Geoffrey Chaucer
1342/43 - 1400
The Canterbury Tales
Fragment IIThe Man of Law's Prologue
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The Prologe of the MannesTale of Lawe.
O hateful harm, condicion of poverte! | |
100 | With thurst, with coold, with hunger so confoundid!To asken help thee shameth in thyn herte;If thou noon aske, with nede artow so woundidThat verray nede unwrappeth al thy wounde hid!Maugree thyn heed, thou most for indigence |
105 | Or stele, or begge, or borwe thy despence!Thow blamest crist, and seist ful bitterly,He mysdeparteth richesse temporal;Thy neighebor thou wytest synfully,And seist thou hast to lite, and he hath al. |
110 | 0parfay, seistow, somtyme he rekene shal,Whan that his tayl shal brennen in the gleede,For he noght helpeth needfulle in hir neede.Herkne what is the sentence of the wise:Bet is to dyen than have indigence; |
115 | Thy selve neighebor wol thee despise.If thou be povre, farwel thy reverence!Yet of the wise man take this sentence:Alle the dayes of povre men been wikke.Be war, therfore, er thou come to that prikke! |
120 | If thou be povre, thy brother hateth thee,And alle thy freendes fleen from thee, allas!O riche marchauntz, ful of wele been yee,O noble, o prudent folk, as in this cas!Youre bagges been nat fild with ambes as, |
125 | But with sys cynk, that renneth for youre chaunce;At cristemasse myrie may ye daunce!Ye seken lond and see for yowre wynnynges;As wise folk ye knowen al th' estaatOf regnes; ye been fadres of tidynges |
130 | And tales, bothe of pees and of debaat.I were right now of tales desolaat,Nere that a marchant, goon is many a yeere,Me taughte a tale, which that ye shal heere. |