Vetus Latina
saec. II/saec. III
Vetus latinus
Codex Claromontanus V «h»
ca. 450
Evangelium secundum MatthaeumXX:27 - 30(fol. 38r)
Nota: Most Old Latin manuscripts have two interpolations in Matthew 20:28. The first usually reads: vos autem quaeritis de pusillo crescere et de maiore minores esse. But you seek to grow from what is small and to be smaller from what is greater.
This is followed by a longer passage similar, but not identical, to Luke 14:8-10: intrantes autem et rogati ad cenam nolite recumbere in locis eminentioribus ne forte clarior te superueniat et accedens qui ad cenam vocavit te dicat tibi: adhuc deorsum accede et confundaris. si autem in loco inferiori recubueris et superuenerit humilior te, dicet tibi qui te ad cenam vocavit: accede adhuc superius et erit hoc tibi utilius. But when you are invited to a dinner and go in, do not sit in the more prominent places in case someone more important than you should then arrive, and the one who asked you to dinner should come and say to you ‘Go lower down’ and you should be shamed. But if you have sat in a lower place and one less worthy than you should then come, the one who asked you to dinner will say to you ‘Go further up’ and this will be to your advantage. Source: H. A. G. Houghton, The Latin New Testament: A Guide to its Early History, Texts, and Manuscripts, Oxford 2016, |