô gengun manage tô, |
4090 | afhô{b}un harden stên.| Thô sah the hêlago Cristup mid is ôgun,| ôlat sagdethemu the these uuerold giscôp,| «thes thu mîn uuord gihôris», [qua{d} he],[«sigidrohtin sel{b}o;| ik uuêt that thu sô simlun duos,ac ik duom it be thesumu grôton| Iudeono folke,] |
4095 | that sie that te uuârun uuitin,| that thu mi an [these] uuerold [sendes]thesun liudiun te lêrun.»| Thô he te Lazaruse hriopstarkaru stemniu| endi hêt ina [standen up]ia fan themu gra{b}e gangan.| Thô uuar{d} the gêst kumenan thene lîchamon:| [he] bigan is li{d}i hrôrien, |
4100 | antuuarp undar themu giuuêdie:| uuas imo [sô] beuunden thô noh,an hrêobeddion bihelid.| Hêt imu helpen thôuualdandeo Krist.| Uueros gengun tô,antuundun that geuuâdi.| [Uuânum] up arêsLazarus te thesumu liohte:| uuas imu is lîf farge{b}en, |
4105 | that he is [aldarlagu]| êgan [môsti],fri{d}u for{d}uuardes.| Thô fagonadun bê{d}ea,Maria endi Martha:| ni mag that man ô{d}rumugiseggian te sô{d}e,| huô thea gesuester tuô[mendiodun] an iro môde.| Maneg uundrode |
4110 | Iudeo liudio,| thô sie ina fan themu gra{b}e sâhunsî{d}on gesunden,| thene the êr suht farnamendi sie bidul{b}un| diapo undar [er{d}u]lî{b}es lôsen:| thô môste imu libbien for{d}hêl an hêmun.| Sô mag he{b}enkuninges, |
4115 | thiu mikile maht godes| manno gehuilikesferahe giformon| endi [uui{d}] fîundo nî{d}hêlag helpen,| sô huemu sô he is huldi fargi{b}id. |