Thomas Bluett

ca. 1690 - 1749


Some Memoirs of the Life of Job










Right Honble. His Grace the


Duke of Montague.


May it pleaſe your GRACE,


JOB, Son of the High Prieſt of Boonda in Africa, (being gratefully ſenſible of the repeated Favours he (IV) had received from Your Grace) requeſted me to write an Account of him, and to lay the fame before You, as an Acknowledgment of your Grace's great Humanity and Goodneſs to an unfortunate Stranger; Virtues which diſtinguiſh Your Grace's Character, and add the nobleſt Luſtre to the moſt exalted Dignities and Honours. (V)

Purſuant to my Promiſe to him, I have drawn up the following Account; which I humbly beg Leave to preſent to Your Grace's Protection.

I am very ſenſible the Imperfections of it are many; but hope Your Grace will pardon them, eſpecially as I have not been uſ'd to ſuch Matters as theſe. The Facts I (VI) have inſerted, are what I had by Job's particular Information, or from my own Knowledge; and if it meets with Your Grace's Approbation, it will fully anſwer the Deſign of,


May it pleaſe your Grace,


Your Grace's moſt Obedient,


and moſt Humble Servant,


Thomas Bluett.