Geoffrey Chaucer
1342/43 - 1400
The Canterbury Tales
Fragment XThe Parson's Tale
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Heere bigynneth thePersouns Tale..
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75 | Oure sweete lord God of hevene, that no |
75 | Man wole perisse, but wole that we comen alle |
75 | Yo yhr knoweleche of hym, and to the blisful |
76 | lif that is perdurable, amonesteth us |
76 | By the prophete jeremie, that seith in thys |
77 | Wyse: stondeth upon the weyes, and seeth |
77 | And axeth of olde pathes (that is to seyn, of olde |
78 | Sentences) which is the goode wey. And wald |
78 | Eth in that wey, and ye shal fynde refresshynge |
79 | For youre soules, etc. Manye been the weyes |
79 | Espirituels that leden fold to oure lord jhesu |
80 | Crist, and to the regne of glorie. Of whiche |
80 | Weyes, ther is a ful noble wey and ful covenable, |
80 | which may nat fayle to man ne to womman |
80 | that thurgh synne hath mysgoon fro |
81 | The righte wey of jerusalem celestial; and |
81 | This wey is cleped penitence, of which man |
81 | Sholde gladly herknen and enquere with |
82 | His herte, to wyten what is penitence, and |
82 | Wheenes it is cleped penitence, and in how |
82 | Manye maners been the acciouns or werkynges |
83 | of penitence, and how manye speces |
83 | Ther been of penitence, and whiche thynges |
83 | Apertenen and bihoven to penitence, and |
84 | Whiche thynges destourben penitence. |
84 | Seint ambrose seith that penitence is the |
84 | Pleynynge of man for the gilt that he hath |
84 | Doon, and namoore to do any thyng for which |
85 | Hym oghte to pleyne. And som doctour seith. |
85 | Penitence is the waymentynge of man that |
85 | Sorweth for his synne, and pyneth hymself |
86 | for he hath mysdoon. Penitence, |
86 | With certeyne circumstances, is varray repentance |
86 | of a man that halt hymself in sorwe |
87 | And oother peyne for his giltes. and for he |
87 | Shal be verray penitent, he shal first biwaylen |
87 | The synnes that he hath doon, and stidefastly |
87 | Purposen in his herte to have shrift of mouthe, |
88 | And to doon satisfaccioun, and nevere to doon |
88 | Thyng for which hym oghte moore to biwayle |
88 | Or to compleyne, and to continue in goode |
89 | Werkes, or elles his repentance may nat availle. |
89 | For, as seith seint ysidre, he is a japere and |
89 | A gabbere, and no verray repentant, that eftsoone |
89 | dooth thyng for which hym oghte repente. |
90 | wepynge, and nat for to stynte to |
91 | Do synne, may nat avayle. But nathelees, |
91 | Men shal hope that every tyme that man |
91 | Falleth, be it never so ofte, that he may arise |
91 | Thurgh penitence, if he have grace; but certeinly |
92 | it is greet doute. For, as seith seint |
92 | Gregorie, unnethe ariseth he out of his synne, |
93 | That is charged with the charge of yvel usage. |
93 | And therfore repentant folk, that stynte for to |
93 | Synne, and forlete synne er that synne forlete |
93 | Hem, hooly chirche holdeth hem siker of hir |
94 | Savacioun. and he that synneth and verraily |
94 | Repenteth hym in his laste, hooly chirche yet |
94 | Hopeth his savacioun, by the grete mercy of |
94 | Oure lord jhesu crist, for his repentaunce; but |
95 | Taak the siker wey. |
95 | And now, sith I have declared yow what |
95 | Thyng is penitence, now shul ye understonde |
95 | That ther been three acciouns of penitence. |
96 | the firste is that if a man be baptized |
97 | after that he hath synned, seint augustyn |
97 | seith, but he be penytent for his olde |
97 | Synful lyf, he may nat bigynne the newe clene |
98 | Lif. For, certes, if he be baptized withouten |
98 | Penitence of his olde gilt, he receyveth the mark |
98 | Of baptesme, but nat the grace ne the remission |
99 | Of his synnes, til he have repentance verray. |
99 | Another defaute is this, that men doon deedly |
100 | Synne after that they han receyved baptesme. |
100 | The thridde defaute is that men fallen in |
100 | Venial synnes after hir baptesme, fro day |
101 | To day. Therof seith seint augustyn that |
101 | Penitence of goode and humble folk is the |
102 | Penitence of every day. |
102 | The speces of penitence been three. That |
102 | Oon of hem is solempne, another is commune, |
103 | And the thridde is privee. Thilke penance that |
103 | Is solempne is in two maneres; as to be put out |
103 | Of hooly chirche in-lente, for slaughtre of children |
104 | and swich maner thyng. Another is, |
104 | Whan a man hath synned openly, of which |
104 | Synne the fame is openly spoken in the contree, |
104 | and thanne hooly chirche by juggement |
105 | Destreyneth hym for to do open penaunce. |
105 | Commune penaunce is that preestes enjoynen |
105 | Men communly in certeyn caas, as for to goon |
105 | Peraventure naked in pilgrimages, or barefoot. |
106 | Prevee penaunce is thilke that men |
106 | Doon alday for privee synnes, of whiche we |
107 | Shryve us prively and receyve privee penaunce. |
107 | Now shaltow understande what is bihovely |
107 | And necessarie to verray perfit penitence. And |
108 | This stant on three thynges: contricioun of |
108 | Herte, confessioun of mouth, and satisfaction. |
109 | for which seith seint crisostomz |
109 | Penitence destreyneth a man to accepte benygnely |
109 | every peyne that hym is enjoyned, |
109 | With contricioun of herte, and shrift of mouth, |
109 | With satisfaccioun; and in werkynge of alle |
110 | Manere humylitee. And this is fruytful penitence |
110 | agayn three thinges in which we |
111 | Wratthe oure lord jhesu crist: this is to |
111 | Seyn, by delit in thynkynge, by reccheleesnesse |
111 | in spekynge, and by wikked synful werknyge. |
112 | and agayns thise wikkede giltes is penitence, |
113 | that may be likned unto a tree. |
113 | The roote of this tree is contricioun, that |
113 | Hideth hym in the herte of hym that is verray |
113 | Repentaunt, right as the roote of a tree gydeth |
114 | Hym in the erthe. Of the roote of contricioun |
114 | Spryngeth a stalke that bereth braunches and |
114 | Leves of confessioun, and fruyt of satisfaccioun. |
115 | for which crist seith in his gospel: |
115 | Dooth digne fruyt of penitence; for by this |
115 | Fruyt may men knowe this tree, and nat by the |
115 | Roote that is hyd in the herte of man, ne by the |
115 | Braunches, ne by the leves of confessioun. |
116 | and therfore oure lord jhesu |
116 | Crist seith thus: by the fruyt of hem shul |
117 | Ye knowen hem. Of this roote eek spryngeth |
117 | A seed of grace, the which seed is mooder of |
118 | Sikernesse, and this seed is egre and hoot. The |
118 | Grace of this seed spryngeth of God thurgh remembrance |
118 | of the day of doom and on the |
119 | Peynes of helle. Of this matere seith salomon |
119 | that in the drede of God man forleteth his |
120 | Synne. The heete of this seed is the love of |
120 | God, and the desiryng of the joye perdurable. |
121 | this heete draweth the herte |
121 | Of a man to god, and dooth hym haten his |
122 | Synne. For soothly ther is nothyng that savoureth |
122 | so wel to a child as the milk of his |
122 | Norice, ne nothyng is to hym moore abhomnyable |
122 | than thilke milk whan it is medled with |
123 | Oother mete. Right so the synful man that |
123 | Loveth his synne, hym semeth that it is to him |
124 | Moost sweete of any thyng; but fro that tyme |
124 | That he loveth sadly oure lord jhesu crist, and |
124 | Desireth the lif perdurable, ther nys to him no |
125 | Thyng moore abhomynable. For soothly the |
125 | Lawe of God is the love of god; for which |
125 | David the prophete seith: I have loved thy |
125 | Lawe, and hated wikkednesse and hate; he |
125 | That loveth God kepeth his lawe and his |
126 | Word. This tree saugh the prophete |
126 | Daniel in spirit, upon the avysioun of the |
126 | Kyng nabugodonosor, whan he conseiled hym |
127 | To do penitence. Penaunce is the tree of lyf |
127 | To hem that is receyven, and he that holdeth |
127 | Hym in verray penitence is blessed, after the |
128 | Sentence of solomon. |
128 | In this penitence or contricioun man shal |
128 | Understonde foure thynges; that is to seyn, what |
128 | Is contricioun, and whiche been the causes that |
128 | Moeven a man to contricioun, and how he |
128 | Sholde be contrit, and what contricioun availleth |
129 | to the soule. Thanne is it thus: that contricioun |
129 | is the verray sorwe that a man receyveth |
129 | in his herte for his synnes, with sad purpos |
129 | To shryve hum, and to do penaunce, and neveremoore |
130 | to do synne. And this sorwe shal |
130 | Been in this manere, as seith seint bernard: it |
130 | Shal been hevy and grevous, and ful sharp |
131 | And poynaunt in herte. First, for man |
131 | Hath agilt his lord and his creatour; and |
131 | Moore sharp and poynaunt, for he hath agilt hys |
132 | Fader celestial; and yet moore sharp and |
132 | Poynaunt, for he hath wrathed and agilt hym |
132 | That boghte hym, that with his precious blood |
132 | Hath delivered us fro the bondes of synne, and |
132 | Fro the crueltee of the deve, and fro the peynes |
133 | Of helle. |
133 | The causes that oghte moeve a man to contricioun |
133 | been sixe. First a man shal remembre |
134 | Hym of his synnes; but looke he that thilke |
134 | Remembraunce ne be to hym no delit by no |
134 | Qwy, but greet shame and sorwe for his gilt. |
134 | For job seith, synful men doon werkes worthy |
135 | Of confusioun. And therfore seith ezechie, |
135 | I wol remembre me alle the yeres of my |
136 | Lyf in bitternesse of myn herte. And |
136 | God seith in the apocalipse, remembreth |
136 | Yow fro whennes that ye been falle; for biforn |
136 | That tyme that ye synned, ye were the children |
137 | Of god, and lymes of the regne of god; but for |
137 | Youre synne ye been woxen thral, and foul, and |
137 | Membres of the feend, hate of aungels, sclaundre |
137 | of hooly chirche, and foode of the false |
138 | Serpent; prepetueel matere of the fir of helle: |
138 | And yet moore foul and abhomynable, for ye |
138 | Trespassen so ofte tyme as dooth the hound that |
139 | Retourneth to eten his spewyng. And yet be |
139 | Ye fouler for youre longe continuyng in synne |
139 | And youre synful usage, for which ye be roten |
140 | In yore synne, as a beest in the dong. Swiche |
140 | Manere of thoghtes maken a man to have shame |
140 | Of his synne, and no delit, as God seith by |
141 | The prophete ezechiel: ye shal remembre |
141 | yow of youre weyes, and they shuln |
141 | Displese yow. Soothly synnes been the weyes |
142 | That leden folk of helle. |
142 | The seconde cause that oghte make a man |
142 | To have desdeyn of synne is this: that, as seith |
142 | Seint peter, whoso that dooth synne is thral |
142 | Of synne; and synne put a man in greet thraldom. |
143 | and therfore seith the prophete ezechiel: |
143 | I wente sorweful in desdayn of mysekf. |
143 | Certes, wel oghte a man have desdayn of synne, |
143 | And withdrawe hym from that thraldom and |
144 | Vileynye. And lo, what seith seneca in this |
144 | Matere? he seith thus: though I wiste that |
144 | Neither God ne man ne sholde nevere knowe |
145 | It, yet wolde I have desdayn for to do synne. |
145 | And the same seneca also seith: I am born to |
145 | Gretter thynges that to be thral to my body, |
146 | Or than for to maken of my body a thral. |
146 | Ne a fouler thral may no man ne womman |
146 | Maken of his body that for to yeven his body |
147 | To synne. Al were it the fouleste cherl or the |
147 | Fouleste womman that lyveth, and leest of |
147 | ~alue, yet is he thanne moore foul and moore |
148 | In servitute. Evere fro the hyer degree that |
148 | Man falleth, the moore is he thral, and moore |
148 | To God and to the world vile and abhomynable. |
149 | o goode god, wel oghte man have desdayn |
149 | of synne, sith that thurgh synne, ther he |
150 | Was free, now is he maked bonde. And therfore |
150 | seyth seint augustyn: if thou hast desdayn |
150 | of thy servant, if he agilte or synne, have |
150 | Thou thanne desdayn that thou thyself |
151 | Sholdest do synne. Tak reward of thy |
152 | Value, that thou ne be foul to thyself. |
152 | Allas! wel oghten they thanne have desdayn to |
152 | Been servauntz and thralles to synne, and soore |
153 | Been ashamed of hemself, that God of his |
153 | Endelees goodnesse hath set hem in heigh estaat, |
153 | or yeven hem wit, strenghte of body, |
154 | Heele, beautee, prosperitee, and boghte hem |
154 | Fro the deeth with his herte-blood. That they |
154 | So unkyndely, agayns his gentilesse, quiten hym |
155 | So vileynsly to slaughtre of hir owene soules. |
155 | O goode god, ye wommen that been of so greet |
155 | Beautee, remembreth yow of the proverbe |
156 | Of salomon. He seith: likneth a fair |
156 | Womman that is a fool of hire body lyk to |
156 | A ryng of gold that were in the groyn of a |
157 | Soughe. For right as a soughe wrotheth in |
157 | Everich ordure, so wroteth she hire beautee in |
158 | The stynkynge ordure of synne. |
158 | The thridde cause that oghte moeve a man |
158 | To contricioun is drede of the day of doom and |
159 | Of the horrible peynes of helle. For, as seint |
159 | Jerome seith, at every tyme that me remembreth |
160 | of the day of doom I quake; for whan |
160 | I ete or drynke, or what so that I do, evere |
160 | Semeth me that the trompe sowneth in |
161 | Myn ere: – riseth up, ye that been dede, |
162 | And cometh to the juggement. – o goode |
162 | God, muchel oghte a man to drede wich a |
162 | Juggement, ther as we shullen been alle, as |
162 | Seint poul seith, biforn the seete of oure lord |
163 | Jhesu crist; whereas he shal make a general |
163 | Congregacioun, whereas no man may been absent. |
164 | for certes there availleth noon essoyne |
165 | Ne excusacioun. And nat oonly that oure defautes |
165 | shullen be jugged, but eek that alle |
166 | Oure werkes shullen openly be knowe. |
166 | And as seith seint bernard, ther ne shal |
166 | No pledynge availle, ne no sleighte; we shullen |
167 | Yeven rekenynge of everich ydel word. Ther |
167 | Shul we han a juge that may nat been deceyved |
167 | ne corrput. And why? for, certes, alle |
167 | Oure thoghtes been discovered as to hym; ne |
167 | For preyere ne for meede he shal nat been corrupt. |
168 | and therfore seith salomon, the |
168 | Wratthe of God ne wol nat spare no wight, for |
168 | Prevere ne for yifte; and therfore, at the day |
169 | Of doom, ther nys noon hope to escape. Wherfore, |
169 | as seith seint anselm, ful greet angwyssh |
170 | shul the synful folk have at that tyme; |
170 | Ther shal the stierne and wrothe juge sitte |
170 | Above, and under hym the horrible pit of helle |
170 | Open to destroyen hym that moot biknowen his |
170 | Synnes, whiche synnes openly been shewed |
171 | Biforn God and biforn every creature; |
171 | And in the left syde mo develes that herte |
171 | May bithynke, for the harye and drawe the synful |
172 | soules to the peyne of helle; and withinne |
172 | The hertes of folk shall be bitynge conscience, |
172 | and withoute forth shal be the orld |
173 | Al brennynge. Whider shall thanne the |
173 | Wrecched synful man flee th hiden hym? |
173 | Certes, he may nat hyden hym; he moste come |
174 | Forth and shewen hym. For certes, as seith |
174 | Seint jerome, the erthe shal casten hym out |
174 | Of hym, and the see also, and the eyr also, that |
174 | Shal be ful of thonder-clappes and lightnynges. |
175 | now soothly, whoso wel remembreth |
175 | Hym of thise thynges, I gesse that his synne |
175 | Shal nat turne hym into delit, but to greet |
176 | Sorwe, for drede of the peyne of helle. |
176 | And therfore seith job to god: suffre, |
176 | Lord, that I may a while biwaille and wepe. |
176 | Er I go withoute returnyng to the derke lord, |
177 | Covered with the derknesse of deeth; to the |
177 | Lond of mysese and of derknesse, whereas is the |
177 | Shadwe of deeth; whereas ther is noon ordre or |
177 | Ordinaunce, but grisly drede that evere shal |
178 | Laste. Loo, heere may ye seen that job |
178 | Preyde repit a while, to biwepe and waille his |
178 | Trespas; for soothly oo day of respit is bettre |
179 | Than al the tresor of this world. And forasmuche |
179 | as a man may acquiten hymself biforn |
179 | God by penitence in this world, and nat by |
179 | Tresor, therfore sholde he preye to God to yeve |
179 | Hymrespit a while to biwepe and biwaillen |
180 | His trespas. For certes, al the sorwe that a |
180 | Man myghte make fro the bigynnyng of the |
180 | World nys but a litel thyng at regard of the |
181 | Sorwe of helle. The cause why that job |
182 | Clepeth helle the lond of derknesse; understondeth |
182 | that he clepeth it lond or erthe, |
182 | For it is stable, and nevere shal faille; derk, |
182 | For he that is in helle hath defaute of light material. |
183 | for certes, the derke light that shal |
183 | Come out of the fyr that evere shal brenne, shal |
183 | Furne hym al to peyne that is in helle; for it |
183 | Sheweth him to the horrible develes that hym |
184 | Tormenten. Covered with the derknesse of |
184 | Deeth, that is to seyn, that he that is in helle |
184 | Shal have defaute of the sighte of god; for |
185 | Certes, the sighte of God is the lyf perdurable. |
185 | The derknesse of deeth been the synnes that |
185 | The wrecched man hath doon, whiche that destourben |
185 | hym to see the face of god, right as |
185 | Dooth a derk clowde bitwixe us and the |
186 | Sonne. Lond of misese, by cause that |
186 | Ther been three maneres of defautes, agayn |
186 | Three thynges that folk of this world han in this |
186 | Present lyf, that is to seyn, honours, delices, and |
187 | Richesses. Agayns honour, have they in helle |
188 | Shame and confusioun. For wel ye woot that |
188 | Men clepen honour the reverence that man |
188 | Doth to man; but in helle is noon honour ne |
188 | Reverence. For certes, namoore reverence shal |
189 | Be doon there to a kyng than to a knave. For |
189 | Which God seith by the prophete jeremye, |
189 | Thilke folk that me despisen shul been in |
190 | Despit. Honour is eek cleped greet lordshipe; |
190 | Ther shal no wight serven other, but of harm |
190 | And torment. Honour is eek cleped greet dignytee |
190 | and heighnesse, but in helle shul |
191 | They been al fortroden of develes. And |
191 | God seith, the horrible develes shulle |
191 | Goon and comen upon the hevedes of the |
191 | Dampned folk. And this is for as muche as the |
191 | Hyer that they were in this present lyf, the |
191 | Moore shulle they been abated and defouled |
192 | In helle. Agayns the richesse of this world |
192 | Shul they han mysese of poverte, and this poverte |
193 | shal been in foure thynges: in defaute of |
193 | Tresor, of which that david seith, the riche |
193 | Folk, that embraceden and oneden al hire herte |
193 | To tresor of this world, shul slepe in the slepynge |
193 | of deeth; and nothyng ne shal they fynden |
194 | In hir handes of al hir tresor. And moore-over |
194 | the myseyse of helle shal been in defaute |
195 | Of mete and rinke. For God seith thus by |
195 | Moyses: they shul been wasted with hunger, |
195 | And the briddes of helle shul devouren hem |
195 | With bitter deeth, and the galle of the dragon |
195 | Shal been hire drynke, and the venym of |
196 | The dragon hire morsels. And forther |
196 | Over, hire myseyse shal been in defaute of |
196 | Clothyng; for they shulle be naked in body as |
196 | Of clothyng, save the fyr in which they bree |
197 | And othere filthes; and naked shul they been |
197 | Of soule, as of alle manere vertues, which that |
197 | Is the clothyng of the soule. Where been |
197 | Thannne the gaye robes, and the softe shetes, |
198 | And the smale shertes? loo, what seith god |
198 | Of hem by the prophete ysaye: that under hem |
198 | Shul been strawed motthes, and hire covertures |
199 | Shulle been of womres of helle. And forther |
199 | Over, hir myseyse shal been in defaute of |
199 | Freendes. For he nys nat povre that hath goode |
200 | Freendes; but there is no frend, for neither |
200 | God ne no creature shal been freend to hem, |
200 | And everich of hem shal haten oother |
201 | With deedly hat. The sones and the |
201 | Doghtren shullen rebellen agayns fader |
201 | And mooder, and kynrede agauns kynrede, and |
201 | Chiden and despisen everich of hem oother |
201 | Bothe day nad nyght, as God seith by the |
202 | Prophete michias. And the lovynge children, |
202 | That whilom loveden so flesshly everich oother, |
202 | Wolden everich of hem eten oother if they |
203 | Myghte. For how sholden they love hem togidre |
203 | in the peyne of helle, whan they hated |
203 | Everich of hem oother in the progenitee of this |
204 | Lyr? for truste wel, hir flesshly love was |
204 | Deedly hate, as seith the prophete david: |
204 | Whoso that loveth wikkednesse, he hateth his |
205 | Soule. And whoso hateth his owene soule, |
205 | Certes, he may love noon oother wight in |
206 | No manere. And therfore, in helle is no |
206 | Solas ne no freendshipe, but evere the |
206 | Moore flesshly kynredes that been in helle, the |
206 | Moore cursynges, the more chidynges, and the |
207 | Moore deedly hate ther is among hem. And |
207 | Forther over, they shul have defaute of alle |
207 | Manere delices. For certes, delices been after |
207 | The appetites of the fyve wittes, as sighte, herynge, |
208 | smellynge, savorynge, and touchynge. |
208 | But in helle hir sighte shal be ful of derknesse |
208 | And of smoke, and therfore ful of teeres; and |
208 | Hir herynge ful of waymentynge and of grynt |
209 | Ynge of teeth, as seith jhesu crist. Hir nose- |
209 | Thirles shullen be ful of stynkynge stynk; and |
209 | As seith ysaye the prophete, hir savoryng shal |
210 | Be ful of bitter galle; and touchynge of al hir |
210 | Body ycovered with fir that nevere shal |
210 | Quenche, and with wormes that nevere shul |
210 | Dyen, as God seith by the mouth of |
211 | Ysaye. And for as muche as they shul |
211 | Nat wene that they may dyen for peyne, |
211 | And by hir deeth flee fro peyne, that may they |
211 | Understonden by the word of job, that seith, |
212 | Ther as is the shadwe of deeth. Certes, a |
212 | Shadwe hath the liknesse of the thyng of which |
212 | It is shadwe, but shadwe is nat the same thyng |
213 | Of which it is shadwe. Right so fareth the |
213 | Peune of helle; it is lyk deeth for the horrible |
213 | Angwissh, and why? for it peyneth hem evere, |
213 | As though they sholde dye anon; but certes, |
214 | They shal nat dye. For, as seith seint gregorie, |
214 | to wrecche caytyves shal be deeth |
214 | Withoute deeth, adn end withouten ende, and |
215 | Defaute withoute failynge. For hir deeth shal |
215 | Alwey lyven, and hir ende shal everemo bigynne, |
216 | and hir defaute shal nat faille. |
216 | And therfore seith seint john the evaungelist: |
216 | they shullen folwe deeth, and they shul |
216 | Nat fynde hym; and they shul desiren to dye, |
217 | And deeth shal flee fro hem. And eek job |
218 | Seith that in helle is noon ordre of rule. And |
218 | Al be it so that God hath creat alle thynges |
218 | In right ordre, and no thyng withouten ordre, |
218 | But alle thynges been ordeyned and nombred; |
218 | yet, nathelees, they that been dampned |
219 | Been nothyng in ordre, ne holden noon ordre. |
220 | For the erthe ne shal bere hem no fruyt. For |
220 | As the prophete david seith, God shal destroie |
220 | The fruyt of the erthe as fro hem; ne water ne |
220 | Shal yeve hem no moisture, ne the eyr no |
221 | Refresshyng, ne fyr no light. For, as |
221 | Seith seint basilie, the brennynge of the |
221 | Fyr of this world shal God yeven in helle to hem |
222 | That been dampned, but the light and the cleernesse |
222 | shal be yeven in hevene to this childre; |
222 | Right as the goode man yeveth flessh to his |
223 | Children and bones to his houndes. And for |
223 | They shullen have noon hope to escape, seith |
223 | Seint job atte laste that ther shal horrour and |
224 | Grisly drede dwellen withouten ende. Horrour |
224 | is alwey drede of harm that is to come, |
224 | And this drede shal evere dwelle in the hertes |
224 | Of hem that been dampned. And therfore han |
225 | They lorn al hire hope, for sevene causes. |
225 | First, for god, that is hir juge, shal be withouten |
225 | mercy to hem; and they may nat plese |
225 | Hym ne noon of his halwes; ne they ne |
226 | May yeve no thyng for hir raunsoun; ne |
226 | They have no voys to speke to hym; ne |
226 | They may nat fle fro peyne; ne they have no |
226 | Goodnesse in hem, that they mowe shewe to |
227 | Delivere hem fro peyne. And therfore seith |
227 | Salomon: the wikked man dyeth, and whan |
227 | He is deed, he shal have noon hope to escape |
228 | Fro peyne. Whoso thanne wolde wel understande |
228 | thise peynes, and bithynke hym weel |
228 | That he hath deserved thilke peynes for his |
228 | Synnes, errtes, he sholde have moore talent to |
228 | Siken and to wepe, than for to syngen and to |
229 | Pleye. For, as that seith salomon, whoso |
229 | That hadde the science to knowe the peynes |
229 | That been establissed and ordeyned for synne, |
230 | He wolde make sorwe. Thilke science, as |
230 | Seith seint augustyn, maketh a man to |
231 | Waymenten in his herte. |
231 | The fourthe point that oghte maken a |
231 | Man to have contricion is the sorweful remembraunce |
231 | of the good that he hath left to |
231 | Doon heere in erthe, and eek the good that he |
232 | Hath lorn. Soothly, the goode werkes that he |
232 | Hath lost, outher they been the goode werkes |
232 | That he wroghte er he fel into deedly synne, or |
232 | Elles the goode werkes that he wroghte while |
233 | He lay in synne. Soothly, the goode werkes |
233 | That he dide biforn that he fil in synne been al |
233 | Mortefied and astoned and dulled by the ofte |
234 | Synnyng. The othere goode werkes, that he |
234 | Wroghte whil he lay in deedly synne, thei been |
234 | Outrely dede, as to the lyf perdurable in hevene. |
235 | thanne thikle goode werkes that been |
235 | Mortefied by ofte synnyng, whiche goode |
235 | Werkes he dide whil he was in charitee, ne |
235 | Mowe nevere quyken agayn withouten verray |
236 | penitence. And therof seith God by |
236 | The mouth of ezechiel, that if the rightful |
236 | Man returne agayn from his rightwisnesse and |
237 | Werke wikkednesse, shal he lyve? nay, for |
237 | Alle the goode werkes that he hath wroght ne |
237 | Shul nevere been in remembraunce, for he shal |
238 | Dyen in this synne. And upon thilke chapitre |
238 | Seith seint gregorie thus: that we shulle understonde |
239 | this principally; that whan we doon |
239 | Deedly synne, it is for noght thanne to rehercen |
239 | Or drawen into memorie the goode werkes that |
240 | We han wroght biforn. for certes, in the |
240 | Werkynge of the deedly synne, ther is no trust |
240 | To no good werk that we can doon biforn; that |
240 | Is to seyn, as for to have therby the lyf |
241 | Perdurable in hevene. But nathelees, the |
241 | Goode werkes quyken agayn, and comen |
241 | Agayn, and helpen, and availlen to have the |
241 | Lyf perdurable in hevene, whan we han contricioun. |
242 | but soothly, the goode werkes that |
242 | Men doon whil they been in deedly synne, for |
242 | As muche as they were doon in deedly synne, |
243 | They may nevere quyke agayn. For certes |
243 | Thyng that nevere hadde lyf may nevere quykene; |
243 | and nathelees, al be it that they ne availle |
243 | Noght to han the lyf perdurable, yet availlen |
243 | They to abregge of the peyne of helle, or elles |
244 | To geten temporal richesse, or elles that god |
244 | Wole the rather enlumyne and lightne the herte |
245 | Of the synful man to have repentaunce; and |
245 | Eek they availlen for to usen a man to doon |
245 | Goode werkes, that the feend have the |
246 | Lasse power of his soule. And thus the |
246 | Curteis lord jhesu crist ne wole that no |
246 | Good werk be lost; for in somwhat it shal |
247 | Availle. But, for as muche as the goode werkes |
247 | That men doon whil they been in good lyf been |
247 | Al mortefied by synne folwynge, and eek sith |
247 | That alle the goode werkes that men doon whil |
247 | They been in deedly synne been outrely dede as |
248 | For to have the lyf perdurable; wel may that |
248 | Man that no good werk ne dooth synge thilke |
248 | Newe frenshe song, jay tout perdu mon temps |
249 | Et mon labour. For certes, synne bireveth a |
249 | Man bothe goodnesse of nature and eek the |
250 | Goodnesse of grace. For soothly, the grace of |
250 | The hooly goost fareth lyk fyr, that may nat |
250 | Been ydel; for fyr fayleth anoon as it forleteth |
250 | His wirkynge, and right so grace fayleth |
251 | Anoon as it forleteth his werkynge. Then |
251 | Leseth the synful man the goodnesse of |
251 | Glorie, that oonly is bihight to goode men that |
252 | Labouren and werken. Wel may he be sory |
252 | Thanne, that oweth al his lif to God as longe |
252 | As he hath lyved, and eek as longe as he shal |
252 | Lyve, that no goodnesse ne hath to paye with |
253 | His dette to God to whom he oweth al his lyf. |
253 | For trust wel, he shal yeven acountes, as seith |
253 | Seint bernard, of alle the goodes that han be |
253 | Yeven hym in this present lyf, and how he hath |
254 | Hem despended; in so muche that ther shal |
254 | Nat perisse an heer of his heed, ne a moment |
254 | Of an houre ne shal nat perisse of his tyme, that |
255 | He ne shal yeve of it a rekenyng. |
255 | The fifthe thyng that oghte moeve a man to |
255 | Contricioun is remembrance of the passioun |
255 | That oure lord jhesu crist suffred for oure |
256 | Synnes. For, as seith seint bernard, |
256 | Whil that I lyve I shal have remembrance |
256 | of the travailles that oure lord crist |
257 | Suffred in prechyng; his werynesse in travaillyng, |
257 | his temptaciouns whan he fasted, his longe |
257 | Wakynges whan he preyde, hise teeres whan |
258 | That he weep for pitee of good peple; the |
258 | Wo and the shame and the filthe that men |
258 | Seyden to hym; of the foule spittyng that men |
258 | Spitte in his face, of the buffettes that men |
258 | Yaven hym, of the foule mowes, and of the repreves |
259 | that men to hym seyden; of the nayles |
259 | With whiche he was nayled to the croys, and |
259 | Of al the remenant of his passioun that he suffred |
260 | for my synnes, and no thyng for his gilt. |
260 | And ye shul understonde that in mannes synne |
260 | Is every manere of ordre or ordinaunce |
261 | Turned up-so-doun. For it is sooth that |
261 | God, and resoun, and sensualitee, and the |
261 | Body of man been so ordeyned that everich of |
261 | Thise foure thynges sholde have lordshipe over |
262 | That oother; as thus: God sholde have lordshipe |
262 | over resoun, and resoun over sensualitee, |
263 | And sensualitee over the body of man. But |
263 | Soothly, whan man synneth, al this ordre or |
264 | Ordinaunce is turned up-so-doun. And therfore, |
264 | thanne, for as muche as the resoun of man |
264 | Ne wol nat be subget ne obeisant to god, that |
264 | Is his lord by right, therfore leseth it the lordshipe |
264 | that it sholde have over sensualitee, and |
265 | Eek over the body of man. And why? for |
265 | Sensualitee rebelleth thanne agayns resoun, |
265 | And by that way leseth resoun the lordshipe |
266 | over sensualitee and over the body. |
266 | For right as resoun is rebel to god, right so |
266 | Is bothe sensualitee rebel to resoun and the |
267 | Body also. And certes this disordinaunce and |
267 | This rebellioun oure lord jhesu crist aboghte |
267 | Upon his precious body ful deere, and herkneth |
268 | In which wise. For as muche thanne as resoun |
268 | is rebel to god, therfore is man worthy |
269 | To have sorwe and to be deed. This suffred |
269 | Oure lord jhesu crist for man, after that he |
269 | Hadde be bitraysed of his disciple, and distreyned |
269 | and bounde, so that his blood brast |
269 | Out at every nayl of his handes, as seith seint |
270 | Augustyn. And forther over, for as muchel |
270 | As resoun of man ne wol nat daunte sensualitee |
270 | whan it may, therfore is man worthy to have |
270 | Shame; and this suffred oure lord jhesu |
270 | Crist for man, whan they spetten in his |
271 | Visage. And forther over, for as muchel |
271 | Thanne as the caytyf body of man is rebel |
271 | Bothe to resoun and to sensualitee, therfore is |
272 | It worthy the deeth. And this suffred oure |
272 | Lord jhesu crist for man upon the croys |
272 | Where as ther was no part of his body free |
273 | Withouten greet peyne and bitter passioun. |
273 | And al this suffred jhesu crist, that nevere |
273 | Forfeted. And therfore resonably may be seyd |
273 | Jhesu in this manere: to muchel am I |
273 | Peyned for the thynges that I nevere deserved, |
273 | And to muche defouled for shendshipe that |
274 | Man is worthy to have. And therfore may |
274 | The synful man wel seye, as seith seint bernard, |
274 | Acursed be the bitternesse of my synne, for |
274 | Which ther moste be suffred so muchel bitternesse. |
275 | for certes, after the diverse disordinaunces |
275 | of oure wikkednesses was the passioun |
275 | of jhesu crist ordeyned in diverse |
276 | Thynges, as thus. Certes, synful mannes |
276 | Soule is bitraysed of the devel by coveitise |
276 | Of temporeel prosperitee, and scorned by deceite |
276 | whan he cheseth flesshly delices; and yet |
276 | Is it tormented by inpacience of adversitee, |
276 | And bispet by servage and subjeccioun of |
277 | Synne; and atte laste it is slayn fynally. For |
277 | This disordinaunce of synful man was jhesu |
277 | Crist first bitraysed, and after that was he |
277 | Bounde, that cam for to unbynden us of synne |
278 | And peyne. Thanne was he byscorned, that |
278 | Oonly sholde han been honoured in alle thynges |
279 | And of alle thynges. Thanne was his visage, |
279 | That oghte be desired to be seyn of al mankynde, |
279 | in which visage aungels desiren to looke, |
280 | Vileynsly bispet. Thanne was he scourged, |
280 | That no thyng hadde agilt; and finally, |
281 | Thanne was he crucified and slayn. |
281 | Thanne was acompliced the word of ysaye, |
281 | He was wounded for oure mysdedes and defouled |
282 | for oure felonies. Now sith that jhesu |
282 | Crist took upon hymself the peyne of alle oure |
282 | Wikkednesses, muchel oghte synful man wepen |
282 | And biwayle, that for his synnes goddes sone |
283 | Of hevene sholde al this peyne endure. |
283 | The sixte thyng that oghte moeve a man to |
283 | Contricioun is the hope of three thynges; that |
283 | Is to seyn, foryifnesse of synne, and the yifte to |
283 | Grace wel for to do, and the glorie of hevene, |
283 | With which God shal gerdone man for his |
284 | Goode dedes. And for as muche as jhesu |
284 | Crist yeveth us thise yiftes of his largesse and |
284 | Of his sovereyn bountee, therfore is he cleped |
285 | Jhesus nazarenus rex judeorum. Jhesus is to |
285 | Seyn saveour or salvacioun, on whom men |
285 | Shul hope to have foryifnesse of synnes, |
285 | Which that is proprely salvacioun of |
286 | Synnes. And terfore seyde the aungel |
286 | To joseph, thou shalt clepen his name |
287 | Jhesus, that shal saven his peple of hir synnes. |
287 | And heerof seith seint peter: ther is noon |
287 | Oother name under hevene that is yeve to any |
287 | Man, by which a man may be saved, but oonly |
288 | Jhesus. Nazarenus is as muche for to seye as |
288 | Florisshynge, in which a man shal hope that |
288 | He that yeveth hym remissioun of synnes shal |
288 | Yeve hym eek grace wel for to do. For in the |
288 | Flour is hope of fruyt in tyme comynge, and in |
288 | Foryifnesse of synnes hope of grace wel for to |
289 | Do. I was atte dore of thyn herte, seith |
289 | Jhesus, and cleped for to entre. He that openeth |
290 | to me shal have foryifnesse of synne. I |
290 | Wol entre into hym by my grace, and soupe |
290 | With hym, by the goode werkes that he shal |
290 | Doon, whiche werkes been the foode of god; |
290 | And he shal soupe with me, by the grete |
291 | Joye that I shal yeven hym. Thus shal |
291 | Man hope, for his werkes of penaunce, |
291 | That God shal yeven hym his regne, as he bihooteth |
292 | hym in the gospel. |
292 | Now shal a man understonde in which manere |
292 | shal been his contricioun. I seye that it |
292 | Shal been universal and total. This is to seyn, |
292 | A man shal be verray repentaunt for alle his |
292 | Synnes that he hath doon in delit of his thoght; |
293 | For delit is ful perilous. For ther been two |
293 | Manere of consentynges: that oon of hem is |
293 | Cleped consentynge of affeccioun, whan a man |
293 | Is moeved to do synne, and deliteth hym longe |
294 | For to thynke on that synne; and his reson |
294 | Aperceyveth it wel that it is synne agayns the |
294 | Lawe of god, and yet his resoun refreyneth nat |
294 | His foul delit or talent, though he se wel apertly |
294 | That it is agayns the reverence of god. Although |
294 | his resoun ne consente noght to doon |
295 | That synne in dede, yet seyn somme doctours |
295 | That swich delit that dwelleth longe, it is |
296 | Ful perilous, al be it nevere so lite. And |
296 | Also a man sholde sorwe namely for al that |
296 | Evere he hath desired agayn the lawe of god |
296 | With perfit consentynge of his resoun; for therof |
296 | Is no doute, that it is deedly synne in consentynge. |
297 | for certes, ther is no deedly synne, that |
297 | It nas first in mannes thought, and after that |
297 | In his delit, and so forth into consentynge and |
298 | Into dede. Wherfore I seye that many men |
298 | Ne repenten hem nevere of swiche thoghtes and |
298 | Delites, ne nevere shryven hem of it, but oonly |
299 | Of the dede of grete synnes outward. Wherfore |
299 | I seye that swiche wikked delites and wikked |
299 | thoghtes been subtile bigileres of hem that |
300 | Shullen be dampned. Mooreover man oghte |
300 | To sorwe for his wikkede wordes as wel as for |
300 | His wikkede dedes. For certes, the repentaunce |
300 | Of a synguler synne, and nat repente of alle his |
300 | Ohter synnes, or elles repenten hym of alle his |
300 | Othere synnes, and nat of a synguler synne, |
301 | May nat availle. For certes, God almyghty |
301 | is al good; and therfore he foryeveth |
302 | al, or elles right noght. And heerof |
303 | Seith seint augustyn: I wot certeynly that |
303 | God is enemy to everich synnere; and how |
303 | Thanne, he that observeth o synne, shal he have |
303 | Foryifnesse of the remenaunt of his othere |
304 | Synnes? nay. And forther over, contrcioun |
304 | Sholde be wonder sorweful and angwissous; |
304 | And therfore yeveth hym God pleynly his |
304 | Mercy; and therfore, whan my soule was angwissous |
304 | withinne me, I hadde remembrance |
305 | Of God that my preyere myghte come to hym. |
305 | Forther over, contricioun moste be continueel, |
305 | And that man have stedefast purpos to shriven |
305 | Hum, and for to amenden hym of his |
306 | Lyf. For soothly, whil contricioun lasteth, |
306 | Man may evere have hope of foryifnesse; |
306 | And of this comth hate of synne, that destroyeth |
306 | synne, bothe in himself, and eek in oother |
307 | Folk, at his power. For which seith david: |
307 | Ye that loven god, hateth wikkednesse. For |
307 | Trusteth wel, to love God is for to love that he |
308 | Loveth, and hate that he hateth. |
308 | The laste thyng that men shal understonde |
308 | In contricioun is this: wherof avayleth contricioun. |
308 | I seye that somtyme contricioun delivereth |
309 | a man fro synne; of which that david |
309 | Seith, I seye, quod david (that is to seyn, |
309 | I purposed fermely) to shryve me, and thow, |
310 | Lord, relessedest my synne. And right so as |
310 | Contricion availleth noght withouten sad purpos |
310 | of shrifte, if man have oportunitee, right |
310 | So litel worth is shrifte or satisfaccioun |
311 | Withouten contricioun. And mooreover |
311 | Contricion destroyeth the prisoun of helle, |
311 | And maketh wayk and fieble alle the strengthes |
311 | Of the develes, and restoreth the yiftes of the |
312 | Hooly goost and of alle goode vertues; and |
312 | It clenseth the soule of synne, and delivereth |
312 | The soule fro the peyne of helle, and fro the |
312 | Compaignye of the devel, and fro the servage |
312 | Of synne, and restoreth it to alle goodes espirituels, |
312 | and to the compaignye and communyoun |
313 | Of hooly chirche. And forther over, it maketh |
313 | Hym that whilom was sone of ire to be sone |
313 | Of grace; and alle thise thynges been preved |
314 | By hooly writ. And therfore, he that wolde |
314 | Sette his entente to thise thynges, he were ful |
314 | Wys; for soothly he ne sholde nat thanne in al |
314 | His lyf have corage to synne, but yeven his body |
314 | And al his herte to the service of jhesu crist, |
315 | And therof doon hym hommage. For soothly |
315 | Oure sweete lord jhesu crist hath spared us |
315 | So debonairly in oure folies, that if he ne hadde |
315 | Pitee of mannes soule, a sory song we |
316 | Myghten alle synge.
Explicit prima pars Penitentie.Et sequitur secunda pars eiusdem. |
316 | The seconde partie of penitence is confressioun, |
317 | that is signe of contricioun. Now shul |
317 | Ye understonde what is confessioun, and |
317 | Wheither it oghte nedes be doon or noon, and |
317 | Whiche thynges been covenable to verray confessioun. |
318 | First shaltow understonde that confessioun |
319 | Is verray shewynge of synnes to the preest. |
319 | This is to seyn verray, for he moste confessen |
319 | Hym of alle the condiciouns that bilongen to his |
320 | Synne, as ferforth as he kan. Al moot be seyd, |
320 | And no thyng excused ne hyd ne forwrapped, |
320 | And noght avaunte thee of thy goode |
321 | Werkes. And forther over, it is necessarie |
321 | to understonde whennes that synnes |
321 | Spryngen, and how they encreessen and whiche |
322 | They been. |
322 | Of the spryngynge of synnes seith seint paul |
322 | In this wise: that right as by a man synne entred |
322 | first into this world, and thurgh that synne |
322 | Deeth, right so thilke deeth entred into alle |
323 | Men that synneden. And this man was adam, |
323 | By whom synne entred into this world, whan |
324 | He brak the comaundementz of god. And |
324 | Therfore, he that first was so myghty that he |
324 | Sholde nat have dyed, bicam swich oon that he |
324 | Moste nedes dye, wheither he wolde or noon, |
324 | And al his progenye in this world, that in thilke |
325 | Man synneden. Looke that in th' estaat of innocence, |
325 | whan adam and eve naked weren |
325 | In paradys, and nothyng ne hadden shame |
326 | Of hir nakednesse, how that the serpent, |
326 | That was moost wily of alle othere beestes |
326 | That God hadde maked, seyde to the womman: |
326 | Why comaunded God to yow ye sholde nat |
327 | Eten of every tree in paradys? the womman |
327 | Answerde: of the fruyt, quod she, of the trees |
327 | In paradys we feden us, but soothly, of the |
327 | Fruyt of the tree that is in the myddel of paradys, |
327 | god forbad us for to ete, ne nat touchen |
328 | It, lest per aventure we sholde dyen. The |
328 | Serpent seyde to the womman: nay, nay, ye |
328 | Shul nat dyen of deeth; for sothe, God woot |
328 | That what day that ye eten therof, youre eyen |
328 | Shul opene, and ye shul been as goddes, knowynge |
329 | good and harm. The womman thanne |
329 | Saugh that the tree was good to feedyng, and |
329 | Fair to the eyen, and delitable to the sighte. |
329 | She took of the fruyt of the tree, and eet it, |
329 | And yaf to hire housbonde, and he eet, and |
330 | Anoon the eyen of hem bothe openeden. And |
330 | Whan that they knewe that they were naked, |
330 | They sowed of fige leves a maner of |
331 | Breches to hiden hire membres. There |
331 | May ye seen that deedly synne hath, first, |
331 | Suggestion of the feend, as sheweth heere by |
331 | The naddre; and afterward, teh delit of the |
331 | Flessh, as sheweth heere by eve; and after that, |
331 | The consentynge of resoun, as sheweth heere |
332 | By adam. For trust wel, though so were that |
332 | The feend tempted eve, that is to seyn, the |
332 | Flessh, and the flessh hadde delit in the beautee |
332 | Of the fruyt defended, yet certes, til that resoun, |
332 | That is to seyn, adam, consented to the etynge |
332 | Of the fruyt, yet stood he in th' estaat of innocence. |
333 | of thilke adam tooke we thilke wynne |
333 | Original; for of hym flesshly descended be we |
333 | Alle, and engendred of vile and corrupt mateere. |
334 | and whan the soule is put in oure body, |
334 | Right anon is contract original synne; and that |
334 | That was erst but oonly peyne of concupiscence, |
335 | is afterward bothe peyne and synne. |
335 | And therfore be we alle born sones of wratthe |
335 | And of dampnacioun perdurable, if it nere baptesme |
335 | that we receyven, which bynymeth us |
335 | The culpe. But for sothe, the peyne dwelleth |
335 | With us, as to temptacioun, which peyne |
336 | Highte concupiscence. And this concupiscence, |
336 | whan it is wrongfully disposed |
336 | Or ordeyned in man, it maketh hym coveite, |
336 | By coveitise of flessh, flesshly synne, by sighte |
336 | Of his eyen as to erthely thynges, and eek |
337 | Coveitise of hynesse by pride of herte. |
337 | Now, as for to speken of the firste coveitise, |
337 | That is concupiscence, after the lawe of oure |
337 | Membres, that weren lawefulliche ymaked and |
338 | By rightful juggement of god; I seye, forasmuche |
338 | as man is nat obeisaunt to god, that is |
338 | His lord, therfore is the flessh to hym disobeisaunt |
338 | thurgh concupiscence, whigh yet is |
338 | Cleped norrissynge, of synne and occasioun |
339 | Of synne. Therfore, al the while that a |
339 | Man hath in hym the peyne of concupiscence, |
339 | it is impossible but he be tempted |
340 | Somtime and moeved in his flessh to synne. |
340 | And this thyng may nat faille as longe |
340 | As he lyveth; it may wel wexe fieble and faille |
340 | By vertu of baptesme, and by the grace of |
341 | God thurgh penitence; but fully ne shal |
341 | It nevere quenche, that he ne shal som |
341 | Tyme be moeved in hymself, but if he were al |
341 | Refreyded by siknesse, or by malefice of sorcerie, |
342 | Or colde drynkes. For lo, what seith seint |
342 | Paul: the flessh coveiteth agayn the spirit, and |
342 | The spirit agayn the flessh; they been so contrarie |
342 | and so stryven that a man may nat alway |
343 | doon as he wolde. The same seint paul, |
343 | After his grete penaunce in water and in lond, |
343 | – in water by nyght and by day in greet peril |
343 | And in greet peyne; in lond, in famyne and |
343 | Thurst, in coold and cloothelees, and ones stoned |
344 | Almoost to the deeth,– yet seyde he, allas, |
344 | I caytyf man! who sahl delivere me fro the |
345 | Prisoun of my caytyf body? and seint jerome, |
345 | whan he longe tyme hadde woned in |
345 | Desert, where as he hadde no compaignye but |
345 | Of wilde beestes, where as he ne hadde no mete |
345 | But herbes, and water to his drynke, ne no bed |
345 | But the naked erthe, for which his flessh was |
345 | Blak as an ethiopeen for heete, and ny destroyed |
346 | for coold, yet seyde he that the |
346 | Brennynge of lecherie boyled in al his |
347 | Body. Wherfore I woot wel sykerly that they |
347 | Been deceyved that seyn that they ne be nat |
348 | Empted in hir body. Witnesse on seint jame |
348 | The apostel, that seith that every wight is |
348 | Tempted in his owene concupiscence; that is |
348 | To seyn, that everich of us hath matere and |
348 | Occasioun to be tempted of the norissynge of |
349 | Synne that is in his body. And therfore seith |
349 | Seint john the evaungelist: if that we seyn |
349 | That we be withoute synne, we deceyve us |
350 | Selve, and trouthe is nat in us. |
350 | Now hal ye understonde in what manere |
350 | That synne wexeth or encreesseth in man. The |
350 | Firste thyng is thilke norissynge of synne of |
350 | Which I spak biforn, thilke flesshly concupiscence. |
351 | and after that comth the |
351 | Subjeccioun of the devel, this is to seyn, |
351 | The develes bely, with which he bloweth in man |
352 | The fir of flesshly concupiscence. And after |
352 | That, a man bithynketh hym wheither he wol |
352 | Doon, or no, thilke thing to which he is |
353 | Tempted. And thanne, if that a man withstonde |
353 | and weyve the firste entisynge of his |
353 | Flessh and of the feend, thanne is it no synne; |
353 | And if it so be that he do nat so, thanne feeleth |
354 | he anoon a flambe of delit. And thanne |
354 | Is it good to be war, and kepen hym wel, or |
354 | Elles he wol falle anon into consentynge of |
354 | Synne; and thanne wol he do it, if he may have |
355 | Tyme and place. And of this matere seith |
355 | Moyses by the devel in this manere: the |
355 | Feend seith, – I wole chace and pursue the man |
355 | By wikked suggestioun, and I wole hente hym |
355 | By moevynge or stirynge of synne. And I wol |
355 | Departe my prise or my praye by deliberacioun, |
355 | And my lust shal been acompliced in delit. |
356 | I wol drawe my swerd in consentynge – |
356 | For certes, right as a swerd departeth a |
356 | Thyng in two peces, right so consentynge departeth |
356 | god fro man – and thanne wol I |
356 | Sleen hym with myn hand in dede of synne; |
357 | Thus seith the feend. For certes, thanne is |
357 | A man al deed in soule. And thus is synne |
357 | Acompliced by temptacioun, by delit, and by |
357 | Consentynge; and thanne is the synne cleped |
358 | Actueel. |
358 | For sothe, synne is in two maneres; outher |
358 | It is venial, or deedly synne. Soothly, whan |
358 | Man loveth any creature moore than jhesu |
358 | Crist oure creatour, thanne is it deedly synne. |
358 | And venial synne is it, if man love jhesu crist |
359 | Lasse than hym oghte. For sothe, the dede |
359 | Of this venial synne is ful perilous; for it |
359 | Amenuseth the love that men sholde han to |
360 | God moore and moore. And therfore, it a |
360 | Man charge hymself with manye swiche venial |
360 | Synnes, certes, but if so be that he somtyme |
360 | Descharge hym of hem by shrifte, they mowe |
360 | Ful lightly amenuse in hym al the love that |
361 | He hath to jhesu crist; and in this wise |
361 | Skippeth venial into deedly synne. For |
361 | Certes, the moore that a man chargeth his |
361 | Soule with venial synnes, the moore is he enclyned |
362 | to fallen into deedly synne. And therfore |
362 | lat us nat be necligent to deschargen us |
362 | Of venial synnes. For the proverbe seith that |
363 | Manye smale maken a greet. And herkne |
363 | This ensample. A greet wawe of the see comth |
363 | Som tyme with so greet a violence that it |
363 | Drencheth the ship. And the same harm doon |
363 | Som tyme the smale dropes of water, that entren |
363 | thurgh a litel crevace into the thurrok, |
363 | And in the botme of the ship, if men be so |
363 | Necligent that they ne descharge hem nat by |
364 | Tyme. And therfore, although ther be a difference |
364 | bitwixe thise two causes of drenchynge, |
365 | Algates the ship is dreynt. Right so fareth it |
365 | Somtyme of deedly synne, and of anoyouse |
365 | Veniale synnes, whan they multiplie in a man |
365 | So greetly that the love of thilke worldly |
365 | Thynges that he loveth, thurgh whiche he synneth |
365 | venyally, is as greet in his herte as |
366 | The love of god, or moore. And therfore, |
366 | the love of every thyng that is nat |
366 | Biset in god, ne doon principally for goddes |
366 | Sake, although that a man love it lasse than |
367 | God, yet is it venial synne; and deedly synne |
367 | Whan the love of any thyng weyeth in the |
367 | Herte of man as muchel as the love of god, or |
368 | Moore. Deedly synne, as seith seint augustyn, |
368 | is whan a man turneth his herte fro |
368 | God, which that is verray sovereyn bountee, |
368 | That may nat chaunge, and yeveth his herte |
369 | To thyng that may chaunge and flitte. And |
369 | Certes, that is every thyng save God of hevene. |
369 | For sooth is that if a man yeve his love, the |
369 | Which that he oweth al to God with al his |
369 | Herte, unto a creature, certes, as muche of his |
369 | Love as he yeveth to thilke creature, so muche |
370 | He bireveth fro god; and therfore dooth he |
370 | Synne. For he that is dettour to God ne yeldeth |
370 | nat to God al his dette, that is to seyn, |
371 | Al the love of his herte. |
371 | Now sith man understondeth generally |
371 | Which is venial synne, thanne is it covenable |
371 | To tellen specially of synnes whiche that many |
371 | A man peraventure ne demeth hem nat synnes, |
371 | And ne shryveth him nat of the same thynges, |
372 | And yet natheless they been synnes; soothly, as |
372 | Thise clerkes writen, this is to seyn, that at every |
372 | Tyme that a man eteth or drynketh moore than |
372 | Suffiseth to the sustenaunce of his body, in certein |
373 | he dooth synne. And eek whan he speketh |
373 | moore than it nedeth, it is synne. Eke |
373 | Whan he herkneth nat benignely the compleint |
374 | Of the povre; eke whan he is in heele of body, |
374 | And wol nat faste whan other folk faste, withouten |
374 | cause resonable; eke whan he slepeth |
374 | Moore than nedeth, or whan he comth by thilke |
374 | Enchesoun to late to chirche, or to othere werkes |
375 | Of charite; eke whan he useth his wyf, withouten |
375 | sovereyn desir of engendrure to the honour |
375 | of god, or for the entente to yelde to |
376 | His wyf the dette of his body; eke whan |
376 | He wol nat visite the sike and the prisoner, |
376 | If he may; eke if he love wyf or child, or oother |
376 | Worldly thyng, moore than resoun requireth; |
376 | Eke if he flatere or blandise moore than hym |
377 | Oghte for any necessitee; eke if he amenuse |
377 | Or withdrawe the almesse of the povre; eke if |
377 | He apparailleth his mete moore deliciously than |
378 | Nede is, or ete it to hastily by likerousnesse; |
378 | Eke if he tale vanytees at chirche or at goddes |
378 | Service, or that he be a talker of ydel wordes of |
378 | Folye or of vileynye, for he shal yelden acountes |
379 | Of it at the day of doom; eke whan he biheteth |
379 | or assureth to do thynges that he may nat |
379 | Perfourne; eke whan that he by lightnesse or |
380 | Folie mysseyeth or scorneth his neighebor; |
380 | Eke whan he hath any wikked suspecioun |
380 | Of thyng ther he ne woot of it no soothfastnesse: |
381 | thise thynges, and no withoute |
381 | nombre, been synnes, as seith seint |
382 | Augustyn. |
382 | Now shal men understonde that, al be it so |
382 | That noon erthely man may eschue alle venial |
382 | Synnes, yet may be refreyne hym by the brennynge |
382 | love that he hath to oure lord jhesu |
382 | Christ, and by preyeres and confessioun and |
382 | Othere goode werkes, so that it shal but litel |
383 | Greve. For, as seith seint augustyn, if a man |
383 | Love God in swich manere that al that evere he |
383 | Dooth is in the love of god, and for the love of |
383 | God, verraily, for he brenneth in the love of |
384 | God, looke, how muche that a drope of water |
384 | that falleth in a fourneys ful of fyr anoyeth |
384 | Or greveth, so muche anoyeth a venial synne |
384 | Unto a man that is perfit in the love of jhesu |
385 | Crist. Men may also refreyne venial synne |
385 | By receyvynge worthily of the precious |
386 | Body of jhesu crist; by receyvynge eek |
386 | Of booly water; by almesdede; by general |
386 | Confessioun of confiteor at masse and at complyn; |
386 | and by blessynge of bisshopes and of |
387 | Preestes, and by oothere goode werkes.
Explicit secunda pars Penitentie.Sequitur de septem peccatis mortalibus et eorumdependenciis, circumstanciis, et speciebus. |
387 | Now is it bihovely thyng to telle whiche |
387 | Been the sevene deedly synnes, this is to seyn, |
387 | Chiefaynes of synnes. Alle they renne in o |
387 | Lees, but in diverse manneres. Now been they |
387 | Cleped chieftaynes, for as muche as they been |
388 | Chief and spryng of alle othere synnes. Of |
388 | The roote of thise sevene synnes, thanne, is |
388 | Pride the general roote of alle harmes. For of |
388 | This roote spryngen certein braunches, as ire, |
388 | Envye, accidie or slewthe, avarice or coveitise |
388 | (to commune understondynge), glotonye, and |
389 | Lecherye. And everich of thise chief synnes |
389 | Hath his braunches and his twigges, as shal be |
390 | Declared in hire chapitres folwynge.
De Superbia. |
390 | And thogh so be that no man kan outerly |
390 | Telle the nombre of the twigges and of the |
390 | Harmes that cometh of pride, yet wol I shewe |
390 | A partie of hem, as ye shul understonde. |
391 | ther is inobedience, avauntynge, |
391 | ypocrisie, despit, arrogance, inpudence, |
391 | swellynge of herte, insolence, elacioun, |
391 | Inpacience, strif, contumacie, presumpcioun, |
391 | Irreverence, pertinacie, veyne glorie, and many |
392 | Another twig that I kan nat declare. Inobedient |
392 | is he that disobeyeth for despit to the comandementz |
392 | of god, and to his sovereyns, and |
393 | To his goostly fader. Avauntour is he that |
393 | Bosteth of the harm or of the bountee that he |
394 | Hath doon. Ypocrite is he that hideth to |
394 | Shewe hym swich as he is, and sheweth hym |
395 | Swich as he noght is. Despitous is he that |
395 | Hath desdeyn of his neighebor, that is to seyn, of |
395 | His evene-cristene, or hath despit to doon |
396 | That hym oghte to do. Arrogant is he |
396 | That thynketh that he hath thilke bountees |
396 | In hym that he hath noght, or weneth that he |
396 | Sholde have hem by his desertes, or elles he |
397 | Demeth that he be that he nys nat. Inpudent |
397 | Is he that for his pride hath no shame of his |
398 | Synnes. Swellynge of herte is whan a man rejoyseth |
399 | hym of harm that he hath doon. Insolent |
399 | is he that despiseth in his juggement alle |
399 | Othere folk, as to regatd of his value, and of his |
399 | Konnyng, and of his spekyng, and of his beryng. |
400 | elacioun is whan he ne may neither |
401 | Suffre to have maister ne felawe. Inpacient |
401 | is he that wol nat been ytaught ne |
401 | Undernome of his vice, and by strif werreieth |
402 | Troughe wityngly, and deffendeth his folye. |
402 | Contumax is he that thurgh his indignacioun |
402 | Is agayns everich auctoritee or power of hem |
403 | That been his sovereyns. Presumpcioun is whan |
403 | A man undertaketh an emprise that hym oghte |
403 | Nat do, or elles that he may nat do; and this |
403 | Is called surquidrie. Irreverence is whan men |
403 | Do nat honour there as hem oghte to doon, |
404 | And waiten to be reverenced. Pertinacie is |
404 | Whan man deffendeth his folie, and truseth to |
405 | Muchel to his owene wit. Veyneglorie is for |
405 | To have pompe and delit in his temporeel |
405 | Hynesse, and glorifie hym in this worldly |
406 | Estaat. Janglynge is whan a man speketh |
406 | To muche biforn folk, and clappeth as a |
407 | Mille, and taketh no keep what he seith. |
407 | And yet is ther a privee spece of pride, that |
407 | Waiteth first to be salewed er he wole salewe, |
407 | Al be be lasse worth than that oother is peraventure; |
407 | and eek he waiteth or desireth to |
407 | Sitte, or elles to goon above hym in the wey, |
407 | Or kisse pax, or been encensed, or goon to |
408 | Offryng biforn his neighebor, and swiche sem0 |
408 | Blable thynges, agayns his duetee, peraventure, |
408 | But that he hath his herte and his entente in |
408 | Swich a proud desir to be magnified and honoured |
409 | biforn the peple. |
409 | Now been ther two maneres of pride: that |
409 | Oon of hem is withinne the herte of man, and |
410 | That oother is withoute. Of whiche, soothly, |
410 | Thise forseyde thynges, and no that I have |
410 | Seyd, apertenen to pride that is in the herte |
410 | Of man; and that othere speces of pride |
411 | Been withoute. But natheles that oon |
411 | Of thise speces of pride is signe of that |
411 | Oother, right as the gaye leefsel atte taverne |
412 | Is signe of the wyn that is in the celer. And |
412 | This is in manye thynges: as in speche and contenaunce, |
412 | and in outrageous array of clothyng. |
413 | for certes, if ther ne hadde be no synne |
413 | In clothyng, crist wolde nat so soone have |
413 | Noted and spoken of the clothyng of thilke |
414 | Riche man in the gospel. And as seith seint |
414 | Gregorie, that cprecious clothyng is cowpable |
414 | For the derthe of it, and for his softenesse, and |
414 | For his strangenesse and degisynesse, and for |
414 | The superfluitee, or for the inordinat scantnesse |
415 | Of it. Allas! may man nat seen, as in oure |
415 | Dayes, the synful costlewe array of clothynge, |
415 | And namely in to muche superfluite, or |
416 | Elles in to desordinat scantnesse? |
416 | As to the first synne, that is in superfluitee |
416 | of clothynge, which that maketh it so deere, |
417 | To harm of the peple; nat oonly the cost of |
417 | Embrowdynge, the degise endentynge or barrynge, |
417 | owndynge, palynge, wyndynge or bendynge, |
418 | and semblable wast of clooth in vanitee; |
418 | But ther is also costlewe furrynge in hir gownes, |
418 | So muche pownsonynge of chisels to maken |
419 | Holes, so muche daggynge of sheres; forthwith |
419 | the superfluitee in lengthe of the forseide |
419 | Gowens, trailynge in the dong and in the mire, |
419 | On horse and eek on foote, as wel of man as |
419 | Of womman, that al thilke trailyng is verraily |
419 | As in effect wasted, consumed, thredbare, and |
419 | Roten with donge, rather than it is yeven to the |
419 | Povre, to greet damage of the forseyde povre |
420 | Folk. And that in sondry wise; this is to seyn |
420 | That the moore that clooth is wasted, the moore |
420 | Moot it coste to the peple for the scarsnesse. |
421 | and forther over, if so be that |
421 | They wolde yeven swich pownsoned and |
421 | Dagged clothyng to the povre folk, it is |
421 | Nat convenient to were for hire estaat, ne suffisant |
421 | to beete hire necessitee, to kepe hem fro |
422 | The distemperance of the firmament. Upon |
422 | That oother side, to speken of the horrible disordiant |
422 | scantnesse of clothyng, as been thise |
422 | Kutted sloppes, or haynselyns, that thurgh hire |
422 | Shortnesse ne covere nat the shameful membres |
423 | of man, to wikked entente. Allas! somme |
423 | Of hem shewen the boce or hir shap, and the |
423 | Horrible swollen membres, that semeth lik the |
423 | Maladie of hirnia, in the wrappynge of hir |
424 | Hoses; and eek the buttokes of hem faren as |
424 | It were the hyndre part of a she-ape in the fulle |
425 | Of the moone. And mooreover, the wrecched |
425 | Swollen membres that they shewe thurgh disgisynge, |
425 | in departynge of hire hoses in whit and |
425 | Reed, semeth that half hir shameful privee |
426 | Membres weren flayne. And if so be that |
426 | They departen hire hoses in othere colours, |
426 | As is whit and blak, or whit and blew, or blak |
427 | And reed, and so forth, thanne semeth it, as |
427 | By variaunce of colour, that half the partie of |
427 | Hire privee membres were corrupt by the fir |
427 | Of seint antony, or by cancre, or by oother |
428 | Swich meschaunce. Of the hyndre part of hir |
428 | Buttokes, it is ful horrible for to see. For certes, |
428 | In that partie of hir body ther as they purgen |
429 | Hir stynkynge ordure, that foule partie shewe |
429 | They to the peple prowdly in despit of honestitee, |
429 | which honestitee that jhesu crist and |
430 | His freendes observede to shewen in hir lyve. |
430 | Now, as of the outrageous array of wommen, |
430 | God woot that though the visages of somme of |
430 | Hem seme ful chaast and debonaire, yet notifie |
430 | They in hire array of atyr likerousnesse and |
431 | Pride. I sey nat that honestitee in clothynge |
431 | of man or womman is uncovenable, |
431 | But certes the superfluitee or disordinat scantitee |
432 | of clothynge is reprevable. Also the synne |
432 | Of aornement or of apparaille is in thynges that |
432 | Apertenen to ridynge, as in to manye delicat |
432 | Horses that been hoolden for dlit, that been so |
433 | Faire, fatte, and costlewe; and also in many a |
433 | Vicious knave that is sustened by cause of hem, |
433 | And in to curious harneys, as in sadeles, in |
433 | Crouperes, peytrels, and bridles coverd |
433 | Precious clothyng, and riche barres and plates |
434 | Of gold and of silver. For which God seith |
434 | By zakarie the prophete, I wol confounde the |
435 | Rideres of swiche horses. This folk taken litel |
435 | Reward of the ridynge of goddes sone of hevene, |
435 | and of his harneys whan he rood upon |
435 | The asse, and ne hadde noon oother harneys |
435 | But the povre clother of his disciples; ne we ne |
435 | Rede nat that evere he rood on oother |
436 | Beest. I speke this for the synne of superfluitee, |
436 | and nat for resonable honestitee, |
437 | Whan reson it requireth. And forther over, |
437 | Certes, pride is greetly notified in holdynge of |
437 | Greet meynee, whan they be of litel profit or |
438 | Of right no profit; and namely whan that |
438 | Meynee is felonous and damageous to the peple |
438 | By hardynesse of heigh lordshipe or by wey of |
439 | Offices. For certes, swiche lordes sellen thanne |
439 | Hir lordshipe to the devel of helle, whanne they |
440 | Sustenen the wikkednesse of hir meynee. Or |
440 | Elles, whan this folk of lowe degree, as thilke |
440 | That holden hostelries, sustenen the thefte of |
440 | Hire hostilers, and that is in many manere |
441 | Of deceites. Thilke manere of folk been |
441 | The flyes that folwen the hony, or elles the |
441 | Houndes that folwen the careyne. Swich forseyde |
442 | folk stranglen spiritually hir lordshipes; |
442 | For which thus seith david the prophete: wikked |
442 | deeth moote come upon thilke lordshipes, |
442 | And God yeve that they moote descenden into |
442 | Helle al doun; for in hire houses been iniquitees |
443 | And shrewednesses, and nat God of hevene. |
443 | And certes, but if they doon amendement, |
443 | Right as God yaf his benysoun to (laban) by |
443 | The service of jacob, and to (pharao) by the |
443 | Service of joseph, right so God wol yeve his |
443 | Malisoun to swiche lordshipes as sustenen the |
443 | Wikkednesse of hir servauntz, but they come to |
444 | Amendement. Pride of the table appeereth |
444 | Eek ful ofte; for certes, riche men been cleped |
444 | To festes, and povre folk been put awey and rebuked. |
445 | also in excesse of diverse metes and |
445 | Drynkes, and namely swich manere bake-metes |
445 | And dissh-metes, brennynge of wilde fir and |
445 | Peynted and castelled with papir, and semblable |
445 | wast, so that it is abusioun for to |
446 | Thynke. And eek in to greet preciousnesse |
446 | of vessel and curiositee of mynstralcie, |
446 | by whiche a man is stired the moore to delices |
447 | of luxurie, if so be that he sette his herte |
447 | The lasse upon oure lord jhesu crist, certeyn it |
447 | Is a synne; and certeinly the delices myghte |
447 | Been so grete in this caas that man myghte |
448 | Lightly falle by hem into deedly synne. the |
448 | Especes that sourden of pride, soothly whan |
448 | They sourden of malice ymagined, avised, and |
448 | Forncast, or elles of usage, been deedly synnes, |
449 | It is no doute. and whan they sourden by |
449 | Freletee unavysed, and sodeynly withdrawen |
449 | Ayeyn, al been they grevouse synnes, I gesse |
450 | That they ne been nat deedly. now myghte |
450 | Men axe wherof that pride sourdeth and |
450 | Spryngeth, and I seye, somtyme it spryngeth |
450 | Of the goodes of nature, and somtyme of the |
450 | Goodes of fortune, and somtyme of the |
451 | Goodes of grace. Certes, the goodes of |
451 | Nature stonden outher in goodes of body |
452 | Or in goodes of soule. Certes, goodes of body |
452 | Been heele of body, strengthe, delivernesse, |
453 | Beautee, gentrice, franchise. Goodes of nature |
453 | of the soule been good wit, sharp understondynge, |
453 | subtil engyn, vertu natureel, good |
454 | Memorie. Goodes of fortune been richesse, |
454 | Hyghe degrees of lordshipes, preisynges of the |
455 | Peple. Goodes of grace been science, power |
455 | To suffre spiritueel travaille, benignitee, vertuous |
455 | contemplacioun, withstondynge of |
456 | Temptacioun, and semblable thynges. Of |
456 | Whiche forseyde goodes, certes it is a ful |
456 | Greet folye a man to priden hym in any of hem |
457 | Alle. Now as for to speken of goodes of nature, |
457 | God woot that somtyme we han hem in nature |
458 | As muche to oure damage as to oure profit. |
458 | As for to speken of heele of body, certes it |
458 | Passeth ful lightly, and eek it is ful ofte enchesoun |
458 | of the siknesse of oure soule. For, god |
458 | Woot, the flessh is a ful greet enemy to the |
458 | Soule; and therfore, the moore that the body |
459 | Is hool, the moore be we in peril to falle. Eke |
459 | For to pride hym in his strengthe of body, it |
459 | Is an heigh folye. For certes, the flessh coveiteth |
459 | agayn the spirit; and ay the moore strong |
460 | That the flessh is, the sorier may the soule be. |
460 | And over al this, strengthe of body and worldly |
460 | Hardynesse causeth ful ofte many a man to |
461 | Peril and meschaunce. Eek for to pride |
461 | Hym of his gentrie is ful greet folie; for |
461 | Ofte tyme the gentrie of the body binymeth |
461 | The gentrie of the soule; and eek we ben alle |
461 | Of o fader and of o mooder; and alle we been |
461 | Of o nature, roten and corrupt, bothe riche and |
462 | Povre. For sothe, o manere gentrie is for to |
462 | Preise, that apparailleth mannes corage with |
462 | Vertues and moralitees, and maketh hym cristes |
463 | Child. For truste wel that over what man that |
463 | Synne hath maistrie, he is a verray cherl to |
464 | Synne. |
464 | Now been ther generale signes of gentillesse, |
464 | As eschewynge of vice and ribaudye and servage |
465 | Of synne, in word, in werk, and contenaunce; |
465 | And usynge vertu, curteisye, and clennesse, and |
465 | To be liberal, that is to seyn, large by mesure; |
465 | For thilke that passeth mesure is folie and |
466 | Synne. Another is to remembre hym of |
466 | Bountee, that he of oother folk hath receyved. |
467 | another is to be benigne to his goode |
467 | Subetis; wherfore seith senek, ther is no |
467 | Thing moore covenable to a man of heigh estaat |
468 | than debonairetee and pitee. And therfore |
468 | thise flyes that men clepen bees, whan |
468 | They maken hir kyng, they chesen oon that |
469 | Hath no prikke wherwith he may stynge. Another |
469 | is, a man to have a noble herte and |
469 | A diligent, to attayne to heighe vertuouse |
470 | Thynges. Now certes, a man to pride hym in |
470 | The goodes of grace is eek an outrageous folie; |
470 | For thilke yifte of grace that sholde have turned |
470 | Hym to goodnesse and to medicine, turneth |
470 | Hym to venym and to confusioun, as seith |
471 | Seint gregorie. Certes also, whoso prideth |
471 | hym in the goodes of fortune, he is a |
471 | Ful greet fool; for somtyme is a man a greet |
471 | Lord by the morwe, that is a caytyf and a |
472 | Wrecche er it be nyght; and somtyme the |
472 | Richesse of a man is cause of his deth; somtyme |
472 | the delices of a man ben cause of the |
473 | Grevous maladye thurgh which he dyeth. |
473 | Certes, the commendacioun of the peple is |
473 | Somtyme ful fals and ful brotel for to triste; |
474 | This day they preyse, tomorwe they blame. |
474 | God woot, desir to have commendacioun eek |
474 | Of the peple hath caused deeth to many a bisy |
475 | Man.
Remedium contra peccatum Superbie |
475 | Now sith that so is that ye han understonde |
475 | What is pride, and whiche been the speces of it, |
475 | And whennes pride sourdeth and spryngeth, |
476 | now shul ye understonde which is |
476 | The remedie agayns the synne of pride; |
477 | And that is hymylitee, or mekenesse. That is |
477 | A vertu thurgh which a man hath verray |
477 | Knoweleche of hymself, and holdeth of hymself |
477 | no pris ne deyntee, as in regard of his |
478 | Desertes, considerynge evere his freletee. Now |
478 | Been ther three maneres of hymylitee: as humylitee |
478 | in herte; another hymylitee is in his |
479 | Mouth; the thridde in his werkes. The humilitee |
479 | in herte is in foure maneres. That oon is |
479 | Whan a man holdeth hymself as noght worth |
479 | Biforn God of hevene. Another is whan he ne |
480 | Despiseth noon oother man. The thridde is |
480 | Whan he rekketh nat, though men holde hym |
480 | Noght worth. The ferthe is whan he nys |
481 | Nat sory of his humiliacioun. Also the |
481 | Humilitee of mouth is in foure thynges: in |
481 | Attempree speche, and in humblesse of speche, |
481 | And whan he biknoweth with his owene mouth |
481 | That he is swich as hym thynketh that he is in |
481 | His herte. Another is whan he preiseth the |
481 | Bountee of another man, and nothyng therof |
482 | Amenuseth. Humilitee eek in werkes is in |
482 | Foure maneres. The firste is whan he putteth |
482 | Othere men biforn hym. The seconde is to |
482 | Chese the loweste place over al. The thridde |
483 | Is gladly to assente to good conseil. The |
483 | Ferthe is to stonde gladly to the award of his |
483 | Sovereyns, or of hym that is in hyer degree. |
484 | Certein, this is a greet werk of hymylitee.
Sequitur de Invidia. |
484 | After pride wol I speken of the foule synne |
484 | Of envye, which that is, as by the word of the philosophre, |
484 | sorwe of oother mannes prosperitee; |
484 | And after the word of seint augustyn, it is sorwe |
484 | Of oother mennes wele, and joye of othere |
485 | Mennes harm. This foule synne is platly |
485 | Agayns the hooly goost. Al be it so that every |
485 | Synne is agayns the hooly goost, yet nathelees, |
485 | For as muche as bountee aperteneth proprely to |
485 | The hooly goost, and envye comth proprely |
485 | Of malice, therfore it is proprely agayn the |
486 | Bountee of the hooly goost. Now hath |
486 | Malice two speces; that is to seyn, ahrdnesse |
486 | of herte in wikkednesse, or elles the flessh |
486 | Of man is so blynd that he considereth nat that |
486 | He is in synne, or rekketh nat that he is in synne, |
487 | Which is the hardnesse of the devel. That |
487 | Oother spece of malice is whan a man werreyeth |
487 | trouthe, whan he woot that it is trouthe; |
487 | And eek whan he werreyeth the grace that god |
487 | Hath yeve to his neighebor; and al this is by |
488 | Envye. Certes, thanne is envye the worste |
488 | Synne that is. For soothly, alle othere synnes |
489 | Been somtyme oonly agayns o special vertu; |
489 | But certes, envye is agayns alle vertues and |
489 | Agayns alle goodnesses. For it is sory of alle |
489 | The bountees of his neighebor, and in this manere |
490 | it is divers from alle othere synnes. For |
490 | Wel unnethe is ther any synne that it ne hath |
490 | Som delit in itself, save oonly envye, that |
491 | Evere hath in itself angwissh and sorwe. |
491 | The speces of envye been thise. Ther is |
491 | First, sorwe of oother mannes goodnesse and |
491 | Of his prosperitee; and prosperitee is kyndely |
491 | Matere of joye; thanne is envye a synne agayns |
492 | Kynde. The seconde spece of envye is joye |
492 | Of oother mannes harm; and that is proprely |
492 | Lyk to the devel, that evere rejoyseth hym of |
493 | Mannes harm. Of thise two speces comth bakbityng; |
493 | and this synne of bakbityng or detraccion |
493 | hath certeine speces, as thus. Som man |
494 | Preiseth his neighebor by a wikked entente; |
494 | For he maketh alwey a wikked knotte atte laste |
494 | Ende. Alwey he maketh a but atte laste ende, |
494 | That is digne of moore blame, than worth is al |
495 | The preisynge. The seconde spece is that if a |
495 | Man be good, and dooth or seith a thing to |
495 | Good entente, the bakbitere wol turne al thilke |
495 | Goodnesse up-so-doun to his shrewed entente. |
496 | the thridde is to amenuse the |
497 | Bountee of his neighebor. The fourthe |
497 | Spece of bakbityng is this, that if men speke |
497 | Goodnesse of a man, thanne wol the bakbitere |
497 | Seyn, parfey, swich a man is yet bet than he; |
498 | In dispreisynge of hym that men preise. The |
498 | Fifte spece is this, for to consente gladly and |
498 | Herkne gladly to the harm that men speke of |
498 | Oother folk. This synne is ful greet, and ay |
498 | Encreesseth after the wikked entente of the |
500 | bakbitere. After bakbityng cometh gruchchyng |
500 | or murmuracioun; and somtyme it |
500 | Spryngeth of inpacience agayns god, and som-tyme |
501 | agayns man. Agayn God it is, whan |
501 | A man gruccheth agayn the peyne of helle, or |
501 | Agayns poverte, or los of catel, or agayn reyn |
501 | Or tempest; or elles gruccheth that shrewes |
501 | Han prosperitee, or elles for the goode |
502 | Men han adversitee. And alle thise |
502 | Thynges sholde man suffre paciently, for |
502 | They comen by the rightful juggement and |
503 | Ordinaunce of god. Somtyme comth grucching |
503 | of avarice; as judas grucched agayns the |
503 | Magdaleyne, whan she enoynted the heved of |
503 | Oure lord jhesu crist with hir precious oynement. |
504 | this manere murmure is swich as whan |
504 | Man gruccheth of goodnesse that hymself |
504 | Dooth, or that oother folk doon of hir owene |
505 | Catel. Somtyme comth murmure of pride; as |
505 | Whan simon the pharisse gruchched agayn the |
505 | Magdaleyne, whan she approched to jhesu |
506 | Crist, and weep at his feet for hire synnes. |
506 | And somtyme grucchyng sourdeth of envye; |
506 | Whan men discovereth a mannes harm that |
506 | Was pryvee, or bereth hym on hond |
507 | Thyng that is fals. Murmure eek is ofte |
507 | Amonges servauntz that grucceh whan hir |
508 | Sovereyns bidden hem doon leveful thynges; |
508 | And forasmuche as they dar nat openly withseye |
508 | the comaundementz of hir sovereyns, yet |
508 | Wol they seyn harm, and grucche, and murmure |
509 | prively for verray despit; whiche wordes |
509 | Men clepen the develes pater noster, though |
509 | So be that the devel ne hadde nevere pater |
509 | Noster, but that lewed folk yeven it swich a |
510 | Name. Somtyme it comth of ire or pive hate, |
510 | That norisseth rancour in herte, as afterward I |
511 | Shal declare. Thanne cometh eek bitternesse |
511 | Of herte, thurgh which bitternesse every good |
511 | Dede of his neighebor semeth to hym bitter |
512 | and unsavory. Thanne cometh discord, |
512 | that unbyndeth alle manere of |
512 | Freendshipe. Thanne comth scornynge of his |
513 | Neighebor, al do he never so weel. Thanne |
513 | Comth accusynge, as whan man seketh occasioun |
513 | to anoyen his neighebor, which that is |
513 | Lyk the craft of the devel, that waiteth bothe |
514 | Nyght and day to accusen us alle. Thanne |
514 | Comth malignitee, thurgh which a man anoyeth |
515 | his neighebor prively, if he may; and if |
515 | He noght may, algate his wikked wil ne shal |
515 | Nat wante, as for to brennen his hous pryvely, |
515 | Or empoysone or sleen his beestes, and semblable |
516 | thynges.
Remedium contra peccatum Invidie. |
516 | Now wol I speke of remedie agayns this |
516 | Foule synne of envye. First is the love of god |
516 | Principal, and lovyng of his neighebor as hymself; |
516 | for soothly, that oon ne may nat been |
517 | Withoute that oother. And truste wel that |
517 | In the name of thy neighebor thou shalt |
517 | Understonde the name of thy brother; for certes |
517 | Alle we have o fader flesshly, and o mooder, |
517 | That is to seyn, adam and eve; and eek o fader |
518 | Espiritueel, and that is God of hevene. Thy |
518 | Neighebor artow holden for to love, and wilne |
518 | Hym alle goodnesse; and therfore seith god, |
518 | Love thy neighebor as thyselve, that is to |
519 | Seyn, to salvacioun bothe of lyf and of soule. |
519 | And mooreover thou shalt love hym in word, |
519 | And in benigne amonestynge and chastisynge, |
519 | And conforten hym in his anoyes, and preye for |
520 | Hym with al thyn herte. And in dede thou |
520 | Shalt love hym in swich wise that thou shalt |
520 | Doon to hym in charitee as thou woldest that |
521 | It were doon to thyn owene persone. And |
521 | Therfore thou ne shalt doon hym no damage |
521 | In wikked word, ne harm in his body, ne in |
521 | His catel, ne in his soule, by entissyng of |
522 | Wikked ensample. Thou shalt nat desiren |
522 | His wyf, ne none of his thynges. Understoond |
522 | eek that in the name of neighebor is |
523 | Comprehended his enemy. Certes, man shal |
523 | Loven his enemy, by the comandement of god, |
524 | And soothyly thy freend shaltow love in god. |
524 | I seye, thyn enemy shaltow love for goddes |
524 | Sake, by his comandement. For if it were reson |
524 | That man sholde haten his enemy, for so he |
524 | God nolde nat receyven us to his love that been |
525 | His enemys. Agayns three manere of wronges |
525 | That his enemy dooth to hym, he shal doon |
526 | Three thynges, as thus. Agayns hate and rancour |
526 | of herte, he shal love hym in herte. |
526 | Agayns chidyng and wikkede wordes, he shal |
526 | Preye for his enemy. Agayns the wikked dede |
526 | Of his enemy, he shal doon hym bountee. |
527 | for crist seith: loveth youre enemys, |
527 | and preyeth for hem that speke yow |
527 | Harm, and eek for hem that yow chacen and |
527 | Pursewen, and dooth bountee to hem that yow |
527 | Haten. Loo, thus comaundeth us oure lord |
528 | Jhesu crist to do to oure enemys. For smoothly, |
528 | Nature dryveyh us to loven oure freends, and |
528 | Parfey, oure enemys han moore nede to love |
528 | That oure freendes; and they that moore nede |
529 | Have, certes to hem shal men doon goodnesse; |
529 | And certes, in thilke dede have we remembraunce |
529 | of the love of jhesu crist that deyde |
530 | For his enemys. And in as muche as thilke |
530 | Love is the moore grevous to perfourne, so |
530 | Muche is the moore gret the merite; and therfore |
530 | the lovynge of oure enemy hath confounded |
531 | the venym of the devel. For right |
531 | As the devel is disconfited by humylitee, right |
531 | So is he wounded to the deeth by love of |
532 | Oure enemy. Certes, thanne is love the |
532 | Medicine that casteth out the venym of |
533 | Envye fro mannes herte. The speces of this |
533 | Paas shullen be moore largely declared in hir |
534 | Chapitres folwynge.
Sequitur de Ira. |
534 | After envye wol I discryven the synne |
534 | Ire. For soothly, whoso hath envye upon his |
534 | Neighebor, anon he wole comunly fynde hym |
534 | A matere of wratthe, in word or in dede, agayns |
535 | Hym to whom he hath envye. And as wel |
535 | Comth ire of pride, as of envye; for soothly, |
536 | He that is proud or envyous is lightly wrooth. |
536 | This synne of ire, after the discryvyng of |
536 | Seint augustyn, is wikked wil to been |
537 | Avenged by word, or by dede. Ire, after |
537 | The philosophre, is the fervent blood of |
537 | Man yquyked in his herte, thurgh which he |
538 | Wole harm to hym that he hateth. For certes, |
538 | The herte of man, by eschawfynge and moevynge |
538 | of his blood, wexeth so trouble that he is |
539 | Out of alle juggement of resoun. But ye shal |
539 | Understonde that ire is in two maneres; that |
539 | Oon of hem is good, and that oother is wikked. |
540 | the goode ire is by jalousie of goodnesse, |
540 | thurgh which a man is wrooth with wikkednesse |
540 | and agayns wikkednesse; and therfore |
541 | seith a wys man that ire is bet than pley. |
541 | This ire is with debonairetee, and it is wrooth |
541 | Withouten bitternesse; nat wrooth agayns the |
541 | Man, but wrooth with the mysdede of the man, |
541 | As seith the prophete david, irasciminI |
542 | Et nolite peccare. Now understondeth |
542 | That wikked ire is in two maneres; that is |
542 | To seyn, sodeyn ire or hastif ire, withouten |
543 | Avisement and consentynge of resoun. The |
543 | Menyng and the sens of this is, that the resoun |
543 | Of a man ne consente nat to thilke sodeyn ire; |
544 | And thanne is it venial. Another ire is ful |
544 | Wikked, that comth of felonie of herte avysed |
544 | And cast biforn, with wikked wil to do vengeance, |
544 | and therto his resoun consenteth; and |
545 | Soothly this is deedly synne. This ire is so |
545 | Displesant to God that it troubleth his hous, |
545 | And chaceth the hooly goost out of mannes |
545 | Soule, and wasteth and destroyeth the liknesse |
545 | Of god, that is to seyn, the vertu that is in |
546 | Mannes soule, and put in hym the liknesse |
546 | Of the devel, and bynymeth the man fro |
547 | God, that is his rightful lord. This ire |
547 | Is a ful greet plesaunce to the devel; for |
547 | It is the develes fourneys, that is eschawfed |
548 | With the fir of helle. For certes, right so as |
548 | Fir is moore mighty to destroyen erthely thynges |
548 | Than any oother element, right so ire is myghty |
549 | To destroyen alle spiritueel thynges. Looke how |
549 | That fir of smale gleedes, that been almost dede |
549 | Under asshen, wollen quike agayn whan they |
549 | Been touched with brymstoon; right so ire wol |
549 | Everemo quyken agayn, whan it is touched by |
550 | The pride that is covered in mannes herte. |
550 | For certes, fir ne may nat comen out of no |
550 | Thyng, but if it were first in the same thyng |
550 | Natureely, as fir is drawen out of flyntes with |
551 | Steel. And right so as pride is ofte tyme matere |
551 | of ire, right so is rancour norice and |
552 | Kepere of ire. Ther is a maner tree, as |
552 | Seith seint ysidre, that whan men maken |
552 | Fir of thilke tree, and covere the coles of |
552 | With asshen, soothly the fir of it wol lasten |
553 | A yeer or moore. And right so fareth it |
553 | Rancour; whan it is ones conceyved in the |
553 | Hertes of som men, certein, it wol lasten peraventure |
553 | from oon estre day unto another |
554 | Estre day, and moore. But certes, thilke man |
555 | Is ful fer fro the mercy of God al thilke while. |
555 | In this forseyde develes fourneys ther forgen |
555 | Three shrewes: pride, that ay bloweth and encreesseth |
555 | the fir by chidynge and wikked |
556 | Wordes; thanne stant envye, the holdeth the |
556 | Hoote iren upon the herte of man with a |
557 | Peire of longe toonges of long rancour; |
557 | And thanne stant the synne of contumelie, |
557 | Or strif and cheeste, and batereth and forgeth |
558 | By vileyns reprevynges. Certes, this cursed |
558 | Synne annoyeth bothe to the man hymself and |
558 | Eek to his neighebor. For soothly, almoost al |
558 | The harm that any man dooth to his neighebor |
559 | Comth of wratthe. For certes, outrageous |
559 | Wratthe dooth al that evere the devel hym |
559 | Comaundeth; for he ne spareth neigher crist ne |
560 | His sweete mooder. And in his outrageous anger |
560 | and ire, allas! allas! ful many oon at that |
560 | Tyme feeleth in his herte ful wikkedly, bothe |
561 | Of crist and eek of alle his halwes. Is nat this |
561 | A cursed vice? yis, certes. Allas! it bynymeth |
561 | From man his wit and his resoun, and al his debonaire |
561 | lif espiritueel that sholde kepen his |
562 | Soule. Certes, it bynymeth eek goddes |
562 | Due lordshipe, and that is mannes soule, |
562 | And the love of his neighebores. It stryveth |
562 | Eek alday agayn trouthe. It reveth hym the |
563 | Quiete of his herte, and subverteth his soule. |
563 | Of ire comen thise stynkynge engendrures: |
563 | First, hate, that is oold wratthe; discord, thurgh |
563 | Which a man forsaketh his olde freend that he |
564 | Hath loved ful longe; and thanne cometh |
564 | Werre, and every manere of wrong that man |
565 | Dooth to his neighebor, in body or in catel. |
565 | Of this cursed synne of ire cometh eek manslaughtre. |
565 | and understonde wel that homycide, |
565 | That is manslaughtre, is in diverse wise. Som |
565 | Manere of homycide is spiritueel, and som is |
566 | Bodily. Spiritueel manslaughtre is in sixe |
566 | Thynges. First by hate, as seith seint john: |
566 | He that hateth his brother is an homycide. |
567 | homycide is eek by babkbitynge, |
567 | Of whiche bakbiteres seith salomon that |
567 | They han two swerdes with whiche they sleen |
567 | Hire neighebores. For soothly, as wikke is to |
568 | Bynyme his good name as his lyf. Homycide is |
568 | Eek in yevynge of wikked conseil by fraude; |
568 | As for to yeven conseil to areysen wrongful |
569 | Custumes and taillages. Of whiche seith salomon: |
569 | leon rorynge and bere hongry been like |
569 | To the crueel lordshipes in witholdynge or |
569 | Abreggynge of the shepe (or the hyre), or of |
569 | The wages of sevauntz, or elles in usure, or |
570 | In withdrawynge of the almesse of povre folk. |
570 | For which the wise man seith, fedeth hym that |
570 | Almoost dyeth for honger; for soothly, but if |
570 | Thow feede hym, thou sleest hym; and alle thise |
571 | Been deedly synnes. Bodily manslaughtre is, |
571 | Whan thow sleest him with thy tonge in oother |
571 | Manere; as whan thou comandest to sleen a |
571 | Man, or elles yevest hym conseil to sleen |
572 | A man. Manslaughtre in dede is in foure |
572 | Maneres. That oon is by lawe, right as a |
572 | Justice dampneth hym that is coupable to the |
572 | Deeth. But lat the justice be war that he do |
572 | It rightfully, and that he do it nat for delit to |
573 | Spille blood, but for kepynge of rightwisnesse. |
573 | Another homycide is that is doon for necessitee, |
573 | As whan o man sleeth another is his defendaunt, |
573 | and that he ne may noon ootherwise escape |
574 | from his owene deeth. But certeinly if |
574 | He may escape withouten slaughtre of his adversarie, |
574 | and sleeth hym, he dooth synne and |
575 | He shal bere penance as for deedly synne. |
575 | Eek if a man, by caas or aventure, shete an arwe, |
575 | Or caste a stoon, with which he sleeth a man, |
576 | He is homycide. Eek if a womman by necligence |
576 | overlyeth hire child in hir slepyng, |
577 | It is homycide and deedly synne. Eek |
577 | Whan man destourbeth concepcioun of a |
577 | Child, and maketh a womman outher bareyne |
577 | By drynkynge venenouse herbes thurgh which |
577 | She may nat conceyve, or sleeth a child by |
577 | Drynkes wilfully, or elles putteth certeine material |
577 | thynges in hire secree places to slee the |
578 | Child, or elles dooth unkyndely synne, by |
578 | Which man or womman shedeth hire nature |
578 | In manere or in place ther as a child may nat |
578 | Be conceived, or elles if a woman have conceyved, |
578 | and hurt hirself and sleeth the child, |
579 | Yet is it homycide. What seye we eek of |
579 | Wommen that mordren hir children for drede |
579 | Of worldly shame? certes, an horrible homicide. |
580 | homycide is eek if a man approcheth |
580 | To a womman by desir of lecherie, thurgh which |
580 | The child is perissed, or elles smyteth a womman |
580 | Wityngly, thurgh which she leseth hir child. |
580 | Alle thise been homycides and horrible deedly |
581 | Synnes. Yet comen ther of ire manye mo |
581 | Synnes, as wel in word as in thoght and in |
581 | Dede; as he that arretteth upon god, or blameth |
581 | god of thyng of which he is hymself |
581 | Gilty, or despiseth God and alle his halwes, as |
581 | Doon thise cursede hasardours in diverse |
582 | Contrees. This cursed synne doon they, |
582 | Whan they feelen in hir herte ful wikkedly |
583 | Of God and of his halwes. Also whan they |
583 | Treten unreverently the sacrement of the auter, |
583 | Thilke synne is so greet that unnethe may it |
583 | Been releessed, but that the mercy of god |
583 | Passeth alle his werkes; it is so greet, and he |
584 | So benigne. Thanne comth of ire attry angre. |
584 | Whan a man is sharply amonested in his shrifte |
585 | To forleten his synne, thanne wole he be anfry, |
585 | and answeren hokerly and angrily, and |
585 | Deffended or excusen his synne by unstedefastnesse |
585 | of his flessh; or elles he dide it for |
585 | To holde compaignye with his felawes; or elles, |
586 | He seith, the feend enticed hym; or elles he |
586 | Dide it for his youthe; or elles his compleccioun |
586 | is so corageous that he may nat forbere; |
586 | Or elles it is his destinee, as he seith, unto a |
586 | Certein age; or eles, he seith, it cometh hym |
586 | Of gentillesse of his auncestres; and semblable |
587 | thynges. Alle thise manere of folk |
587 | So wrappen hem in hir synnes that they ne |
587 | Wol nat delivere hemself. For soothly, no wight |
587 | That excuseth hym wilfully of his synne may |
587 | Nat been delivered of his synne, til that he |
588 | Mekely biknoweth his synne. After this, |
588 | Thanne cometh sweryng, that is expres agayn |
588 | The comandement of god; and this bifalleth |
589 | Ofte of anger and of ire. God seith: thow |
589 | Shalt nat take the name of thy lord God in |
589 | Veyn or in ydel. Also oure lord jhesu crist |
590 | Weith, by the word of seint mathew, ne wol |
590 | Ye nat swere in alle manere; neither by hevene, |
590 | for it is goddes trone; ne by erthe, for |
590 | It is the bench of his feet; ne by jerusalem, |
590 | For it is the citee of a greet kyng; ne by thyn |
590 | Heed, for thou mayst nat make an heer whit |
591 | Ne blak. But seyeth by youre word – ye, he, – |
591 | And – nay, nay – ; and what that is moore, it |
592 | Is of yvel, – thus seith crist. For cristes |
592 | Sake, ne swereth nat so synfully in dismembrynge |
592 | of crist by soule, herte, bones, and |
592 | Body. For certes, it semeth that ye thynke that |
592 | The cursede jewes ne dismembred nat ynough |
592 | The preciouse persone of crist, but ye dismembre |
593 | hym moore. And if so be that the lawe |
593 | Compelle yow to swere, thanne rule yow after |
593 | The lawe of God in youre sweriyng, as seith |
593 | Jeremye, quarto capitulo: thou shalt kepe |
593 | Three condicions: thou shalt swere in trouthe, |
594 | In doom, and in rightwisnesse. This is to |
594 | Seyn, thou shalt swere sooth; for every lesynge |
594 | Is agayns crist. For crist is verray trouthe. |
594 | And thynk wel this, that every greet swerere |
594 | Nat compedded lawefully to swere, the wounde |
594 | Shal nat departe from his hous whil he useth |
595 | Swich unleveful swerying. Thou shalt sweren |
595 | Eek in doom, whan thou art constreyned by thy |
596 | Domesman to witnessen the trouthe. Eek thow |
596 | Shalt nat swere for envye, ne for favour, ne for |
596 | Meede, but for rightwisnesse, for declaracioun |
596 | Of it, to the worshipe of God and helpyng |
597 | Of thyne evene-cristene. And therefore |
597 | Every man that taketh goodes name in |
597 | Ydel, or falsly swereth with his mouth, or elles |
597 | Taketh on hym the name of crist, to be called |
597 | A cristen man, and lyveth agayns cristed lyvynge |
597 | and his techynge, alle they taken goddes |
598 | Name in ydel. Looke eek what seint peter |
598 | Seith, actuum, quarto, non est aliud nomen sub |
598 | Celo, etc., ther nys noon oother name, seith |
598 | Seint peter, under hevene yeven to men, in |
598 | Which they mowe be saved; that is to seyn, |
599 | But the name of jhesu crist. Take kep eek |
599 | How precious is the name of crist, as seith |
599 | Seint paul, ad philipenses, secundo, in nomine |
599 | Jhesu, etc., that in the name of jhesu every |
599 | Knee of hevenely creatures, or erthely, or of helle |
599 | Sholde bowe; for it is so heigh and so worshipful |
599 | that the cursede feend in helle sholde tremblen |
600 | to heeren it ynempned. Thanne semeth |
600 | It that men that sweren so horribly by his |
600 | Blessed name, that they despise it moore |
600 | Booldely that dide the cursede jewes, or elles |
600 | The devel, that trembleth whan he heereth his |
601 | Name. |
601 | Now certes, sith that sweryng, but if it |
601 | Be lawefully doon, is so heighly deffended, |
601 | Muche worse is forsweryng falsly, and yet |
602 | Nedelees. |
602 | What seye we eek of hem that deliten |
602 | Hem in sweryng, and holden it a gentrie or a |
602 | Manly dede to swere grete others? and what |
602 | Of hem that of verray usage ne cesse nat to |
602 | Swere grete othes, al be the cause nat worth |
603 | A straw? certes, this is horrible synne. Swerynge |
603 | sodeynly withoute avysement is eek a |
604 | Synne. But lat us go now to thilke horrible |
604 | Sweryng of adjuracioun and conjuracioun, as |
604 | Doon thise false enchauntours or nigromanciens |
604 | in bacyns ful of water, or in a bright |
604 | Swerd, in a cercle, or in a fir, or in a shulderboon |
605 | of a sheep. I kan nat seye but that they |
605 | Doon cursedly and dampnably agayns crist and |
606 | Al the feith of hooly chirche. |
606 | What seye we of hem that bileeven on divynailes, |
606 | as by flight or by noyse of briddes, or |
606 | Of beestes, or by sort, by nigromancie, by dremes, |
606 | By chirkynge of dores, or crakkynge of houses, |
606 | By gnawynge of rattes, and swich manere |
607 | Wrecchednesse? certes, al this thyng is |
607 | Deffended by God and by hooly chirche. |
607 | For which they been acursed, til they come |
607 | To amendement, that on swich filthe setten hire |
608 | Bileeve. Charmes for woundes or maladie of |
608 | Men or of beestes, if they taken any effect, it |
608 | May be peraventure that God suffreth it, for |
608 | Folk sholden yeve the moore feith and reverence |
609 | to his name. |
609 | Now wol I speken of lesynges, which generally |
609 | is fals signyficaunce of word, in entente to |
610 | Deceyven his evene-cristene. Som lesynge is |
610 | Of which ther comth noon avantage to no wight; |
610 | And som lesynge turneth to the ese and profit |
610 | Of o man, and to disese and damage of another |
611 | Man. Another lesynge is for to saven his lyf |
611 | Of his catel. Another lesynge comth of delit |
611 | For to lye, in which delit they wol forge a |
611 | Long tale, and peynten it with alle circumstaunces, |
611 | where al the ground of the tale |
612 | Is fals. Som lesynge comth, for he wole |
612 | Sustene his word; and som lesynge comth |
612 | Of reccheleesnesse withouten avisement; and |
613 | Semblable thynges. |
613 | Lat us now touche the vice of flaterynge, |
613 | Which ne comth nat gladly but for drede or |
614 | For coveitise. Flaterye is generally wrongful |
614 | Preisynge. Flatereres been the develes norices, |
614 | That norissen his children with milk losengerie. |
615 | for sothe, salomon seith that flaterie |
615 | Is wors than detraccioun. For somtyme detraccion |
615 | maketh an hauteyn man be the moore |
615 | Humble, for he dredeth detraccion; but certes |
615 | Flaterye, that maketh a man to enhauncen his |
616 | Herte and his contenance. Flatereres been |
616 | The develes enchauntours; for they make a |
616 | Man to wene of hymself be lyk that he nys |
617 | Nat lyk. They been lyk to judas that bitraysen |
617 | a man to sellen hym to his enemy, |
618 | That is to the devel. Flatereres been the develes |
619 | chapelleyns, that syngen evere placebb. |
619 | I rekene flaterie in the vices of ire; for ofte |
619 | Tyme, if o man be wrooth with another, thanne |
619 | Wole he flatere som wight to sustene hym in his |
620 | Querele. |
620 | Speke we now of swich cursynge as comth |
620 | Of irous herte. Malisoun generally may be |
620 | Seyd every maner power of harm. Swich cursynge |
620 | bireveth man fro the regne of god, as |
621 | Seith seint paul. and ofte tyme swiche cursynge |
621 | wrongfully retorneth agayn to hym that |
621 | Curseth, as a bryd that retorneth agayn to |
622 | His owene nest. And over alle thyng men |
622 | Oghten eschewe to cursen hir children, |
622 | And yeven to the devel hire engendrure, as |
622 | Ferforth as in hem is. Certes, it is greet peril |
623 | And greet synne. |
623 | Lat us thanne speken of chidynge and reproche, |
623 | whiche been ful grete woundes in |
623 | Mannes herte, for they unsowen the semes of |
624 | Freendshipe in mannes herte. For certes, unnethes |
624 | may a man pleynly been accorded with |
624 | Hym that hath hym openly revyled and repreved |
624 | and disclaundred. This ia a ful grisly |
625 | Synne, as crist seith in the gospel. And taak |
625 | Kep now, that he that repreveth his neighebor, |
625 | Outher he repreveth hym by som harm of peyne |
625 | That he hath on his body, as mesel, croked |
626 | Harlot, or by som synne that he dooth. Now |
626 | If he repreve hym by harm of peyne, thanne |
626 | Turneth the repreve to jhesu crist, for peyne |
626 | Is sent by the rightwys sonde of god, and |
626 | By his suffrance, be it meselrie, or maheym, |
627 | or maladie. And if he repreve hym |
627 | Uncharitably of synne, as thou holour, |
627 | Thou dronkelewe harlot, and so forth, thanne |
627 | Aperteneth that to the rejoysynge of the devel, |
628 | That evere hath joyde that men doon synne. |
628 | And certes, chidynge may nat come but out |
628 | Of a vileyns herte. For after the habundance |
629 | Of the herte speketh the mouth ful ofte. And |
629 | Ye shul understonde that looke, by the wey, |
629 | Whan any man shal chastise another, that he |
629 | Be war from chidynge or reprevynge. For |
629 | Trewely, but he be war, he may ful lightly |
629 | Quyken the fir of angre and of wratthe, which |
629 | That he sholde quenche, and peraventure sleeth |
629 | Hym, which that he myghte chastise with benignitee. |
630 | for as seith salomon, the amyable |
630 | Tonge is the tree of lyf, that is to seyn, of lyf |
630 | Espiritueel; and soothly, a deslavee tonge sleeth |
630 | Spirites of hym that repreveth and eek of |
631 | Hym that is repreved. Loo, what seith seint |
631 | Augustyn: ther is nothyng so lyk the develes |
631 | Child as he that ofte chideth. Seint paul seith |
631 | Eek, the servant of God bihoveth nat to |
632 | Chide. And how that chidynge be a |
632 | Vileyns thyng bitwixe alle manere folk, |
632 | Yet is it certes moost uncovenable bitwixe a |
632 | Man and his wyf; for there is nevere reste. And |
632 | Wherfore seith salomon, an hous that is uncovered |
632 | and droppynge, and a chidynge wyf, |
633 | Been lyke. A man that is in a droppynge |
633 | Hous in manye places, though he eschewe the |
633 | Droppynge in a place, it droppeth on hym in |
633 | Another place. So fareth it by a chydynge wyf; |
633 | But shc chide hym in o place, she wol chide |
634 | Hym in another. And therfore, bettre is a |
634 | Morsel of breed with joye than an hous ful of |
635 | Delices with chidynge, seith salomon. Seint |
635 | Paul seith: oye wommen, be ye subgetes to |
635 | Youre housbondes as bihoveth in god, and ye |
635 | Men loveth youre wyves. Add colossenses, |
636 | Tertio. |
636 | Afterward speke we of scornynge, which is |
636 | A wikked synne, and namely whan he |
637 | Scorneth a man for his goode werkes. |
637 | For certes, swiche scorneres faren lyk the |
637 | Foule tode, that may nat endure to smelle the |
638 | Soote savour of the vyne whanne it florissheth. |
638 | Thise scorneres been partyng felawes with the |
638 | Devel; for they han joye whan the devel wynneth, |
639 | and sorwe whan he leseth. They been |
639 | Adversaries of jhesu crist, for they haten that |
640 | He loveth, that is to seyn, salvacioun of soule. |
640 | Speke we now of wikked conseil; for he that |
640 | Wikked conseil yeveth is a traytour. For he deceyveth |
640 | hym that trusteth in hym, ut achitofel |
640 | Ad absolonem. But nathelees, yet is his wikked |
641 | Conseil first agayn hymself for, as seith the |
641 | Wise man, every fals lyvynge hath this propertee |
641 | in hymself, that he that wole anoye |
642 | Another man, he anoyeth first hymself. |
642 | And men shul understonde that man shal |
642 | Nat taker his conseil of fals folk, ne of angry |
642 | Folk, or grevous folk, ne of folk that lovern |
642 | Specially to muchel hir owene profit, ne to |
642 | Muche worldly folk, namely in conseilynge of |
643 | Soules. |
643 | Now comth the synne of hem that sowen |
643 | And maken discord amounges folk, which is a |
643 | Synne that crist hateth outrely. And no wonder |
644 | is; for he deyde for to make concord. And |
644 | Moore shame do they to crist, than dide they |
644 | That hym crucifiede; for God loveth bettre that |
644 | Freendshipe be amonges folk, than he dide his |
644 | Owene body, the which that he yaf for unitee. |
644 | Therfore been they likned to the devel, that |
645 | Evere is aboute to maken discord. |
645 | Now comth the synne of double tonge; |
645 | Swiche as speken faire byforn folk, and wikkedly |
645 | bihynde; or elles they maken semblant |
645 | As though they speeke of good entencioun, or |
645 | Elles in game and pley, and yet they speke of |
646 | Wikked entente. |
646 | Now comth biwreying of conseil, thurgh |
646 | Which a man is defamed; certes, unnethe |
647 | May be restoore the damage. |
647 | Now comth manace, that is an open |
647 | Folye; for he that ofte manaceth, he threteth |
648 | Moore than he may perfourne ful ofte tyme. |
648 | Now cometh ydel wordes, that is withouten |
648 | Profit of hym that speketh tho wordes, and eek |
648 | Of hym that herkneth tho wordes. Or elles ydel |
648 | Wordes been tho that been nedelees, or withouten |
649 | entente of natureel profit. And al be it |
649 | That ydel wordes been somtyme venial synne, |
649 | Yet sholde men douten hem, for we shul yeve |
650 | Rekenynge of hem bifore god. |
650 | Now comth janglynge, that may nat been |
650 | Withoute synne. And, as seith salomon, it is |
651 | A sygne a apert folye. And therfore a phI |
651 | Losophre seyde, whan men axed hym how that |
651 | Men sholde plese the peple, and he answerde |
651 | Do manye goode werkes, and spek fewe |
652 | Jangles. |
652 | After this comth the synne of japeres, |
652 | That been the develes apes; for they maken |
652 | Folk to laughe at hire japerie as folk doon at |
652 | The gawdes of an ape. Swiche japes deffendeth |
653 | seint paul. Looke how that vertuouse |
653 | Wordes and hooly conforten hem that travaillen |
653 | In the service of crist, right so conforten the |
653 | Vileyns wordes and knakkes of japeris hem that |
654 | Travaillen in the service of the devel. Thise |
654 | Been the synnes that comen of the tonge that |
655 | Comen of ire and of ohtere synnes mo.
Sequitur remedium contra peccatum Ire. |
655 | The remedie agayns ire is a vertu that men |
655 | Clepen mansuetude, that is debonairette; and |
655 | Eek another vertu, that men callen pacience or |
656 | Suffrance. |
656 | Debonairetee withdraweth and refreyneth the |
656 | Stirynges and the moevynges of mannes corage |
656 | In his herte, in swich manere that they ne |
657 | Skippe nat out by angre ne by ire. Suffrance |
657 | suffreth swetely alle the anoyaunces |
657 | And the wronges that men doon to man outward. |
658 | seint jerome seith thus of debonairetee, |
658 | That it dooth noon harm to no wight ne seith; |
658 | Ne for noon harm that men doon or seyn, he |
659 | Ne eschawfeth nat agayns his resoun. This |
659 | Vertu somtyme comth of nature; for, as seith |
659 | The philosophre, a man is a quyk thyng, by |
659 | Nature debonaire and tretable to goodnesse; |
659 | But whan debonairetee is enformed of grace, |
660 | Thanne is it the moore worth. |
660 | Pacience, that is another remedie agayns iro, |
660 | Is a vertu that suffreth swetely every mannes |
660 | Goodnesse, and is nat wrooth for noon harm |
661 | That is doon to hym. The philosophre seith |
661 | That pacience is thilke vertu that suffreth |
661 | Debonairely alle the outrages of adversitee |
662 | And every wikked word. This vertu maketh |
662 | a man lyk to god, and maketh hym |
662 | Goddes owene deere child, as seith grist. This |
662 | Vertu disconfiteth thyn enemy. And therfore |
662 | Seith the wise man. If thow wolt venquysse |
663 | Thyn enemy, lerne to suffre. And thou shalt |
663 | Understonde that man suffreth foure manere of |
663 | Grevances in outward thynges, agayns the |
663 | Whiche foure he moot have foure manere of |
664 | Paciences. |
664 | The firste grevance is of wikkede wordes. |
664 | Thilke suffrede jhesu crist withouten grucchyng, |
664 | ful paciently, whan the jewes despised |
665 | And repreved hym ful ofte. Suffre thou therfore |
665 | paciently; for the wise man seith, if thou |
665 | Stryve with a fool, though the fool be wrooth |
665 | Or though he laughe, algate thou shalt have no |
666 | Reste. That oother grevance outward is to |
666 | Have damage of thy catel. Theragayns suffred |
666 | crist ful paciently, whan he was despoyled |
666 | Of al that he hadde in this lyf, and that nas |
667 | But his clothes. The thridde grevance is a |
667 | Man to have harm in his body. That suffred |
668 | crist ful paciently in al his passioun. The |
668 | Fourthe grevance is in outrageous labour in |
668 | Werkes. Wherfore I seye that folk that maken |
668 | Hir servantz to travaillen to grevously, or out |
668 | Of tyme, as on haly dayes, soothly they do greet |
669 | Synne. Heer-agayns suffred crist ful paciently |
669 | And taughte us pacience, whan he baar upon |
669 | His blissed shulder the croys upon which e |
670 | Sholde suffren despitous deeth. Heere man |
670 | Men lerne to be pacient; for certes noght oonly |
670 | Cristen men been pacient, for love of jhesu |
670 | Crist, and for gerdoun of the blisful lyf that |
670 | Is perdurable, but certes, the olde payens that |
670 | Nevere were cristene, commendeden and useden |
671 | the vertu of pacience. |
671 | A philosophre upon a tyme, that wolde have |
671 | Beten his disciple for his grete trespas, for |
671 | Which he was greetly amoeved, broghte |
672 | A yerde to scoure with the child; and |
672 | Whan this child saugh the yerde, he seyde |
672 | To his maister, what thenke ye do?? I wol |
672 | Bete thee, quod the maister, for thy correccioun. |
673 | for sothe, quod the child, ye |
673 | Oghten first correcte youreself, that han lost |
674 | Al youre pacience for the gilt of a child. |
674 | For sothe, quod the maister al wepynge, |
674 | Thow seyst sooth. Have thow the yerde, my |
674 | Deere sone, and correcte me for myn impacience. |
675 | of pacience comth obedience, thurgh |
675 | Which a man is obedient to crist and to alle |
675 | Hem to whiche he oghte to been obedient in |
676 | Crist. And understond wel that obedience is |
676 | Perfit, whan that a man dooth gladly and |
676 | Hastily, with good herte entierly, al that |
677 | He sholde do. Obedience generally is to |
677 | Perfourne the doctrine of God and of his |
677 | Sovereyns, to whiche hym oghte to ben obeisaunt |
678 | in alle rightwisnesse.
Sequitur de Accidia. |
678 | After the synne of envye and of ire, now |
678 | Wol I speken of the synne of accidie. For |
678 | Envye blyndeth the herte of a man, and ire |
678 | Troubleth a man, and accidie maketh hym |
679 | Hevy, thoghtful, and wraw. Envye and ire |
679 | Maker bitternesse in herte, which bitternesse |
679 | Is mooder of accidie, and bynymeth hym the |
679 | Love of alle goodnesse. Thanne is accidie the |
679 | Angwissh of troubled herte; and seint augustyn |
679 | Seith, it is anoy of goodnesse and ioye of |
680 | Harm. Certes, this is a dampnable synne; |
680 | For it dooth worng to jhesu crist, in as muche |
680 | As it bynymeth the service that men oghte doon |
681 | To crist with alle diligence, as seith salomon. |
681 | But accidie dooth no swich diligence. He |
681 | Dooth alle thyng with anoy, and with wrawnesse, |
681 | slaknesse, and excusacioun, and with |
681 | Ydelnesse, and unlust; for which the book seith, |
681 | Acursed be he that dooth the service of |
682 | God necligently. thanne is accidie enemy |
682 | to everich estaat of man; for certes, |
683 | The estaat of man is in three maneres. outher |
683 | It is th,estaat of innocence, as was th,estaat of |
683 | Adam biforn that he fil into synne;in which |
683 | Estaat he was holden to wirche as in heriynge |
684 | And adowrynge of god. another estaat is the |
684 | Estaat of synful men, in which estaat men been |
684 | Holden to laboure in preiynge to God for |
684 | Amendement of hire synnes, and that he wole |
685 | Graunte hem to arysen out of hir symmes. another |
685 | estaat is th,estaat of grace; in which estaat |
685 | He is holden to werkes of penitence. And certes, |
685 | To alle thise thynges is accidie enemy and contrarie, |
686 | for he lovethno bisynesse at al. now |
686 | Certes, this foule synne, accidie, is eek a ful |
686 | Greet enemy to the liflode of the body; for it |
686 | Ne hath no purveaunce agayn temporeel necessitee; |
686 | For it forsleweth and forsluggeth and |
686 | Destroyeth alle goodes temporeles by |
687 | Reccheleesnesse. |
687 | the fourthe thyng is that accidie is lyk |
687 | Hem that been in the peyne of helle, by cause |
687 | Of hir slouthe and of hire hevynesse; for they |
687 | That been dampned been so bounde that they |
688 | Ne may neither wel do ne wel thynke. Of |
688 | Accidie comth first, that a man is anoyed and |
688 | Encombred for to doon any goodnesse, and |
688 | Maketh that God hath abhomynacion of swich |
689 | Accidie, as seith seint john. |
689 | now comth slouthe, that wol nat suffre |
689 | Noon hardnesse ne no penaunce. For soothly, |
689 | Slouthe is so tendre and so delicaat, as seith |
689 | Salomon, that he wol nat suffre noon hardnesse |
689 | Ne penaunce, and therfore he shendeth al that |
690 | He dooth. agayns this roten-herted synne of |
690 | Accidie and slouthe sholde men exercise hemself |
690 | To doon goode werkes, and manly and vertuously |
690 | Cacchen corage wel to doon, thynkynge |
690 | That oure lord jhesu crist quiteth every good |
691 | Dede, be it never so lite. usage of labour is |
691 | A greet thyng, for it maketh, as seith seint bernard, |
691 | The laborer to have stronge armes and |
691 | Harde synwes; and slouthe maketh hem |
692 | Feble and tendre. thanne comth drede |
692 | To bigynne to werke anye goode werkes. |
692 | For certes, he that is enclyned to synne, hym |
692 | Thynketh it is so greet an emprise for to undertake |
693 | To doon werkes of goodnesse, and |
693 | Casteth in his herte that the circumstances of |
693 | Goodnesse been so grevouse and so chargeaunt |
693 | For to suffre, that he dar nat undertake to do |
694 | Werkes of goodnesse, as seith seint gregorie. |
694 | now comth wanhope, that is despeir of the |
694 | Mercy of god, that comth somtyme of to muche |
694 | Outrageous sorwe, and somtyme of to muche |
694 | Drede, ymaginynge that he hath doon so muche |
694 | Synne that it wol nat availlen hym, though |
695 | He wolde repenten hym and forsake synne; |
695 | Thurgh which despeir or drede he abaundoneth |
695 | Al his herte to every maner synne, as seith |
696 | Seint augustin. which dampnable synne, if |
696 | That it continue unto his ende, it is cleped |
697 | Synnyng in the hooly goost. this horrible |
697 | Synne is so perilous that he that is |
697 | Despeired, ther nys no felonye ne no synne that |
698 | He douteth for to do; as shewed wel by judas. |
698 | Certes, aboven alle synnes thanne is this synne |
699 | Moost displesant to crist, and moost adversarie. |
699 | Soothly, he that despeireth hym is lyk |
699 | The coward champious recreant, that seith, |
699 | Creant withoute nede, allas! akkas! bedekes us |
700 | He recreant and nedelees despeired. certes, |
700 | The mercy of God is evere redy to the penitent, |
701 | And is aboven alle his werkes. allas! kan a |
701 | Man nat bithynke hym on the gospel of seint |
701 | Luc, 15, where as crist seith that as wel shal |
701 | Ther be joye in hevene upon a synful man that |
701 | Dooth penitence, as upon nynty and nyne |
702 | Rightful men that neden no penitence. |
702 | Looke forther, in the same gospel, the joye |
702 | And the feeste of the goode man that hadde |
702 | Lost his sone, whan his sone with repentaunce |
703 | Was retourned to his fader. kan they nat remembren |
703 | Hem eek that, as seith seint luc, 23, |
703 | How that the theef that was hanged bisyde |
703 | Jhesu crist, seyde – lord, remembre of me, |
704 | Whan thow comest into thy regne? for |
704 | Sothe, seyde crist, I seye to thee, to-day |
705 | Shaltow been with me in paradys. certes, |
705 | Ther is noon so horrible synne of man that it |
705 | Ne may in his lyf be destroyed by penitence, |
705 | Thurgh vertu of the passion and of the deeth |
706 | Of crist. allas! what nedeth man thanne to |
706 | Been despeired, sith that his mercy so redy |
707 | Is and large? axe and have. thanne cometh |
707 | Sompnolence, that is, sloggy slombrynge, |
707 | Which maketh a man be hevy and dul |
707 | In body and in soule; and this synne comth |
708 | Of slouthe. and certes, the tyme that, by eey |
708 | Of resoun, men sholde nat slepe, that is by the |
709 | Morwe, but if ther were cause resonable. for |
709 | Soothly, the morwe tyde is moost covenable a |
709 | Man to seye his preyeres, and for to thynken on |
709 | God, and for to honoure god, and to yeven |
709 | Almesse to the povre that first cometh in the |
710 | Name of crist. lo, what seith salomon – |
710 | Whoso wolde by the morwe awaken and |
711 | Seke me, he shal fynde. thanne cometh necligence, |
711 | Or reccheleesnesse, that rekketh of |
711 | No thyng. And how that ignoraunce be |
711 | Mooder of alle harm, certes, necligence |
712 | Is the norice. necligence ne dooth no |
712 | Fors, whan he shal doon a thyng, wheither |
713 | He do it weel or baddely |
713 | of the remedie of thise two synnes, as seith |
713 | The wise man, that he that dredeth god, he |
714 | Spareth nat to doon that him oghte doon. |
714 | And he that loveth god, he wol doon diligence |
714 | To plese God by his werkes, and abaundone |
715 | Hymself, with al his myght, wel for to doon. |
715 | Thanne comth ydelnesse, that is the yate of alle |
715 | Harmes. An ydel man is lyk to a place that hath |
715 | No walles; the develes may entre on every syde, |
715 | Or sheten at hym at discovert, by temptacion |
716 | On every syde. this ydelnesse is the thurrok |
716 | Of alle wikked and vileyns thoghtes, and of |
717 | Alle jangles, trufles, and of alle ordure. |
717 | Certes, the hevene is yeven to hem that |
717 | Wol labourn, and nat to ydel folk. Eek david |
717 | Seith that they ne been nat in the labour of |
717 | Men, ne they shul nat been whipped with men, |
718 | That is to seyn, in purgatorie. certes, thanne |
718 | Semeth it, they shul be tormented with the |
719 | Devel in helle, but if they doon penitence. |
719 | thanne comth the synne that men clepen |
719 | Tarditas, as whan a man is to laterede or tariynge, |
719 | Er he wole turne to god; and certes, that |
719 | Is a greet folie. He is lyk to hym that falleth in |
720 | The dych, and wol nat arise. and this vice |
720 | Comth of a fals hope, that he thynketh that he |
721 | Shal lyve longe; but that hope faileth ful ofte. |
721 | thanne comth lachesse; that is he, that |
721 | Whan he biginneth any good werk, anon he |
721 | Shal forleten it and stynten; as doon they that |
721 | Han any wight to governe, and ne taken of |
721 | Hym namoore kep, anon as they fynden |
722 | Any contrarie or any anoy. thise been |
722 | The newe sheepherdes that leten hir sheep |
722 | Wityngly go renne to the wolf that is in the |
723 | Breres, or do no fors of hir owene governaunce. |
723 | Of this comth poverte and destruccioun, bothe |
723 | Of spiritueel and temporeel thynges. Thanne |
723 | Comth a manere cooldnesse, that freseth al th |
724 | Herte of a man. thanne comth devoccioun, |
724 | Thurgh which a man is so blent, as seith seint |
724 | Bernard, and hath swich languour in soule that |
724 | He may neither rede ne singe in hooly chirche, |
724 | Ne heere ne thynke of no devoioun, ne travaille |
724 | With his handes in no good werk, that it nys |
725 | Hym unsavory and al apalled. thanne wexeth |
725 | He slough and slombry, and soone wol be |
725 | Wrooth, and soone is enclyned to hate and to |
726 | Envye. thanne comth the synne of worldly |
726 | Sorwe, swich as is cleped tristicia, that |
727 | Sleeth man, as seith seint paul. for |
727 | Certes, swich sorwe werketh to the deeth |
727 | Of the soule and of the body also; for therof |
728 | Comth that a man is anoyed of his owene lif. |
728 | Wherfore swich sorwe shorteth ful ofte the lif |
728 | Of man, er that his tyme be come by wey of |
729 | Kynde.
Remedium contra peccatum Accidie. |
729 | Agayns this horrible synne of accidie, an |
729 | The branches of the same, ther is a vertu that |
729 | Is called fortitudo or strentthe, that is an affeccioun |
729 | Thurgh which a man despiseth anoyouse |
730 | Thinges. this vertu is so myghty and so vigerous |
730 | That it dar withstonde myghtily and wisely |
730 | Kepen hymself fro perils that been wikked, and |
731 | Wrastle agayn the assautes of the devel. for |
731 | It enhaunceth and enforceth the soule, right as |
731 | Accidie abateth it and maketh it fieble. For this |
731 | Fortitudo may endure by long suffraunce |
732 | The travailles that been covenable. |
732 | this vertu hath manye speces; and the |
732 | Firste is cleped magnanimitee, that is to seyn, |
732 | Greet corage. For certes, ther bihoveth greet |
732 | Corage agains accidie, lest that it ne swolwe |
732 | The soule by the synne of sorwe, or destroye it |
733 | By wanhope. this vertu maketh folk to undertake |
733 | Harde thynges and grevouse thynges, |
734 | By hir owene wil, wisely and resonably. and |
734 | For as muchel as the devel fighteth agayns a |
734 | Man moore by queyntise and by sleighte than |
734 | By strengthe, therfore men shal withstonden |
735 | Hym by wit and by resoun and by discrecioun. |
735 | Thanne arn ther the vertues of feith and hope |
735 | In God and in his seintes, to acheve and acomplice |
735 | The goode werkes in the whiche he purposeth |
736 | Fermely to continue. thanne comth |
736 | Seuretee or sikernesse; and that is whan a man |
736 | Ne douteth no travaille in tyme comynge of |
737 | The goode werkes that a man hath bigonne. |
737 | Thanne comth magnificence, that |
737 | Is to seyn, whan a man dooth and perfourneth |
737 | Grete werkes of goodnesse; and that |
737 | Is the ende why that men sholde do goode |
737 | Werkes, for in the acomplissynge of grete goode |
738 | Werkes lith the grete gerdoun. thanne is ther |
738 | Constaunce, that is, stablenesse of corage; and |
738 | This sholde been in herte by stedefast feith, |
738 | And in mouth, and in berynge, and in chiere, |
739 | And in dede. eke ther been mo speciale remedies |
739 | Against accidie in diverse werkes, and |
739 | In consideracioun of the peynes of helle and |
739 | Of the joyes of hevene, and in the trust of the |
739 | Grace of the holy goost, that wole yeve hym |
740 | Myght to perfourne his goode entente.
Sequitur de Avaricia. |
740 | After accidie wol I speke of avarice and of |
740 | Coveitise, of which synne seith seint paul that |
740 | The roote of alle harmes is coveitise. Ad |
741 | Thimotheum sexto. for soothly, whan the |
741 | Herte of a man is confounded in itself and |
741 | Troubled, and that the soule hath lost the confort |
741 | Of god, thanne seketh he an ydel solas |
742 | Of worldly thynges. |
742 | avarice, after the descripcioun of seint |
742 | Augustyn, is a likerousnesse in herte to have |
743 | Erthely thynges. som oother folk seyn that |
743 | Avarice is for to purchacen manye erthely |
743 | Thynges, and no thyng yeve to hem that han |
744 | Nede. and understoond that avarice ne stant |
744 | Nat oonly in lond ne catel, but somtyme in |
744 | Science and in glorie, and in every manere |
745 | Of outrageous thyng is avarice and coveitise. |
745 | And the difference bitwixe avarice and coveitise |
745 | Is this – coveitise is for to coveite swiche |
745 | Thynges as thou hast nat; and avarice is for |
745 | To withholde and kepe swiche thynges as thou |
746 | Hast, withoute rightful nede. soothly, this |
746 | Avarice is a synne that is ful dampnable; |
746 | For al hooly writ curseth it, and speketh agayns |
746 | That vice; for it dooth wrong to jhesu |
747 | Crist. for it bireveth hym the love that |
747 | Men to hym owen, and turneth it bakward |
748 | Agayns alle resoun, and maketh that the avaricious |
748 | Man hath moore hope in his catel than |
748 | In jhesu crist, and dooth moore observance in |
748 | Kepynge of his tresor than he dooth to the |
749 | Service of jhesu crist. and therfore seith |
749 | Seint paul ad ephesios, quinto, that an avaricious |
750 | Man is in the thraldom of ydolatrie. |
750 | what difference is bitwixe an ydolastre and |
750 | An avaricious man, but that an ydolastre, per |
750 | Aventure, ne hath but o mawmet or two, and |
750 | The avaricious man hath manye? for certes, |
751 | Every floryn in his cofre is his mawmet. and |
751 | Certes, the synne of mawmettrie is the firste |
751 | Thyng that God deffended in the ten comaundementz |
751 | As bereth witnesse in exodi capitulo |
752 | Vicesimo. thou shalt have no false |
752 | Goddes bifore me, ne thou shalt make to |
752 | Thee no grave thyng. Thus is an avaricious |
752 | Man, that loveth his tresor biforn god, an |
753 | Ydolastre, thurgh this cursed synne of avarice. |
753 | Of coveitise comen thise harde lordshipes, |
753 | Thurgh whiche men been distreyned by taylages, |
753 | Custumes, and cariages, moore than hire |
753 | Duetee or resoun is. And eek taken they of |
753 | Hire bonde-men amercimentz, whiche myghten |
753 | Moore resonably ben cleped extorcions than |
754 | Amercimentz. of whiche amercimentz and |
754 | Raunsonynge of boonde-men somme hordes stywards |
754 | Seyn that it is ryghtful, for as muche as |
754 | A cherl hath no temporeel thyng that it ne is his |
755 | Lordes, as they seyn. but certes, thise lordshipes |
755 | Doon wrong that bireven hire bondefolk |
755 | Thynges that they nevere yave hem. Augustinus, |
756 | De civitate, libro nono. sooth is |
756 | That the condicioun of thraldom and the firste |
756 | Cause of thraldom is for synne. Genesis, |
757 | Nono. |
757 | thus may ye seen that the gilt disserveth |
758 | Thraldom, but nat nature. Wherfore thise |
758 | Lordes ne sholde nat muche glorifien hem in |
758 | Hir lordshipes, sith that by natureel condicion |
758 | They been nat lordes over thralles, but that |
759 | Thraldom comth first by the desert of synne. |
759 | And forther over, ther as the lawe seith that |
759 | Temporeel goodes of boonde-folk been the |
759 | Goodes of hir lordeshipes, ye, that is for to understonde, |
759 | The goodes of the emperour, to deffenden |
759 | Hem in hir right, but nat for to robben |
760 | Hem ne reven hem. and therfore seith |
760 | Seneca, thy prudence sholde lyve benignely |
761 | With thy thralles. thilke that thou clepest |
761 | Thy thralles been goddes peple; for humble |
761 | Folk been cristes freendes; they been contubernyal |
762 | With the lord. |
762 | thynk eek that of swich seed as cherles |
762 | Spryngen, of swich seed spryngen lordes. As |
763 | Wel may the cherl be saved as the lord. the |
763 | Same deeth that taketh the cherl, swich deeth |
763 | Taketh the lord. Wherfore I rede, do right so |
763 | With the cherl, as thou woldest that thy lord |
764 | Dide with thee, if thou were in his plit. every |
764 | Synful man is a cherl to synne. I rede thee, |
764 | Certes, that thou, lord, werke in swich wise |
764 | With thy cherles that they rather love thee than |
765 | Drede. I woot wel ther is degree above degree, |
765 | As reson is; and skile is that men do hir devoir |
765 | Ther as it is due; but certes, extorcions and |
766 | Despit of youre underlynges is dampnable. |
766 | and forther over, understoond wel that thise |
766 | Conquerours or tirauntz maken ful ofte thralles |
766 | Of hem that been born of as roial blood as |
767 | Been they that hem conqueren. this |
767 | Name of thraldom was nevere erst kowth, |
767 | Til that noe seyde that his sone canaan sholde |
768 | Be thral to his bretheren for his synne. what |
768 | Seye we thanne of hem that pilen and doon |
768 | Extorcions to hooly chirche? certes, the swerd |
768 | That men yeven first to a knyght, whan he is |
768 | Newe dubbed, signifieth that he sholde deffenden |
768 | Hooly chirche, and nat robben it ne |
769 | Pilen it; and whoso dooth is traitour to crist. |
769 | And, as seith seint augustyn, they been the |
769 | Develes wolves that stranglen the sheep of |
770 | Jhesu crist; and doon worse than wolves. |
770 | For soothly, whan the wolf hath ful his wombe, |
770 | He styntheth to strangle sheep. But soothly, the |
770 | Pilours and destroyours of the godes of hooly |
770 | Chirche no do nat so, for they ne stynte nevere |
771 | To pile. now as I have seyd, sith so is that |
771 | Synne was first cause of thraldom, thanne is it |
771 | Thus, that thilke tyme that al this world was |
771 | In synne, thanne was al this world in thraldom |
772 | And subjeccioun. but certes, sith the |
772 | Time of grace cam, God ordeyned that som |
772 | Folk sholde be moore heigh in estaat and in |
772 | Degree, and som folk moore lough, and that |
772 | Everich sholde be served in his estaat and in |
773 | His degree. and therfore in somme contrees, |
773 | Ther they byen thralles, whan they han turned |
773 | Hem to the feith, they maken hire thralles free |
773 | Out of thraldom. And therfore, certes, the lord |
773 | Oweth to his man that the man oweth to his |
774 | Lord. the pope calleth hymself servant of the |
774 | Servantz of god; but for as muche as the estaat |
774 | Of hooly chirche ne myghte nat han be, |
774 | Ne the commune profit myghte nat han be kept, |
774 | Ne pees and rest in erthe, but if God hadde |
774 | Ordeyned that som men hadde hyer degree and |
775 | Som men lower, therfore was sovereyntee ordeyned, |
775 | To kepe and mayntene and deffenden |
775 | Hire underlynges or hire subgetz in resoun, as |
775 | Ferforth as it lith in hire power, and nat to destroyen |
776 | Hem ne confounde. wherfore I seye |
776 | That thilke lordes that been lyk wolves, that |
776 | Devouren the possessiouns or the catel of povre |
777 | Folk wrongfully, withouten mercy or mesure, |
777 | They shul receyven, by the same |
777 | Mesure that they han mesured to povre |
777 | Folk, the mercy of jhesu crist, but if it be |
778 | Amended. now comth deciete bitwixe marchaunt |
778 | And marchant. And thow shalt understonde |
778 | That marchandise is in manye maneres; |
778 | That oon is bodily, and that oother is goostly; |
778 | That oon is honest and leveful, and that oother |
779 | Is deshonest and unleveful. of thilke bodily |
779 | Marchandise that is leveful and honest is this – |
779 | That, there as God hath ordeyned that a regne |
779 | Or a contree is suffisaunt to hymself, thanne is |
779 | It honest and leveful that of habundaunce of |
779 | This contree, that men helpe another contree |
780 | That is moore needy. and therfore ther moote |
780 | Been marchantz to bryngen fro that o contree |
781 | To that oother hire marchandises. that oother |
781 | Marchandise, that men haunten with fraude and |
781 | Trecherie and deceite, with lesynges and |
782 | False othes, is cursed and dampnable. espiritueel |
782 | Marchandise is proprely symonue, |
782 | That is, ententif desir to byen thyng espiritueel, |
782 | That is, thyng that aperteneth to the seintuarie |
783 | Of God and to cure of the soule. this desir, |
783 | If so be that a man do his diligence to parfournen |
783 | It, al be it that his desir ne take noon |
783 | Effect, yet is it to hym a deedly synne; and if |
784 | He be ordred, he is irreguler. certes symonye |
784 | Is cleped of simon magus, that wolde han |
784 | Boght for temporeel catel the yifte that god |
784 | Hadde yeven, by the hooly goost, to seint |
785 | Peter and to the apostles. and therfore understoond |
785 | That bothe he that selleth and he that |
785 | Beyeth thynges espirituels been cleped symonyals, |
785 | Be it by catel, be it by procurynge, or |
785 | By flesshly preyere of his freendes, flesshly |
786 | Freendes, or espiritueel freendes. flesshly in |
786 | Two maneres; as by kynrede, or othere freendes. |
786 | Soothly, if they praye for hym that is nat |
786 | Worthy and able, it is symonye, if he take the |
786 | Benefice; and if he be worthy and able, |
787 | Ther nys noon. that oother manere is |
787 | Whan men or wommen preyen for folk to |
787 | Avauncen hem, oonly for wikked flesshly affeccioun |
787 | That they han unto the persone; and |
788 | That is foul symonye. but certes, in service, |
788 | For which men yeven thynges espirituels unto |
788 | Hir servauntz, it moot been understonde that the |
788 | Service moot been honest, and elles nat; and |
788 | Eek that it be withouten bargaynynge, and that |
789 | The persone be able. for, as seith seint damasie, |
789 | Alle the synnes of the world, at regard |
789 | Of this synne, arn as thyng of noght. For it |
789 | Is the gretteste synne that may be, after the |
790 | Synne of lucifer and antecrist. for by this |
790 | Synne God forleseth the chirche and the soule |
790 | That he boghte with his precious blood, by hem |
790 | That yeven chirches to hem that been nat |
791 | Digne. for they putten in theves that stelen |
791 | The soules of jhesu crist and destroyen his |
792 | Patrimoyne. by swiche undigne preestes |
792 | And curates han lewed men the lasse reverence |
792 | Of the sacramentz of hooly chirche; and |
792 | Swiche yeveres of chirches putten out the children |
792 | Of crist, and putten into the chirche the |
793 | Develes owene sone. they sellen the soules |
793 | That lambes sholde kepen to the wolf that strangleth |
793 | Hem. And therfore shul they nevere han |
793 | Part of the pasture of lambes, that is the blisse |
794 | Of hevene. now comth hasardrie with his |
794 | Apurtenaunces, as tables and rafles, of which |
794 | Comth deceite, false othes, chidynges, and alle |
794 | Ravynes, blasphemynge and reneiynge of god, |
794 | And hate of his neighebores, wast of goodes, |
795 | Mysspendynge of tyme, and somtyme manslaughtre. |
795 | Certes, hasardours ne mowe nat |
795 | Been withouten greet synne whiles they haunte |
796 | That craft. of avarice comen eek lesynges, |
796 | Thefte, fals witnesse, and false othes. And ye |
796 | Shul understonde that thise been grete synnes, |
796 | And expres agayn the comaundementz of /h3> |
797 | God, as I have seyd. fals witnesse is in |
797 | Word and eek in dede. In word, as for to |
797 | Bireve thy neighebores goode name by thy fals |
797 | Witnessyng, or bireven hym his catel or his |
797 | Heritage by thy fals witnessyng, whan thou for |
797 | Ire, or for meede, or for envye, berest fals |
797 | Witnesse, or accusest hym or excusest hym by |
797 | Thy fals witnesse, or elles excusest thyself |
798 | Falsly. ware yow, questemongeres and notaries! |
798 | Certes, for fals witnessyng was susanna |
798 | In ful gret sorwe and peyne, and many another |
799 | Mo. the synne of thefte is eek expres agayns |
799 | Goddes heeste, and that in two maneres, corporeel |
800 | Or spiritueel. corporeel, as for to take |
800 | Thy neighebores catel agayn his wyl, be it by |
801 | Force or by sleighte, be it by met or by mesure; |
801 | By stelyng eek of false enditementz upon |
801 | Hym, and in borwynge of thy neighebores catel, |
801 | In entente nevere to payen it agayn, and |
802 | Semblable thynges. espiritueel thefte is |
802 | Sacrilege, that is to seyn, hurtynge of hooly |
802 | Thynges, or of thynges sacred to crist, in two |
802 | Maneres – by reson of the hooly place, as |
803 | Chirches or chirche-hawes, for which every |
803 | Vileyns synne that men doon in swiche places |
803 | May be cleped sacrilege, or every violence in |
803 | The semblable places; also, they that withdrawen |
803 | Falsly the rightes that longen to hooly |
804 | Chirche. and pleynly and generally, sacrilege |
804 | Is to reven hooly thyng fro hooly place, or unhooly |
804 | Thyng out of hooly place, or hooly thing |
805 | Out of unhooly place.
Relevacio contra peccatum Avarice. |
805 | Now shul ye understonde that the releevynge |
805 | Of avarice is misericorde, and pitee largely |
805 | Taken. And men myghten axe why that misericorde |
806 | And pitee is releevynge of avarice. |
806 | Certes, the avricious man sheweth no pitee ne |
806 | Misericorde to the nedeful man, for he deliteth |
806 | Hym in the kepynge of his tresor, and nat |
806 | In the rescowynge ne releevynge of his evene-cristen. |
807 | And therfore speke I first of misericorde. |
807 | Thanne is misericorde, as seith |
807 | The philosophre, a vertu by which the corage |
807 | Of a man is stired by the mysese of hym |
808 | That is mysesed. upon which misericorde |
808 | Folweth pitee in parfournynge of charitable |
809 | Werkes of misericorde. and certes, thise |
809 | Thynges moeven a man to the misericorde of |
809 | Jhesu crist, that he yaf hymself for oure gilt, |
809 | And suffred deeth for misericorde, and forgay |
810 | Us oure originale synnes, and therby relessed |
810 | Us fro the peynes of helle, and amenused the |
810 | Peynes of purgatorie by penitence, and yeveth |
810 | Grace wel to do, and atte laste the blisse of |
811 | Hevene. the speces of misericorde been, as |
811 | For to lene and for to yeve, and to foryeven |
811 | And relesse, and for to han pitee in herte |
811 | And compassioun of the meschief of his evene-cristene, |
811 | And eek to chastise, there as nede |
812 | Is. another manere of remedie agayns |
812 | Avarice is resonable largesse; but soothly, |
812 | Heere bihoveth the consideracioun of the grace |
812 | Of jhesu crist, and of his temporeel goodes, |
812 | And eek of the goodes perdurables, that crist |
813 | Yaf to us; and to han remembrance of the |
813 | Deeth that he shal receyve, he noot whanne, |
813 | Where, ne how; and eek that he shal forgon al |
813 | That he hath, save oonly that he hath despended |
814 | In goode werkes. |
814 | but for as muche as som folk been unmesurable, |
814 | Men oghten eschue fool-largesse, that |
815 | Men clepen wast. certes, he that is fool-large |
815 | Ne yeveth nat his catel, but he leseth iis catel. |
815 | Soothly, what thyng that he yeveth for veyne |
815 | Glorie, as to mynstrals and to folk, for to beren |
815 | His renoun in the world, he hath synne therof, |
816 | And noon almesse. certes, he leseth foule his |
816 | Good, that ne seketh with the yifte of his |
817 | Good nothyng but synne. he is lyk to an |
817 | Hors that seketh rather to drynken drovy |
817 | Or trouble water than for to drynken water of |
818 | The clere welle. and for as muchel as they |
818 | Yeven ther as they sholde nat yeven, to hem |
818 | Aperteneth thilke malisoun that crist shal |
818 | Yeven at the day of doom to hem that shullen |
819 | Been dampned.
Sequitur de Gula. |
819 | After avarice comth glotonye, which is expres |
819 | Eek agayn the comandement of god. Glotonye |
819 | Is unmesurable appetit toete or to drynke, |
819 | Or elles to doon ynogh to the unmesurable appetit |
819 | And desordeynee coveitise to eten or to |
820 | Drynke. this synne corrumped al this world, |
820 | As is wel shewed in the synne of adam and of |
821 | Eve. Looke eek what seith saint paul, of glotonye – |
821 | Manye, seith seint paul, goon, of |
821 | Whiche I have ofte seyd to yow, and now I |
821 | Seye it wepynge, that been the enemys of the |
821 | Croys of crist; of whiche the ende is deeth, and |
821 | Of whiche hire wombe is hire god, and hire |
821 | Glorie in confusioun of hem that so savouren |
822 | Erthely thynges. he that is |
822 | Usaunt to this synne of glotonye, he ne |
822 | May no synne withstonde. He moot been in |
822 | Servage of alle vices, for it is the develes hoord |
823 | Ther he hideth hym and resteth. this synne |
823 | Hath manye speces. The firste is dronkenesse, |
823 | That is the horrible sepulture of mannes resoun; |
823 | And therfore, whan a man is dronken, he hath |
824 | Lost his resoun; and this is deedly synne. but |
824 | Soothly, whan that a man is nat wont to strong |
824 | Drynke, and peraventure ne knoweth nat the |
824 | Strengthe of the drynke, or hath feblesse in his |
824 | Heed, or hath travailed, thurgh which he drynketh |
824 | The moore, al be he sodeynly caught with |
825 | Drynke, it is no deedly synne, but venyal. the |
825 | Seconde spece of glotonye is that the spirit |
825 | Of a man wexeth al trouble, for dronkenesse |
826 | Bireveth hym the discrecioun of his wit. the |
826 | Thridde spece of glotonye is whan a man devoureth |
826 | His mete, and hath no rightful |
827 | Manere of etynge. the fourthe is whan, |
827 | Thurgh the grete habundaunce of his mete, |
828 | The humours in his body been distempred. the |
828 | Fifthe is foryetelnesse by to muchel drynkynge; |
828 | For which somtymee a man foryeteth er the |
828 | Morwe what he dide at even, or on the nyght |
829 | Biforn. |
829 | in oother manere been distinct the speces of |
829 | Glotonye, after seint gregorie. The firste is |
829 | For to ete biforn tyme to ete. The seconde is |
829 | Whan a man get hym to delicaat mete or |
830 | Drynke. the thridde is whan men taken to |
830 | Muche over mesure. The fourthe is curiositee, |
830 | With greet entente to maken and apparaillen |
831 | His mete. The fifthe is for to eten to gredily. |
831 | Thise been the fyve fyngres of the develes |
831 | Hand, by whiche he draweth folk to |
832 | Synne.
Remedium contra peccatum Gule. |
832 | Agayns glotonye is the remedie abstinence, |
832 | As seith galien; but that holde I nat meritorie, |
832 | If he do it oonly for the heele of his body. |
832 | Seint augustyn wole that abstinence be doon |
833 | For vertu and with pacience. abstinence, |
833 | He seith, is litel worth, but if a man have good |
833 | Wil therto, and but it be enforced by pacience |
833 | And by charitee, and that men doon it for |
833 | Godes sake, and in hope to have the blisse of |
834 | Hevene. |
834 | The felawes of abstinence been attemperaunce, |
834 | that holdeth the meene in alle thynges; |
834 | Eek shame, that aschueth alle deshonestee; surfisance, |
834 | that seketh no riche metes ne drynkes, |
834 | Ne dooth no fors of to outrageous appariailynge |
835 | of mete; mesure also, that restreyneth |
835 | By resoun the deslavee appetit of etynge; sobrenesse |
835 | also, that restreyneth the outrage of |
836 | Drynke; sparynge also, that restreyneth the |
836 | Delacaat ese to sitte longe at his mete and |
836 | Softely, wherfore some folk stonden of |
837 | Hir owene wyl to eten at the lasse leyser.
Sequitur de Luxuria. |
837 | After glotonye thanne comth lecherie, for |
837 | Thise two synnes been so ny cosyns that ofte |
838 | Tyme they wol nat departe. God woot, this |
838 | Synne is ful displesaunt thyng to god; for he |
838 | Seyde hymself, do no lecherie. And therfore |
838 | he putte grete peynes agayns this synne |
839 | In the olde lawe. If waomman thral were taken |
839 | In this synne, she sholde be beten with staves |
839 | To the deeth; and if she were a gentil womman, |
839 | She sholde be slayn with stones; and if she |
839 | Were a bisshoppes doghter, she sholde been |
840 | Brent, by goddes comandement. Forther |
840 | Over, by the synne of lecherie God dreynte |
840 | Al the world at the diluge. And after that he |
840 | Brente fyve citees with thonder-leyt, and sak |
841 | Hem into helle. |
841 | Now lat us speke thanne of thilke stynkynge |
841 | Synne of lecherie that men clepe avowtrie of |
841 | Wedded folk, that is to seyn, if that oon of |
842 | Hem be wedded, or elles bothe. Seint john |
842 | Seith that avowtiers shullen been in helle, |
842 | In a stank brennynge of fyr and of brymston; |
842 | In fyr, for hire lecherye; in brymston, for the |
843 | Stynk of hire ordure. Certes, the brekynge of |
843 | This sacrement is an horrible thyng. It was |
843 | Maked of God hymself in paradys, and confermed |
843 | by jhesu crist, as witnesseth seint |
843 | Mathew in the gospel: a man shal lete fader |
843 | And mooder, and taken hym to his wif, and |
844 | They shullen be two in o flesh. This sacrement |
844 | bitokneth the knyttynge togidre of crist |
845 | And of hooly chirche. And nat oonly that god |
845 | Forbad avowtrie in dede, but eek he comanded |
845 | That thou sholdest nat coveite thy neighebores |
846 | Wyf. In this heeste, seith seint augustyn, |
846 | Is forboden alle manere coveitise to doon lecherie. |
846 | lo, what seith seint mathew in the gospel, |
846 | that whose seeth a womman to coveitise |
846 | Of his lust, he hath doon lecherie with hire |
847 | In his herte. Heere may ye seen that |
847 | Nat oonly the dede of this synne is forboden, |
848 | but eek the desire to doon that synne. |
848 | This cursed synne anoyeth grevousliche hem |
848 | That it haunten. And first to hire soule, for he |
848 | Obligeth it to synne and to peyne of deeth that |
849 | Is perdurable. Unto the body anoyeth it grevously |
849 | also, for it dreyeth hym, and wasteth him, |
849 | And shent hym, and of his blood he maketh sacrifice |
849 | to the feend of helle. It wasteth eek his |
850 | Catel and his substaunce. And certes, if it be |
850 | A foul thyng a man to waste his catel on wommen, |
850 | yet is it a fouler thyng whan that, for |
850 | Swich ordure, wommen dispenden upon men |
851 | Hir catel and substaunce. This synne, as seith |
851 | The prophete, bireveth man and womman hir |
851 | Goode fame and al hire honour; and it is ful |
851 | Plesaunt to the devel, for therby wynneth |
852 | He the mooste partie of this world. And |
852 | Right as a marchant deliteth hym moost in |
852 | Chaffare that he hath moost avantage of, right |
853 | So deliteth the fend in this ordure. |
853 | This is that oother hand of the devel with |
853 | Fyve fyngres to cacche the peple to his vileynye. |
854 | the firste fynger is the fool lookynge |
854 | Of the fool womman and of the fool man, that |
854 | Sleeth, right as the basilicok sleeth folk by the |
854 | Venym of his sighte; for the coveitise of eyen |
855 | Folweth the coveitise of the herte. The seconde |
855 | fynger is the vileyns touchynge in wikkede |
855 | manere. And therfore seith salomon that |
855 | Whoso toucheth and handleth a womman, he |
855 | Fareth lyk hym that handleth the scorpioun that |
855 | Styngeth and sodeynly sleeth thurgh his envenymynge; |
855 | as whoso toucheth warm pych, |
856 | It shent his fyngres. The thridde is foule |
856 | Wordes, that fareth lyk fyr, that right anon |
857 | Brenneth the herte. The fourthe fynger |
857 | Is the kissynge; and trewely he were a |
857 | Greet fool that wolde kisse the mouth of a |
858 | Brennynge oven or of a fourneys. And moore |
858 | Fooles been they that kissen in vileynye, for |
858 | That mouth is the mouth of helle; and namely |
858 | Thise olde dotardes holours, yet wol they kisse, |
859 | Though they may nat do, and smatre hem. |
859 | Certes, they been lyk to houndes; for an hound, |
859 | Whan he comth by the roser or by othere |
859 | (bushes), though he may nat pisse, yet wole |
859 | He heve up his leg and make a contenaunce |
860 | To pisse. And for that many man weneth that |
860 | He may nat synne, for no likerousnesse that |
860 | He dooth with his wyf, certes, that opinion is |
860 | Fals. God woot, a man may sleen hymself with |
860 | His owene knyf, and make hymselve dronken |
861 | Of his owene tonne. Certes, be it wyf, be it |
861 | Child, or any worldly thyng that he loveth biforn |
861 | god, it is his mawmet, and he is an |
862 | Ydolastre. Man sholde loven hys wyf by |
862 | Discrecioun, paciently and atemprely; and |
863 | Thanne is she as though it were his suster. The |
863 | Fifthe fynger of the develes hand is the stynkynge |
864 | dede of leccherie. Certes, the fyve fyngres |
864 | of glotonie the feend put in the wombe |
864 | Of a man, and with his fyve fingres of lecherie |
864 | he gripeth hym by the reynes, for to |
865 | Throwen hym into the fourneys of helle. Ther |
865 | As they shul han the fyr and the wormes that |
865 | Evere shul lasten, and wepynge and wailynge |
865 | Sharp hunger and thurst, and grymnesse of |
865 | Develes, that shullen al totrede hem without |
866 | Repit and withouten ende. Of leccherie, as |
866 | I seyde, sourden diverse speces, as fornicacioun, |
866 | That is bitwixe man and womman that been |
866 | Nat maried; and this is deedly synne, and |
867 | Agayns nature. Al that is enemy and destruccioun |
868 | to nature is agayns nature. |
868 | Parfay, the resoun of a man telleth eek hym |
868 | Wel that is is deedly synne, for as muche as |
868 | God forbad leccherie. And seint paul yeveth |
868 | Hem the regne that nys dewe to no wight but |
869 | To hem that doon deedly synne. Another |
869 | Synne of leccherie is to bireve a mayden of |
869 | Hir maydenhede, for he that so dooth, certes, |
869 | He casteth a mayden out of the hyeste degree |
870 | That is in this present lif, and bireveth hir |
870 | Thilke percious fruyt that the book clepeth the |
870 | Hundred fruyt. I ne kan seye it noon oother-wewyes |
870 | in englissh, but in latyn it highte centesimus |
871 | fructus. Certes, he that so dooth is |
871 | Cause of manye damages and vileynyes, mo |
871 | Than any man kan rekene; right as he somtyme |
871 | Is cause of alle damages that beestes don in |
871 | The feeld, that breketh the hegge or the closure, |
871 | Thurgh which he destroyeth that may nat |
872 | Been restoored. For certes, namoore may |
872 | Maydenhede be restoored than a arm that |
872 | Is smyten fro the body may retourne agany to |
873 | Wexe. She may have mercy, this woot I wel, |
873 | If she do penitence; but nevere shal it be that |
874 | She nas corrupt. And al be it so that I have |
874 | Spoken somwhat of avowtrie, it is good to |
874 | Shewen mo perils that longen to avowtrie, for |
875 | To eschue that foule synne. Avowtrie in latyn |
875 | Is for to seyn, approchynge of oother mannes |
875 | Bed, thurgh which tho that whilom weren a |
875 | Flessh abowndone hir bodyes to othere persones. |
876 | of this synne, as seith the wise man, |
876 | Folwen manye harmes. First, brekynge of feith; |
876 | And certes, in feith is the keye of cristendom. |
877 | and whan that feith is broken |
877 | And lorn, soothly cristendom stant veyn |
878 | And withouten fruyt. This synne is eek a |
878 | Thefte; for thefte generally is for to reve a |
879 | Wight his thyng agayns his wille. Certes, this |
879 | Is the fouleste thefte that may be, whan a |
879 | Womman steleth hir body from hir housbonde, |
879 | And yeveth it to hire holour to defoulen hire; |
879 | And steleth hir soule fro crist, and yeveth it to |
880 | The devel. This is a fouler thefte than for to |
880 | Breke a chirche and stele the chalice; for thise |
880 | Avowtiers breken the temple of God spiritually |
880 | And stelen the vessel of grace, that is the body |
880 | And the soule, for which crist shal destroyen |
881 | Hem, as seith seint paul. Soothly, of this |
881 | Thefte douted gretly joseph, whan that his |
881 | Lordes wyf preyed hym of vileynye, whan he |
881 | Seyde, lo, my lady, how my lord hath take |
881 | To me under my warde al that he hath in this |
881 | World, ne no thyng of his thynges is out of |
881 | My power, but oonly ye, that been his |
882 | Wyf. And how sholde I thanne do this |
882 | Wikkednesse, and synne so horribly agayns |
882 | God and agayns my lord? God it forbeede! |
883 | Allas! al to litel is swich trouthe now yfounde. |
883 | The thridde harm is the filthe thurgh which |
883 | They breken the comandement of god, and defoulen |
883 | the auctour of matrimoyne, that is |
884 | Crist. For certes, in so muche as the sacrement |
884 | of mariage is so noble and so digne, so |
884 | Muche is it gretter synne for to breken it; for |
884 | God made mariage in paradys, in the estaat of |
884 | Innocence, to multiplye mankynde to the service |
885 | of god. And therfore is the brekynge |
885 | Therof the moore grevous; of which brekynge |
885 | Comen false heires ofte tyme, that wrongfully |
885 | Ocupien folkes heritages. And therfore wol |
885 | Crist putte hem out of the regne of hevene, that |
886 | Is heritage to goode folk. Of this brekynge |
886 | Comth eek ofte tyme that folk unwar wedden |
886 | Or synnen with hire owene kynrede, and |
886 | Namely thilke harlotes that haunten bordels |
886 | Of thise fool wommen, that mowe be likned to |
886 | A commune gong, where as men purgen |
887 | Hire ordure. What seve we eek of putours |
887 | that lyven by the horrible synne of |
887 | Putrie, and constreyne wommen to yelden hem |
887 | A certeyn rente of hire bodily puterie, ye, |
887 | Somtyme of his owene wyf or his child, as |
887 | Doon thise bawdes? certes, thise been cursede |
888 | Synnes. Understoond eek that avowtrie is set |
888 | Gladly in the ten comandementz bitwixe thefte |
888 | And manslaughtre; for it is the gretteste thefte |
888 | That may be, for it is thefte of body and of |
889 | Soule. and it is lyk to homycide, for it herveth |
889 | atwo and breketh atwo hem that first were |
889 | Maked o flessh. And therfore, by the olde lawe |
890 | Of god, they sholde by slayn. But nathelees, |
890 | By the lawe of jhesu crist, that is lawe of pitee, |
890 | Whan he seyde to the womman that was |
890 | Founden in avowtrie, and sholde han been slayn |
890 | With stones, after the wyl of the jewes, as was |
890 | Hir lawe, go, quod jhesu crist, and have |
890 | Namoore wyl to synne, or, wille namoore |
891 | To do synne. Soothly the vengeaunce of |
891 | Avowtrie is awarded to the peynes of helle, |
891 | But if so be that it be destourbed by penitence. |
892 | yet been ther mo speces of this |
892 | Cursed synne; as whan that oon of hem |
892 | Is religious, or elles bothe; or of folk that been |
892 | Entred into ordre, as subdekne, or dekne, or |
892 | Preest, or hospitaliers. And evere the hyer that |
893 | He is in ordre, the gretter is the synne. The |
893 | Thynges that gretly agreggen hire synne is the |
893 | Brekynge of hire avow of chastitee, whan they |
894 | Receyved the ordre. And forther over, sooth |
894 | Is that hooly ordre is chief of al the tresorie of |
894 | Good, and his especial signe and mark of chastitee, |
894 | to shewe that they been joyned to chastitee, |
894 | which that is the moost precious lyf that |
895 | Is. And thise ordred folk been specially titled |
895 | To god, and of the special meignee of god, |
895 | For which, whan they doon deedly synne, they |
895 | Been the special traytours of God and of his |
895 | Peple; for they lyven of the peple, to preye for |
896 | .,the peple, and whike they been suche traitours, |
896 | Here preyer avayleth nat to the peple. |
896 | Preestes been aungels, as by the dignitee of hir |
896 | Mysterye; but for sothe, seint paul seith that |
896 | Sathanas transformeth hym in an aungel |
897 | Of light. Soothly, the preest that haunteth |
897 | deedly synne, he may be likned to the |
897 | Aungel of derknesse transformed in the aungel |
897 | Of light. He semeth aungel of light, but for |
898 | Sothe he is aungel of derknesse. Swiche |
898 | Preestes been the sones of helie, as sweweth |
898 | In the book of kynges, that they weren the |
899 | Sones of belial, that is, the devel. Belial is to |
899 | Seyn, withouten juge; and so faren they; hem |
899 | Thynketh they been free, and han no juge, namoore |
899 | than hath a free bole that taketh which |
900 | Cow that hym liketh in the town. So faren |
900 | They by wommen. For right as a free bole is |
900 | Ynough for al a toun, right so is a wikked preest |
900 | Corrupcioun ynough for al a parisshe, or for al |
901 | A contree. Thise preestes, as seith the book, |
901 | Ne konne nat the mysterie of preesthod to the peple, |
901 | ne God ne knowe they nat. They ne helde |
901 | Hem nat apayd, as seith the book, os soden |
901 | Flessh that was to hem offred, but they |
902 | Tooke by force the flessh that is rawe. |
902 | Certes, so thise shrewes ne holden hem nat |
902 | Apayed of roosted flessh and sode flessh, with |
902 | Which the peple feden hem in greet reverence, |
902 | But they wole have raw flessh of folkes wyves |
903 | And hir doghtres. And certes, thise wommen |
903 | That consenten to hire harlotrie doon greet |
903 | Wrong to crist, and to hooly chirche, and alle |
903 | Halwes, and to alle soules; for they bireven alle |
903 | Thise hym that sholde worshipe crist and hooly |
904 | Chirche, and preye for cristene soules. And |
904 | Therfore han swiche preestes, and hire lemmanes |
904 | eek that consenten to hir leccherie, the |
904 | Malisoun of al the court cristien, til they come |
905 | To amendement. The thridde spece of avowtrie |
905 | is somtyme bitwixe a man and his wyf, and |
905 | That is whan they take no reward in hire assemblynge |
905 | but oonly to hire flesshly delit, as |
906 | Seith seint jerome, and ne rekken of nothyng |
906 | but that they been assembled; by cause |
906 | That they been maried, al is good ynough, |
907 | As thynketh to hem. But in swich folk |
907 | Hath the devel power, as seyde the aungel |
907 | Raphael to thobie, for in hire assemblynge |
907 | They putten jhesu crist out of hire herte, and |
908 | Yeven hemself to alle ordure. The fourthe |
908 | Spece is the assemblee of hem that been of |
908 | Hire kynrede, or of hem that been of oon affynytee, |
908 | or elles with hem with whiche hir fadres |
908 | Or hir kynrede han deled in the synne of lecherie. |
908 | this synne maketh hem lyk to houndes, |
909 | That taken no kep to kynrede. And certes, parentele |
909 | is in two maneres, outher goostly or |
909 | Flesshly; goostly, as for to deelen with his god-sibbes. |
910 | for right so as he that engendreth a |
910 | Child is his flesshly fader, right so in his god-fader |
910 | his fader espiritueel. For which a womman |
910 | may in no lasse synne assemblen with |
910 | Hire godsib than with hire owene flesshly |
911 | Brother. The fifthe spece is thilke abhomynable |
911 | synne, of which that no man unnethe |
911 | Oghte speke ne write; nathelees it is |
912 | Openly reherced ib holy writ. This cursednesse |
912 | doon men and wommen in |
912 | Diverse entente and in diverse manere; but |
912 | Though that hooly writ speke of horrible synne, |
912 | Certes hooly writ may nat been defouled, namoore |
912 | than the sonne that shyneth on the |
913 | Mixne. Another synne aperteneth to leccherie, |
913 | That comth in slepynge, and this synne cometh |
913 | Ofte to hem that been maydenes, and eek to hem |
913 | That been corrupt; and this synne men clepen |
914 | Polucioun, that comth in foure maneres. Somtyme |
914 | of langwissynge of body, for the humours |
914 | Been to ranke and to habundaunt in the body |
914 | Of man; somtyme of infermetee, for the fieblesse |
914 | Of the vertu retentif, as phisik maketh mencion; |
915 | Somtyme for surfeet of mete and drynke; and |
915 | Somtyme of vileyns thoghtes that been enclosed |
915 | In mannes mynde whan he gooth to slepe, |
915 | Which may nat been withoute synne; for which |
915 | Men moste kepen hem wisely, or elles may men |
916 | Synnen ful grevously.
Remedium contra peccatum Luxurie. |
916 | Now comth the remedie agayns leccherie, |
916 | And that is generally chastitee and continence, |
916 | that restreyneth alle the desordeynee |
916 | Moevynges that comen of flesshly talentes. |
917 | and evere the gretter merite shal |
917 | He han, that moost restreyneth the wikkede |
917 | eschawfynges of the ardour of this synne. |
917 | And this is in two maneres, that is to seyn, |
917 | Chastitee in mariage, and chastitee of widwehod. |
918 | now shaltow understonde that matrimoyne |
918 | is leefful assemblynge of man and of |
918 | Womman that receyven by vertu of the sacrement |
918 | the boond thurgh which they may nat |
918 | Be departed in al hir lyf, that is to seyn, whil |
919 | That they lyven bothe. This, as seith the book, |
919 | Is a ful greet sacrement. God maked it, as I |
919 | Have seyd, in paradys, and wolde hymself be |
920 | Born in mariage. And for to halwen mariage |
920 | He was at a weddynge, where as he turned water |
920 | into wyn; which was the firste miracle that |
921 | He wroghte in erthe biforn his disciples. |
921 | Trewe effect of mariage clenseth fornicacioun |
921 | And replenysseth hooly chirche of good lynage; |
921 | For that is the ende of mariage; and it chaungeth |
921 | deedly synne into venial synne bitwixe hem |
921 | That been ywedded, and maketh the hertes al |
921 | Oon of hem that been ywedded, as wel as |
922 | The bodies. This is verray mariage, that |
922 | Was establissed by god, er that synne bigan, |
922 | whan natureel lawe was in his right poynt |
922 | In paradys; and it was ordeyned that o man sholde |
922 | Have but o womman, and o womman but o man, |
923 | As seith seint augustyn, by manye resouns. |
923 | First, for mariage is figured bitwixe crist |
923 | And holy chirche. And that oother is for a |
923 | Man is heved of a womman; algate, by ordinaunce |
924 | it sholde be so. For if a womman |
924 | Hadde mo men that oon, thanne sholde she |
924 | Have moo hevedes than oon, and that were an |
924 | Horrible thyng biforn god; and eek a womman |
924 | Ne myghte nat plese to many folk at oones. |
924 | And also ther ne sholde nevere be pees ne |
924 | Reste amonges hem; for everich wolde axen his |
925 | Owene thyng. And forther over, no man ne |
925 | Sholde knowe his owene engendrure, ne who |
925 | Sholde have his heritage; and the womman |
925 | Sholde been the lasse biloved fro the tyme that |
926 | She were conjoynt to many men. |
926 | Now comth how that a man sholde bere |
926 | Hym with his wif, and namely in two |
926 | Thynges, that is to seyn, in suffraunce and |
926 | Reverence, as shewed crist whan he made |
927 | First womman. For he ne made hire nat |
927 | Of the heved of adam, for she sholde nat |
928 | Clayme to greet lordshipe. For ther as the |
928 | Womman hath the maistrie, she maketh to |
928 | Muche desray. Ther neden none ensamples of |
928 | This; the experience of day by day oghte suffise. |
929 | also, certes, God ne made nat womman |
929 | Of the foot of adam, for she ne sholde nat |
929 | Been holden to lowe; for she kan nat paciently |
929 | Suffre. But God made womman of the ryb of |
929 | Adam, for womman sholde be felawe unto |
930 | Man. Man sholde bere hym to his wyf in |
930 | Feith, in trouthe, and in love, as seith seint |
930 | Paul, that a man sholde loven his wyf as crist |
930 | Loved hooly chirche, that loved it so wel |
930 | That he deyde for it. So sholde a man for his |
931 | Wyf, if it were nede. |
931 | Now how that a womman sholde be subget |
931 | to hire housbonde, that telleth seint |
932 | Peter. First, in obedience. And eek as |
932 | Seith the decree, a womman that is wyf, |
932 | As longe as she is a wyf, she hath noon auctoritee |
932 | to swere ne to bere witnesse withoute leve |
932 | Of hir housbonde, that is hire lord; algate, he |
933 | Sholde be so by resoun. She sholde eek serven |
933 | Hym in alle honestee, and been attempree of |
933 | Hire array. I woot wel that they sholde setten |
933 | Hire entente to plesen hir housbondes, but nat |
934 | By hire queyntise of array. Seint jerome |
934 | Seith that wyves that been apparailled in silk |
934 | And in precious purpre ne mowe nat clothen |
934 | Hem in jhesu crist. Loke what seith seint |
935 | John eek in thys matere? seint gregorie eek |
935 | Seith that no wight seketh precious array but |
935 | Oonly for veyne glorie, to been honoured the |
936 | Moore biforn the peple. It is a greet folye, |
936 | A womman to have a fair array outward |
937 | And in hirself be foul inward. A wyf |
937 | Sholde eek be mesurable in lookynge and |
937 | In berynge and in lawghynge, and discreet |
938 | In alle hire wordes and hire dedes. And |
938 | Aboven alle worldy thyng she sholde loven hire |
938 | Houbonde with al hire herte, and to hym be |
939 | Trewe of hir body. So sholde an housbonde |
939 | Eek be to his wyf. For sith that al the body |
939 | Is the housbondes, so sholde hire herte been, |
939 | Or elles ther is bitwixe hem two, as in that, |
940 | No parfit mariage. Thanne shal men understonde |
940 | that for thre thynges a man and his wyf |
940 | Flesshly mowen assemble. The firste is in entente |
940 | of engendrure of children to the service |
940 | Of god; for certes that is the cause final of |
941 | Matrimoyne. Another cause is to yelden everich |
941 | of hem to oother the dette of hire bodies; |
941 | For neither of hem hath power of his owene |
941 | Body. The thridde is for to eschewe leccherye |
941 | and vileynye. The ferthe is for sothe |
942 | Deedly synne. As to the firste, it is mertorie; |
942 | the seconde also, for, as seith the |
942 | Decree, that she hath merite of chastitee that |
942 | Yeldeth to hire housbonde the dette of hir body, |
942 | Ye, though it be agayn hir likynge and the lust |
943 | Of hire herte. The thridde manere is venyal |
943 | Synne; and, trewely, scarsly may ther any of |
943 | Thise be withoute venial synne, for the corrupcion |
944 | and for the delit. The fourthe manere |
944 | Is for to understonde, as if they assemble oonly |
944 | For amorous love and for noon of the foreseyde |
944 | Causes, but for to accomplice thilke brennynge |
944 | Delit, they rekke nevere how ofte. Soothly it |
944 | Is deedly synne; and yet, with sorwe, somme |
944 | Folk wol peynen hem moore to doon than to |
945 | Hire appetit suffiseth. |
945 | The seconde manere of chastitee is for to |
945 | Been a clene wydewe, and eschue the embracynges |
945 | of man, and desiren the embracynge of |
946 | Jhesu crist. Thise been tho that han been |
946 | Wyves and han forgoon hire housbondes, and |
946 | Eek wommen that han doon leccherie and |
947 | Been releeved by penitence. And certes, |
947 | If that a wyf koude kepen hire al chaast |
947 | By licence of hir housbonde, so that she yeve |
947 | Nevere noon occasion that he agilte, it were |
948 | To hire a greet merite. Thise manere wommen |
948 | that observen chastitee moste be clene |
948 | In herte as wel as in body and in though, and |
948 | Mesurable in clothynge and in contenaunce; |
948 | And been abstinent in etynge and drynkynge, |
948 | In spekynge, and in dede. They been the vessel |
948 | or the boyste of the blissed magdelene, that |
949 | Fulfilleth hooly chirche of good odour. The |
949 | Thridde manere of chastitee is virginitee, and |
949 | It bihoveth that she be hooly in herte and clene |
949 | Of body. Thanne is she spouse to jhesu crist, |
950 | And she is the lyf of angeles. She is the preisynge |
950 | of this world, and she is as thise martirs |
950 | In egalitee; she hath in hire that tonge may |
951 | Nat telle ne herte thynke. Virginitee baar |
951 | Oure lord jhesu crist, and virgine was |
952 | Hymselve. |
952 | another remedie agayns leccherie is specially |
952 | to withdrawen swiche thynges as yeve |
952 | Occasion to thilke vileynye, as ese, etynge, and |
952 | Drynkynge. For certes, whan the pot boyleth |
952 | Strongly, the beste remedie is to withdrawe the |
953 | Fyr. slepynge longe in greet quiete is eek |
954 | A greet norice to leccherie. |
954 | Another remedie agayns leccherie is that a |
954 | Man or a womman eschue the compaignye of |
954 | Hem by whiche he douteth to be tempted; for |
954 | Al be it so that the dede be withstonden, yet |
955 | Is ther greet temptacioun. Soothly, a whit |
955 | Wal, although it ne brenne noght fully by |
955 | Stikynge of a candele, yet is the wal blak of |
956 | The leyt. Ful ofte tyme I rede that no man |
956 | Truste in his owene perfeccioun, but he be |
956 | Stronger than sampson, and hoolier than |
957 | David, and wiser than salomon. |
957 | Now after that I have declared yow, as |
957 | I kan, the sevene deedly synnes, and somme |
957 | Of hire braunches and hire remedies, soothly, |
957 | If I koude, I wolde telle yow the ten comandementz. |
958 | but so heigh a doctrine I lete to divines. |
958 | nathelees, I hope to god, they been |
959 | Touched in this tretice, everich of hem alle.
Sequitur secunda pars Penitencie. |
959 | Now for as muche as the seconde partie of |
959 | Penitence stant in confessioun of mouth, as I |
959 | Bigan in the firste chapitre, I seye, seint augustyn |
960 | seith: synne is every word and every |
960 | Dede, and al that men coveiten, agayn the lawe |
960 | Of jhesu crist; and this is for to synne in herte, |
960 | In mouth, and in dede, by thy fyve wittes, that |
960 | Been sighte, herynge, smellynge, tastynge or |
961 | Savourynge, and feelynge. Now is it good |
961 | To understonde the circumstances that |
962 | Agreggen muchel every synne. Thou |
962 | Shalt considere what thow art that doost |
962 | The synne, wheither thou be male or femele, |
962 | Yong or oold, gentil or thral, free or servant, |
962 | Hool or syk, wedded or sengle, ordred or unordred, |
963 | wys or fool, clerk or seculeer; if she |
963 | Be of thy kynrded, bodily of goostly, or noon; |
963 | If any of thy kynrede have synned with hire, |
964 | Or noon; and manye mo thinges. |
964 | Another circumstaunce is this: wheither it |
964 | Be doon in fornicacioun or in avowtrie or noon; |
964 | Incest or noon; mayden or noon; in manere of |
964 | Homicide or noon; horrible grete synnes or |
964 | Smale; and how longe thou hast continued in |
965 | Synne. The thridde circumstaunce is the |
965 | Place ther thou hast do synne; wheither in |
965 | Oother mennes hous or in thyn owene; in feeld |
965 | Or in chirche or in chirchehawe; in chirche |
966 | Dedicaat or noon. For if the chirche be |
966 | Halwed, and man or womman spille his kynde |
966 | Inwith that place, by wey or synne or by wikked |
966 | temptacioun, the chirche is entredited |
967 | Til it be reconsiled by the bysshop. And |
967 | The preest sholde be enterdited that dide |
967 | Swich a vileynye; to terme of al his lif he sholde |
967 | Namoore synge masse, and if he dide, he sholde |
967 | Doon deedly synne at every time that he so |
968 | Songe masse. The fourthe circumstaunce is |
968 | By whiche mediatours, or by whiche messagers, |
968 | as for enticement, or for consentement to |
968 | Bere compaignye with felaweshipe; for many |
968 | A swecche, for to bere compaignye, wol go to |
969 | The devel of helle. Wherfore they that eggen |
969 | Or consenten to the synne been parteners of |
969 | The synne, and of the dampnacioun of the synnere. |
970 | The fifthe circumstaunce is how manye |
970 | Tymes that he hath synne, if it be in his mynde, |
971 | And how ofte that he hath falle. For he that |
971 | Ofte talleth in synne, he despiseth the mercy |
971 | Of god, and encreesseth hys synne, and is unkynde |
971 | to crist; and he wexeth the moore |
971 | Fieble to withstonde synne, and synneth |
972 | The moore lightly, and the latter ariseth, |
972 | And is the moore eschew for to shryven |
973 | Hym, and namely, to hym that is his confessour. |
973 | For which that folk, whan they falle agayn in |
973 | Hir olde folies, outher they forleten hir olde |
973 | Confessours ol outrely, or eles they departen |
973 | Hir shrift in diverse places; but soothly, swich |
973 | Departed shrift deserveth no mercy of God of |
974 | His synnes. The sixte sircumstaunce is why |
974 | That a man synneth, as by which temptacioun; |
974 | And if hymself procure thilke temptacioun, or by |
974 | The excitynge of oother folk; or if he synne |
974 | With a womman by force, or by hire owene |
975 | Assent; of if the womman, maugree hir hed, |
975 | Hath been afforced, or noon. This shal she |
975 | Telle: for coveitise, or for poverte, and if it was |
975 | Hire procurynge, or noon; and swich manere |
976 | Harneys. The seventhe circumstaunce is in |
976 | What manere he hath doon his synne, or how |
976 | That she hath suffred that folk han doon |
977 | To hire. And the same shal the man telle |
977 | Pleynly with alle circumstaunces; and |
977 | Wheither he hath synned with comune bordel |
978 | Wommen, or noon; or doon his synne in hooly |
978 | Tymes, or noon; in fastyng tymes, or noon; or |
979 | Biforn his shrifte, or after his latter shrifte; |
979 | And hath peraventure broken therfore his penance |
979 | enjoyned; by whos help and whos conseil; |
980 | By sorcerie or craft; al moste be toold. Alle |
980 | Thise thynges, after that they been grete or |
980 | Smale, engreggen the conscience of man. And |
980 | Eek the preest, that is thy juge, may the bettre |
980 | Been avysed of his juggement in yevynge of |
980 | Thy penaunce, and that is after thy contricioun. |
981 | for understond wel that after tyme |
981 | That a man hath defouled his baptesme by |
981 | Synne, if he wole come to salvaciou, ther is |
981 | Noon other wey but by penitence and |
982 | Shrifte and satisfaccioun; and namely by |
982 | The two, if ther be a confessour to which |
982 | He may shriven hym, and the thridde, if he |
983 | Have lyf to parfournen it. |
983 | Thanne shal man looke and considere that |
983 | If he wole maken a trewe and a profitable confessioun, |
984 | ther moste be foure condiciouns. |
984 | First, it moot been in sorweful bitternesse of |
984 | Herte, as seyde the kyng ezechias to god: I |
984 | Wol remembre me alle the yeres of my lif in |
985 | Bitternesse of myn herte. This condicioun of |
985 | Bitternesse hath fyve signes. The firste is that |
985 | Confessioun moste be shamefast, nat for to coyere |
985 | ne hyden his synne, for he hath agilt his |
986 | God and defouled his soule. And herof seith |
986 | Seint augustyn: the herte tavailleth for |
986 | Shame of his synne; and for he hath greet |
986 | Shamefastnesse, he is digne to have greet |
987 | Mercy of god. Swich was the confessioun |
987 | of the publican that wolde nat heven |
987 | Up his eyen to hevene, for he hadde offended |
987 | God of hevene; for which shamefastnesse he |
988 | Hadde anon the mercy of god. And therof |
988 | Seith seint augustyn that swich shamefast folk |
989 | Been next foryevenesse and remissioun. Another |
989 | signe is humylitee in confessioun; of |
989 | Which seith seint peter,~humbleth yow under |
989 | The myght of god. The hond of God is |
989 | Myghty in confessiou, for therby God foryeveth |
989 | thee thy synnes, for he allone hath the |
990 | Power. And this humylitee shal been in herte, |
990 | And in signe outward; for right as he hath humylitee |
990 | to God in his herte, right so sholde he |
990 | Humble his body outward to the preest, that |
991 | Sit in goddes place. For which in no manere, |
991 | sith that crist is sovereyn, and the preest |
991 | Meene and mediatour bitwixe crist and the |
991 | Synnere, and the synnere is the laste by |
992 | Wey of resoun, thanne sholde nat the |
992 | Synnere sitte as heighe as his confessour, |
992 | But knele biforn hym or at his feet, but if maladie |
992 | destourbe it. For he shal nat taken kep |
992 | Who sit there, but in whos place that he sitteth. |
993 | a man that hath trespased to a lord, |
993 | And comth for to axe mercy and maken his accord, |
993 | and set him doun anon by the lord, men |
993 | Wolde holden hym outrageous, and nat worthy |
994 | So soone for to have remissioun ne mercy. The |
994 | Thridde signe is how that thy shrift sholde |
994 | Be ful of teeris, if man may, and if man may |
994 | Nat wepe with his bodily eyen, lat hym wepe |
995 | In herte. Swich was the confession of seint |
995 | Peter, for after that he hadde forsake jhesu |
996 | Crist, he wente out and weep ful bitterly. |
996 | The fourthe signe is that he ne lette nat |
997 | For shame to shewen his confessioun. |
997 | Swich was the confessioun of the magdalene, |
997 | that ne spared, for no shame of hem |
997 | That weren atte feeste, for to go to oure lord |
998 | Jhesu crist and biknowe to hym hire synne. |
998 | The fifthe signe is that a man or a womman |
998 | Be obeisant to receyven the penaunce that hym |
998 | Is enjoyned ofr his synnes, for certes, jhesu |
998 | Crist, for the giltes of o man, was obedient to |
999 | The deeth. |
999 | The seconde condicion of verray confession |
999 | Is that it be hastily doon. For certes, if a man |
999 | Hadde a deedly wounde, evere the lenger that |
999 | He taried to warisshe hymself, the moore wolde |
999 | It corrupte and haste hym to his deeth; and |
999 | Eek the wounde wolde be the wors for to |
1000 | Heele. And right so fareth synne that longe |
1001 | Tyme is in a man unshewed. Certes, a man |
1001 | Oghte hastily shewen his synnes for manye |
1001 | Causes; as for drede of deeth, that cometh ofte |
1001 | Sodeynly, and no certeyn what tyme it shal be, |
1001 | Ne in what place; and eek the drecchynge |
1002 | of o synne draweth in another; and |
1002 | Eek the lenger that he tarieth, the ferther |
1002 | He is fro crist. And if he abide to his laste day, |
1002 | Scarsly may he shryven hym or remembre hym |
1002 | Of his synnes or repenten hym, for the grevous |
1003 | Maladie of his deeth. And for as muche as he |
1003 | Ne hath nat in his lyf herkned jhesu crist |
1003 | Whanne he hath spoken, he shal crie to jhesu |
1003 | Crist at his laste day, and scarsly wol he |
1004 | Herkne hym. And understond that this condicioun |
1004 | moste han foure thunges. Thi shrift |
1004 | Moste be purveyed bifore and avysed; for |
1004 | Wikked haste dooth no profit; and that a man |
1004 | Konne shryve hym of his synnes, be it of pride, |
1004 | Or of envye, and so forth with the speces and |
1005 | Circumstances; and that he have comprehended |
1005 | in hys mynde the nombre and the |
1005 | Greetnesse of his synnes, and how longe that |
1006 | He hath leyn in synne; and eek that he be |
1006 | Contrit of his synnes, and in stidefast purpos, |
1006 | By the grace of god, nevere eft to falle in |
1006 | Synne; and eek that he drede and countrewaite |
1006 | Hymself, that he fle the occasiouns of |
1007 | Synne to whiche he is enclyned. Also |
1007 | Thou shalt shryve thee of alle thy synnes |
1007 | To o man, and nat a parcel to o man and a parcel |
1007 | to another; that is to understonde, in entente |
1007 | To departe thy confessioun, as for shame of |
1008 | Drede; for it nys but stranglynge of thy soule. |
1008 | For certes jhesu crist is entierly al good; in |
1008 | Hym nys noon imperfeccioun; and therfore |
1009 | Outher he foryeveth al parfitly or never a deel. |
1009 | I seye nat that if thow be assigned to the penitauncer |
1009 | for certein synne, that thow art bounde |
1009 | To shewen hym al the remenaunt fo thy synnes, |
1009 | Of whiche thow hast be shryven of thy curaal, |
1009 | But if it like to thee of thyn humylitee; this is |
1010 | No departynge of shrifte. Ne I seye nat, ther |
1010 | As I speke of divisioun of confessioun, that |
1010 | If thou have licence for to shryve thee to a discreet |
1010 | and an honest preest, where thee liketh, |
1010 | And by licence of thy curaat, that thow ne |
1010 | Mayst wel shryve thee to him al alle thy |
1011 | Synnes. But lat no blotte be bihynde; lat no |
1011 | Synne been untoold, as fer as thow hast |
1012 | Remembraunce. And whan thou shalt be |
1012 | Shryven to thy curaat, telle hym eek alle |
1012 | The synnes that thow hast doon syn thou were |
1012 | Last yshryven; this is no wikked entente of divisioun |
1013 | of shrifte. |
1013 | Also the verray shrifte axeth certeine condiciouns. |
1013 | first, that thow shryve thee by thy |
1013 | Free wil, noght constreyned, ne for shame of |
1013 | Folk, ne for maladie, ne swich thynges. For |
1013 | It is resoun that he that trespaseth by his free |
1013 | Wyl, that by his free wyl he confesse his trespas; |
1014 | and that noon oother man telle his synne |
1014 | But he hymself; ne he shal nat nayte ne denye |
1014 | His synne, ne wratthe hym agayn the preest |
1015 | For his amonestynge to lete synne. The seconde |
1015 | condicioun is that thy shrift be laweful, |
1015 | That is to seyn, that thow that shryvest thee, |
1015 | And eek the preest that hereth thy confessioun, |
1016 | Been verraily in the feith of hooly chirche; |
1016 | And that a man ne be nat despeired of the |
1017 | Mercy of jhesu crist, as caym or judas. |
1017 | And eek a man moot accusen hymself of |
1017 | His owene trespas, and nat another; but he |
1017 | Shal blame and wyten hymself and his owene |
1018 | Malice of his synne, and noon oother. But |
1018 | Nathelees, if that another man be occasioun or |
1018 | Enticere of his synne, or the estaat of a persone |
1018 | be swich thurgh which his synne is |
1018 | Agregged, or elles that he may nat pleynly |
1018 | Shryven hym but he telle the persone with |
1019 | Which he hath synned, thanne may he telle it, |
1019 | So that his entente ne be nat to bakbite the |
1019 | Persone, but oonly to declaren his confessioun. |
1020 | Thou ne shalt nat eek make no lesynges in |
1020 | Thy confessioun, for humylitee, peraventure, to |
1020 | Seyn that thou hast doon synnes of whiche |
1021 | Thow were nevere gilty. For seint augustyn |
1021 | Seith, if thou, by cause of thyn hymylitee, |
1021 | Makest lesynges on thyself, though thow ne |
1021 | Were nat in synne biforn, yet artow thanne |
1022 | In synne thurgh thy lesynges. Thou |
1022 | Most eek shewe thy synne by thyn owene |
1022 | Propre mouth, but thow be woxe dowmb, and |
1022 | Nat by no lettre; for thow that hast doon the |
1023 | Synne, thou shalt have the shame therfore. |
1023 | Thow shalt nat eek peynte thy confessioun by |
1023 | Faire subtile wordes, to covere the moore thy |
1023 | Synne; for thanne bigilestow thyself, and nat |
1023 | The preest. Thow most tellen it platly, be it |
1024 | Nevere so foul ne so horrible. Thow shalt |
1024 | Eek shryve thee to a preest that is discreet to |
1024 | Conseille thee; and eek thou shalt nat shryve |
1024 | Thee for veyne glorie, ne for ypocrisye, ne for no |
1024 | Cause but oonly for the doute of jhesu crist and |
1025 | The heele of thy soule. Thow shalt nat eek |
1025 | Renne to the preest sodeynly to tellen hym |
1025 | Lightly thy synne, as whoso telleth a jape or |
1026 | A tale, but avysely and with greet devocioun. |
1026 | And generally, shryve thee ofte. If thou |
1027 | Ofte falle, ofte thou arise by confessioun. |
1027 | And though thou shryve thee ofter than |
1027 | Ones of synne of which thou hast be shryven, |
1027 | It is the moore merite. And, as seith seint |
1027 | Augustyn, thow shalt have the moore lightly |
1027 | Relessyng and grace fo god, bothe of synne and |
1028 | Of peyne. And certes, oones a yeere atte leeste |
1028 | Wey it is laweful for to been housled; for certes, |
1029 | Oones a yeere alle thynges renovellen.
Explicit secunda pars Penitencie.Sequitur tercia pars eiusdem. |
1029 | Now have I toold yow of verray confessioun, |
1030 | that is the seconde partie of penitence. |
1030 | The thridde partie of penitence is satisfaccioun, |
1030 | and that stant moost generally in almesse |
1031 | and in bodily peyne. Now been ther thre |
1031 | Manere of almesse: contricion of herte, where |
1031 | A man offreth hymself to god; another is to |
1031 | Han pitee of defaute of his neighebores; and the |
1031 | Thridde is in yevynge of good conseil and comfort, |
1031 | goostly and bodily, where men han nede, |
1031 | And namely in sustenaunce of mannes |
1032 | Foode. And tak kep that a man hath |
1032 | Nede of thise thinges generally: he hath |
1032 | Nede of foode, he hath nede of clothyng |
1032 | and herberwe, he hath nede of charitable |
1032 | conseil and visitynge in prisone and |
1033 | In maladie, and sepulture of his dede body. |
1033 | And if thow mayst nat visite the nedeful |
1033 | with thy persone, visite hym by thy |
1034 | Message and by thy yiftes. Thise been general |
1034 | almesses or werkes of chritee of hem that |
1034 | Han temporeel richesses or discrecioun in conseilynge. |
1034 | of thise werkes shaltow heren at the |
1035 | Day of doom. |
1035 | Thise almesses shaltow doon of thyne owene |
1035 | Propre thynges, and hastily and prively, if |
1036 | Thow mayst. But nathelees, if thow mayst |
1036 | Ant doon it prively, thow shalt nat forbere to |
1036 | Doon almesse though men seen it, so that it |
1036 | Be nat doon for thank of the world, but |
1037 | Oonly for thank of jhesu crist. For, as |
1037 | Witnesseth seint mathew, capitulo quinto, |
1037 | A citee may nat been hyd that is set on a |
1037 | Montayne, ne men lighte nat a lanterne and |
1037 | Put it under a busshel, but men sette it on a |
1037 | Candle-stikke to yeve light to the men in the |
1038 | Hous. Right so shal youre light lighten bifore |
1038 | Men, that they may seen youre goode werkes, |
1039 | And glorifie youre fader that is in hevene. |
1039 | Now as to speken of bodily peyne, it stant |
1039 | In preyeres, in wakynges, in fastynges, in vertuouse |
1040 | techynges of orisouns. And ye shul |
1040 | Understonde that orisouns or preyeres is for to |
1040 | Seyn a pitous wyl of herte, that redresseth it |
1040 | In God and expresseth it by word outward, to |
1040 | Remoeven harmes and to han thynges espiritueel |
1040 | and durable, and somtyme temporele |
1040 | Thynges; of whiche orisouns, certes, in the |
1040 | Orison of the pater noster hath jhesu crist enclosed |
1041 | moost thynges. Certes, it is privyleged |
1041 | of thre thynges in his dignytee, for |
1041 | Which it is moore digne than any oother |
1041 | Preyere; for that jhesu crist hymself |
1042 | Maked it; and it is short, for it sholde |
1042 | Be koud the moore lightly, and for to |
1042 | Withholden it the moore esily in herte, and |
1043 | Helpen hymself the ofter with the orisoun, |
1043 | And for a man sholde be the lasse wery to |
1043 | Seyen it, and for a man may nat excusen hym |
1043 | To lerne it, it is so short and so esy; and for it |
1044 | Comprehendeth in it self alle goode preyeres. |
1044 | The exposicioun of this hooly preyere, that is |
1044 | So excellent and digne, I bitake to thise maistres |
1044 | of theologie, save thus muchel wol I seyn; |
1044 | That whan thow prayest that God sholde for |
1044 | Yeve thee thy giltes as thou foryevest hem that |
1044 | Agilten to thee, be ful wel war that thow ne |
1045 | Be nat out of charitee. This hooly orison |
1045 | Amenuseth eek venyal synne, and therfore it |
1046 | Aperteneth specially to penitence. |
1046 | This preyere moste be trewely seyd, and in |
1046 | Verray feith, and that men preye to God ordinatly |
1046 | and discreetly and devoutly; and alwey |
1046 | A man shal putten his wyl to be subget to |
1047 | The wille of god. This orisoun moste eek |
1047 | Been seyd with greet humblesse and ful |
1047 | Pure; honestly, and nat to the anoyaunce of |
1047 | Any man or womman. It moste eek been continued |
1048 | with the werkes of chritee. It avayleth |
1048 | eek agayn the vices of the soule; for, as |
1048 | Seith seint jerome, by fastynge been saved the |
1048 | Vices of the flessh, and by preyere the vices of |
1049 | The soule. |
1049 | After this, thou shalt understonde that bodily |
1049 | peyne stant in wakynge; for jhesu crist |
1049 | Seith, waketh and preyeth, that ye ne entre |
1050 | In wikked temptacioun. Ye shul understanden |
1050 | also that fastynge stant in thre thynges: |
1050 | In forberynge of bodily mete and drynke, and |
1050 | In forberynge of worldly jolitee, and in forberynge |
1050 | of deedly synne; this is to seyn, that a |
1050 | Man shal kepen hym fro deedly synne with al |
1051 | His might. |
1051 | And thou shalt understanden eek that god |
1051 | Ordeyned fastynge, and to fastynge appertenen |
1052 | foure thinges: largenesse to |
1052 | Povre folk; gladnesse of herte espiritueel, |
1052 | Nat to been angry ne anoyed, ne grucche for |
1052 | He fasteth; and also resonable houre for to ete; |
1052 | Ete by mesure; that is for to seyn, a man shal |
1052 | Nat ete in untyme, ne sitte the lenger at his |
1053 | Table to ete for he fasteth. |
1053 | Thanne shaltow understonde that bodily |
1053 | Peyne stant in disciplyne or techynge, by word, |
1053 | Or by writynge, or in ensample; also in werynge |
1053 | of heyres, or of stamyn, or of haubergeons |
1053 | on hire naked flessh, for cristes sake, |
1054 | And swiche manere penances. But war thee |
1054 | Wel that swiche manere penaunces on thy |
1054 | Flessh ne make nat thyn herte bitter or angry |
1054 | Or anoyed of thyself; for bettre is to caste awey |
1054 | Thyn heytre, that for to caste awey the swetenesse |
1055 | of jhesu crist. And therfore seith seint |
1055 | Paul, clothe yow, as they that been chosen |
1055 | Of god, in herte of misericorde, debonairetee, |
1055 | Suffraunce, and swich manere of clothynge; |
1055 | Of whiche jhesu crist is moore apayed than |
1056 | Of heyres, or haubergeouns, or hauberkes. |
1056 | Thanne is discipline eek in knokkynge of |
1056 | Thy brest, in scourgynge with yerdes, in |
1057 | Knelynges, in tribulaciouns, in suffrynge |
1057 | Paciently wronges that been doon to thee, |
1057 | And eek in pacient suffraunce of maladies, or |
1057 | Lesynge of worldly catel, or of wyf, or of child, |
1058 | Or othere freendes. |
1058 | Thanne shaltow understonde whiche thynges |
1058 | Destourben penaunce; and this is in foure |
1058 | Maneres, that is, drede, shame, hope, and wanhope, |
1059 | that is, desperacion. And for to speke |
1059 | First of drede; for which he weneth that he |
1060 | May suffre no penaunce; ther-agayns is remedie |
1060 | for to thynke that bodily penaunce is but |
1060 | Short and litel at regard of the peyne of helle, |
1060 | That is so crueel and so long that it lasteth |
1061 | Withouten ende. |
1061 | Now again the shame that a man hath to |
1061 | Shryven hym, and namely thise ypocrites that |
1061 | Wolden been holden so parfite that they |
1062 | Han no nede to shryven hem; agayns that |
1062 | Shame sholde a man thynke that, by wey |
1062 | Of resoun, that he that hath nat been shamed |
1062 | To doon foule thinges, certes hym oghte nat |
1062 | Been ashamed to do faire thynges, and that is |
1063 | Confessiouns. A man sholde eek thynke that |
1063 | God seeth and woot alle his thoghtes and alle |
1063 | His werkes; to hym may no thyng been hyd |
1064 | Ne covered. Men sholden eek remembren |
1064 | Hem of the shame that is to come at the day |
1064 | Of doom to hem that been nat penitent and |
1065 | Shryven in this present lyf. For alle the |
1065 | Creatures in hevene, in erthe, and in helle |
1065 | Shullen seen apertly al that they hyden in this |
1066 | World. |
1066 | Now for to speken of the hope of hem that |
1066 | Been necligent and slowe to shryven |
1067 | Hem, that stant in two maneres. That |
1067 | Oon is that he hopeth for to lyve longe |
1067 | And for to purchacen muche richesse for his |
1067 | Delit, and thanne he wol shryven hym; and |
1067 | As he seith, hym semeth thanne tymely |
1068 | Ynough to come to shrifte. Another is of |
1069 | Surquidrie that he hath in cristes mercy. |
1069 | Agayns the firste vice, he shal thynke that oure |
1069 | Life is in no sikernesse, and eek that alle the |
1069 | Richesses in this world ben in aventure, and |
1070 | Passen as a shadwe on the wal; and , as seith |
1070 | Seint gregorie, that it aperteneth to the grete |
1070 | Righwisnesse of God that nevere shal the peyne |
1070 | Stynte of hem that nevere wolde withdrawen |
1070 | Hem fro synne, hir thankes, but ay continue |
1070 | In synne; for thilke perpetueel wil to do synne |
1071 | Shul they han perpetueel peyne. |
1071 | Wanhope is in two maneres; the firste wanhope |
1071 | is in the mercy of crist; that oother is |
1071 | That they thynken that they ne myghte |
1072 | That longe persevere in goodnesse. The |
1072 | Firste wanhope comth of that he demeth |
1072 | That he hath synned so greetly and so ofte, |
1072 | And so longe leyn in synne, that he shal |
1073 | Nat be saved. Certes, agayns that cursed wanhope |
1073 | sholde he thynke that the passion of jhesu |
1073 | Crist is moore strong for to bynde than |
1074 | Synne is strong for to bynde. agayns the |
1074 | Seconde wanhope he shal thynke that as ofte |
1074 | As he falleth he may arise agayn by penitence. |
1074 | And though he never so longe have leyn in |
1074 | Synne, the mercy of crist is alwey redy to receiven |
1075 | hym to mercy. Agayns the wanhope |
1075 | That he demeth that he sholde nat longe persevere |
1075 | in goodnesse, he shal thynke that the |
1075 | Feblesse of the devel may nothyng doon, but |
1076 | If men wol suffren hym; and eek he shal han |
1076 | Strengthe of the help of god, and of al hooly |
1076 | Chirche, and of the proteccioun of aungels, |
1077 | if hym list. |
1077 | Thanne shal men understonde what is |
1077 | The fruyt of penaunce; and, after the word of |
1077 | Jhesu crist, it is the endelees blisse of hevene, |
1078 | ther joye hath no contrarioustee of wo |
1078 | Ne grevaunce; ther alle harmes been passed |
1078 | Of this present lyf; ther as is the sikernesse fro |
1078 | The peyne of helle; ther as is the blisful compaignye |
1078 | that rejoysen hem everemo, everich of |
1079 | Otheres joye; ther as the body of man, that |
1079 | Whilom was foul and derk, is moore cleer than |
1079 | The sonne; ther as the body, that whilom was |
1079 | Syk, freele, and fieble, and mortal, is inmortal, |
1079 | And so strong and so hool that ther may no |
1080 | Thyng apeyren it; ther as ne is neither hunger, |
1080 | thurst, ne coold, but every soule replenyssed |
1080 | with the sighte of the parfit knowynge |
1081 | Of god. This blisful regne may men purchace |
1081 | by poverte espiritueel, and the glorie by |
1081 | Lowenesse, the plentee of joye by hunger and |
1081 | Thurst, and the reste by travaille, and the |
1082 | Lyf by deeth and mortificacion of synne.
Heere is ended thePersouns Tale. |